Search in sources :

Example 1 with LSInput

use of in project qi4j-sdk by Qi4j.

the class QuikitResolver method resolveResource.

public LSInput resolveResource(String type, String namespaceURI, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {
    String resourceName = local.getProperty(systemId);
    if (resourceName == null) {
        System.out.println("type: " + type);
        System.out.println("namespaceURI: " + namespaceURI);
        System.out.println("publicId: " + publicId);
        System.out.println("systemId: " + systemId);
        System.out.println("baseURI: " + baseURI);
        return null;
    InputStream resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
    LSInput input;
    try {
        input = getLSInput();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Internal problem. Please report to qi4j-dev forum at Google Groups.", e);
    return input;
Also used : BufferedInputStream( InputStream( LSInput( IOException( FileNotFoundException( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)

Example 2 with LSInput

use of in project languagetool by languagetool-org.

the class PatternRuleXmlCreator method getDocument.

private Document getDocument(InputStream is) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
    DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
    DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("LS");
    LSParser parser = impl.createLSParser(DOMImplementationLS.MODE_SYNCHRONOUS, null);
    // we need to ignore whitespace here so the nodeToString() method will be able to indent it properly:
    parser.setFilter(new IgnoreWhitespaceFilter());
    LSInput domInput = impl.createLSInput();
    return parser.parse(domInput);
Also used : DOMImplementationLS( LSInput( DOMImplementationRegistry(org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry) LSParser(

Example 3 with LSInput

use of in project aries by apache.

the class SimpleNamespaceHandlerSet method getSchema.

public Schema getSchema() throws SAXException, IOException {
    if (schema == null) {
        final List<StreamSource> schemaSources = new ArrayList<StreamSource>();
        final List<InputStream> streams = new ArrayList<InputStream>();
        try {
            InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/org/apache/aries/blueprint/blueprint.xsd");
            schemaSources.add(new StreamSource(is));
            for (URI uri : namespaces.keySet()) {
                is = namespaces.get(uri).openStream();
                schemaSources.add(new StreamSource(is));
            SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
            schemaFactory.setResourceResolver(new LSResourceResolver() {

                public LSInput resolveResource(String type, String namespace, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {
                    try {
                        URL namespaceURL = namespaces.get(URI.create(namespace));
                        if (systemId != null && namespaceURL != null) {
                            URI systemIdUri = namespaceURL.toURI();
                            if (!URI.create(systemId).isAbsolute()) {
                                systemIdUri = systemIdUri.resolve(systemId);
                            if (!systemIdUri.isAbsolute() && "jar".equals(namespaceURL.getProtocol())) {
                                String urlString = namespaceURL.toString();
                                int jarFragmentIndex = urlString.lastIndexOf('!');
                                if (jarFragmentIndex > 0 && jarFragmentIndex < urlString.length() - 1) {
                                    String jarUrlOnly = urlString.substring(0, jarFragmentIndex);
                                    String oldFragment = urlString.substring(jarFragmentIndex + 1);
                                    String newFragment = URI.create(oldFragment).resolve(systemId).toString();
                                    String newJarUri = jarUrlOnly + '!' + newFragment;
                                    systemIdUri = URI.create(newJarUri);
                            InputStream resourceStream = systemIdUri.toURL().openStream();
                            return new LSInputImpl(publicId, systemId, resourceStream);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // ignore
                    return null;
            schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(schemaSources.toArray(new Source[schemaSources.size()]));
        } finally {
            for (InputStream is : streams) {
    return schema;
Also used : SchemaFactory(javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory) InputStream( StreamSource( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URI( URL( IOException( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) LSResourceResolver( LSInput(

Example 4 with LSInput

use of in project midpoint by Evolveum.

the class XmlEntityResolverImpl method resolveResource.

/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public LSInput resolveResource(String type, String namespaceURI, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {
    LOGGER.trace("--- Resolving resource of type {}, namespaceURI: {}, publicID: {}, systemID: {}, base URI: {}", type, namespaceURI, publicId, systemId, baseURI);
    InputSource inputSource = resolveResourceFromRegisteredSchemas(publicId, systemId);
    if (inputSource == null) {
        inputSource = resolveResourceUsingBuiltinResolver(type, namespaceURI, publicId, systemId, baseURI);
    if (inputSource == null) {
        LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve resource of type {}, namespaceURI: {}, publicID: {}, systemID: {}, baseURI: {}", new Object[] { type, namespaceURI, publicId, systemId, baseURI });
        return null;
    LOGGER.trace("==> Resolved resource of type {}, namespaceURI: {}, publicID: {}, systemID: {}, baseURI: {} : {}", new Object[] { type, namespaceURI, publicId, systemId, baseURI, inputSource });
    return new Input(publicId, systemId, inputSource.getByteStream());
Also used : InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) LSInput(


LSInput ( IOException ( InputStream ( SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)2 BufferedInputStream ( FileNotFoundException ( URI ( URL ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 StreamSource ( SchemaFactory (javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory)1 DOMImplementationRegistry (org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry)1 DOMImplementationLS ( LSParser ( LSResourceResolver ( InputSource (org.xml.sax.InputSource)1