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Example 1 with GSSException

use of org.ietf.jgss.GSSException in project druid by druid-io.

the class DruidKerberosUtil method kerberosChallenge.

   * This method always needs to be called within a doAs block so that the client's TGT credentials
   * can be read from the Subject.
   * @return Kerberos Challenge String
   * @throws Exception
public static String kerberosChallenge(String server) throws AuthenticationException {
    try {
        // This Oid for Kerberos GSS-API mechanism.
        Oid mechOid = KerberosUtil.getOidInstance("GSS_KRB5_MECH_OID");
        GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance();
        // GSS name for server
        GSSName serverName = manager.createName("HTTP@" + server, GSSName.NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE);
        // Create a GSSContext for authentication with the service.
        // We're passing client credentials as null since we want them to be read from the Subject.
        GSSContext gssContext = manager.createContext(serverName.canonicalize(mechOid), mechOid, null, GSSContext.DEFAULT_LIFETIME);
        // Establish context
        byte[] inToken = new byte[0];
        byte[] outToken = gssContext.initSecContext(inToken, 0, inToken.length);
        // Base64 encoded and stringified token for server
        return new String(base64codec.encode(outToken));
    } catch (GSSException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new AuthenticationException(e);
    } finally {
Also used : GSSName(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName) GSSException(org.ietf.jgss.GSSException) AuthenticationException( GSSManager(org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager) GSSContext(org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext) Oid(org.ietf.jgss.Oid)

Example 2 with GSSException

use of org.ietf.jgss.GSSException in project jetty.project by eclipse.

the class SpnegoLoginService method login.

     * username will be null since the credentials will contain all the relevant info
public UserIdentity login(String username, Object credentials, ServletRequest request) {
    String encodedAuthToken = (String) credentials;
    byte[] authToken = B64Code.decode(encodedAuthToken);
    GSSManager manager = GSSManager.getInstance();
    try {
        Oid krb5Oid = new Oid("");
        GSSName gssName = manager.createName(_targetName, null);
        GSSCredential serverCreds = manager.createCredential(gssName, GSSCredential.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME, krb5Oid, GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY);
        GSSContext gContext = manager.createContext(serverCreds);
        if (gContext == null) {
            LOG.debug("SpnegoUserRealm: failed to establish GSSContext");
        } else {
            while (!gContext.isEstablished()) {
                authToken = gContext.acceptSecContext(authToken, 0, authToken.length);
            if (gContext.isEstablished()) {
                String clientName = gContext.getSrcName().toString();
                String role = clientName.substring(clientName.indexOf('@') + 1);
                LOG.debug("SpnegoUserRealm: established a security context");
                LOG.debug("Client Principal is: " + gContext.getSrcName());
                LOG.debug("Server Principal is: " + gContext.getTargName());
                LOG.debug("Client Default Role: " + role);
                SpnegoUserPrincipal user = new SpnegoUserPrincipal(clientName, authToken);
                Subject subject = new Subject();
                return _identityService.newUserIdentity(subject, user, new String[] { role });
    } catch (GSSException gsse) {
    return null;
Also used : GSSName(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName) GSSException(org.ietf.jgss.GSSException) GSSCredential(org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential) GSSManager(org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager) GSSContext(org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext) Oid(org.ietf.jgss.Oid) Subject(

Example 3 with GSSException

use of org.ietf.jgss.GSSException in project tomcat by apache.

the class RealmBase method authenticate.

     * {@inheritDoc}
public Principal authenticate(GSSContext gssContext, boolean storeCreds) {
    if (gssContext.isEstablished()) {
        GSSName gssName = null;
        try {
            gssName = gssContext.getSrcName();
        } catch (GSSException e) {
            log.warn(sm.getString("realmBase.gssNameFail"), e);
        if (gssName != null) {
            String name = gssName.toString();
            if (isStripRealmForGss()) {
                int i = name.indexOf('@');
                if (i > 0) {
                    // Zero so we don;t leave a zero length name
                    name = name.substring(0, i);
            GSSCredential gssCredential = null;
            if (storeCreds && gssContext.getCredDelegState()) {
                try {
                    gssCredential = gssContext.getDelegCred();
                } catch (GSSException e) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug(sm.getString("realmBase.delegatedCredentialFail", name), e);
            return getPrincipal(name, gssCredential);
    } else {
    // Fail in all other cases
    return null;
Also used : GSSName(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName) GSSException(org.ietf.jgss.GSSException) GSSCredential(org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential) SecurityConstraint(org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.SecurityConstraint)

Example 4 with GSSException

use of org.ietf.jgss.GSSException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class WindowsDesktopSSO method authenticateToken.

private void authenticateToken(final byte[] kerberosToken, final Set<String> trustedRealms) throws AuthLoginException, GSSException, Exception {
    debug.message("In authenticationToken ...");
    Subject.doAs(serviceSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {

        public Object run() throws Exception {
            GSSContext context = GSSManager.getInstance().createContext((GSSCredential) null);
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message("Context created.");
            byte[] outToken = context.acceptSecContext(kerberosToken, 0, kerberosToken.length);
            if (outToken != null) {
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("Token returned from acceptSecContext: \n" + DerValue.printByteArray(outToken, 0, outToken.length));
            if (!context.isEstablished()) {
                debug.error("Cannot establish context !");
                throw new AuthLoginException(amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO, "context", null);
            } else {
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("Context established !");
                GSSName user = context.getSrcName();
                final String userPrincipalName = user.toString();
                // expected default behaviour.
                if (!trustedRealms.isEmpty()) {
                    boolean foundTrustedRealm = false;
                    for (final String trustedRealm : trustedRealms) {
                        if (isTokenTrusted(userPrincipalName, trustedRealm)) {
                            foundTrustedRealm = true;
                    if (!foundTrustedRealm) {
                        debug.error("Kerberos token for " + userPrincipalName + " not trusted");
                        final String[] data = { userPrincipalName };
                        throw new AuthLoginException(amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO, "untrustedToken", data);
                // perform the search.
                if (lookupUserInRealm) {
                    String org = getRequestOrg();
                    String userValue = getUserName(userPrincipalName);
                    String userName = searchUserAccount(userValue, org);
                    if (userName != null && !userName.isEmpty()) {
                        storeUsernamePasswd(userValue, null);
                    } else {
                        String[] data = { userValue, org };
                        debug.error("WindowsDesktopSSO.authenticateToken: " + ": Unable to find the user " + userValue);
                        throw new AuthLoginException(amAuthWindowsDesktopSSO, "notfound", data);
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("WindowsDesktopSSO.authenticateToken:" + "User authenticated: " + user.toString());
                if (user != null) {
            return null;
Also used : GSSName(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName) GSSCredential(org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential) GSSContext(org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext) AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) PrivilegedExceptionAction( IdRepoException(com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException) PrivilegedActionException( GSSException(org.ietf.jgss.GSSException) AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)

Example 5 with GSSException

use of org.ietf.jgss.GSSException in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class PassSysProps method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String authorizationId = null;
    String protocol = "ldap";
    String serverName = "server1";
    CallbackHandler callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler() {

        public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) {
    // pass in system properties
    Properties sysprops = System.getProperties();
    SaslClient client1 = Sasl.createSaslClient(new String[] { DIGEST, PLAIN }, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, (Map) sysprops, callbackHandler);
    SaslServer server1 = Sasl.createSaslServer(DIGEST, protocol, serverName, (Map) sysprops, callbackHandler);
    // pass in string-valued props
    Map<String, String> stringProps = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    stringProps.put(Sasl.POLICY_NOPLAINTEXT, "true");
    try {
        SaslClient client2 = Sasl.createSaslClient(new String[] { GSSAPI, PLAIN }, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, stringProps, callbackHandler);
        SaslServer server2 = Sasl.createSaslServer(GSSAPI, protocol, serverName, stringProps, callbackHandler);
    } catch (SaslException se) {
        Throwable t = se.getCause();
        if (t instanceof GSSException) {
        // allow GSSException because kerberos has not been initialized
        } else {
            throw se;
    // pass in object-valued props
    Map<String, Object> objProps = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
    objProps.put("", System.err);
    SaslClient client3 = Sasl.createSaslClient(new String[] { EXTERNAL, CRAM }, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, objProps, callbackHandler);
    SaslServer server3 = Sasl.createSaslServer(CRAM, protocol, serverName, objProps, callbackHandler);
    // pass in raw-type props
    Map rawProps = new Hashtable();
    rawProps.put(Sasl.POLICY_NOPLAINTEXT, "true");
    rawProps.put("", System.err);
    SaslClient client4 = Sasl.createSaslClient(new String[] { EXTERNAL, CRAM }, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, rawProps, callbackHandler);
    SaslServer server4 = Sasl.createSaslServer(CRAM, protocol, serverName, rawProps, callbackHandler);
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Properties(java.util.Properties) GSSException(org.ietf.jgss.GSSException) Map(java.util.Map)


GSSException (org.ietf.jgss.GSSException)77 GSSName (org.ietf.jgss.GSSName)39 Oid (org.ietf.jgss.Oid)35 GSSManager (org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager)33 GSSCredential (org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential)31 GSSContext (org.ietf.jgss.GSSContext)29 PrivilegedActionException ( LoginException ( Subject ( Principal ( IOException ( LoginContext ( SaslException ( UnknownHostException ( PrivilegedExceptionAction ( ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)4 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)4 URISyntaxException ( KerberosPrincipal ( SaslClient (