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Example 1 with MultiMap

use of org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap in project blade by biezhi.

the class FormAuthenticator method validateRequest.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
public Authentication validateRequest(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, boolean mandatory) throws ServerAuthException {
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
    Request base_request = Request.getBaseRequest(request);
    Response base_response = base_request.getResponse();
    String uri = request.getRequestURI();
    if (uri == null)
        uri = URIUtil.SLASH;
    mandatory |= isJSecurityCheck(uri);
    if (!mandatory)
        return new DeferredAuthentication(this);
    if (isLoginOrErrorPage(URIUtil.addPaths(request.getServletPath(), request.getPathInfo())) && !DeferredAuthentication.isDeferred(response))
        return new DeferredAuthentication(this);
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
    try {
        // Handle a request for authentication.
        if (isJSecurityCheck(uri)) {
            final String username = request.getParameter(__J_USERNAME);
            final String password = request.getParameter(__J_PASSWORD);
            UserIdentity user = login(username, password, request);
            LOG.debug("jsecuritycheck {} {}", username, user);
            session = request.getSession(true);
            if (user != null) {
                // Redirect to original request
                String nuri;
                FormAuthentication form_auth;
                synchronized (session) {
                    nuri = (String) session.getAttribute(__J_URI);
                    if (nuri == null || nuri.length() == 0) {
                        nuri = request.getContextPath();
                        if (nuri.length() == 0)
                            nuri = URIUtil.SLASH;
                    form_auth = new FormAuthentication(getAuthMethod(), user);
                LOG.debug("authenticated {}->{}", form_auth, nuri);
                int redirectCode = (base_request.getHttpVersion().getVersion() < HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1.getVersion() ? HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY : HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER);
                base_response.sendRedirect(redirectCode, response.encodeRedirectURL(nuri));
                return form_auth;
            // not authenticated
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                LOG.debug("Form authentication FAILED for " + StringUtil.printable(username));
            if (_formErrorPage == null) {
                LOG.debug("auth failed {}->403", username);
                if (response != null)
            } else if (_dispatch) {
                LOG.debug("auth failed {}=={}", username, _formErrorPage);
                RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(_formErrorPage);
                response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL.asString(), HttpHeaderValue.NO_CACHE.asString());
                response.setDateHeader(HttpHeader.EXPIRES.asString(), 1);
                dispatcher.forward(new FormRequest(request), new FormResponse(response));
            } else {
                LOG.debug("auth failed {}->{}", username, _formErrorPage);
                int redirectCode = (base_request.getHttpVersion().getVersion() < HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1.getVersion() ? HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY : HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER);
                base_response.sendRedirect(redirectCode, response.encodeRedirectURL(URIUtil.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), _formErrorPage)));
            return Authentication.SEND_FAILURE;
        // Look for cached authentication
        Authentication authentication = (Authentication) session.getAttribute(SessionAuthentication.__J_AUTHENTICATED);
        if (authentication != null) {
            // Has authentication been revoked?
            if (authentication instanceof User && _loginService != null && !_loginService.validate(((User) authentication).getUserIdentity())) {
                LOG.debug("auth revoked {}", authentication);
            } else {
                synchronized (session) {
                    String j_uri = (String) session.getAttribute(__J_URI);
                    if (j_uri != null) {
                        //check if the request is for the same url as the original and restore
                        //params if it was a post
                        LOG.debug("auth retry {}->{}", authentication, j_uri);
                        StringBuffer buf = request.getRequestURL();
                        if (request.getQueryString() != null)
                        if (j_uri.equals(buf.toString())) {
                            MultiMap<String> j_post = (MultiMap<String>) session.getAttribute(__J_POST);
                            if (j_post != null) {
                                LOG.debug("auth rePOST {}->{}", authentication, j_uri);
                LOG.debug("auth {}", authentication);
                return authentication;
        // if we can't send challenge
        if (DeferredAuthentication.isDeferred(response)) {
            LOG.debug("auth deferred {}", session.getId());
            return Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED;
        // remember the current URI
        synchronized (session) {
            // But only if it is not set already, or we save every uri that leads to a login form redirect
            if (session.getAttribute(__J_URI) == null || _alwaysSaveUri) {
                StringBuffer buf = request.getRequestURL();
                if (request.getQueryString() != null)
                session.setAttribute(__J_URI, buf.toString());
                session.setAttribute(__J_METHOD, request.getMethod());
                if ( && {
                    MultiMap<String> formParameters = new MultiMap<>();
                    session.setAttribute(__J_POST, formParameters);
        // send the the challenge
        if (_dispatch) {
            LOG.debug("challenge {}=={}", session.getId(), _formLoginPage);
            RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(_formLoginPage);
            response.setHeader(HttpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL.asString(), HttpHeaderValue.NO_CACHE.asString());
            response.setDateHeader(HttpHeader.EXPIRES.asString(), 1);
            dispatcher.forward(new FormRequest(request), new FormResponse(response));
        } else {
            LOG.debug("challenge {}->{}", session.getId(), _formLoginPage);
            int redirectCode = (base_request.getHttpVersion().getVersion() < HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1.getVersion() ? HttpServletResponse.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY : HttpServletResponse.SC_SEE_OTHER);
            base_response.sendRedirect(redirectCode, response.encodeRedirectURL(URIUtil.addPaths(request.getContextPath(), _formLoginPage)));
        return Authentication.SEND_CONTINUE;
    } catch (IOException | ServletException e) {
        throw new ServerAuthException(e);
Also used : User(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Authentication.User) HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) UserIdentity(org.eclipse.jetty.server.UserIdentity) Request(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request) HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) ServletRequest(javax.servlet.ServletRequest) HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) IOException( ServerAuthException( Constraint( RequestDispatcher(javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher) HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) Response(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response) HttpServletResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) ServletResponse(javax.servlet.ServletResponse) ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap) UserAuthentication( Authentication(org.eclipse.jetty.server.Authentication)

Example 2 with MultiMap

use of org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap in project vespa by vespa-engine.

the class HttpRequest method getUriQueryParameters.

private static Map<String, List<String>> getUriQueryParameters(URI uri) {
    MultiMap<String> queryParameters = new MultiMap<>();
    new HttpURI(uri).decodeQueryTo(queryParameters);
    // Do a deep copy so we do not leak Jetty classes outside
    Map<String, List<String>> deepCopiedQueryParameters = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : queryParameters.entrySet()) {
        deepCopiedQueryParameters.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue()));
    return deepCopiedQueryParameters;
Also used : MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) HttpURI(org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpURI) MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with MultiMap

use of org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap in project SpringStepByStep by JavaProgrammerLB.

the class WebConfig method setupRoutes.

private void setupRoutes() {
		 * Shows a users timeline or if no user is logged in,
		 *  it will redirect to the public timeline.
		 *  This timeline shows the user's messages as well
		 *  as all the messages of followed users.
    get("/", (req, res) -> {
        User user = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("pageTitle", "Timeline");
        map.put("user", user);
        List<Message> messages = service.getUserFullTimelineMessages(user);
        map.put("messages", messages);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "timeline.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
    before("/", (req, res) -> {
        User user = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        if (user == null) {
		 * Displays the latest messages of all users.
    get("/public", (req, res) -> {
        User user = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("pageTitle", "Public Timeline");
        map.put("user", user);
        List<Message> messages = service.getPublicTimelineMessages();
        map.put("messages", messages);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "timeline.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
		 * Displays a user's tweets.
    get("/t/:username", (req, res) -> {
        String username = req.params(":username");
        User profileUser = service.getUserbyUsername(username);
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        boolean followed = false;
        if (authUser != null) {
            followed = service.isUserFollower(authUser, profileUser);
        List<Message> messages = service.getUserTimelineMessages(profileUser);
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("pageTitle", username + "'s Timeline");
        map.put("user", authUser);
        map.put("profileUser", profileUser);
        map.put("followed", followed);
        map.put("messages", messages);
        return new ModelAndView(map, "timeline.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
		 * Checks if the user exists
    before("/t/:username", (req, res) -> {
        String username = req.params(":username");
        User profileUser = service.getUserbyUsername(username);
        if (profileUser == null) {
            halt(404, "User not Found");
		 * Adds the current user as follower of the given user.
    get("/t/:username/follow", (req, res) -> {
        String username = req.params(":username");
        User profileUser = service.getUserbyUsername(username);
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        service.followUser(authUser, profileUser);
        res.redirect("/t/" + username);
        return null;
		 * Checks if the user is authenticated and the user to follow exists
    before("/t/:username/follow", (req, res) -> {
        String username = req.params(":username");
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        User profileUser = service.getUserbyUsername(username);
        if (authUser == null) {
        } else if (profileUser == null) {
            halt(404, "User not Found");
		 * Removes the current user as follower of the given user.
    get("/t/:username/unfollow", (req, res) -> {
        String username = req.params(":username");
        User profileUser = service.getUserbyUsername(username);
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        service.unfollowUser(authUser, profileUser);
        res.redirect("/t/" + username);
        return null;
		 * Checks if the user is authenticated and the user to unfollow exists
    before("/t/:username/unfollow", (req, res) -> {
        String username = req.params(":username");
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        User profileUser = service.getUserbyUsername(username);
        if (authUser == null) {
        } else if (profileUser == null) {
            halt(404, "User not Found");
		 * Presents the login form or redirect the user to
		 * her timeline if it's already logged in
    get("/login", (req, res) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        if (req.queryParams("r") != null) {
            map.put("message", "You were successfully registered and can login now");
        return new ModelAndView(map, "login.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
		 * Logs the user in.
    post("/login", (req, res) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        User user = new User();
        try {
            MultiMap<String> params = new MultiMap<String>();
            UrlEncoded.decodeTo(req.body(), params, "UTF-8", -1);
            BeanUtils.populate(user, params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        LoginResult result = service.checkUser(user);
        if (result.getUser() != null) {
            addAuthenticatedUser(req, result.getUser());
        } else {
            map.put("error", result.getError());
        map.put("username", user.getUsername());
        return new ModelAndView(map, "login.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
		 * Checks if the user is already authenticated
    before("/login", (req, res) -> {
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        if (authUser != null) {
		 * Presents the register form or redirect the user to
		 * her timeline if it's already logged in
    get("/register", (req, res) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        return new ModelAndView(map, "register.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
		 * Registers the user.
    post("/register", (req, res) -> {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        User user = new User();
        try {
            MultiMap<String> params = new MultiMap<String>();
            UrlEncoded.decodeTo(req.body(), params, "UTF-8", -1);
            BeanUtils.populate(user, params);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        String error = user.validate();
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(error)) {
            User existingUser = service.getUserbyUsername(user.getUsername());
            if (existingUser == null) {
            } else {
                error = "The username is already taken";
        map.put("error", error);
        map.put("username", user.getUsername());
        map.put("email", user.getEmail());
        return new ModelAndView(map, "register.ftl");
    }, new FreeMarkerEngine());
		 * Checks if the user is already authenticated
    before("/register", (req, res) -> {
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        if (authUser != null) {
		 * Registers a new message for the user.
    post("/message", (req, res) -> {
        User user = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        MultiMap<String> params = new MultiMap<String>();
        UrlEncoded.decodeTo(req.body(), params, "UTF-8", -1);
        Message m = new Message();
        m.setPubDate(new Date());
        BeanUtils.populate(m, params);
        return null;
		 * Checks if the user is authenticated
    before("/message", (req, res) -> {
        User authUser = getAuthenticatedUser(req);
        if (authUser == null) {
		 * Logs the user out and redirects to the public timeline
    get("/logout", (req, res) -> {
        return null;
Also used : FreeMarkerEngine(spark.template.freemarker.FreeMarkerEngine) User(com.minitwit.model.User) Message(com.minitwit.model.Message) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LoginResult(com.minitwit.model.LoginResult) ModelAndView(spark.ModelAndView) Date(java.util.Date) MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap)

Example 4 with MultiMap

use of org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class CGI method exec.

     * executes the CGI process
     * @param command  the command to execute, this command is prefixed by
     *                 the context parameter "commandPrefix".
     * @param pathInfo The PATH_INFO to process,
     *                 see Cannot be null
     * @param req the HTTP request
     * @param res the HTTP response
     * @throws IOException if the execution of the CGI process throws
private void exec(File command, String pathInfo, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {
    assert req != null;
    assert res != null;
    assert pathInfo != null;
    assert command != null;
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("CGI: script is " + command);
        LOG.debug("CGI: pathInfo is " + pathInfo);
    String bodyFormEncoded = null;
    if (( || && "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".equals(req.getContentType())) {
        MultiMap<String> parameterMap = new MultiMap<>();
        Enumeration<String> names = req.getParameterNames();
        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
            String parameterName = names.nextElement();
            parameterMap.addValues(parameterName, req.getParameterValues(parameterName));
        bodyFormEncoded = UrlEncoded.encode(parameterMap, Charset.forName(req.getCharacterEncoding()), true);
    EnvList env = new EnvList(_env);
    // these ones are from "The WWW Common Gateway Interface Version 1.1"
    // look at :
    // http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/cgi/draft-coar-cgi-v11-03-clean.html#6.1.1
    env.set("AUTH_TYPE", req.getAuthType());
    int contentLen = req.getContentLength();
    if (contentLen < 0)
        contentLen = 0;
    if (bodyFormEncoded != null) {
        env.set("CONTENT_LENGTH", Integer.toString(bodyFormEncoded.length()));
    } else {
        env.set("CONTENT_LENGTH", Integer.toString(contentLen));
    env.set("CONTENT_TYPE", req.getContentType());
    env.set("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1");
    if (pathInfo.length() > 0) {
        env.set("PATH_INFO", pathInfo);
    String pathTranslated = req.getPathTranslated();
    if ((pathTranslated == null) || (pathTranslated.length() == 0))
        pathTranslated = pathInfo;
    env.set("PATH_TRANSLATED", pathTranslated);
    env.set("QUERY_STRING", req.getQueryString());
    env.set("REMOTE_ADDR", req.getRemoteAddr());
    env.set("REMOTE_HOST", req.getRemoteHost());
    // The identity information reported about the connection by a
    // RFC 1413 [11] request to the remote agent, if
    // available. Servers MAY choose not to support this feature, or
    // not to request the data for efficiency reasons.
    // "REMOTE_IDENT" => "NYI"
    env.set("REMOTE_USER", req.getRemoteUser());
    env.set("REQUEST_METHOD", req.getMethod());
    String scriptPath;
    String scriptName;
    // use docRoot for scriptPath, too
    if (_cgiBinProvided) {
        scriptPath = command.getAbsolutePath();
        scriptName = scriptPath.substring(_docRoot.getAbsolutePath().length());
    } else {
        String requestURI = req.getRequestURI();
        scriptName = requestURI.substring(0, requestURI.length() - pathInfo.length());
        scriptPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(scriptName);
    env.set("SCRIPT_FILENAME", scriptPath);
    env.set("SCRIPT_NAME", scriptName);
    env.set("SERVER_NAME", req.getServerName());
    env.set("SERVER_PORT", Integer.toString(req.getServerPort()));
    env.set("SERVER_PROTOCOL", req.getProtocol());
    env.set("SERVER_SOFTWARE", getServletContext().getServerInfo());
    Enumeration<String> enm = req.getHeaderNames();
    while (enm.hasMoreElements()) {
        String name = enm.nextElement();
        if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("Proxy"))
        String value = req.getHeader(name);
        env.set("HTTP_" + name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replace('-', '_'), value);
    // these extra ones were from printenv on
    env.set("HTTPS", (req.isSecure() ? "ON" : "OFF"));
    // "DOCUMENT_ROOT" => root + "/docs",
    // "SERVER_URL" => "NYI - http://us0245",
    // "TZ" => System.getProperty("user.timezone"),
    // are we meant to decode args here? or does the script get them
    // via PATH_INFO? if we are, they should be decoded and passed
    // into exec here...
    String absolutePath = command.getAbsolutePath();
    String execCmd = absolutePath;
    // escape the execCommand
    if (execCmd.length() > 0 && execCmd.charAt(0) != '"' && execCmd.contains(" "))
        execCmd = "\"" + execCmd + "\"";
    if (_cmdPrefix != null)
        execCmd = _cmdPrefix + " " + execCmd;
    LOG.debug("Environment: " + env.getExportString());
    LOG.debug("Command: " + execCmd);
    final Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execCmd, env.getEnvArray(), _docRoot);
    // hook processes input to browser's output (async)
    if (bodyFormEncoded != null)
        writeProcessInput(p, bodyFormEncoded);
    else if (contentLen > 0)
        writeProcessInput(p, req.getInputStream(), contentLen);
    // hook processes output to browser's input (sync)
    // if browser closes stream, we should detect it and kill process...
    OutputStream os = null;
    AsyncContext async = req.startAsync();
    try {
        async.start(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                try {
                    IO.copy(p.getErrorStream(), System.err);
                } catch (IOException e) {
        // read any headers off the top of our input stream
        // NOTE: Multiline header items not supported!
        String line = null;
        InputStream inFromCgi = p.getInputStream();
        // while ((line=br.readLine())!=null)
        while ((line = getTextLineFromStream(inFromCgi)).length() > 0) {
            if (!line.startsWith("HTTP")) {
                int k = line.indexOf(':');
                if (k > 0) {
                    String key = line.substring(0, k).trim();
                    String value = line.substring(k + 1).trim();
                    if ("Location".equals(key)) {
                    } else if ("Status".equals(key)) {
                        String[] token = value.split(" ");
                        int status = Integer.parseInt(token[0]);
                    } else {
                        // add remaining header items to our response header
                        res.addHeader(key, value);
        // copy cgi content to response stream...
        os = res.getOutputStream();
        IO.copy(inFromCgi, os);
        if (!_ignoreExitState) {
            int exitValue = p.exitValue();
            if (0 != exitValue) {
                LOG.warn("Non-zero exit status (" + exitValue + ") from CGI program: " + absolutePath);
                if (!res.isCommitted())
                    res.sendError(500, "Failed to exec CGI");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // browser has probably closed its input stream - we
        // terminate and clean up...
        LOG.debug("CGI: Client closed connection!", e);
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        LOG.debug("CGI: interrupted!");
    } finally {
        if (os != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
        // LOG.debug("CGI: terminated!");
Also used : InputStream( OutputStream( AsyncContext(javax.servlet.AsyncContext) IOException( ServletException(javax.servlet.ServletException) IOException( MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap)

Example 5 with MultiMap

use of org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class MultiPartFilter method doFilter.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     * @see javax.servlet.Filter#doFilter(javax.servlet.ServletRequest,
     *      javax.servlet.ServletResponse, javax.servlet.FilterChain)
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletRequest srequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    if (srequest.getContentType() == null || !srequest.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) {
        chain.doFilter(request, response);
    String content_type = srequest.getContentType();
    //Get current parameters so we can merge into them
    MultiMap params = new MultiMap();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : request.getParameterMap().entrySet()) {
        Object value = entry.getValue();
        if (value instanceof String[])
            params.addValues(entry.getKey(), (String[]) value);
            params.add(entry.getKey(), value);
    MultipartConfigElement config = new MultipartConfigElement(tempdir.getCanonicalPath(), _maxFileSize, _maxRequestSize, _fileOutputBuffer);
    MultiPartInputStreamParser mpis = new MultiPartInputStreamParser(request.getInputStream(), content_type, config, tempdir);
    request.setAttribute(MULTIPART, mpis);
    try {
        Collection<Part> parts = mpis.getParts();
        if (parts != null) {
            Iterator<Part> itor = parts.iterator();
            while (itor.hasNext() && params.size() < _maxFormKeys) {
                Part p =;
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("{}", p);
                MultiPartInputStreamParser.MultiPart mp = (MultiPartInputStreamParser.MultiPart) p;
                if (mp.getFile() != null) {
                    request.setAttribute(mp.getName(), mp.getFile());
                    if (mp.getContentDispositionFilename() != null) {
                        params.add(mp.getName(), mp.getContentDispositionFilename());
                        if (mp.getContentType() != null)
                            params.add(mp.getName() + CONTENT_TYPE_SUFFIX, mp.getContentType());
                } else {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    IO.copy(p.getInputStream(), bytes);
                    params.add(p.getName(), bytes.toByteArray());
                    if (p.getContentType() != null)
                        params.add(p.getName() + CONTENT_TYPE_SUFFIX, p.getContentType());
        // handle request
        chain.doFilter(new Wrapper(srequest, params), response);
    } finally {
Also used : HttpServletRequestWrapper(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper) MultiPartInputStreamParser(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiPartInputStreamParser) ByteArrayOutputStream( HttpServletRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap) MultipartConfigElement(javax.servlet.MultipartConfigElement) Part(javax.servlet.http.Part) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) MultiMap(org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap)


MultiMap (org.eclipse.jetty.util.MultiMap)9 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 IOException ( Map (java.util.Map)3 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)3 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)3 Date (java.util.Date)2 List (java.util.List)2 RequestDispatcher (javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher)2 ServletRequest (javax.servlet.ServletRequest)2 ServletResponse (javax.servlet.ServletResponse)2 HttpServletResponse (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)2 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)2 HttpURI (org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpURI)2 ServerAuthException ( UserAuthentication ( Authentication (org.eclipse.jetty.server.Authentication)2 User (org.eclipse.jetty.server.Authentication.User)2 Request (org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request)2 Response (org.eclipse.jetty.server.Response)2