use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.DnDTabbedPane in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTableEditorDialog method initialize.
* Create the data table editor dialog
* @param tableInformation
* list containing information for each table
* @param editor
* reference to an existing table editor
private void initialize(List<TableInformation> tableInformation, CcddTableEditorHandler editor) {
// Menu ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create the data table menu bar
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
// Create the File menu and menu items
JMenu mnFile = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "File", KeyEvent.VK_F, 1, null);
mntmOpen = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Edit table(s)", KeyEvent.VK_E, 1, "Open one or more data tables for editing");
mntmOpenPrototype = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Edit prototype", KeyEvent.VK_T, 2, "Open the prototype for the current table");
mntmStore = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Store current", KeyEvent.VK_U, 1, "Store changes to the current editor table");
mntmStoreAll = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Store all", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, "Store the changes to all tables in this editor");
mntmImport = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Import data", KeyEvent.VK_I, 1, "Import data from a CSV, EDS XML, JSON, or XTCE XML file into the current editor table");
JMenu mnExport = ccddMain.createSubMenu(mnFile, "Export table", KeyEvent.VK_X, 1, null);
mntmExportCSV = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnExport, "CSV", KeyEvent.VK_C, 1, "Export the current editor table in CSV format");
mntmExportEDS = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnExport, "EDS", KeyEvent.VK_E, 1, "Export the current editor table in EDS XML format");
mntmExportJSON = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnExport, "JSON", KeyEvent.VK_J, 1, "Export the current editor table in JSON format");
mntmExportXTCE = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnExport, "XTCE", KeyEvent.VK_X, 1, "Export the current editor table in XTCE XML format");
mntmPrint = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Print current", KeyEvent.VK_P, 1, "Print the current editor table information");
mntmSearchTable = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Search tables", KeyEvent.VK_S, 1, "Search the project database tables");
mntmCloseActive = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Close current", KeyEvent.VK_C, 2, "Close the current editor table");
mntmCloseAll = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Close all", KeyEvent.VK_A, 1, "Close all tables in this editor");
// Create the Edit menu and menu items
JMenu mnEdit = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Edit", KeyEvent.VK_E, 1, null);
mntmCopy = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Copy", KeyEvent.VK_C, 1, "Copy the selected cell(s) to the clipboard");
mntmPaste = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Paste (Ctrl-V)", KeyEvent.VK_V, 1, "Paste the clipboard contents at the current focus location");
mntmInsert = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Insert", KeyEvent.VK_I, 1, "Insert the clipboard contents at the current focus location");
mntmUndo = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Undo (Ctrl-Z)", KeyEvent.VK_Z, 1, "Undo the last edit operation");
mntmRedo = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Redo (Ctrl-Y)", KeyEvent.VK_Y, 1, "Redo the last undone edit operation");
mntmInsertMacro = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Insert macro", KeyEvent.VK_M, 1, "Insert a macro selected from the pop-up list");
mntmShowMacros = ccddMain.createCheckBoxMenuItem(mnEdit, "Show macros", KeyEvent.VK_S, 1, "Temporarily replace macro(s) with the corresponding value(s)", false);
JMenu mnClearSelected = ccddMain.createSubMenu(mnEdit, "Replace selected", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, null);
mntmWithBlanks = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnClearSelected, "With blank", KeyEvent.VK_B, 1, "Replace the values in the selected cells with blanks");
mntmWithPrototype = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnClearSelected, "With prototype", KeyEvent.VK_P, 1, "Replace the values in the selected cells with the prototype's values");
// Create the Row menu and menu items
JMenu mnRow = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Row", KeyEvent.VK_R, 1, null);
mntmInsertRow = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Insert row", KeyEvent.VK_I, 1, "Insert a row below the current focus location");
mntmDeleteRow = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Delete row(s)", KeyEvent.VK_D, 1, "Delete the currently selected row(s)");
mntmMoveUp = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Move up", KeyEvent.VK_U, 1, "Move the currently selected row(s) up one row");
mntmMoveDown = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Move down", KeyEvent.VK_N, 1, "Move the currently selected row(s) down one row");
mntmExpColArray = ccddMain.createCheckBoxMenuItem(mnRow, "Expand arrays", KeyEvent.VK_E, 1, "Expand/collapse display of array members", false);
JMenu mnOverwrite = ccddMain.createSubMenu(mnRow, "Array overwrite", KeyEvent.VK_O, 1, null);
mntmOverwriteAll = ccddMain.createRadioButtonMenuItem(mnOverwrite, "Overwrite all", KeyEvent.VK_A, 1, "Copy array definition value change to all members", true);
mntmOverwriteEmpty = ccddMain.createRadioButtonMenuItem(mnOverwrite, "Overwrite empty", KeyEvent.VK_E, 3, "Copy array definition value change only to empty members", false);
mntmOverwriteNone = ccddMain.createRadioButtonMenuItem(mnOverwrite, "Overwrite none", KeyEvent.VK_N, 1, "Do not copy definition value change to members", false);
ButtonGroup rbtnGroup = new ButtonGroup();
// Create the Column menu and menu items
JMenu mnColumn = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Column", KeyEvent.VK_M, 1, null);
mntmMoveLeft = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnColumn, "Move left", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, "Move the currently selected column(s) left one column");
mntmMoveRight = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnColumn, "Move right", KeyEvent.VK_R, 1, "Move the currently selected column(s) right one column");
mntmResetOrder = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnColumn, "Reset order", KeyEvent.VK_O, 1, "Reset the column order to the default");
// Create the Field menu and menu items
JMenu mnField = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Field", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, null);
mntmManageFields = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnField, "Manage fields", KeyEvent.VK_M, 1, "Open the data field manager");
mntmClearValues = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnField, "Clear values", KeyEvent.VK_C, 1, "Clear the data field values");
// Add a listener for the Open Table command
mntmOpen.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Open a table in this editor dialog
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Open a table and add it to the tabbed pane. This calls TableSelectDialog, but
// doesn't spawn a separate editor
new CcddTableManagerDialog(ccddMain, ManagerDialogType.EDIT, CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
// Add a listener for the Open Prototype Table command
mntmOpenPrototype.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Open the currently displayed table's prototype table in this editor dialog
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Open the active table's prototype table
dbTable.loadTableDataInBackground(activeEditor.getTableInformation().getPrototypeName(), CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Import command
mntmImport.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Import a file into the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Export - CSV command
mntmExportCSV.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Export the table to a file in CSV format
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableManagerDialog(ccddMain, ManagerDialogType.EXPORT_CSV, CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Export - EDS command
mntmExportEDS.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Export the table to a file in EDS XML format
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableManagerDialog(ccddMain, ManagerDialogType.EXPORT_EDS, CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Export - JSON command
mntmExportJSON.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Export the table to a file in JSON format
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableManagerDialog(ccddMain, ManagerDialogType.EXPORT_JSON, CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Export - XTCE command
mntmExportXTCE.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Export the table to a file in XTCE XML format
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableManagerDialog(ccddMain, ManagerDialogType.EXPORT_XTCE, CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Print command
mntmPrint.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Output the table to the printer
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Print the table
activeEditor.getTable().printTable("Table: " + activeEditor.getOwnerName(), activeEditor.getFieldHandler(), CcddTableEditorDialog.this, PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Search tables menu item
mntmSearchTable.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Display the search tables dialog
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
ccddMain.showSearchDialog(SearchDialogType.TABLES, CcddTableEditorDialog.this);
// Add a listener for the Copy command
mntmCopy.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Copy the selected table cell(s) contents into the clipboard
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Send a Ctrl-C key press
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Paste command
mntmPaste.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Paste the clipboard contents in the table, overwriting any existing data in the
* target cells and adding new rows at the end of the table if needed
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Send a Ctrl-V key press
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Insert command
mntmInsert.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Insert the clipboard contents in the table, creating new rows to contain the data
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Send a ctrl-I key press
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Clear selected | With blanks command
mntmWithBlanks.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Erase the data in the selected cell(s)
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if there are any rows to clear
if (activeEditor.getTableModel().getRowCount() != 0) {
// Clear the selected cell(s)
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Clear selected | With prototype command
mntmWithPrototype.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Erase the data in the selected cell(s) and the corresponding entry(s) in the custom
* values table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if there are any rows to clear
if (activeEditor.getTableModel().getRowCount() != 0) {
// Clear the selected cell(s)
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the insert macro command
mntmInsertMacro.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Insert the macro chosen from the pop-up list into the current cell
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// and end values are valid
if (getTable().getLastSelectionStart() != -1 && getTable().getLastSelectionEnd() != -1) {
// Initiate editing in the selected cell
getTable().editCellAt(getTable().getSelectedRow(), getTable().getSelectedColumn());
// Get the cell's component
final Component comp = getTable().getEditorComponent();
// Check if the cell represents a text component (text area, text field, etc.)
if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) {
// Set the focus to the cell
// Execute the event after any pending events
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
* Set the selected text start and end positions
public void run() {
// Set the text selected text to the last known positions
((JTextComponent) comp).setSelectionStart(getTable().getLastSelectionStart());
((JTextComponent) comp).setSelectionEnd(getTable().getLastSelectionEnd());
// Send a Ctrl-M key press to display the insert macro pop-up
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Show macros command
mntmShowMacros.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Temporarily replace any macros with the corresponding values
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// If the check box is selected then disable the controls that are not allowed
// while macros are shown, else enable the controls
// Step through each table opened in the editor dialog
for (CcddTableEditorHandler editor : tableEditors) {
// Expand all macros in the table if the check box is selected and disable
// editing for the table, else restore all macros and enable editing
editor.expandMacros(mntmShowMacros.isSelected(), false);
// Redraw the visible table
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Store All command
mntmStoreAll.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Store the changes to all open table contents, if any, in the database
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// action
if (isTablesChanged() && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddTableEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Store changes for all?", "Store Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Update the database for every table that has changes
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Reset Order command
mntmResetOrder.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Reset the column order to the default
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Manage Fields command
mntmManageFields.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Manage the data fields
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Create the field editor dialog showing the fields for this table
new CcddFieldEditorDialog(ccddMain, activeEditor, activeEditor.getTableInformation().getTablePath(), (activeEditor.getTableTypeDefinition().isStructure() && !activeEditor.getTableInformation().getTablePath().contains(",")), MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH);
// Enable/disable the Clear values command depending on if any data fields remain
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add a listener for the Clear values command
mntmClearValues.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Clear the table data field values
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if there are any data fields to clear
if (!activeEditor.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformation().isEmpty()) {
// Remove all of the data field values from the table
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Create the lower (button) panel
JPanel buttonPnl = new JPanel();
// Define the buttons for the lower panel: New button
btnInsertRow = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Ins Row", INSERT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_I, "Insert a new row into the table");
// Create a listener for the Insert Row command
ActionListener insertAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Insert a new row into the table at the selected location
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the insert listener to the Insert Row button and menu command
// Delete button
btnDeleteRow = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Del Row", DELETE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_D, "Delete the selected row(s) from the table");
// Create a listener for the Delete Row command
ActionListener deleteAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Delete the selected row(s) from the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the delete listener to the Delete Row button and menu command
// Create a listener for the Expand arrays command
mntmExpColArray.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Expand or collapse the array members
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Toggle between showing and hiding the array member rows
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Move Up button
btnMoveUp = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Up", UP_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_U, "Move the selected row(s) up");
// Create a listener for the Move Up command
ActionListener moveUpAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Move the selected row(s) up in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the move up listener to the Move Up button and menu command
// Move Down button
btnMoveDown = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Down", DOWN_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_N, "Move the selected row(s) down");
// Create a listener for the Move Down command
ActionListener moveDownAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Move the selected row(s) down in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the move down listener to the Move Down button and menu command
// Move Left button
btnMoveLeft = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Left", LEFT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_L, "Move the selected column(s) left");
// Create a listener for the Move Left command
ActionListener moveLeftAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Move the selected column(s) left in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the move left listener to the Move Left button and menu command
// Move Right button
btnMoveRight = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Right", RIGHT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_R, "Move the selected column(s) right");
// Create a listener for the Move Right command
ActionListener moveRightAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Move the selected column(s) right in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the move right listener to the Move Right button and menu command
// Undo button
btnUndo = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Undo", UNDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_Z, "Undo the last edit action");
// Create a listener for the Undo command
ActionListener undoAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Undo the last cell edit
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Update the data field background colors
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the undo listener to the Undo button and menu command
// Redo button
btnRedo = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Redo", REDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_Y, "Redo the last undone edit action");
// Create a listener for the Redo command
ActionListener redoAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Redo the last cell edit that was undone
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Update the data field background colors
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the redo listener to the Redo button and menu command
// Store button
btnStore = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Store", STORE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_S, "Store the table updates in the database");
// Create a listener for the Store command
ActionListener storeAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Store the changes to the table contents, if any, in the database
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// required columns are empty, and the user confirms the action
if (activeEditor.isTableChanged() && !activeEditor.checkForMissingColumns() && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddTableEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Store changes in project database?", "Store Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Store the changes for the currently displayed editor in the database
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the store listener to the Store button and menu command
// Close button
btnCloseActive = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Close", CLOSE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_C, "Close the table editor");
// Add a listener for the Close active table command
ActionListener closeAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Close the active editor
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// confirm discarding the changes
if (activeEditor.getTable().isLastCellValid() && (!activeEditor.isTableChanged() || new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddTableEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Discard changes?", "Discard Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON)) {
// Close the active table. If this is the only table in the editor then close
// the editor
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add the close listener to the Close button and menu command
// Create a listener for the Close All menu command
mntmCloseAll.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Close the table editor
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeEditor.getTable();
// Add buttons in the order in which they'll appear (left to right, top to bottom)
// Distribute the buttons across two rows
// Table Editors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create a tabbed pane for the editors to appear in
tabbedPane = new DnDTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP, CcddTableEditorDialog.class, true) {
* Update the table editor list order following a tab move
protected Object tabMoveCleanup(int oldTabIndex, int newTabIndex, Object tabContents) {
CcddTableEditorHandler editor = (CcddTableEditorHandler) tabContents;
// Check if the tab originated in the editor dialog
if (oldTabIndex != -1) {
// Get the reference to the moved tab's original location in the list
editor = tableEditors.get(oldTabIndex);
// Remove the table editor reference associated with the tab
} else // The tab originated in another editor dialog
// Bring the editor dialog to the foreground
// Check if the tab is to be placed within this editor
if (newTabIndex != -1) {
// Update the editor's reference to the dialog that owns it to this editor
// dialog
// Add the table editor reference at the specified location
tableEditors.add(newTabIndex - (oldTabIndex != -1 && newTabIndex > oldTabIndex ? 1 : 0), editor);
// Check if the last editor was removed from the dialog
if (tableEditors.isEmpty()) {
// Close the editor dialog
} else // An editor remains in the dialog
// Update the active tab pointer
activeEditor = tableEditors.get(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex());
return editor;
* Move the specified tab's table to a new table editor dialog
protected void spawnContainer(int tabIndex, Object tabContents) {
// Create a new table editor dialog and place the editor from the other dialog into
// it
ccddMain.getTableEditorDialogs().add(new CcddTableEditorDialog(ccddMain, (CcddTableEditorHandler) tabContents));
// Listen for tab selection changes
tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
* Update the editor to the one associated with the selected tab
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
// Check if the tab index is within bounds
if (tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() >= 0 && tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex() < tableEditors.size()) {
// Set the active editor to the selected tab
activeEditor = tableEditors.get(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex());
// Change the dialog's title to the active table's name
// Update the expand/collapse arrays check box
// Check if the Show macros command is not in effect
if (!mntmShowMacros.isSelected()) {
// Update the editor controls state
// Add each table as a tab in the editor dialog tabbed pane
addTablePanes(tableInformation, editor);
// Set the first tab as the active editor
activeEditor = tableEditors.get(0);
// Display the table editor dialog
createFrame(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), tabbedPane, buttonPnl, null, activeEditor.getOwnerName(), null);
// Enable the editor controls
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.DnDTabbedPane in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddRateParameterDialog method initialize.
* Create the rate parameter assignment dialog
private void initialize() {
// Set the initial layout manager characteristics
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2), 0, 0);
// Create borders for the input fields
border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.GRAY), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing()));
emptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder();
// Create a panel to contain the dialog components
JPanel dialogPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
// Create the maximum seconds per message label
JLabel maxSecPerMsgLbl = new JLabel("Maximum seconds per message");
dialogPnl.add(maxSecPerMsgLbl, gbc);
// Create the maximum seconds per message input field
maxSecPerMsgFld = new JTextField(String.valueOf(rateHandler.getMaxSecondsPerMsg()), 7);
// Set the field's input verifier
maxSecPerMsgFld.setInputVerifier(new InputVerifier() {
// Storage for the last valid value entered; used to restore the input field value if
// an invalid value is entered. Initialize to the value at the time the field is
// created
String lastValid = maxSecPerMsgFld.getText();
* Verify the contents of the input field
public boolean verify(JComponent input) {
// Verify the field contents
InputVerificationResult doneIt = verifyInputField((JTextField) input, lastValid);
// Update the last valid value
lastValid = doneIt.getLastValid();
return doneIt.isValid();
dialogPnl.add(maxSecPerMsgFld, gbc);
// Create the maximum messages per second label
JLabel maxMsgsPerSecLbl = new JLabel("Maximum messages per second");
gbc.gridx = 0;
dialogPnl.add(maxMsgsPerSecLbl, gbc);
// Create the maximum messages per second input field
maxMsgsPerSecFld = new JTextField(String.valueOf(rateHandler.getMaxMsgsPerSecond()), 7);
// Set the field's input verifier
maxMsgsPerSecFld.setInputVerifier(new InputVerifier() {
// Storage for the last valid value entered; used to restore the input field value if
// an invalid value is entered. Initialize to the value at the time the field is
// created
String lastValid = maxMsgsPerSecFld.getText();
* Verify the contents of the input field
public boolean verify(JComponent input) {
// Verify the field contents
InputVerificationResult doneIt = verifyInputField((JTextField) input, lastValid);
// Update the last valid value
lastValid = doneIt.getLastValid();
return doneIt.isValid();
dialogPnl.add(maxMsgsPerSecFld, gbc);
// Get the rate information for all data streams
List<RateInformation> rateInformation = rateHandler.getRateInformation();
// Create text fields for the stream-specific rate parameters
streamNameFld = new JTextField[rateInformation.size()];
maxMsgsPerCycleFld = new JTextField[rateInformation.size()];
maxBytesPerSecFld = new JTextField[rateInformation.size()];
availRatesFld = new JTextArea[rateInformation.size()];
// Create a tabbed pane to contain the rate parameters that are stream-specific
tabbedPane = new DnDTabbedPane(SwingConstants.TOP) {
* Update the rate arrays order following a tab move
protected Object tabMoveCleanup(int oldTabIndex, int newTabIndex, Object tabContents) {
// Adjust the new tab index if moving the tab to a higher index
newTabIndex -= newTabIndex > oldTabIndex ? 1 : 0;
// Re-order the rate information based on the new tab order
RateInformation[] rateInfoArray = rateHandler.getRateInformation().toArray(new RateInformation[0]);
rateInfoArray = (RateInformation[]) CcddUtilities.moveArrayMember(rateInfoArray, oldTabIndex, newTabIndex);
List<RateInformation> rateInfoList = new ArrayList<RateInformation>(rateInfoArray.length);
// Re-order the fields based on the new tab order
maxMsgsPerCycleFld = (JTextField[]) CcddUtilities.moveArrayMember(maxMsgsPerCycleFld, oldTabIndex, newTabIndex);
maxBytesPerSecFld = (JTextField[]) CcddUtilities.moveArrayMember(maxBytesPerSecFld, oldTabIndex, newTabIndex);
streamNameFld = (JTextField[]) CcddUtilities.moveArrayMember(streamNameFld, oldTabIndex, newTabIndex);
availRatesFld = (JTextArea[]) CcddUtilities.moveArrayMember(availRatesFld, oldTabIndex, newTabIndex);
return null;
// Create a tab for each stream
gbc.insets.left = 0;
gbc.insets.right = 0;
gbc.insets.bottom = 0;
gbc.gridwidth = 2;
gbc.gridx = 0;
dialogPnl.add(tabbedPane, gbc);
// Create a panel for the uneven check box
JPanel unevenPnl = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, 0));
// Create a check box for including/excluding unevenly time-spaced sample rates
unevenCb = new JCheckBox("Include unevenly time-spaced rates");
unevenCb.setSelected(rateHandler.isIncludeUneven() ? true : false);
unevenCb.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Handle a change in the include uneven rates check box status
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
gbc.gridx = 0;
dialogPnl.add(unevenPnl, gbc);
// Listen for tab selection changes
tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
* Update the available rates using the values in the selected tab
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
// Display the available rates for the currently selected rate column
// Display the available rates for the initially selected rate column
// Get the user's input
if (showOptionsDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), dialogPnl, "Rate Parameters", DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Convert the common rate parameters to integers
int maxSecPerMsg = Integer.valueOf(maxSecPerMsgFld.getText());
int maxMsgsPerSec = Integer.valueOf(maxMsgsPerSecFld.getText());
// Create storage for the stream-specific parameters
String[] streamNames = new String[tabbedPane.getTabCount()];
int[] maxMsgsPerCycle = new int[tabbedPane.getTabCount()];
int[] maxBytesPerSec = new int[tabbedPane.getTabCount()];
// Step through each stream
for (int index = 0; index < tabbedPane.getTabCount(); index++) {
// Store the stream name, convert the rate parameters to numeric form, and
// calculate the available rates
streamNames[index] = streamNameFld[index].getText();
maxMsgsPerCycle[index] = Integer.valueOf(maxMsgsPerCycleFld[index].getText());
maxBytesPerSec[index] = Integer.valueOf(maxBytesPerSecFld[index].getText());
// Check if any rate parameter changed
if (isRateChanges(maxSecPerMsg, maxMsgsPerSec, streamNames, maxMsgsPerCycle, maxBytesPerSec, unevenCb.isSelected())) {
// Store the rate parameters and update the sample rates
rateHandler.setRateParameters(maxSecPerMsg, maxMsgsPerSec, streamNames, maxMsgsPerCycle, maxBytesPerSec, unevenCb.isSelected(), CcddRateParameterDialog.this);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.DnDTabbedPane in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTelemetrySchedulerDialog method initialize.
* Create the telemetry scheduler dialog. This is executed in a separate thread since it can
* take a noticeable amount time to complete, and by using a separate thread the GUI is allowed
* to continue to update. The GUI menu commands, however, are disabled until the telemetry
* scheduler initialization completes execution
private void initialize() {
// Build the telemetry scheduler dialog in the background
CcddBackgroundCommand.executeInBackground(ccddMain, new BackgroundCommand() {
// Create a button panel
JPanel buttonPnl = new JPanel();
* Build the telemetry scheduler dialog
protected void execute() {
// Create a tree containing all of the variables. This is used for determining
// bit-packing and variable relative position
allVariableTree = new CcddTableTreeHandler(ccddMain, TableTreeType.INSTANCE_STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES_AND_RATES, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
// Expand the tree so that all nodes are 'visible'
allVariableTreePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
// Step through all of the nodes in the variable tree
for (Enumeration<?> element = allVariableTree.getRootNode().preorderEnumeration(); element.hasMoreElements(); ) {
// Convert the variable path to a string and add it to the list
allVariableTreePaths.add(allVariableTree.getFullVariablePath(((ToolTipTreeNode) element.nextElement()).getPath()));
// Load the stored telemetry scheduler data from the project database
// Auto-fill button
btnAutoFill = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Auto-fill", AUTO_CREATE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_F, "Auto-fill the message table with the variables");
// Create a listener for the Auto-fill button
btnAutoFill.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Auto-fill the variables into the telemetry scheduler for the currently
* selected data stream
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Run auto-fill
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Clear Rate button
btnClearRate = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Clear Rate", UNDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_R, "Remove the variables of the currently selected rate from all messages");
// Add a listener for the Clear Rate button
btnClearRate.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Remove the variables of the currently selected rate from all messages in the
* currently selected data stream
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Clear Msgs button
btnClear = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Clear Msgs", UNDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_R, "Remove the variables from all messages");
// Add a listener for the Clear Msgs button
btnClear.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Remove the variables from all messages in the currently selected data stream
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Add Sub-msg button
btnAddSubMessage = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Add Sub-msg", INSERT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_A, "Add a sub-message to the currently selected message");
// Create a listener for the Add Sub-msg button
btnAddSubMessage.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Add a sub-message to the current message
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Del Sub-msg button
btnDeleteSubMessage = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Del Sub-msg", DELETE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_D, "Delete the currently selected sub-message");
// Create a listener for the Del Sub-msg button
btnDeleteSubMessage.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Delete the current sub-message
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Assign message names and IDs button
btnAssign = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Assign Msgs", AUTO_CREATE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_M, "Automatically assign message names and/or IDs to the messages and sub-messages");
// Add a listener for the Assign Msgs button
btnAssign.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Automatically assign names and/or IDs to the telemetry messages and
* sub-messages
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddAssignMessageIDDialog(ccddMain, activeSchHandler.getCurrentMessages(), CcddTelemetrySchedulerDialog.this);
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Store button
btnStore = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Store", STORE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_S, "Store the message updates in the project database");
// Add a listener for the Store button
btnStore.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Store the data from the various data streams into the database
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// storing the changes
if (isChanges() && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddTelemetrySchedulerDialog.this, "<html><b>Store changes?", "Store Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Store the messages in the project database
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Create a button to close the dialog
btnClose = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Close", CLOSE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_C, "Close the telemetry scheduler");
// Add a listener for the Close button
btnClose.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Close the telemetry scheduler dialog
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the reference to the currently displayed table
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return activeSchHandler.getSchedulerEditor().getTable();
// Add buttons in the order in which they'll appear (left to right, top to bottom)
// Create two rows of buttons
// Create a tabbed pane in which to place the scheduler handlers
tabbedPane = new DnDTabbedPane(SwingConstants.TOP) {
* Update the scheduler list order following a tab move
protected Object tabMoveCleanup(int oldTabIndex, int newTabIndex, Object tabContents) {
// Adjust the new tab index if moving the tab to a higher index
newTabIndex -= newTabIndex > oldTabIndex ? 1 : 0;
// Re-order the rate information based on the new tab order
// Re-order the rate information based on the new tab order
RateInformation[] rateInfoArray = rateHandler.getRateInformation().toArray(new RateInformation[0]);
rateInfoArray = (RateInformation[]) CcddUtilities.moveArrayMember(rateInfoArray, oldTabIndex, newTabIndex);
List<RateInformation> rateInfoList = new ArrayList<RateInformation>(rateInfoArray.length);
// Get the reference to the moved tab's original location in the list
CcddSchedulerHandler editor = schHandlers.get(oldTabIndex);
// Remove the tab
// Add the tab at its new location
schHandlers.add(newTabIndex, editor);
// Update the active tab pointer to the moved tab
activeSchHandler = schHandlers.get(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex());
return editor;
// Listen for tab selection changes
tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
* Update the editor to the one associated with the selected tab
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
// Set the active editor to the one indicated by the currently selected tab
activeSchHandler = schHandlers.get(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex());
// Add the scheduler handlers to the tabbed pane
// Set the first tab as the active editor
activeSchHandler = schHandlers.get(0);
* Telemetry scheduler dialog creation complete
protected void complete() {
// Display the telemetry scheduler dialog
showOptionsDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), tabbedPane, buttonPnl, btnClose, "Telemetry Scheduler", true);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.DnDTabbedPane in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddPreferencesDialog method initialize.
* Create the preferences dialog
private void initialize() {
maxScrollPaneHeight = 0;
// Create an empty border for use with the dialog components
emptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder();
// Create a tabbed pane
tabbedPane = new DnDTabbedPane(SwingConstants.TOP);
// Add the tabs to the tabbed pane
// Create a panel for the preference dialog buttons
JPanel buttonPnl = new JPanel();
// Update button
final JButton btnUpdateAll = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Update", STORE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_U, "Update the program preference values");
// Add a listener for the Update button
btnUpdateAll.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Update the program preference values
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
int index = 0;
// Base the action on the name of the tab selected
switch(tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex())) {
case LAF:
case FONT:
case COLOR:
// preference value
case SIZE:
// size
for (ModifiableSizeInfo modSize : ModifiableSizeInfo.values()) {
// Get the current value from the size text field
int currentValue = Integer.valueOf(sizeFld[index].getText());
// Check if the size has changed
if (modSize.getSize() != currentValue) {
// Update the size to the new value
modSize.setSize(currentValue, ccddMain.getProgPrefs());
// modifiable spacing
for (ModifiableSpacingInfo modSpacing : ModifiableSpacingInfo.values()) {
// Get the current value from the spacing text field
int currentValue = Integer.valueOf(spacingFld[index].getText());
// Check if the spacing has changed
if (modSpacing.getSpacing() != currentValue) {
// Update the spacing to the new value
modSpacing.setSpacing(currentValue, ccddMain.getProgPrefs());
case PATH:
// Update the program path preference. Step through each modifiable path
for (ModifiablePathInfo modPath : ModifiablePathInfo.values()) {
// Get the current path from the path text field
String currentPath = pathFld[index].getText().trim();
// Check if the path has changed
if (!modPath.getPath().equals(currentPath)) {
// Store the path in the program preferences backing store
CcddFileIOHandler.storePath(ccddMain, currentPath, false, modPath);
case OTHER:
// setting
for (ModifiableOtherSettingInfo modOther : ModifiableOtherSettingInfo.values()) {
// Get the current setting value from the other setting text field
String currentValue = otherFld[index].getText().trim();
// Check if the setting value has changed
if (!modOther.getValue().equals(currentValue)) {
// Update the other setting to the new value
modOther.setValue(currentValue, ccddMain.getProgPrefs());
// Close button
JButton btnCloseDlg = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Close", CLOSE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_C, "Close the program preferences dialog");
// Add a listener for the Close button
btnCloseDlg.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Close the program preferences dialog
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
// Close the dialog
// Listen for tab selection changes
tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
* Handle a tab selection change
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
// Get the index of the selected tab
int tabIndex = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
// Check if a tab is selected
if (tabIndex != -1) {
// Base the action of the name of the tab selected
switch(tabbedPane.getTitleAt(tabIndex)) {
case LAF:
case FONT:
case COLOR:
// Hide the update button
case SIZE:
case PATH:
case OTHER:
// Show the update button
// Add the buttons to the dialog panel
// Toggle the tab selection so that the first tab is selected and the Update button
// visibility is set accordingly
// Set the initial size of the preferences dialog based on the individual panes' contents
tabbedPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(tabbedPane.getPreferredSize().width + LAF_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH, maxScrollPaneHeight));
// Display the Preferences dialog
showOptionsDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), tabbedPane, buttonPnl, btnCloseDlg, "Preferences", true);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.DnDTabbedPane in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTableTypeEditorDialog method initialize.
* Create the table type editor dialog. This is executed in a separate thread since it can take
* a noticeable amount time to complete, and by using a separate thread the GUI is allowed to
* continue to update. The GUI menu commands, however, are disabled until the telemetry
* scheduler initialization completes execution
* @param typeNames
* array containing the table type names
private void initialize(final String[] typeNames) {
// Build the table type editor dialog in the background
CcddBackgroundCommand.executeInBackground(ccddMain, new BackgroundCommand() {
// Create panel to hold the dialog buttons
JPanel buttonPnl = new JPanel();
* Build the table type editor dialog
protected void execute() {
// Menu ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create the table menu bar
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
// Create the File menu and menu items
mnFile = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "File", KeyEvent.VK_F, 1, null);
mntmNewType = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "New type", KeyEvent.VK_N, 1, "Create a new table type");
mntmCopyType = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Copy type", KeyEvent.VK_O, 1, "Copy the current table type");
mntmRenameType = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Rename type", KeyEvent.VK_R, 1, "Rename the current table type");
mntmDeleteType = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Delete type", KeyEvent.VK_D, 1, "Delete the current table type");
mntmStore = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Store current", KeyEvent.VK_U, 1, "Store changes to the curent table type in the database");
mntmStoreAll = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Store all", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, "Store changes to all table types in the database");
mntmPrint = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Print current", KeyEvent.VK_P, 1, "Print the current table type information");
mntmClose = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnFile, "Close", KeyEvent.VK_C, 1, "Close the table type editor");
// Create the Edit menu and menu items
JMenu mnEdit = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Edit", 1, KeyEvent.VK_E, null);
mntmCopy = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Copy", KeyEvent.VK_O, 1, "Copy the currently selected cell(s) to the clipboard");
mntmPaste = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Paste (Ctrl-V)", KeyEvent.VK_V, 1, "Paste the clipboard contents at the current focus location");
mntmInsert = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Insert", KeyEvent.VK_I, 1, "Insert the clipboard contents at the current focus location");
mntmUndo = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Undo (Ctrl-Z)", KeyEvent.VK_Z, 1, "Undo the last edit operation");
mntmRedo = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Redo (Ctrl-Y)", KeyEvent.VK_Y, 1, "Redo the last undone edit operation");
mntmClear = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Clear data", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, "Clear the current table type contents");
mntmInsertCmdArgs = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnEdit, "Add command arguments", KeyEvent.VK_A, 1, "Add the default columns for a command argument");
// Create the Row menu and menu items
JMenu mnRow = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Row", KeyEvent.VK_R, 1, null);
mntmInsertRow = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Insert row", KeyEvent.VK_I, 1, "Insert a row below the current focus location");
mntmDeleteRow = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Delete row(s)", KeyEvent.VK_D, 1, "Delete the currently selected row(s)");
mntmMoveUp = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Move up", KeyEvent.VK_U, 1, "Move the currently selected row(s) up one row");
mntmMoveDown = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnRow, "Move down", KeyEvent.VK_N, 1, "Move the currently selected row(s) down one row");
// Create the Field menu and menu items
JMenu mnField = ccddMain.createMenu(menuBar, "Field", KeyEvent.VK_L, 1, null);
mntmManageFields = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnField, "Manage fields", KeyEvent.VK_M, 1, "Open the data field manager");
mntmClearValues = ccddMain.createMenuItem(mnField, "Clear values", KeyEvent.VK_C, 1, "Clear the data field values");
mntmOverwrite = ccddMain.createCheckBoxMenuItem(mnField, "Overwrite values", KeyEvent.VK_O, 1, "Overwrite/don't overwrite existing data field values", false);
// Add a listener for the New Type command
mntmNewType.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Create a new table type
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableTypeManagerDialog(ccddMain, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, ManagerDialogType.NEW);
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Copy Type command
mntmCopyType.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Copy a table type
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableTypeManagerDialog(ccddMain, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, ManagerDialogType.COPY);
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Rename Type command
mntmRenameType.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Rename a table type
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableTypeManagerDialog(ccddMain, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, ManagerDialogType.RENAME);
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Delete Type command
mntmDeleteType.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Delete a table type
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddTableTypeManagerDialog(ccddMain, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, ManagerDialogType.DELETE);
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Print command
mntmPrint.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Output the type to the printer
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
activeEditor.getTable().printTable("Table Type: " + activeEditor.getTypeName(), activeEditor.getFieldHandler(), CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Copy command
mntmCopy.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Copy the selected table cell(s) contents into the clipboard
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Send a Ctrl-C key press
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Paste command
mntmPaste.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Paste the clipboard contents in the table, overwriting any existing data in
* the target cells and adding new rows at the end of the table if needed
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Send a Ctrl-V key press
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Insert command
mntmInsert.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Insert the clipboard contents in the table, creating new rows to contain the
* data
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Send a ctrl-I key press
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Clear command
mntmClear.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Clear the table contents
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if there are any rows to clear
if (activeEditor.getTable().getModel().getRowCount() != 0) {
// Select all rows and remove them
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Insert command arguments command
mntmInsertCmdArgs.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Insert the default columns for a command argument
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
boolean isIndexUsed;
int argumentIndex = 1;
do {
// Set the flag to indicate that the argument index isn't used
isIndexUsed = false;
// Step through each column name in the table type
for (String columnName : activeEditor.getTypeDefinition().getColumnNamesUser()) {
// argument name for this argument index
if (columnName.startsWith(COL_ARGUMENT + " " + argumentIndex + " ")) {
// Set the flag to indicate that the argument index is used,
// increment the argument index, and stop searching
isIndexUsed = true;
} while (isIndexUsed);
// Continue to search the column names while a match is found
int newArgStartIndex = activeEditor.getTypeDefinition().getColumnCountVisible();
// Create the command argument columns for the next unused argument index
// Step through each new command argument column
for (; newArgStartIndex < activeEditor.getTypeDefinition().getColumnCountVisible(); newArgStartIndex++) {
// Insert the column into the table type editor
activeEditor.getTable().insertRow(false, TableInsertionPoint.END, activeEditor.getTypeDefinition().getData()[newArgStartIndex]);
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Store All command
mntmStoreAll.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Store the changes to all open table contents, if any, in the database
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// confirms the action
if (isTypesChanged() && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Store changes for all?", "Store Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON && ccddMain.ignoreUncommittedChanges("Store Changes", "Discard table changes?", false, changedTypes, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this)) {
// Commit the changes for all of the editors
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Manage Fields command
mntmManageFields.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Manage the data fields
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
new CcddFieldEditorDialog(ccddMain, activeEditor, CcddFieldHandler.getFieldTypeName(activeEditor.getTypeName()), tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(activeEditor.getTypeName()).isStructure(), MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH);
// Enable/disable the Clear values command depending on if any data fields
// remain
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add a listener for the Clear Values command
mntmClearValues.addActionListener(new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Clear the table data field values
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if there are any data fields to clear
if (!activeEditor.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformation().isEmpty()) {
// Remove all of the data field values
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Insert new row button
JButton btnInsertRow = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Ins Row", INSERT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_I, "Insert a new row into the table");
// Create a listener for the Insert Row command
ActionListener insertAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Insert a new row into the table at the selected location
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the insert listener to the Insert Row button and menu command
// Delete row button
JButton btnDeleteRow = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Del Row", DELETE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_D, "Delete the selected row(s) from the table");
// Create a listener for the Delete Row command
ActionListener deleteAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Delete the selected row(s) from the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the delete listener to the Delete Row button and menu command
// Move Up button
JButton btnMoveUp = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Up", UP_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_U, "Move the selected row(s) up");
// Create a listener for the Move Up command
ActionListener moveUpAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Move the selected row(s) up in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the move up listener to the Move Up button and menu command
// Move Down button
JButton btnMoveDown = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Down", DOWN_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_N, "Move the selected row(s) down");
// Create a listener for the Move Down command
ActionListener moveDownAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Move the selected row(s) down in the table
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the move down listener to the Move Down button and menu command
// Undo button
JButton btnUndo = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Undo", UNDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_Z, "Undo the last edit action");
// Create a listener for the Undo command
ActionListener undoAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Undo the last cell edit
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Update the data field background colors
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the undo listener to the Undo button and menu command
// Redo button
JButton btnRedo = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Redo", REDO_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_Y, "Redo the last undone edit action");
// Create a listener for the Redo command
ActionListener redoAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Redo the last cell edit that was undone
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Update the data field background colors
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the redo listener to the Redo button and menu command
// Store button
JButton btnStore = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Store", STORE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_S, "Store the table type updates in the database");
// Create a listener for the Store command
ActionListener storeAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Store the changes to the table contents, if any, in the database
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
// Set the list of changed table types to the active editor's type
// the action
if (activeEditor.isTableChanged() && !activeEditor.checkForMissingColumns() && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>Store changes in project database?", "Store Changes", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON && ccddMain.ignoreUncommittedChanges("Store Changes", "Discard table changes?", false, changedTypes, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this)) {
// Store the changes for the currently displayed editor in the database
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the store listener to the Store button and menu command
// Close button
btnClose = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Close", CLOSE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_C, "Close the table type editor");
// Add a listener for the Close table type editor command
ActionListener closeAction = new ValidateCellActionListener() {
* Close the type editor
protected void performAction(ActionEvent ae) {
* Get the table for which the action is performed
* @return Table for which the action is performed
protected CcddJTableHandler getTable() {
return getActiveTable();
// Add the close listener to the Close button and menu command
// Add buttons in the order in which they'll appear (left to right, top to bottom)
// Distribute the buttons across two rows
// Table Editors //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Create a tabbed pane for the editors to appear in
tabbedPane = new DnDTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP) {
* Update the table type editor list order following a tab move
protected Object tabMoveCleanup(int oldTabIndex, int newTabIndex, Object tabContents) {
// Get the reference to the moved tab's original location in the list
CcddTableTypeEditorHandler editor = typeEditors.get(oldTabIndex);
// Remove the tab
// Add the tab at its new location
typeEditors.add(newTabIndex - (newTabIndex > oldTabIndex ? 1 : 0), editor);
// Update the active tab pointer to the moved tab
activeEditor = typeEditors.get(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex());
return editor;
// Listen for tab selection changes
tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
* Update the editor to the one associated with the selected tab
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
// Check if a table type exists
if (!typeEditors.isEmpty()) {
// Set the active editor to the one indicated by the currently selected
// tab
activeEditor = typeEditors.get(tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex());
} else // No table type exists
// initialize the active editor to null
activeEditor = null;
// Update the editor controls state
// Add each table as a tab in the editor dialog tabbed pane
addTypePanes(typeNames, dbTable.retrieveInformationTable(InternalTable.FIELDS, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog.this));
// Check if a table type exists
if (!typeEditors.isEmpty()) {
// Set the first tab as the active editor
activeEditor = typeEditors.get(0);
} else // No table type exists
// initialize the active editor to null
activeEditor = null;
* Table type editor dialog creation complete
protected void complete() {
// Display the table type editor dialog
createFrame(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), tabbedPane, buttonPnl, null, "Table Type Editor", null);
// Enable the editor controls