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Example 1 with RateLimitedIndexOutput

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class ConcurrentMergeScheduler method wrapForMerge.

public Directory wrapForMerge(OneMerge merge, Directory in) {
    Thread mergeThread = Thread.currentThread();
    if (!MergeThread.class.isInstance(mergeThread)) {
        throw new AssertionError("wrapForMerge should be called from MergeThread. Current thread: " + mergeThread);
    // Return a wrapped Directory which has rate-limited output.
    RateLimiter rateLimiter = ((MergeThread) mergeThread).rateLimiter;
    return new FilterDirectory(in) {

        public IndexOutput createOutput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException {
            // somewhere that is failing to pass down the right IOContext:
            assert context.context == IOContext.Context.MERGE : "got context=" + context.context;
            // always be called from that context. Verify this.
            assert mergeThread == Thread.currentThread() : "Not the same merge thread, current=" + Thread.currentThread() + ", expected=" + mergeThread;
            return new RateLimitedIndexOutput(rateLimiter, in.createOutput(name, context));
Also used : RateLimitedIndexOutput( FilterDirectory( IOContext( RateLimiter(


FilterDirectory ( IOContext ( RateLimitedIndexOutput ( RateLimiter (