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Example 1 with IPerson

use of in project uPortal by Jasig.

the class SimplePersonManager method getPerson.

     * Retrieve an IPerson object for the incoming request
     * @param request the servlet request object
     * @return the IPerson object for the incoming request
public IPerson getPerson(HttpServletRequest request) throws PortalSecurityException {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
    IPerson person = null;
    // Return the person object if it exists in the user's session
    if (session != null) {
        person = (IPerson) session.getAttribute(PERSON_SESSION_KEY);
    if (person == null) {
        try {
            // Create a guest person
            person = createGuestPerson(request);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Log the exception
            log.error("Exception creating guest person.", e);
        // Add this person object to the user's session
        if (person != null && session != null) {
            session.setAttribute(PERSON_SESSION_KEY, person);
    return person;
Also used : IPerson( HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) PortalSecurityException(

Example 2 with IPerson

use of in project uPortal by Jasig.

the class AbstractPersonManager method createGuestPerson.

     * Creates a new <i>guest</i> user based on the value of the <code>
     *</code> property in
     * and (optionally) any beans that implement {@link IGuestUsernameSelector}.
     * This approach supports pluggable, open-ended strategies for multiple guest users who may have
     * different content.
     * @since 5.0
protected IPerson createGuestPerson(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    // First we need to know the guest username
    // First item is the default
    String username = PersonFactory.GUEST_USERNAMES.get(0);
    // Pluggable strategy for supporting multiple guest users
    for (IGuestUsernameSelector selector : guestUsernameSelectors) {
        final String s = selector.selectGuestUsername(request);
        if (s != null) {
            username = s;
    // Sanity check...
    if (!PersonFactory.GUEST_USERNAMES.contains(username)) {
        final String msg = "The specified guest username is not in the configured list:  " + username;
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    Integer guestUserId = guestUserIds.get(username);
    if (guestUserId == null) {
        // Not yet looked up
        loadGuestUserId(username, guestUserIds);
        guestUserId = guestUserIds.get(username);
    final IPerson rslt = PersonFactory.createPerson();
    rslt.setAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME, username);
    return rslt;
Also used : IPerson(

Example 3 with IPerson

use of in project uPortal by Jasig.

the class LogoutController method service.

     * Process the incoming request and response.
     * @param request HttpServletRequest object
     * @param response HttpServletResponse object
     * @throws ServletException
     * @throws IOException
public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    String redirect = this.getRedirectionUrl(request);
    final HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
    if (session != null) {
        // Record that an authenticated user is requesting to log out
        try {
            final IPerson person = personManager.getPerson(request);
            if (person != null && person.getSecurityContext().isAuthenticated()) {
                this.portalEventFactory.publishLogoutEvent(request, this, person);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception recording logout " + "associated with request " + request, e);
        final String originalUid = this.identitySwapperManager.getOriginalUsername(session);
        //Logging out from a swapped user, just redirect to the Login servlet
        if (originalUid != null) {
            redirect = request.getContextPath() + "/Login";
        } else {
            // Clear out the existing session for the user
            try {
            } catch (final IllegalStateException ise) {
                // it need not insist that it be the one to perform the invalidating.
                if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    log.trace("LogoutController encountered IllegalStateException invalidating a presumably already-invalidated session.", ise);
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Redirecting to " + redirect + " to send the user back to the guest page.");
    final String encodedRedirectURL = response.encodeRedirectURL(redirect);
Also used : IPerson( HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) IOException( PortalException(org.apereo.portal.PortalException) RequestMapping(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping)

Example 4 with IPerson

use of in project uPortal by Jasig.

the class LogoutController method getRedirectionUrl.

     * The redirect is determined based upon the context that passed authentication The
     * LogoutController looks at each authenticated context and determines if a redirect exists for
     * that context in the redirectMap variable (loaded from file). The redirect
     * is returned for the first authenticated context that has an associated redirect string. If
     * such a context is not found, we use the default DEFAULT_REDIRECT that was originally setup.
     * <p>NOTE: This will work or not work based upon the logic in the root context. At this time,
     * all known security contexts extend the ChainingSecurityContext class. If a context has the
     * variable stopWhenAuthenticated set to false, the user may be logged into multiple security
     * contexts. If this is the case, the logout process currently implemented does not accommodate
     * multiple logouts. As a reference implemention, the current implementation assumes only one
     * security context has been authenticated. Modifications to perform multiple logouts should be
     * considered when a concrete need arises and can be handled by this class or through a change
     * in the ISecurityConext API where a context knows how to perform it's own logout.
     * @param request
     * @return String representing the redirection URL
private String getRedirectionUrl(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String redirect = null;
    final String defaultRedirect = request.getContextPath() + "/";
    IPerson person = null;
    if (this.redirectMap == null) {
        return defaultRedirect;
    try {
        // Get the person object associated with the request
        person = this.personManager.getPerson(request);
        if (person != null) {
            // Retrieve the security context for the user
            final ISecurityContext securityContext = person.getSecurityContext();
            if (securityContext.isAuthenticated()) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl()" + " Looking for redirect string for the root context");
                redirect = this.redirectMap.get("root");
                if (redirect != null && !redirect.equals("")) {
                    return redirect;
            final Enumeration subCtxNames = securityContext.getSubContextNames();
            while (subCtxNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                final String subCtxName = (String) subCtxNames.nextElement();
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl() " + " subCtxName = " + subCtxName);
                // strip off "root." part of name
                final ISecurityContext sc = securityContext.getSubContext(subCtxName);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl()" + " subCtxName isAuth = " + sc.isAuthenticated());
                if (sc.isAuthenticated()) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl()" + " Looking for redirect string for subCtxName = " + subCtxName);
                    redirect = this.redirectMap.get(subCtxName);
                    if (redirect != null && !redirect.equals("")) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl()" + " subCtxName redirect = " + redirect);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        // Log the exception
        log.error("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl() Error:", e);
    if (redirect == null) {
        redirect = defaultRedirect;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("LogoutController::getRedirectionUrl()" + " redirectionURL = " + redirect);
    return redirect;
Also used : IPerson( Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) ISecurityContext( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) IOException( PortalException(org.apereo.portal.PortalException)

Example 5 with IPerson

use of in project uPortal by Jasig.

the class BasePersonManager method createGuestPerson.

 * Creates a new <i>guest</i> user based on the value of the <code>
 *</code> property in
 * and (optionally) any beans that implement {@link IGuestUsernameSelector}.
 * This approach supports pluggable, open-ended strategies for multiple guest users who may have
 * different content.
 * @since 5.0
protected IPerson createGuestPerson(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    // First we need to know the guest username
    // First item is the default
    String username = PersonFactory.getGuestUsernames().get(0);
    // Pluggable strategy for supporting multiple guest users
    for (IGuestUsernameSelector selector : guestUsernameSelectors) {
        final String s = selector.selectGuestUsername(request);
        if (s != null) {
            username = s;
    // Sanity check...
    if (!PersonFactory.getGuestUsernames().contains(username)) {
        final String msg = "The specified guest username is not in the configured list:  " + username;
        throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
    Integer guestUserId = guestUserIds.get(username);
    if (guestUserId == null) {
        // Not yet looked up
        loadGuestUserId(username, guestUserIds);
        guestUserId = guestUserIds.get(username);
    final IPerson rslt = PersonFactory.createPerson();
    rslt.setAttribute(IPerson.USERNAME, username);
    return rslt;
Also used : IPerson(


IPerson ( Test (org.junit.Test)52 PersonImpl ( ModelAndView (org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView)43 RequestMapping (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping)34 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)32 IUserInstance (org.apereo.portal.user.IUserInstance)27 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)25 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)22 IAuthorizationPrincipal ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 EntityIdentifier (org.apereo.portal.EntityIdentifier)18 ISecurityContext ( IPersonAttributes ( IPortletDefinition ( List (java.util.List)14 MockHttpServletRequest (org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest)12 Map (java.util.Map)11 Set (java.util.Set)11 IUserProfile (org.apereo.portal.IUserProfile)11