use of org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator in project phoenix by apache.
the class AggregatePlan method newIterator.
protected ResultIterator newIterator(ParallelScanGrouper scanGrouper, Scan scan) throws SQLException {
if (groupBy.isEmpty()) {
} else {
// Set attribute with serialized expressions for coprocessor
GroupedAggregateRegionObserver.serializeIntoScan(scan, groupBy.getScanAttribName(), groupBy.getKeyExpressions());
if (limit != null && orderBy.getOrderByExpressions().isEmpty() && having == null && ((statement.isDistinct() && !statement.isAggregate()) || (!statement.isDistinct() && (context.getAggregationManager().isEmpty() || BaseScannerRegionObserver.KEY_ORDERED_GROUP_BY_EXPRESSIONS.equals(groupBy.getScanAttribName()))))) {
* Optimization to early exit from the scan for a GROUP BY or DISTINCT with a LIMIT.
* We may exit early according to the LIMIT specified if the query has:
* 1) No ORDER BY clause (or the ORDER BY was optimized out). We cannot exit
* early if there's an ORDER BY because the first group may be found last
* in the scan.
* 2) No HAVING clause, since we execute the HAVING on the client side. The LIMIT
* needs to be evaluated *after* the HAVING.
* 3) DISTINCT clause with no GROUP BY. We cannot exit early if there's a
* GROUP BY, as the GROUP BY is processed on the client-side post aggregation
* if a DISTNCT has a GROUP BY. Otherwise, since there are no aggregate
* functions in a DISTINCT, we can exit early regardless of if the
* groups are in row key order or unordered.
* 4) GROUP BY clause with no aggregate functions. This is in the same category
* as (3). If we're using aggregate functions, we need to look at all the
* rows, as otherwise we'd exit early with incorrect aggregate function
* calculations.
* 5) GROUP BY clause along the pk axis, as the rows are processed in row key
* order, so we can early exit, even when aggregate functions are used, as
* the rows in the group are contiguous.
scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.GROUP_BY_LIMIT, PInteger.INSTANCE.toBytes(limit + (offset == null ? 0 : offset)));
BaseResultIterators iterators = isSerial ? new SerialIterators(this, null, null, wrapParallelIteratorFactory(), scanGrouper, scan) : new ParallelIterators(this, null, wrapParallelIteratorFactory(), scan, false);
estimatedRows = iterators.getEstimatedRowCount();
estimatedSize = iterators.getEstimatedByteCount();
splits = iterators.getSplits();
scans = iterators.getScans();
AggregatingResultIterator aggResultIterator;
// No need to merge sort for ungrouped aggregation
if (groupBy.isEmpty() || groupBy.isUngroupedAggregate()) {
aggResultIterator = new UngroupedAggregatingResultIterator(new ConcatResultIterator(iterators), aggregators);
// If salted or local index we still need a merge sort as we'll potentially have multiple group by keys that aren't contiguous.
} else if (groupBy.isOrderPreserving() && !(this.getTableRef().getTable().getBucketNum() != null || this.getTableRef().getTable().getIndexType() == IndexType.LOCAL)) {
aggResultIterator = new RowKeyOrderedAggregateResultIterator(iterators, aggregators);
} else {
aggResultIterator = new GroupedAggregatingResultIterator(new MergeSortRowKeyResultIterator(iterators, 0, this.getOrderBy() == OrderBy.REV_ROW_KEY_ORDER_BY), aggregators);
if (having != null) {
aggResultIterator = new FilterAggregatingResultIterator(aggResultIterator, having);
if (statement.isDistinct() && statement.isAggregate()) {
// Dedup on client if select distinct and aggregation
aggResultIterator = new DistinctAggregatingResultIterator(aggResultIterator, getProjector());
ResultIterator resultScanner = aggResultIterator;
if (orderBy.getOrderByExpressions().isEmpty()) {
if (offset != null) {
resultScanner = new OffsetResultIterator(aggResultIterator, offset);
if (limit != null) {
resultScanner = new LimitingResultIterator(resultScanner, limit);
} else {
int thresholdBytes = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getProps().getInt(QueryServices.SPOOL_THRESHOLD_BYTES_ATTRIB, QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_SPOOL_THRESHOLD_BYTES);
resultScanner = new OrderedAggregatingResultIterator(aggResultIterator, orderBy.getOrderByExpressions(), thresholdBytes, limit, offset);
if (context.getSequenceManager().getSequenceCount() > 0) {
resultScanner = new SequenceResultIterator(resultScanner, context.getSequenceManager());
return resultScanner;
use of org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator in project phoenix by apache.
the class BaseQueryPlan method iterator.
public final ResultIterator iterator(final List<? extends SQLCloseable> dependencies, ParallelScanGrouper scanGrouper, Scan scan) throws SQLException {
if (scan == null) {
scan = context.getScan();
* For aggregate queries, we still need to let the AggregationPlan to
* proceed so that we can give proper aggregates even if there are no
* row to be scanned.
if (context.getScanRanges() == ScanRanges.NOTHING && !getStatement().isAggregate()) {
return ResultIterator.EMPTY_ITERATOR;
if (tableRef == TableRef.EMPTY_TABLE_REF) {
return newIterator(scanGrouper, scan);
// Set miscellaneous scan attributes. This is the last chance to set them before we
// clone the scan for each parallelized chunk.
TableRef tableRef = context.getCurrentTable();
PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
if (dynamicFilter != null) {
WhereCompiler.compile(context, statement, null, Collections.singletonList(dynamicFilter), false, null);
if (OrderBy.REV_ROW_KEY_ORDER_BY.equals(orderBy)) {
// Hack for working around PHOENIX-3121 and HBASE-16296.
// TODO: remove once PHOENIX-3121 and/or HBASE-16296 are fixed.
int scannerCacheSize = context.getStatement().getFetchSize();
if (limit != null && limit % scannerCacheSize == 0) {
scan.setCaching(scannerCacheSize + 1);
if (statement.getHint().hasHint(Hint.SMALL)) {
PhoenixConnection connection = context.getConnection();
// set read consistency
if (table.getType() != PTableType.SYSTEM) {
// TODO fix this in PHOENIX-2415 Support ROW_TIMESTAMP with transactional tables
if (!table.isTransactional()) {
// Get the time range of row_timestamp column
TimeRange rowTimestampRange = context.getScanRanges().getRowTimestampRange();
// Get the already existing time range on the scan.
TimeRange scanTimeRange = scan.getTimeRange();
Long scn = connection.getSCN();
if (scn == null) {
// If we haven't resolved the time at the beginning of compilation, don't
// force the lookup on the server, but use HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP instead.
scn = tableRef.getTimeStamp();
if (scn == QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
scn = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
try {
TimeRange timeRangeToUse = ScanUtil.intersectTimeRange(rowTimestampRange, scanTimeRange, scn);
if (timeRangeToUse == null) {
return ResultIterator.EMPTY_ITERATOR;
scan.setTimeRange(timeRangeToUse.getMin(), timeRangeToUse.getMax());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
byte[] tenantIdBytes;
if (table.isMultiTenant() == true) {
tenantIdBytes = connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : ScanUtil.getTenantIdBytes(table.getRowKeySchema(), table.getBucketNum() != null, connection.getTenantId(), table.getViewIndexId() != null);
} else {
tenantIdBytes = connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : connection.getTenantId().getBytes();
ScanUtil.setTenantId(scan, tenantIdBytes);
String customAnnotations = LogUtil.customAnnotationsToString(connection);
ScanUtil.setCustomAnnotations(scan, customAnnotations == null ? null : customAnnotations.getBytes());
// Set local index related scan attributes.
if (table.getIndexType() == IndexType.LOCAL) {
Set<PColumn> dataColumns = context.getDataColumns();
// project is not present in the index then we need to skip this plan.
if (!dataColumns.isEmpty()) {
// Set data columns to be join back from data table.
PTable parentTable = context.getCurrentTable().getTable();
String parentSchemaName = parentTable.getParentSchemaName().getString();
String parentTableName = parentTable.getParentTableName().getString();
final ParseNodeFactory FACTORY = new ParseNodeFactory();
// TODO: is it necessary to re-resolve the table?
TableRef dataTableRef = FromCompiler.getResolver(FACTORY.namedTable(null, TableName.create(parentSchemaName, parentTableName)), context.getConnection()).resolveTable(parentSchemaName, parentTableName);
PTable dataTable = dataTableRef.getTable();
// Set data columns to be join back from data table.
serializeDataTableColumnsToJoin(scan, dataColumns, dataTable);
KeyValueSchema schema = ProjectedColumnExpression.buildSchema(dataColumns);
// Set key value schema of the data columns.
serializeSchemaIntoScan(scan, schema);
// Set index maintainer of the local index.
serializeIndexMaintainerIntoScan(scan, dataTable);
// Set view constants if exists.
serializeViewConstantsIntoScan(scan, dataTable);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Scan ready for iteration: " + scan, connection));
ResultIterator iterator = newIterator(scanGrouper, scan);
iterator = dependencies.isEmpty() ? iterator : new DelegateResultIterator(iterator) {
public void close() throws SQLException {
try {
} finally {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Iterator ready: " + iterator, connection));
// wrap the iterator so we start/end tracing as we expect
TraceScope scope = Tracing.startNewSpan(context.getConnection(), "Creating basic query for " + getPlanSteps(iterator));
return (scope.getSpan() != null) ? new TracingIterator(scope, iterator) : iterator;
use of org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator in project phoenix by apache.
the class PhoenixDatabaseMetaData method getColumns.
public ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("select \n " + TENANT_ID + " " + TABLE_CAT + // use this for tenant id
"," + TABLE_SCHEM + "," + TABLE_NAME + " ," + COLUMN_NAME + "," + ExternalSqlTypeIdFunction.NAME + "(" + DATA_TYPE + ") AS " + DATA_TYPE + "," + SqlTypeNameFunction.NAME + "(" + DATA_TYPE + ") AS " + TYPE_NAME + "," + COLUMN_SIZE + "," + BUFFER_LENGTH + "," + DECIMAL_DIGITS + "," + NUM_PREC_RADIX + "," + NULLABLE + "," + REMARKS + "," + COLUMN_DEF + "," + SQL_DATA_TYPE + "," + SQL_DATETIME_SUB + "," + CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH + "," + "CASE WHEN " + TENANT_POS_SHIFT + " THEN " + ORDINAL_POSITION + "-1 ELSE " + ORDINAL_POSITION + " END AS " + ORDINAL_POSITION + "," + "CASE " + NULLABLE + " WHEN " + DatabaseMetaData.attributeNoNulls + " THEN '" + Boolean.FALSE.toString() + "' WHEN " + DatabaseMetaData.attributeNullable + " THEN '" + Boolean.TRUE.toString() + "' END AS " + IS_NULLABLE + "," + SCOPE_CATALOG + "," + SCOPE_SCHEMA + "," + SCOPE_TABLE + "," + SOURCE_DATA_TYPE + "," + IS_AUTOINCREMENT + "," + ARRAY_SIZE + "," + COLUMN_FAMILY + "," + DATA_TYPE + " " + TYPE_ID + // raw type id for potential internal consumption
StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
addTenantIdFilter(where, catalog);
if (schemaPattern != null) {
where.append(TABLE_SCHEM + (schemaPattern.length() == 0 ? " is null" : " like '" + StringUtil.escapeStringConstant(schemaPattern) + "'"));
if (tableNamePattern != null && tableNamePattern.length() > 0) {
where.append(TABLE_NAME + " like '" + StringUtil.escapeStringConstant(tableNamePattern) + "'");
// Allow a "." in columnNamePattern for column family match
String colPattern = null;
if (columnNamePattern != null && columnNamePattern.length() > 0) {
String cfPattern = null;
int index = columnNamePattern.indexOf('.');
if (index <= 0) {
colPattern = columnNamePattern;
} else {
cfPattern = columnNamePattern.substring(0, index);
if (columnNamePattern.length() > index + 1) {
colPattern = columnNamePattern.substring(index + 1);
if (cfPattern != null && cfPattern.length() > 0) {
// if null or empty, will pick up all columns
// Will pick up only KV columns
where.append(COLUMN_FAMILY + " like '" + StringUtil.escapeStringConstant(cfPattern) + "'");
if (colPattern != null && colPattern.length() > 0) {
where.append(COLUMN_NAME + " like '" + StringUtil.escapeStringConstant(colPattern) + "'");
if (colPattern == null || colPattern.length() == 0) {
where.append(COLUMN_NAME + " is not null");
where.append(LINK_TYPE + " is null");
boolean isTenantSpecificConnection = connection.getTenantId() != null;
if (isTenantSpecificConnection) {
buf.append(" where (" + where + ") OR (" + COLUMN_FAMILY + " is null AND " + COLUMN_NAME + " is null)");
} else {
buf.append(" where " + where);
buf.append(" order by " + TENANT_ID + "," + TABLE_SCHEM + "," + TABLE_NAME + "," + SYSTEM_CATALOG_ALIAS + "." + ORDINAL_POSITION);
Statement stmt;
if (isTenantSpecificConnection) {
stmt = connection.createStatement(new PhoenixStatementFactory() {
public PhoenixStatement newStatement(PhoenixConnection connection) {
return new PhoenixStatement(connection) {
public PhoenixResultSet newResultSet(ResultIterator iterator, RowProjector projector, StatementContext context) throws SQLException {
return new PhoenixResultSet(new TenantColumnFilteringIterator(iterator, projector), projector, context);
} else {
stmt = connection.createStatement();
return stmt.executeQuery(buf.toString());
use of org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator in project phoenix by apache.
the class CorrelatePlanTest method testCorrelatePlan.
private void testCorrelatePlan(Object[][] leftRelation, Object[][] rightRelation, int leftCorrelColumn, int rightCorrelColumn, JoinType type, Object[][] expectedResult, Integer offset) throws SQLException {
TableRef leftTable = createProjectedTableFromLiterals(leftRelation[0]);
TableRef rightTable = createProjectedTableFromLiterals(rightRelation[0]);
String varName = "$cor0";
RuntimeContext runtimeContext = new RuntimeContextImpl();
runtimeContext.defineCorrelateVariable(varName, leftTable);
QueryPlan leftPlan = newLiteralResultIterationPlan(leftRelation, offset);
QueryPlan rightPlan = newLiteralResultIterationPlan(rightRelation, offset);
Expression columnExpr = new ColumnRef(rightTable, rightCorrelColumn).newColumnExpression();
Expression fieldAccess = new CorrelateVariableFieldAccessExpression(runtimeContext, varName, new ColumnRef(leftTable, leftCorrelColumn).newColumnExpression());
Expression filter = ComparisonExpression.create(CompareOp.EQUAL, Arrays.asList(columnExpr, fieldAccess), CONTEXT.getTempPtr(), false);
rightPlan = new ClientScanPlan(CONTEXT, SelectStatement.SELECT_ONE, rightTable, RowProjector.EMPTY_PROJECTOR, null, null, filter, OrderBy.EMPTY_ORDER_BY, rightPlan);
PTable joinedTable = JoinCompiler.joinProjectedTables(leftTable.getTable(), rightTable.getTable(), type);
CorrelatePlan correlatePlan = new CorrelatePlan(leftPlan, rightPlan, varName, type, false, runtimeContext, joinedTable, leftTable.getTable(), rightTable.getTable(), leftTable.getTable().getColumns().size());
ResultIterator iter = correlatePlan.iterator();
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
for (Object[] row : expectedResult) {
Tuple next =;
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
PColumn column = joinedTable.getColumns().get(i);
boolean eval = new ProjectedColumnExpression(column, joinedTable, column.getName().getString()).evaluate(next, ptr);
Object o = eval ? column.getDataType().toObject(ptr) : null;
assertEquals(row[i], o);
use of org.apache.phoenix.iterate.ResultIterator in project phoenix by apache.
the class UnnestArrayPlanTest method testUnnestArrays.
private void testUnnestArrays(PArrayDataType arrayType, List<Object[]> arrays, boolean withOrdinality) throws Exception {
PDataType baseType = PDataType.fromTypeId(arrayType.getSqlType() - PDataType.ARRAY_TYPE_BASE);
List<Tuple> tuples = toTuples(arrayType, arrays);
LiteralResultIterationPlan subPlan = new LiteralResultIterationPlan(tuples, CONTEXT, SelectStatement.SELECT_ONE, TableRef.EMPTY_TABLE_REF, RowProjector.EMPTY_PROJECTOR, null, null, OrderBy.EMPTY_ORDER_BY, null);
LiteralExpression dummy = LiteralExpression.newConstant(null, arrayType);
RowKeyValueAccessor accessor = new RowKeyValueAccessor(Arrays.asList(dummy), 0);
UnnestArrayPlan plan = new UnnestArrayPlan(subPlan, new RowKeyColumnExpression(dummy, accessor), withOrdinality);
PName colName = PNameFactory.newName("ELEM");
PColumn elemColumn = new PColumnImpl(PNameFactory.newName("ELEM"), PNameFactory.newName(VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY), baseType, null, null, true, 0, SortOrder.getDefault(), null, null, false, "", false, false, colName.getBytes());
colName = PNameFactory.newName("IDX");
PColumn indexColumn = withOrdinality ? new PColumnImpl(colName, PNameFactory.newName(VALUE_COLUMN_FAMILY), PInteger.INSTANCE, null, null, true, 0, SortOrder.getDefault(), null, null, false, "", false, false, colName.getBytes()) : null;
List<PColumn> columns = withOrdinality ? Arrays.asList(elemColumn, indexColumn) : Arrays.asList(elemColumn);
ProjectedColumnExpression elemExpr = new ProjectedColumnExpression(elemColumn, columns, 0, elemColumn.getName().getString());
ProjectedColumnExpression indexExpr = withOrdinality ? new ProjectedColumnExpression(indexColumn, columns, 1, indexColumn.getName().getString()) : null;
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
ResultIterator iterator = plan.iterator();
for (Object[] o : flatten(arrays)) {
Tuple tuple =;
assertTrue(elemExpr.evaluate(tuple, ptr));
Object elem = baseType.toObject(ptr);
assertEquals(o[0], elem);
if (withOrdinality) {
assertTrue(indexExpr.evaluate(tuple, ptr));
Object index = PInteger.INSTANCE.toObject(ptr);
assertEquals(o[1], index);