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Example 1 with AlterTableStep

use of org.jooq.AlterTableStep in project jOOQ by jOOQ.

the class ParserImpl method parseAlterTable.

private static final DDLQuery parseAlterTable(ParserContext ctx) {
    boolean ifExists = parseKeywordIf(ctx, "IF EXISTS");
    Table<?> tableName = parseTableName(ctx);
    AlterTableStep s1 = ifExists ? ctx.dsl.alterTableIfExists(tableName) : ctx.dsl.alterTable(tableName);
    switch(ctx.character()) {
        case 'a':
        case 'A':
            if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "ADD")) {
                ConstraintTypeStep constraint = null;
                if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "CONSTRAINT"))
                    constraint = constraint(parseIdentifier(ctx));
                if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "PRIMARY KEY")) {
                    parse(ctx, '(');
                    Field<?>[] fieldNames = parseFieldNames(ctx).toArray(EMPTY_FIELD);
                    parse(ctx, ')');
                    return constraint == null ? s1.add(primaryKey(fieldNames)) : s1.add(constraint.primaryKey(fieldNames));
                } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "UNIQUE")) {
                    parse(ctx, '(');
                    Field<?>[] fieldNames = parseFieldNames(ctx).toArray(EMPTY_FIELD);
                    parse(ctx, ')');
                    return constraint == null ? s1.add(unique(fieldNames)) : s1.add(constraint.unique(fieldNames));
                } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "FOREIGN KEY")) {
                    parse(ctx, '(');
                    Field<?>[] referencing = parseFieldNames(ctx).toArray(EMPTY_FIELD);
                    parse(ctx, ')');
                    parseKeyword(ctx, "REFERENCES");
                    Table<?> referencedTable = parseTableName(ctx);
                    parse(ctx, '(');
                    Field<?>[] referencedFields = parseFieldNames(ctx).toArray(EMPTY_FIELD);
                    parse(ctx, ')');
                    if (referencing.length != referencedFields.length)
                        throw ctx.exception();
                    return constraint == null ? s1.add(foreignKey(referencing).references(referencedTable, referencedFields)) : s1.add(constraint.foreignKey(referencing).references(referencedTable, referencedFields));
                } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "CHECK")) {
                    parse(ctx, '(');
                    Condition condition = parseCondition(ctx);
                    parse(ctx, ')');
                    return constraint == null ? s1.add(check(condition)) : s1.add(constraint.check(condition));
                } else if (constraint != null) {
                    throw ctx.unexpectedToken();
                } else {
                    parseKeywordIf(ctx, "COLUMN");
                    // The below code is taken from CREATE TABLE, with minor modifications as
                    // has not yet been implemented
                    // Once implemented, we might be able to factor out the common logic into
                    // a new parseXXX() method.
                    String fieldName = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    DataType type = parseDataType(ctx);
                    boolean nullable = false;
                    boolean defaultValue = false;
                    boolean unique = false;
                    for (; ; ) {
                        if (!nullable) {
                            if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "NULL")) {
                                type = type.nullable(true);
                                nullable = true;
                            } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "NOT NULL")) {
                                type = type.nullable(false);
                                nullable = true;
                        if (!defaultValue) {
                            if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "DEFAULT")) {
                                type = type.defaultValue(parseField(ctx));
                                defaultValue = true;
                        if (!unique) {
                            if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "PRIMARY KEY")) {
                                throw ctx.unexpectedToken();
                            } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "UNIQUE")) {
                                throw ctx.unexpectedToken();
                        if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "CHECK")) {
                            throw ctx.unexpectedToken();
                    return s1.add(field(name(fieldName), type), type);
        case 'd':
        case 'D':
            if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "DROP")) {
                if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "COLUMN")) {
                    Field<?> field = parseFieldName(ctx);
                    boolean cascade = parseKeywordIf(ctx, "CASCADE");
                    boolean restrict = !cascade && parseKeywordIf(ctx, "RESTRICT");
                    AlterTableDropStep s2 = s1.dropColumn(field);
                    AlterTableFinalStep s3 = cascade ? s2.cascade() : restrict ? s2.restrict() : s2;
                    return s3;
                } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "CONSTRAINT")) {
                    String constraint = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    return s1.dropConstraint(constraint);
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
            if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "RENAME")) {
                if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "TO")) {
                    String newName = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    return s1.renameTo(newName);
                } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "COLUMN")) {
                    String oldName = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    parseKeyword(ctx, "TO");
                    String newName = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    return s1.renameColumn(oldName).to(newName);
                } else if (parseKeywordIf(ctx, "CONSTRAINT")) {
                    String oldName = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    parseKeyword(ctx, "TO");
                    String newName = parseIdentifier(ctx);
                    return s1.renameConstraint(oldName).to(newName);
    throw ctx.unexpectedToken();
Also used : ConstraintTypeStep(org.jooq.ConstraintTypeStep) Condition(org.jooq.Condition) TableField(org.jooq.TableField) GroupField(org.jooq.GroupField) Field(org.jooq.Field) SortField(org.jooq.SortField) AlterTableFinalStep(org.jooq.AlterTableFinalStep) AlterTableStep(org.jooq.AlterTableStep) DataType(org.jooq.DataType) AlterTableDropStep(org.jooq.AlterTableDropStep)


AlterTableDropStep (org.jooq.AlterTableDropStep)1 AlterTableFinalStep (org.jooq.AlterTableFinalStep)1 AlterTableStep (org.jooq.AlterTableStep)1 Condition (org.jooq.Condition)1 ConstraintTypeStep (org.jooq.ConstraintTypeStep)1 DataType (org.jooq.DataType)1 Field (org.jooq.Field)1 GroupField (org.jooq.GroupField)1 SortField (org.jooq.SortField)1 TableField (org.jooq.TableField)1