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Example 1 with OutgoingServerSocketReader

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalOutgoingServerSession method attemptSASLexternal.

private static LocalOutgoingServerSession attemptSASLexternal(SocketConnection connection, MXParser xpp, XMPPPacketReader reader, String localDomain, String remoteDomain, String id, StringBuilder openingStream) throws DocumentException, IOException, XmlPullParserException {
    final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Log.getName() + "[EXTERNAL SASL for: " + localDomain + " to: " + remoteDomain + " (Stream ID: " + id + ")]");
    log.debug("Starting EXTERNAL SASL.");
    if (doExternalAuthentication(localDomain, connection, reader)) {
        log.debug("EXTERNAL SASL was successful.");
        // SASL was successful so initiate a new stream
        // Reset the parser
        //             // Reset the parser to use the new secured reader
        xpp.setInput(new InputStreamReader(connection.getTLSStreamHandler().getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        // Skip the opening stream sent by the server
        for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG; ) {
            eventType =;
        // SASL authentication was successful so create new OutgoingServerSession
        id = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "id");
        StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
        LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(localDomain, connection, new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader), streamID);
        // Set the hostname as the address of the session
        session.setAddress(new JID(null, remoteDomain, null));
        // Set that the session was created using TLS+SASL (no server dialback)
        session.usingServerDialback = false;
        return session;
    } else {
        log.debug("EXTERNAL SASL failed.");
        return null;
Also used : StreamID(org.jivesoftware.openfire.StreamID) OutgoingServerSocketReader(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader) InputStreamReader( JID(org.xmpp.packet.JID) BasicStreamIDFactory(org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.BasicStreamIDFactory) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger)

Example 2 with OutgoingServerSocketReader

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalOutgoingServerSession method createOutgoingSession.

     * Establishes a new outgoing session to a remote domain. If the remote domain supports TLS and SASL then the new
     * outgoing connection will be secured with TLS and authenticated  using SASL. However, if TLS or SASL is not
     * supported by the remote domain or if an error occurred while securing or authenticating the connection using SASL
     * then server dialback will be used.
     * @param localDomain the local domain to authenticate with the remote domain.
     * @param remoteDomain the remote domain.
     * @param port default port to use to establish the connection.
     * @return new outgoing session to a remote domain, or null.
private static LocalOutgoingServerSession createOutgoingSession(String localDomain, String remoteDomain, int port) {
    final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Log.getName() + "[Create outgoing session for: " + localDomain + " to " + remoteDomain + "]");
    log.debug("Creating new session...");
    // Connect to remote server using XMPP 1.0 (TLS + SASL EXTERNAL or TLS + server dialback or server dialback)
    log.debug("Creating plain socket connection to a host that belongs to the remote XMPP domain.");
    final Socket socket = SocketUtil.createSocketToXmppDomain(remoteDomain, port);
    if (socket == null) {"Unable to create new session: Cannot create a plain socket connection with any applicable remote host.");
        return null;
    SocketConnection connection = null;
    try {
        connection = new SocketConnection(XMPPServer.getInstance().getPacketDeliverer(), socket, false);
        log.debug("Send the stream header and wait for response...");
        StringBuilder openingStream = new StringBuilder();
        openingStream.append(" xmlns:db=\"jabber:server:dialback\"");
        openingStream.append(" xmlns:stream=\"\"");
        openingStream.append(" xmlns=\"jabber:server\"");
        // OF-673
        openingStream.append(" from=\"").append(localDomain).append("\"");
        openingStream.append(" to=\"").append(remoteDomain).append("\"");
        openingStream.append(" version=\"1.0\">");
        // Set a read timeout (of 5 seconds) so we don't keep waiting forever
        int soTimeout = socket.getSoTimeout();
        XMPPPacketReader reader = new XMPPPacketReader();
        reader.getXPPParser().setInput(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        // Get the answer from the Receiving Server
        XmlPullParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser();
        for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG; ) {
            eventType =;
        String serverVersion = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "version");
        String id = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "id");
        log.debug("Got a response (stream ID: {}, version: {}). Check if the remote server is XMPP 1.0 compliant...", id, serverVersion);
        if (serverVersion != null && decodeVersion(serverVersion)[0] >= 1) {
            log.debug("The remote server is XMPP 1.0 compliant (or at least reports to be).");
            // Restore default timeout
            log.debug("Processing stream features of the remote domain...");
            Element features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
            if (features != null) {
                log.debug("Check if both us as well as the remote server have enabled STARTTLS and/or dialback ...");
                final boolean useTLS = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_ENABLED, true);
                if (useTLS && features.element("starttls") != null) {
                    log.debug("Both us and the remote server support the STARTTLS feature. Secure and authenticate the connection with TLS & SASL...");
                    LocalOutgoingServerSession answer = secureAndAuthenticate(remoteDomain, connection, reader, openingStream, localDomain);
                    if (answer != null) {
                        log.debug("Successfully secured/authenticated the connection with TLS/SASL)!");
                        // Everything went fine so return the secured and
                        // authenticated connection
                        log.debug("Successfully created new session!");
                        return answer;
                    log.debug("Unable to secure and authenticate the connection with TLS & SASL.");
                } else if (connection.getTlsPolicy() == Connection.TLSPolicy.required) {
                    log.debug("I have no StartTLS yet I must TLS");
                    return null;
                } else // Check if we are going to try server dialback (XMPP 1.0)
                if (ServerDialback.isEnabled() && features.element("dialback") != null) {
                    log.debug("Both us and the remote server support the 'dialback' feature. Authenticate the connection with dialback...");
                    ServerDialback method = new ServerDialback(connection, localDomain);
                    OutgoingServerSocketReader newSocketReader = new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader);
                    if (method.authenticateDomain(newSocketReader, localDomain, remoteDomain, id)) {
                        log.debug("Successfully authenticated the connection with dialback!");
                        StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
                        LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(localDomain, connection, newSocketReader, streamID);
                        // Set the hostname as the address of the session
                        session.setAddress(new JID(null, remoteDomain, null));
                        log.debug("Successfully created new session!");
                        return session;
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Unable to authenticate the connection with dialback.");
            } else {
                log.debug("Error! No data from the remote server (expected a 'feature' element).");
        } else {
            log.debug("The remote server is not XMPP 1.0 compliant.");
        log.debug("Something went wrong so close the connection and try server dialback over a plain connection");
        if (connection.getTlsPolicy() == Connection.TLSPolicy.required) {
            log.debug("I have no StartTLS yet I must TLS");
            return null;
    } catch (SSLHandshakeException e) {
        // This is a failure as described in RFC3620, section "STARTTLS Failure"."STARTTLS negotiation failed. Closing connection (without sending any data such as <failure/> or </stream>).", e);
        // It is probably (see OF-794) best if we, as the initiating entity, therefor don't send any data either.
        if (connection != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // This might be RFC3620, section "Failure Case" or even an unrelated problem. Handle 'normally'.
        log.warn("An exception occurred while creating an encrypted session. Closing connection.", e);
        if (connection != null) {
    if (ServerDialback.isEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Unable to create a new session. Going to try connecting using server dialback as a fallback.");
        // Use server dialback (pre XMPP 1.0) over a plain connection
        final LocalOutgoingServerSession outgoingSession = new ServerDialback().createOutgoingSession(localDomain, remoteDomain, port);
        if (outgoingSession != null) {
            // TODO this success handler behaves differently from a similar success handler above. Shouldn't those be the same?
            log.debug("Successfully created new session (using dialback as a fallback)!");
            return outgoingSession;
        } else {
            log.warn("Unable to create a new session: Dialback (as a fallback) failed.");
            return null;
    } else {
        log.warn("Unable to create a new session: exhausted all options (not trying dialback as a fallback, as server dialback is disabled by configuration.");
        return null;
Also used : StreamID(org.jivesoftware.openfire.StreamID) XMPPPacketReader( InputStreamReader( JID(org.xmpp.packet.JID) Element(org.dom4j.Element) XmlPullParser(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) ServerDialback(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback) SSLHandshakeException( UnauthorizedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException) DocumentException(org.dom4j.DocumentException) SSLHandshakeException( IOException( XmlPullParserException(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException) OutgoingServerSocketReader(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader) BasicStreamIDFactory(org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.BasicStreamIDFactory) Socket(

Example 3 with OutgoingServerSocketReader

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalOutgoingServerSession method attemptDialbackOverTLS.

private static LocalOutgoingServerSession attemptDialbackOverTLS(Connection connection, XMPPPacketReader reader, DomainPair domainPair, String id) {
    final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Log.getName() + "[Dialback over TLS for: " + domainPair + " (Stream ID: " + id + ")]");
    if (ServerDialback.isEnabled() || ServerDialback.isEnabledForSelfSigned()) {
        log.debug("Trying to connecting using dialback over TLS.");
        ServerDialback method = new ServerDialback(connection, domainPair);
        OutgoingServerSocketReader newSocketReader = new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader);
        if (method.authenticateDomain(newSocketReader, id)) {
            log.debug("Dialback over TLS was successful.");
            StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
            LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(domainPair.getLocal(), connection, newSocketReader, streamID);
            // Set the remote domain name as the address of the session.
            session.setAddress(new JID(null, domainPair.getRemote(), null));
            return session;
        } else {
            log.debug("Dialback over TLS failed");
            return null;
    } else {
        log.debug("Skipping server dialback attempt as it has been disabled by local configuration.");
        return null;
Also used : OutgoingServerSocketReader(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader) BasicStreamIDFactory(org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.BasicStreamIDFactory) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) ServerDialback(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback)

Example 4 with OutgoingServerSocketReader

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalOutgoingServerSession method createOutgoingSession.

 * Establishes a new outgoing session to a remote domain. If the remote domain supports TLS and SASL then the new
 * outgoing connection will be secured with TLS and authenticated  using SASL. However, if TLS or SASL is not
 * supported by the remote domain or if an error occurred while securing or authenticating the connection using SASL
 * then server dialback will be used.
 * @param domainPair the local and remote domain for which a session is to be established.
 * @param port default port to use to establish the connection.
 * @return new outgoing session to a remote domain, or null.
private static LocalOutgoingServerSession createOutgoingSession(@Nonnull final DomainPair domainPair, int port) {
    final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Log.getName() + "[Create outgoing session for: " + domainPair + "]");
    log.debug("Creating new session...");
    // Connect to remote server using XMPP 1.0 (TLS + SASL EXTERNAL or TLS + server dialback or server dialback)
    log.debug("Creating plain socket connection to a host that belongs to the remote XMPP domain.");
    final Map.Entry<Socket, Boolean> socketToXmppDomain = SocketUtil.createSocketToXmppDomain(domainPair.getRemote(), port);
    if (socketToXmppDomain == null) {"Unable to create new session: Cannot create a plain socket connection with any applicable remote host.");
        return null;
    Socket socket = socketToXmppDomain.getKey();
    boolean directTLS = socketToXmppDomain.getValue();
    SocketConnection connection = null;
    try {
        final SocketAddress socketAddress = socket.getRemoteSocketAddress();
        log.debug("Opening a new connection to {} {}.", socketAddress, directTLS ? "using directTLS" : "that is initially not encrypted");
        connection = new SocketConnection(XMPPServer.getInstance().getPacketDeliverer(), socket, false);
        if (directTLS) {
            try {
                connection.startTLS(true, true);
            } catch (SSLException ex) {
                if (JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_ON_PLAIN_DETECTION_ALLOW_NONDIRECTTLS_FALLBACK, true) && ex.getMessage().contains("plaintext connection?")) {
                    Log.warn("Plaintext detected on a new connection that is was started in DirectTLS mode (socket address: {}). Attempting to restart the connection in non-DirectTLS mode.", socketAddress);
                    try {
                        // Close old socket
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.debug("An exception occurred (and is ignored) while trying to close a socket that was already in an error state.", e);
                    socket = new Socket();
                    socket.connect(socketAddress, RemoteServerManager.getSocketTimeout());
                    connection = new SocketConnection(XMPPServer.getInstance().getPacketDeliverer(), socket, false);
                    directTLS = false;
          "Re-established connection to {}. Proceeding without directTLS.", socketAddress);
                } else {
                    // Do not retry as non-DirectTLS, rethrow the exception.
                    throw ex;
        log.debug("Send the stream header and wait for response...");
        StringBuilder openingStream = new StringBuilder();
        openingStream.append(" xmlns:db=\"jabber:server:dialback\"");
        openingStream.append(" xmlns:stream=\"\"");
        openingStream.append(" xmlns=\"jabber:server\"");
        // OF-673
        openingStream.append(" from=\"").append(domainPair.getLocal()).append("\"");
        openingStream.append(" to=\"").append(domainPair.getRemote()).append("\"");
        openingStream.append(" version=\"1.0\">");
        // Set a read timeout (of 5 seconds) so we don't keep waiting forever
        int soTimeout = socket.getSoTimeout();
        XMPPPacketReader reader = new XMPPPacketReader();
        final InputStream inputStream;
        if (directTLS) {
            inputStream = connection.getTLSStreamHandler().getInputStream();
        } else {
            inputStream = socket.getInputStream();
        reader.getXPPParser().setInput(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        // Get the answer from the Receiving Server
        XmlPullParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser();
        for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG; ) {
            eventType =;
        String serverVersion = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "version");
        String id = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "id");
        log.debug("Got a response (stream ID: {}, version: {}). Check if the remote server is XMPP 1.0 compliant...", id, serverVersion);
        if (serverVersion != null && decodeVersion(serverVersion)[0] >= 1) {
            log.debug("The remote server is XMPP 1.0 compliant (or at least reports to be).");
            // Restore default timeout
            log.debug("Processing stream features of the remote domain...");
            Element features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement();
            if (features != null) {
                if (directTLS) {
                    log.debug("We connected to the remote server using direct TLS. Authenticate the connection with SASL...");
                    LocalOutgoingServerSession answer = authenticate(domainPair, connection, reader, openingStream, features, id);
                    if (answer != null) {
                        log.debug("Successfully authenticated the connection with SASL)!");
                        // Everything went fine so return the secured and
                        // authenticated connection
                        log.debug("Successfully created new session!");
                        return answer;
                    log.debug("Unable to authenticate the connection with SASL.");
                } else {
                    log.debug("Check if both us as well as the remote server have enabled STARTTLS and/or dialback ...");
                    final boolean useTLS = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty(ConnectionSettings.Server.TLS_ENABLED, true);
                    if (useTLS && features.element("starttls") != null) {
                        log.debug("Both us and the remote server support the STARTTLS feature. Secure and authenticate the connection with TLS & SASL...");
                        LocalOutgoingServerSession answer = secureAndAuthenticate(domainPair, connection, reader, openingStream);
                        if (answer != null) {
                            log.debug("Successfully secured/authenticated the connection with TLS/SASL)!");
                            // Everything went fine so return the secured and
                            // authenticated connection
                            log.debug("Successfully created new session!");
                            return answer;
                        log.debug("Unable to secure and authenticate the connection with TLS & SASL.");
                    } else if (connection.getTlsPolicy() == Connection.TLSPolicy.required) {
                        log.debug("I have no StartTLS yet I must TLS");
                        return null;
                    } else // Check if we are going to try server dialback (XMPP 1.0)
                    if (ServerDialback.isEnabled() && features.element("dialback") != null) {
                        log.debug("Both us and the remote server support the 'dialback' feature. Authenticate the connection with dialback...");
                        ServerDialback method = new ServerDialback(connection, domainPair);
                        OutgoingServerSocketReader newSocketReader = new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader);
                        if (method.authenticateDomain(newSocketReader, id)) {
                            log.debug("Successfully authenticated the connection with dialback!");
                            StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
                            LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(domainPair.getLocal(), connection, newSocketReader, streamID);
                            // Set the remote domain name as the address of the session.
                            session.setAddress(new JID(null, domainPair.getRemote(), null));
                            log.debug("Successfully created new session!");
                            return session;
                        } else {
                            log.debug("Unable to authenticate the connection with dialback.");
            } else {
                log.debug("Error! No data from the remote server (expected a 'feature' element).");
        } else {
            log.debug("The remote server is not XMPP 1.0 compliant.");
        log.debug("Something went wrong so close the connection and try server dialback over a plain connection");
        if (connection.getTlsPolicy() == Connection.TLSPolicy.required) {
            log.debug("I have no StartTLS yet I must TLS");
            return null;
    } catch (SSLHandshakeException e) {
        // When not doing direct TLS but startTLS, this a failure as described in RFC3620, section "STARTTLS Failure"."{} negotiation failed. Closing connection (without sending any data such as <failure/> or </stream>).", (directTLS ? "Direct TLS" : "StartTLS"), e);
        // It is probably (see OF-794) best if we, as the initiating entity, therefor don't send any data either.
        if (connection != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // This might be RFC3620, section "Failure Case" or even an unrelated problem. Handle 'normally'.
        log.warn("An exception occurred while creating an encrypted session. Closing connection.", e);
        if (connection != null) {
    if (ServerDialback.isEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Unable to create a new session. Going to try connecting using server dialback as a fallback.");
        // Use server dialback (pre XMPP 1.0) over a plain connection
        final LocalOutgoingServerSession outgoingSession = new ServerDialback(domainPair).createOutgoingSession(port);
        if (outgoingSession != null) {
            // TODO this success handler behaves differently from a similar success handler above. Shouldn't those be the same?
            log.debug("Successfully created new session (using dialback as a fallback)!");
            return outgoingSession;
        } else {
            log.warn("Unable to create a new session: Dialback (as a fallback) failed.");
            return null;
    } else {
        log.warn("Unable to create a new session: exhausted all options (not trying dialback as a fallback, as server dialback is disabled by configuration.");
        return null;
Also used : Element(org.dom4j.Element) XmlPullParser(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) SSLException( SSLHandshakeException( OutgoingServerSocketReader(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader) SocketConnection( BasicStreamIDFactory(org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.BasicStreamIDFactory) SocketAddress( XMPPPacketReader( InputStreamReader( InputStream( ServerDialback(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback) UnauthorizedException(org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException) DocumentException(org.dom4j.DocumentException) SSLHandshakeException( IOException( XmlPullParserException(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException) SSLException( Map(java.util.Map) Socket(

Example 5 with OutgoingServerSocketReader

use of org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader in project Openfire by igniterealtime.

the class LocalOutgoingServerSession method attemptDialbackOverTLS.

private static LocalOutgoingServerSession attemptDialbackOverTLS(Connection connection, XMPPPacketReader reader, String localDomain, String remoteDomain, String id) {
    final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Log.getName() + "[Dialback over TLS for: " + localDomain + " to: " + remoteDomain + " (Stream ID: " + id + ")]");
    if (ServerDialback.isEnabled() || ServerDialback.isEnabledForSelfSigned()) {
        log.debug("Trying to connecting using dialback over TLS.");
        ServerDialback method = new ServerDialback(connection, localDomain);
        OutgoingServerSocketReader newSocketReader = new OutgoingServerSocketReader(reader);
        if (method.authenticateDomain(newSocketReader, localDomain, remoteDomain, id)) {
            log.debug("Dialback over TLS was successful.");
            StreamID streamID = new BasicStreamIDFactory().createStreamID(id);
            LocalOutgoingServerSession session = new LocalOutgoingServerSession(localDomain, connection, newSocketReader, streamID);
            // Set the hostname as the address of the session
            session.setAddress(new JID(null, remoteDomain, null));
            return session;
        } else {
            log.debug("Dialback over TLS failed");
            return null;
    } else {
        log.debug("Skipping server dialback attempt as it has been disabled by local configuration.");
        return null;
Also used : StreamID(org.jivesoftware.openfire.StreamID) OutgoingServerSocketReader(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader) JID(org.xmpp.packet.JID) BasicStreamIDFactory(org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.BasicStreamIDFactory) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) ServerDialback(org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback)


OutgoingServerSocketReader (org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.OutgoingServerSocketReader)6 BasicStreamIDFactory (org.jivesoftware.openfire.spi.BasicStreamIDFactory)6 Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)6 InputStreamReader ( ServerDialback (org.jivesoftware.openfire.server.ServerDialback)4 StreamID (org.jivesoftware.openfire.StreamID)3 JID (org.xmpp.packet.JID)3 IOException ( Socket ( SSLHandshakeException ( DocumentException (org.dom4j.DocumentException)2 Element (org.dom4j.Element)2 XMPPPacketReader ( UnauthorizedException (org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException)2 XmlPullParser (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser)2 XmlPullParserException (org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException)2 InputStream ( SocketAddress ( Map (java.util.Map)1 SSLException (