Search in sources :

Example 1 with ConnectionDTO

use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO in project nifi by apache.

the class StandardNiFiServiceFacade method deleteConnection.

public ConnectionEntity deleteConnection(final Revision revision, final String connectionId) {
    final Connection connection = connectionDAO.getConnection(connectionId);
    final PermissionsDTO permissions = dtoFactory.createPermissionsDto(connection);
    final ConnectionDTO snapshot = deleteComponent(revision, connection.getResource(), () -> connectionDAO.deleteConnection(connectionId), // no policies to remove
    false, dtoFactory.createConnectionDto(connection));
    return entityFactory.createConnectionEntity(snapshot, null, permissions, null);
Also used : ConnectionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO) PermissionsDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PermissionsDTO) Connection(org.apache.nifi.connectable.Connection) VersionedConnection(org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedConnection)

Example 2 with ConnectionDTO

use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO in project nifi by apache.

the class ConnectionResource method updateConnection.

 * Updates the specified connection.
 * @param httpServletRequest request
 * @param id                 The id of the connection.
 * @param requestConnectionEntity   A connectionEntity.
 * @return A connectionEntity.
 * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted
@ApiOperation(value = "Updates a connection", response = ConnectionEntity.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Write Source - /{component-type}/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Write Destination - /{component-type}/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Write New Destination - /{component-type}/{uuid} - if updating Destination"), @Authorization(value = "Write Process Group - /process-groups/{uuid} - if updating Destination") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The specified resource could not be found."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response updateConnection(@Context HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, @ApiParam(value = "The connection id.", required = true) @PathParam("id") final String id, @ApiParam(value = "The connection configuration details.", required = true) final ConnectionEntity requestConnectionEntity) throws InterruptedException {
    if (requestConnectionEntity == null || requestConnectionEntity.getComponent() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection details must be specified.");
    if (requestConnectionEntity.getRevision() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revision must be specified.");
    // ensure the ids are the same
    final ConnectionDTO requestConnection = requestConnectionEntity.getComponent();
    if (!id.equals(requestConnection.getId())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The connection id " + "(%s) in the request body does not equal the connection id of the " + "requested resource (%s).", requestConnection.getId(), id));
    if (requestConnection.getDestination() != null) {
        if (requestConnection.getDestination().getId() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("When specifying a destination component, the destination id is required.");
        if (requestConnection.getDestination().getType() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("When specifying a destination component, the type of the destination is required.");
    final List<PositionDTO> proposedBends = requestConnection.getBends();
    if (proposedBends != null) {
        for (final PositionDTO proposedBend : proposedBends) {
            if (proposedBend.getX() == null || proposedBend.getY() == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The x and y coordinate of the each bend must be specified.");
    if (isReplicateRequest()) {
        return replicate(HttpMethod.PUT, requestConnectionEntity);
    final Revision requestRevision = getRevision(requestConnectionEntity, id);
    return withWriteLock(serviceFacade, requestConnectionEntity, requestRevision, lookup -> {
        // verifies write access to this connection (this checks the current source and destination)
        ConnectionAuthorizable connAuth = lookup.getConnection(id);
        connAuth.getAuthorizable().authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
        // if a destination has been specified and is different
        final Connectable currentDestination = connAuth.getDestination();
        if (requestConnection.getDestination() != null && !currentDestination.getIdentifier().equals(requestConnection.getDestination().getId())) {
            try {
                final ConnectableType destinationConnectableType = ConnectableType.valueOf(requestConnection.getDestination().getType());
                // explicitly handle RPGs differently as the connectable id can be ambiguous if self referencing
                final Authorizable newDestinationAuthorizable;
                if (ConnectableType.REMOTE_INPUT_PORT.equals(destinationConnectableType)) {
                    newDestinationAuthorizable = lookup.getRemoteProcessGroup(requestConnection.getDestination().getGroupId());
                } else {
                    newDestinationAuthorizable = lookup.getLocalConnectable(requestConnection.getDestination().getId());
                // verify access of the new destination (current destination was already authorized as part of the connection check)
                newDestinationAuthorizable.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
            } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unrecognized destination type %s. Excepted values are [%s]", requestConnection.getDestination().getType(), StringUtils.join(ConnectableType.values(), ", ")));
            // verify access of the parent group (this is the same check that is performed when creating the connection)
            connAuth.getParentGroup().authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
    }, () -> serviceFacade.verifyUpdateConnection(requestConnection), (revision, connectionEntity) -> {
        final ConnectionDTO connection = connectionEntity.getComponent();
        final ConnectionEntity entity = serviceFacade.updateConnection(revision, connection);
        // generate the response
        return generateOkResponse(entity).build();
Also used : Revision(org.apache.nifi.web.Revision) Connectable(org.apache.nifi.connectable.Connectable) ConnectionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO) Authorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.resource.Authorizable) ConnectionAuthorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.ConnectionAuthorizable) ConnectableType(org.apache.nifi.connectable.ConnectableType) ConnectionAuthorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.ConnectionAuthorizable) ConnectionEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionEntity) PositionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO) Path( Consumes( Produces( ApiOperation(io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation) PUT( ApiResponses(io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses)

Example 3 with ConnectionDTO

use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO in project nifi by apache.

the class ProcessGroupResource method createConnection.

// -----------
// connections
// -----------
 * Creates a new connection.
 * @param httpServletRequest request
 * @param groupId            The group id
 * @param requestConnectionEntity   A connectionEntity.
 * @return A connectionEntity.
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a connection", response = ConnectionEntity.class, authorizations = { @Authorization(value = "Write - /process-groups/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Write Source - /{component-type}/{uuid}"), @Authorization(value = "Write Destination - /{component-type}/{uuid}") })
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "NiFi was unable to complete the request because it was invalid. The request should not be retried without modification."), @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Client could not be authenticated."), @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Client is not authorized to make this request."), @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "The specified resource could not be found."), @ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "The request was valid but NiFi was not in the appropriate state to process it. Retrying the same request later may be successful.") })
public Response createConnection(@Context final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, @ApiParam(value = "The process group id.", required = true) @PathParam("id") final String groupId, @ApiParam(value = "The connection configuration details.", required = true) final ConnectionEntity requestConnectionEntity) {
    if (requestConnectionEntity == null || requestConnectionEntity.getComponent() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection details must be specified.");
    if (requestConnectionEntity.getRevision() == null || (requestConnectionEntity.getRevision().getVersion() == null || requestConnectionEntity.getRevision().getVersion() != 0)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A revision of 0 must be specified when creating a new Connection.");
    if (requestConnectionEntity.getComponent().getId() != null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection ID cannot be specified.");
    final List<PositionDTO> proposedBends = requestConnectionEntity.getComponent().getBends();
    if (proposedBends != null) {
        for (final PositionDTO proposedBend : proposedBends) {
            if (proposedBend.getX() == null || proposedBend.getY() == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The x and y coordinate of the each bend must be specified.");
    if (requestConnectionEntity.getComponent().getParentGroupId() != null && !groupId.equals(requestConnectionEntity.getComponent().getParentGroupId())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("If specified, the parent process group id %s must be the same as specified in the URI %s", requestConnectionEntity.getComponent().getParentGroupId(), groupId));
    // get the connection
    final ConnectionDTO requestConnection = requestConnectionEntity.getComponent();
    if (requestConnection.getSource() == null || requestConnection.getSource().getId() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The source of the connection must be specified.");
    if (requestConnection.getSource().getType() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type of the source of the connection must be specified.");
    final ConnectableType sourceConnectableType;
    try {
        sourceConnectableType = ConnectableType.valueOf(requestConnection.getSource().getType());
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unrecognized source type %s. Expected values are [%s]", requestConnection.getSource().getType(), StringUtils.join(ConnectableType.values(), ", ")));
    if (requestConnection.getDestination() == null || requestConnection.getDestination().getId() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The destination of the connection must be specified.");
    if (requestConnection.getDestination().getType() == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type of the destination of the connection must be specified.");
    final ConnectableType destinationConnectableType;
    try {
        destinationConnectableType = ConnectableType.valueOf(requestConnection.getDestination().getType());
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unrecognized destination type %s. Expected values are [%s]", requestConnection.getDestination().getType(), StringUtils.join(ConnectableType.values(), ", ")));
    if (isReplicateRequest()) {
        return replicate(HttpMethod.POST, requestConnectionEntity);
    return withWriteLock(serviceFacade, requestConnectionEntity, lookup -> {
        // ensure write access to the group
        final Authorizable processGroup = lookup.getProcessGroup(groupId).getAuthorizable();
        processGroup.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
        // explicitly handle RPGs differently as the connectable id can be ambiguous if self referencing
        final Authorizable source;
        if (ConnectableType.REMOTE_OUTPUT_PORT.equals(sourceConnectableType)) {
            source = lookup.getRemoteProcessGroup(requestConnection.getSource().getGroupId());
        } else {
            source = lookup.getLocalConnectable(requestConnection.getSource().getId());
        // ensure write access to the source
        if (source == null) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Cannot find source component with ID [" + requestConnection.getSource().getId() + "]");
        source.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
        // explicitly handle RPGs differently as the connectable id can be ambiguous if self referencing
        final Authorizable destination;
        if (ConnectableType.REMOTE_INPUT_PORT.equals(destinationConnectableType)) {
            destination = lookup.getRemoteProcessGroup(requestConnection.getDestination().getGroupId());
        } else {
            destination = lookup.getLocalConnectable(requestConnection.getDestination().getId());
        // ensure write access to the destination
        if (destination == null) {
            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Cannot find destination component with ID [" + requestConnection.getDestination().getId() + "]");
        destination.authorize(authorizer, RequestAction.WRITE, NiFiUserUtils.getNiFiUser());
    }, () -> serviceFacade.verifyCreateConnection(groupId, requestConnection), connectionEntity -> {
        final ConnectionDTO connection = connectionEntity.getComponent();
        // set the processor id as appropriate
        // create the new relationship target
        final Revision revision = getRevision(connectionEntity, connection.getId());
        final ConnectionEntity entity = serviceFacade.createConnection(revision, groupId, connection);
        // extract the href and build the response
        String uri = entity.getUri();
        return generateCreatedResponse(URI.create(uri), entity).build();
Also used : Revision(org.apache.nifi.web.Revision) ConnectionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO) ComponentAuthorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.ComponentAuthorizable) Authorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.resource.Authorizable) SnippetAuthorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.SnippetAuthorizable) TemplateContentsAuthorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.TemplateContentsAuthorizable) ProcessGroupAuthorizable(org.apache.nifi.authorization.ProcessGroupAuthorizable) ConnectableType(org.apache.nifi.connectable.ConnectableType) ResourceNotFoundException(org.apache.nifi.web.ResourceNotFoundException) ConnectionEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionEntity) PositionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO) Path( POST( Consumes( Produces( ApiOperation(io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation) ApiResponses(io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses)

Example 4 with ConnectionDTO

use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO in project nifi by apache.

the class SnippetUtils method normalizeCoordinates.

 * Will normalize the coordinates of the components to ensure their
 * consistency across exports. It will do so by fist calculating the
 * smallest X and smallest Y and then subtracting it from all X's and Y's of
 * each component ensuring that coordinates are consistent across export
 * while preserving relative locations set by the user.
private void normalizeCoordinates(Collection<? extends ComponentDTO> components) {
    // determine the smallest x,y coordinates in the collection of components
    double smallestX = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double smallestY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (ComponentDTO component : components) {
        // to check those bend points for the smallest x,y coordinates
        if (component instanceof ConnectionDTO) {
            final ConnectionDTO connection = (ConnectionDTO) component;
            for (final PositionDTO position : connection.getBends()) {
                smallestX = Math.min(smallestX, position.getX());
                smallestY = Math.min(smallestY, position.getY());
        } else {
            smallestX = Math.min(smallestX, component.getPosition().getX());
            smallestY = Math.min(smallestY, component.getPosition().getY());
    // position the components accordingly
    for (ComponentDTO component : components) {
        if (component instanceof ConnectionDTO) {
            final ConnectionDTO connection = (ConnectionDTO) component;
            for (final PositionDTO position : connection.getBends()) {
                position.setX(position.getX() - smallestX);
                position.setY(position.getY() - smallestY);
        } else {
            component.getPosition().setX(component.getPosition().getX() - smallestX);
            component.getPosition().setY(component.getPosition().getY() - smallestY);
Also used : ConnectionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO) ComponentDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ComponentDTO) PositionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PositionDTO)

Example 5 with ConnectionDTO

use of org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO in project nifi by apache.

the class NiFiWebApiTest method populateFlow.

public static void populateFlow(Client client, String baseUrl, NiFiTestUser user, String clientId) throws Exception {
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create a source processor
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the local selection processor
    ProcessorDTO processorDTO = new ProcessorDTO();
    processorDTO.setName("Pick up");
    // create the revision
    final RevisionDTO revision = new RevisionDTO();
    // create the local selection processor entity
    ProcessorEntity processorEntity = new ProcessorEntity();
    // add the processor
    Response response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/processors", processorEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // get the processors id
    processorEntity = response.readEntity(ProcessorEntity.class);
    processorDTO = processorEntity.getComponent();
    String localSelectionId = processorDTO.getId();
    String localSelectionGroupId = processorDTO.getParentGroupId();
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create a termination processor
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the termination processor
    processorDTO = new ProcessorDTO();
    // create the termination processor entity
    processorEntity = new ProcessorEntity();
    // add the processor
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/processors", processorEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // get the processors id
    processorEntity = response.readEntity(ProcessorEntity.class);
    processorDTO = processorEntity.getComponent();
    String terminationId = processorDTO.getId();
    String terminationGroupId = processorDTO.getParentGroupId();
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Connect the two processors
    // -----------------------------------------------
    ConnectableDTO source = new ConnectableDTO();
    ConnectableDTO target = new ConnectableDTO();
    // create the relationships
    Set<String> relationships = new HashSet<>();
    // create the connection
    ConnectionDTO connectionDTO = new ConnectionDTO();
    // create the connection entity
    ConnectionEntity connectionEntity = new ConnectionEntity();
    // add the processor
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/connections", connectionEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create a label
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the label
    LabelDTO labelDTO = new LabelDTO();
    labelDTO.setLabel("Test label");
    // create the label entity
    LabelEntity labelEntity = new LabelEntity();
    // add the label
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/labels", labelEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create a funnel
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the funnel
    FunnelDTO funnelDTO = new FunnelDTO();
    // create the funnel entity
    FunnelEntity funnelEntity = new FunnelEntity();
    // add the funnel
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/funnels", funnelEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create a process group
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the process group
    ProcessGroupDTO processGroup = new ProcessGroupDTO();
    processGroup.setName("group name");
    // create the process group entity
    ProcessGroupEntity processGroupEntity = new ProcessGroupEntity();
    // add the process group
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/process-groups", processGroupEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create an input port
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the input port
    PortDTO inputPort = new PortDTO();
    // create the input port entity
    PortEntity inputPortEntity = new PortEntity();
    // add the input port
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/input-ports", inputPortEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // Create a output ports
    // -----------------------------------------------
    // create the process group
    PortDTO outputPort = new PortDTO();
    // create the process group entity
    PortEntity outputPortEntity = new PortEntity();
    // add the output port
    response = user.testPost(baseUrl + "/process-groups/root/output-ports", outputPortEntity);
    // ensure a successful response
    if (Response.Status.CREATED.getStatusCode() != response.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode()) {
        // since it was unable to create the component attempt to extract an
        // error message from the response body
        final String responseEntity = response.readEntity(String.class);
        throw new Exception("Unable to populate initial flow: " + responseEntity);
Also used : ProcessGroupEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessGroupEntity) ConnectionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO) PortDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PortDTO) FunnelDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.FunnelDTO) ProcessorEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorEntity) RevisionDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.RevisionDTO) Response( FunnelEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FunnelEntity) LabelEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.LabelEntity) ProcessorDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessorDTO) TerminationTestProcessor(org.apache.nifi.integration.util.TerminationTestProcessor) LabelDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.LabelDTO) ProcessGroupDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO) SourceTestProcessor(org.apache.nifi.integration.util.SourceTestProcessor) ConnectableDTO(org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectableDTO) ConnectionEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionEntity) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) PortEntity(org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.PortEntity)


ConnectionDTO (org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO)66 ProcessGroupDTO (org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO)35 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)32 ConnectableDTO (org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectableDTO)32 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)30 PortDTO (org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PortDTO)28 ProcessorDTO (org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessorDTO)25 List (java.util.List)24 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)20 Set (java.util.Set)20 Collectors ( RemoteProcessGroupDTO (org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.RemoteProcessGroupDTO)17 Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)17 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)17 Map (java.util.Map)16 NifiClientRuntimeException ( Inject (javax.inject.Inject)15 NifiConnectionUtil ( Optional (java.util.Optional)13 StringUtils (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils)13