use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFileIOHandler method restoreDatabaseFromFile.
* Restore a project's database from a user-selected backup file. The backup is a plain text
* file containing the PostgreSQL commands necessary to rebuild the database
protected void restoreDatabaseFromFile() {
File tempFile = null;
// Allow the user to select the backup file path + name to load from
FileEnvVar[] dataFile = new CcddDialogHandler().choosePathFile(ccddMain, ccddMain.getMainFrame(), null, null, new FileNameExtensionFilter[] { new FileNameExtensionFilter(FileExtension.DBU.getDescription(), FileExtension.DBU.getExtensionName()) }, false, "Restore Project", ccddMain.getProgPrefs().get(ModifiablePathInfo.DATABASE_BACKUP_PATH.getPreferenceKey(), null), DialogOption.RESTORE_OPTION);
// Check if a file was chosen
if (dataFile != null && dataFile[0] != null) {
BufferedReader br = null;
BufferedWriter bw = null;
try {
// Check if the file doesn't exist
if (!dataFile[0].exists()) {
throw new CCDDException("Cannot locate backup file<br>'</b>" + dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath() + "'");
boolean ownerFound = false;
boolean commentFound = false;
String line;
String projectName = null;
String projectOwner = null;
String projectDescription = null;
// Create a temporary file in which to copy the backup file contents
tempFile = File.createTempFile(dataFile[0].getName(), "");
// Create a buffered reader to read the file and a buffered writer to write the
// file
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dataFile[0]));
bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile));
// Read each line in the backup file
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// contains the owner information
if (!ownerFound && line.matches("-- Name: [^;]+; Type: [^;]+; Schema: [^;]+; Owner: .+")) {
// Get the owner and store it, and set the flag indicating the owner is
// located
projectOwner = line.replaceFirst(".*Owner: ", "");
ownerFound = true;
// contains the comment information
if (!commentFound && line.matches("COMMENT ON DATABASE .+ IS '" + CCDD_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER + ".+")) {
// Split the line read from the file in order to get the project name and
// description
String[] parts = line.trim().split(DATABASE_COMMENT_SEPARATOR, 3);
// Check if the necessary components of the comment exist
if (parts.length == 3) {
// Extract the project name (with case preserved) and description, and
// set the flag indicating the comment is located
projectName = parts[DatabaseComment.PROJECT_NAME.ordinal()];
projectDescription = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(parts[DatabaseComment.DESCRIPTION.ordinal()], "';");
commentFound = true;
// Insert a comment indicator into the file so that this line isn't
// executed when the database is restored
line = "-- " + line;
// Write the line to the temporary file
bw.write(line + "\n");
// Check if the project owner, name, and description exist
if (ownerFound && commentFound) {
// Restore the database from the temporary file. This file has the line that
// disables creation of the database comment, which is handled when the
// restored database is created
dbControl.restoreDatabase(projectName, projectOwner, projectDescription, tempFile);
// Store the data file path in the program preferences backing store
storePath(ccddMain, dataFile[0].getAbsolutePathWithEnvVars(), true, ModifiablePathInfo.DATABASE_BACKUP_PATH);
} else // The project owner, name, and description don't exist
throw new CCDDException("File<br>'</b>" + dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath() + "'<br><b> is not a backup file");
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Inform the user that the backup file error occurred
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "File Error", ce.getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Inform the user that the backup file cannot be read
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>Cannot read backup file<br>'</b>" + dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; cause '" + e.getMessage() + "'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} finally {
try {
// Check if the input file is open
if (br != null) {
// Close the input file
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the input file cannot be closed
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>Cannot close backup file<br>'</b>" + dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} finally {
try {
// Check if the output file is open
if (bw != null) {
// Close the output file
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the output file cannot be closed
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>Cannot close backup file<br>'</b>" + tempFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFileIOHandler method importFile.
* Import one or more files, creating new tables and optionally replacing existing ones. The
* file(s) may contain definitions for more than one table. This method is executed in a
* separate thread since it can take a noticeable amount time to complete, and by using a
* separate thread the GUI is allowed to continue to update. The GUI menu commands, however,
* are disabled until the database method completes execution
* @param dataFile
* array of files to import
* @param backupFirst
* true to create a backup of the database before importing tables
* @param replaceExisting
* true to replace a table that already exists in the database
* @param appendExistingFields
* true to append the existing data fields for a table (if any) to the imported ones
* (if any). Only valid when replaceExisting is true
* @param useExistingFields
* true to replace an existing data field with the imported ones if the field names
* match. Only valid when replaceExisting and appendExistingFields are true
* @param parent
* GUI component calling this method
protected void importFile(final FileEnvVar[] dataFile, final boolean backupFirst, final boolean replaceExisting, final boolean appendExistingFields, final boolean useExistingFields, final Component parent) {
// Create a data field handler
final CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler = new CcddFieldHandler(ccddMain, null, parent);
// Store the current table type, data type, macro, reserved message ID, and data field
// information in case it needs to be restored
final List<TypeDefinition> originalTableTypes = new ArrayList<TypeDefinition>(tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions());
final List<String[]> originalDataTypes = new ArrayList<String[]>(dataTypeHandler.getDataTypeData());
final List<String[]> originalMacros = new ArrayList<String[]>(macroHandler.getMacroData());
final List<String[]> originalReservedMsgIDs = new ArrayList<String[]>(rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDData());
final List<String[]> originalDataFields = new ArrayList<String[]>(fieldHandler.getFieldDefinitions());
// Execute the import operation in the background
CcddBackgroundCommand.executeInBackground(ccddMain, new BackgroundCommand() {
List<TableDefinition> allTableDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>();
List<String> duplicateDefinitions = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean errorFlag = false;
* Import the selected table(s)
protected void execute() {
CcddImportExportInterface ioHandler = null;
// Create a reference to a table editor dialog
tableEditorDlg = null;
// Check if the user elected to back up the project before importing tables
if (backupFirst) {
// Back up the project database
// Step through each selected file
for (FileEnvVar file : dataFile) {
try {
// Check if the file doesn't exist
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new CCDDException("Cannot locate import file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'");
// Check if the file to import is in CSV format based on the extension
if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.CSV.getExtension())) {
// Create a CSV handler
ioHandler = new CcddCSVHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
} else // Check if the file to import is in EDS format based on the extension
if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.EDS.getExtension())) {
// Create a EDS handler
ioHandler = new CcddEDSHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
} else // Check if the file to import is in JSON format based on the extension
if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.JSON.getExtension())) {
// Create a JSON handler
ioHandler = new CcddJSONHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
} else // Check if the file to import is in XTCE format based on the extension
if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.XTCE.getExtension())) {
// Create a XTCE handler
ioHandler = new CcddXTCEHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
} else // The file extension isn't recognized
throw new CCDDException("Cannot import file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'; unrecognized file type");
// Check that no error occurred creating the format conversion handler
if (!ioHandler.getErrorStatus()) {
// Import the table definition(s) from the file
ioHandler.importFromFile(file, ImportType.IMPORT_ALL);
// existing ones for a table
if (appendExistingFields) {
// Step through each table definition
for (TableDefinition tableDefn : ioHandler.getTableDefinitions()) {
// Build the field information for this table
// Add the imported data field(s) to the table
addImportedDataField(fieldHandler, tableDefn, tableDefn.getName(), useExistingFields);
// Step through each table definition from the import file
for (TableDefinition newDefn : ioHandler.getTableDefinitions()) {
boolean isFound = false;
// Step through each table definition already in the list
for (TableDefinition existingDefn : allTableDefinitions) {
// Check if the table is already defined in the list
if (newDefn.getName().equals(existingDefn.getName())) {
// Add the table name and associated file name to the list
// of duplicates
duplicateDefinitions.add(newDefn.getName() + " (file: " + file.getName() + ")");
// Set the flag indicating the table definition is a
// duplicate and stop searching
isFound = true;
// Check if the table is not already defined
if (!isFound) {
// Add the table definition to the list
} else // An error occurred creating the format conversion handler
errorFlag = true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the data file cannot be read
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot read import file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
errorFlag = true;
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Check if an error message is provided
if (!ce.getMessage().isEmpty()) {
// Inform the user that an error occurred reading the import file
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Import Error", ce.getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
errorFlag = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
CcddUtilities.displayException(e, parent);
errorFlag = true;
* Import table(s) command complete
protected void complete() {
// Check if no errors occurred importing the table(s)
if (!errorFlag) {
try {
// Enable creation of a save point in case an error occurs while creating
// or modifying a table. This prevents committing the changes to the
// database until after all database transactions are complete
// Create the data tables from the imported table definitions from all
// files
createTablesFromDefinitions(allTableDefinitions, replaceExisting, parent);
// Commit the change(s) to the database
} catch (CCDDException | SQLException cse) {
errorFlag = true;
// message is provided
if (cse instanceof CCDDException && !cse.getMessage().isEmpty()) {
// Inform the user that an error occurred reading the import file
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>" + cse.getMessage(), "File Error", ((CCDDException) cse).getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
try {
// Revert the changes to the tables that were successfully updated
// prior the current table
dbCommand.executeDbCommand("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + DB_SAVE_POINT_NAME + ";", parent);
} catch (SQLException se) {
// Inform the user that the reversion to the save point failed
eventLog.logFailEvent(parent, "Cannot revert changes to table(s); cause '" + se.getMessage() + "'", "<html><b>Cannot revert changes to table(s)");
} finally {
// Reset the flag for creating a save point
// Check if no errors occurred importing and creating the table(s)
if (!errorFlag) {
// Store the data file path in the program preferences backing store
storePath(ccddMain, dataFile[0].getAbsolutePathWithEnvVars(), true, ModifiablePathInfo.TABLE_EXPORT_PATH);
// Update any open editor's data type columns to include the new table(s), if
// applicable
// Update any open editor's message ID names columns to include any new message
// ID names, if applicable
eventLog.logEvent(EventLogMessageType.SUCCESS_MSG, "Table import completed successfully");
// Check if any duplicate table definitions were detected
if (!duplicateDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
// Inform the user that one or more duplicate table definitions were
// detected
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Ignored the following duplicate table definition(s):</b><br>" + dbTable.getShortenedTableNames(duplicateDefinitions.toArray(new String[0])), "Duplicate Table(s)", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} else // An error occurred while importing the table(s)
// Restore the table types, data types, macros, reserved message IDs, and data
// fields to the values prior to the import operation
dbTable.storeInformationTable(InternalTable.FIELDS, originalDataFields, null, parent);
eventLog.logFailEvent(parent, "Import Error", "Table import completed with errors", "<html><b>Table import completed with errors");