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Example 1 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddJSONHandler method importFromFile.

 * Build the information from the table definition(s) in the current file
 * @param importFile
 *            import file reference
 * @param importAll
 *            ImportType.IMPORT_ALL to import the table type, data type, and macro definitions,
 *            and the data from all the table definitions; ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY to load
 *            only the data for the first table defined
 * @throws CCDDException
 *             If a data is missing, extraneous, or in error in the import file
 * @throws IOException
 *             If an import file I/O error occurs
 * @throws Exception
 *             For any unanticipated errors
public void importFromFile(FileEnvVar importFile, ImportType importType) throws CCDDException, IOException, Exception {
    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        List<TableTypeDefinition> tableTypeDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableTypeDefinition>();
        tableDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>();
        // Flags indicating if importing should continue after an input error is detected
        boolean continueOnTableTypeError = false;
        boolean continueOnDataTypeError = false;
        boolean continueOnMacroError = false;
        boolean continueOnReservedMsgIDError = false;
        boolean continueOnColumnError = false;
        boolean continueOnDataFieldError = false;
        boolean continueOnTableTypeFieldError = false;
        // Create a JSON parser and use it to parse the import file contents
        JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser();
        JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(new FileReader(importFile));
        // Get the table type definitions JSON object
        Object defn = jsonObject.get(JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_DEFN.getTag());
        // Check if the table type definitions exist
        if (defn != null && defn instanceof JSONArray) {
            // Step through each table type definition
            for (JSONObject tableTypeJO : parseJSONArray(defn)) {
                // Get the table type definition components
                String typeName = getString(tableTypeJO, JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_NAME.getTag());
                String typeDesc = getString(tableTypeJO, JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION.getTag());
                Object typeColumn = getObject(tableTypeJO, JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_COLUMN.getTag());
                // Check if the expected inputs are present
                if (!typeName.isEmpty() && typeColumn != null && typeColumn instanceof JSONArray) {
                    // Create a new table type definition
                    TableTypeDefinition tableTypeDefn = new TableTypeDefinition(typeName, typeDesc);
                    int columnNumber = 0;
                    // Step through each table type column definition
                    for (JSONObject typeJO : parseJSONArray(typeColumn)) {
                        // Check if the expected input is present
                        if (typeJO.keySet().size() == TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.values().length - 1) {
                            // Add the table type column definition, checking for (and if
                            // possible, correcting) errors
                            continueOnTableTypeError = addImportedTableTypeDefinition(continueOnTableTypeError, tableTypeDefn, new String[] { String.valueOf(columnNumber), getString(typeJO, TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.NAME.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.UNIQUE.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.getColumnName())), getString(typeJO, CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.POINTER_ALLOWED.getColumnName())) }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
                            // Update the column index number for the next column definition
                        } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                            // Check if the error should be ignored or the import canceled
                            continueOnTableTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeError, "<html><b>Table type '" + typeName + "' definition has missing or extra " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Table Type Error", "Ignore this table type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid table types", "Stop importing", parent);
                    // Get the data fields for this table type
                    Object typeField = getObject(tableTypeJO, JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_FIELD.getTag());
                    // Check if any data fields exists for this table type
                    if (typeField != null) {
                        // Step through each table type data field definition
                        for (JSONObject typeJO : parseJSONArray(typeField)) {
                            // Add the data field definition, checking for (and if possible,
                            // correcting) errors
                            continueOnTableTypeFieldError = addImportedDataFieldDefinition(continueOnTableTypeFieldError, tableTypeDefn, new String[] { CcddFieldHandler.getFieldTypeName(tableTypeDefn.getTypeName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.NAME.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.APPLICABILITY.getColumnName()), getString(typeJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.VALUE.getColumnName()) }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
                    // Add the table type definition to the list
        // Add the table type if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same name if
        // the type definitions are the same
        String badDefn = tableTypeHandler.updateTableTypes(tableTypeDefinitions, fieldHandler);
        // Check if a table type isn't new and doesn't match an existing one with the same name
        if (badDefn != null) {
            throw new CCDDException("Imported table type '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
        // Check if all definitions are to be loaded
        if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
            List<String[]> dataTypeDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            List<String[]> macroDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            List<String[]> reservedMsgIDDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            // Get the data type definitions JSON object
            defn = jsonObject.get(JSONTags.DATA_TYPE_DEFN.getTag());
            // Check if the data type definitions exist
            if (defn != null && defn instanceof JSONArray) {
                // Step through each data type definition
                for (JSONObject typeJO : parseJSONArray(defn)) {
                    // Get the data type definition components
                    String userName = getString(typeJO, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.getColumnName());
                    String cName = getString(typeJO, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.getColumnName());
                    String size = getString(typeJO, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.getColumnName());
                    String baseType = getString(typeJO, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.getColumnName());
                    // Check if the expected inputs are present
                    if ((!userName.isEmpty() || !cName.isEmpty()) && !size.isEmpty() && !baseType.isEmpty() && typeJO.keySet().size() < DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.values().length) {
                        // Add the data type definition (add a blank to represent the OID)
                        dataTypeDefns.add(new String[] { userName, cName, size, baseType, "" });
                    } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                        // Check if the error should be ignored or the import canceled
                        continueOnDataTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnDataTypeError, "<html><b>Missing or extra data type definition " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Type Error", "Ignore this data type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data types", "Stop importing", parent);
            // Get the macro definitions JSON object
            defn = jsonObject.get(JSONTags.MACRO_DEFN.getTag());
            // Check if the macro definitions exist
            if (defn != null && defn instanceof JSONArray) {
                // Step through each macro definition
                for (JSONObject macroJO : parseJSONArray(defn)) {
                    // Get the macro definition components
                    String name = getString(macroJO, MacroEditorColumnInfo.NAME.getColumnName());
                    String value = getString(macroJO, MacroEditorColumnInfo.VALUE.getColumnName());
                    // Check if the expected inputs are present
                    if (!name.isEmpty() && macroJO.keySet().size() < MacroEditorColumnInfo.values().length) {
                        // Add the macro definition (add a blank to represent the OID)
                        macroDefns.add(new String[] { name, value, "" });
                    } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                        // Check if the error should be ignored or the import canceled
                        continueOnMacroError = getErrorResponse(continueOnMacroError, "<html><b>Missing or extra macro definition " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Macro Error", "Ignore this macro", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid macros", "Stop importing", parent);
            // Get the reserved message ID definitions JSON object
            defn = jsonObject.get(JSONTags.RESERVED_MSG_ID_DEFN.getTag());
            // Check if the reserved message ID definitions exist
            if (defn != null && defn instanceof JSONArray) {
                // Step through each reserved message ID definition
                for (JSONObject reservedMsgIDJO : parseJSONArray(defn)) {
                    // Get the reserved message ID definition components
                    String name = getString(reservedMsgIDJO, ReservedMsgIDEditorColumnInfo.MSG_ID.getColumnName());
                    String value = getString(reservedMsgIDJO, ReservedMsgIDEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.getColumnName());
                    // Check if the expected inputs are present
                    if (!name.isEmpty() && reservedMsgIDJO.keySet().size() < ReservedMsgIDEditorColumnInfo.values().length) {
                        // Add the reserved message ID definition (add a blank to represent the
                        // OID)
                        reservedMsgIDDefns.add(new String[] { name, value, "" });
                    } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                        // Check if the error should be ignored or the import canceled
                        continueOnReservedMsgIDError = getErrorResponse(continueOnReservedMsgIDError, "<html><b>Missing or extra reserved message ID " + "definition input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Reserved Message ID Error", "Ignore this reserved message ID", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid reserved message IDs", "Stop importing", parent);
            // Add the data type if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same name
            // if the type definitions are the same
            badDefn = dataTypeHandler.updateDataTypes(dataTypeDefns);
            // name
            if (badDefn != null) {
                throw new CCDDException("Imported data type '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
            // Add the macro if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same name if
            // the values are the same
            badDefn = macroHandler.updateMacros(macroDefns);
            // Add the reserved message ID definition if it's new
            // Check if a macro isn't new and doesn't match an existing one with the same name
            if (badDefn != null) {
                throw new CCDDException("Imported macro '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
        // Get the table definitions JSON object
        defn = jsonObject.get(JSONTags.TABLE_DEFN.getTag());
        // Check if the table definitions exist
        if (defn != null && defn instanceof JSONArray) {
            // Step through each table definition
            for (JSONObject tableJO : parseJSONArray(defn)) {
                // Get the table definition components
                String tableName = getString(tableJO, JSONTags.TABLE_NAME.getTag());
                String tableType = getString(tableJO, JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE.getTag());
                String tableDesc = getString(tableJO, JSONTags.TABLE_DESCRIPTION.getTag());
                Object tableDataJA = getObject(tableJO, JSONTags.TABLE_DATA.getTag());
                Object dataFieldsJA = getObject(tableJO, JSONTags.TABLE_FIELD.getTag());
                // Check if the expected inputs are present
                if (!tableName.isEmpty() && tableDataJA != null && tableDataJA instanceof JSONArray && (dataFieldsJA == null || dataFieldsJA instanceof JSONArray)) {
                    // Create a new table type definition
                    TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition(tableName, tableDesc);
                    // Get the table's type definition
                    TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableType);
                    // Check if the table type doesn't exist
                    if (typeDefn == null) {
                        throw new CCDDException("Unknown table type '" + tableType + "'");
                    // Store the table's type name
                    // Get the number of expected columns (the hidden columns, primary key and
                    // row index, should not be included in the JSON file)
                    int numColumns = typeDefn.getColumnCountVisible();
                    // Create storage for the row of cell data
                    String[] rowData = new String[numColumns];
                    // Step through each row of data
                    for (JSONObject rowDataJO : parseJSONArray(tableDataJA)) {
                        // Initialize the column values to blanks
                        Arrays.fill(rowData, null);
                        // Step through each key (column name)
                        for (Object columnName : rowDataJO.keySet()) {
                            // Get the column index based on the column name
                            int column = typeDefn.getVisibleColumnIndexByUserName(columnName.toString());
                            // Check if a column by this name exists
                            if (column != -1) {
                                // Get the value from the JSON input, if present; use a blank
                                // if a value for this column doesn't exist
                                rowData[column] = getString(rowDataJO, typeDefn.getColumnNamesVisible()[column]);
                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the import canceled
                                continueOnColumnError = getErrorResponse(continueOnColumnError, "<html><b>Table '</b>" + tableName + "<b>' column name '</b>" + columnName + "<b>' unrecognized in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Column Error", "Ignore this invalid column name", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid column names", "Stop importing", parent);
                        // Add the row of data read in from the file to the cell data list
                    // defined
                    if (dataFieldsJA != null) {
                        // Step through each data field definition
                        for (JSONObject dataFieldJO : parseJSONArray(dataFieldsJA)) {
                            // Add the data field definition, checking for (and if possible,
                            // correcting) errors
                            continueOnDataFieldError = addImportedDataFieldDefinition(continueOnDataFieldError, tableDefn, new String[] { tableName, getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.NAME.getColumnName()), getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.getColumnName()), getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.getColumnName()), getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.getColumnName()), getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.getColumnName()), getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.APPLICABILITY.getColumnName()), getString(dataFieldJO, FieldEditorColumnInfo.VALUE.getColumnName()) }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
                    // Add the table's definition to the list
                // Check if only the data from the first table is to be read
                if (importType == ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY) {
                    // Stop reading table definitions
    } catch (ParseException pe) {
        // Inform the user that the file cannot be closed
        new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot parse import file<br>'</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; cause '" + pe.getMessage() + "'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
    } finally {
        try {
            // Check that the buffered reader exists
            if (br != null) {
                // Close the file
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // Inform the user that the file cannot be closed
            new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot close import file<br>'</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
Also used : CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json.simple.JSONArray) TableTypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition) IOException( TableTypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) BufferedReader( TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) JSONParser(org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser) FileReader( JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) ParseException(org.json.simple.parser.ParseException)

Example 2 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddJSONHandler method exportToFile.

 * Export the project in JSON format to the specified file
 * @param exportFile
 *            reference to the user-specified output file
 * @param tableNames
 *            array of table names to convert
 * @param replaceMacros
 *            true to replace any embedded macros with their corresponding values
 * @param includeReservedMsgIDs
 *            true to include the contents of the reserved message ID table in the export file
 * @param includeVariablePaths
 *            true to include the variable path for each variable in a structure table, both in
 *            application format and using the user-defined separator characters
 * @param variableHandler
 *            variable handler class reference; null if includeVariablePaths is false
 * @param separators
 *            string array containing the variable path separator character(s), show/hide data
 *            types flag ('true' or 'false'), and data type/variable name separator
 *            character(s); null if includeVariablePaths is false
 * @param extraInfo
 *            unused
 * @return true if an error occurred preventing exporting the project to the file
public boolean exportToFile(FileEnvVar exportFile, String[] tableNames, boolean replaceMacros, boolean includeReservedMsgIDs, boolean includeVariablePaths, CcddVariableSizeAndConversionHandler variableHandler, String[] separators, Object... extraInfo) {
    boolean errorFlag = false;
    FileWriter fw = null;
    BufferedWriter bw = null;
    PrintWriter pw = null;
    try {
        List<String> referencedTableTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> referencedDataTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> referencedMacros = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String[]> variablePaths = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        // Output the table data to the selected file. Multiple writers are needed in case
        // tables are appended to an existing file
        fw = new FileWriter(exportFile, true);
        bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
        pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
        // Create the file creation comment
        JSONObject outputJO = new JSONObject();
        outputJO.put(JSONTags.FILE_DESCRIPTION.getTag(), "Created " + new Date().toString() + " : project = " + dbControl.getDatabaseName() + " : host = " + dbControl.getServer() + " : user = " + dbControl.getUser());
        // Check if any tables are provided
        if (tableNames.length != 0) {
            JSONArray tableJA = new JSONArray();
            // Step through each table
            for (String tblName : tableNames) {
                // Get the table's information
                JSONObject tableInfoJO = getTableInformation(tblName, !replaceMacros, includeVariablePaths, variableHandler, separators);
                // Check if the table's data successfully loaded
                if (tableInfoJO != null && !tableInfoJO.isEmpty()) {
                    // Add the wrapper for the table
                    // Get the table type definition based on the type name
                    TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
                    // Check if this table type is not already output
                    if (!referencedTableTypes.contains(tableInfo.getType())) {
                        // Add the table type to the list of those referenced
                    // Get the visible column names based on the table's type
                    String[] columnNames = typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser();
                    // Step through each row in the table
                    for (int row = 0; row < tableInfo.getData().length; row++) {
                        // Step through each column in the row
                        for (int column = 0; column < columnNames.length; column++) {
                            // Check if the column isn't the primary key or row index
                            if (column != DefaultColumn.PRIMARY_KEY.ordinal() && column != DefaultColumn.ROW_INDEX.ordinal()) {
                                List<Integer> dataTypeColumns = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                // Get the column indices for all columns that can contain a
                                // primitive data type
                                // Step through each data type column
                                for (int dataTypeColumn : dataTypeColumns) {
                                    // Get the value column
                                    String dataTypeName = tableInfo.getData()[row][dataTypeColumn].toString();
                                    // in the list
                                    if (dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(dataTypeName) && !referencedDataTypes.contains(dataTypeName)) {
                                        // Add the data type name to the list of references
                                        // data types
                                // Get the names of the macros referenced in the cell and add
                                // them to the list
                        // represents a structure
                        if (includeVariablePaths && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
                            // Get the variable path
                            String variablePath = tableInfo.getTablePath() + "," + tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT)] + "." + tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE)];
                            // Add the path, in both application and user-defined formats, to
                            // the list to be output
                            variablePaths.add(new String[] { variablePath, variableHandler.getFullVariableName(variablePath, separators[0], Boolean.parseBoolean(separators[1]), separators[2]) });
            // Check if any tables were processed successfully
            if (tableJA != null) {
                // Add the table information to the JSON output
                outputJO.put(JSONTags.TABLE_DEFN.getTag(), tableJA);
        // Add the referenced table type definition(s), if any, to the output
        outputJO = getTableTypeDefinitions(referencedTableTypes, outputJO);
        // Add the referenced data type definition(s), if any, to the output
        outputJO = getDataTypeDefinitions(referencedDataTypes, outputJO);
        // Add the referenced macro definition(s), if any, to the output
        outputJO = getMacroDefinitions(referencedMacros, outputJO);
        // Check if the user elected to store the reserved message IDs
        if (includeReservedMsgIDs) {
            // Add the reserved message ID definition(s), if any, to the output
            outputJO = getReservedMsgIDDefinitions(outputJO);
        // Check if variable paths are to be output
        if (includeVariablePaths) {
            // Add the variable paths, if any, to the output
            outputJO = getVariablePaths(variablePaths, outputJO);
        // Create a JavaScript engine for use in formatting the JSON output
        ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
        ScriptEngine scriptEngine = manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
        // Output the formatted JSON object to the file
        scriptEngine.put("jsonString", outputJO.toString());
        scriptEngine.eval("result = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(jsonString), null, 2)");
        pw.println((String) scriptEngine.get("result"));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // Inform the user that the data file cannot be written to
        new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot write to export file<br>'</b>" + exportFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
        errorFlag = true;
    } catch (ScriptException se) {
        // Inform the user that formatting the JSON output failed
        new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot format JSON output using JavaScript; cause '" + se.getMessage() + "'", "JavaScript Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
        errorFlag = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
        CcddUtilities.displayException(e, parent);
        errorFlag = true;
    } finally {
        // Check if the PrintWriter was opened
        if (pw != null) {
            // Close the file
        try {
            // Check if the BufferedWriter was opened
            if (bw != null) {
                // Close the file
            // Check if the FileWriter was opened
            if (fw != null) {
                // Close the file
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // Inform the user that the data file cannot be closed
            new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot close export file<br>'</b>" + exportFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
    return errorFlag;
Also used : FileWriter( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json.simple.JSONArray) ScriptEngineManager(javax.script.ScriptEngineManager) IOException( Date(java.util.Date) ScriptEngine(javax.script.ScriptEngine) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) ParseException(org.json.simple.parser.ParseException) ScriptException(javax.script.ScriptException) IOException( BufferedWriter( TableTypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) ScriptException(javax.script.ScriptException) JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) PrintWriter(

Example 3 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddJSONHandler method getTableData.

 * Get the data for the specified data table
 * @param tableName
 *            table name and path in the format rootTable[,dataType1.variable1[,...]]. Blank to
 *            return the data for all tables
 * @param getDescription
 *            true to get the table description when loading the table data
 * @param replaceMacros
 *            true to display the macro values in place of the corresponding macro names; false
 *            to display the macro names
 * @param includeVariablePaths
 *            true to include a column, 'Variable Path', showing the variable path for each
 *            variable in a structure table using the user-defined separator characters
 * @param variableHandler
 *            variable handler class reference; null if isIncludePath is false
 * @param separators
 *            string array containing the variable path separator character(s), show/hide data
 *            types flag ('true' or 'false'), and data type/variable name separator
 *            character(s); null if isIncludePath is false
 * @param outputJO
 *            JSON object to which the data types are added
 * @return The supplied JSON object, with the table data added (if any); null if the table
 *         doesn't exists or an error occurs when loading the data. Empty table cells are
 *         omitted
protected JSONObject getTableData(String tableName, boolean getDescription, boolean replaceMacros, boolean includeVariablePaths, CcddVariableSizeAndConversionHandler variableHandler, String[] separators, JSONObject outputJO) {
    JSONArray tableDataJA = null;
    // Get the information from the database for the specified table
    tableInfo = dbTable.loadTableData(tableName, !getDescription, false, false, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
    // Check if the table exists and successfully loaded
    if (tableInfo != null && !tableInfo.isErrorFlag()) {
        JSONObject columnJO = new JSONObject();
        tableDataJA = new JSONArray();
        // Check if the macro names should be replaced with the corresponding macro values
        if (replaceMacros) {
            // Replace all macros in the table
        // Check if the table has any data
        if (tableInfo.getData().length != 0) {
            // Get the column names for this table's type definition
            TypeDefinition typeDefn = ccddMain.getTableTypeHandler().getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
            String[] columnNames = typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser();
            // Step through each table row
            for (int row = 0; row < tableInfo.getData().length; row++) {
                columnJO = new JSONObject();
                // Step through each table column
                for (int column = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS; column < tableInfo.getData()[row].length; column++) {
                    // Check if a cell isn't blank
                    if (!tableInfo.getData()[row][column].isEmpty()) {
                        // Add the column name and value to the cell object
                        columnJO.put(columnNames[column], tableInfo.getData()[row][column]);
                        // separators are supplied
                        if (typeDefn.isStructure() && includeVariablePaths && variableHandler != null && separators != null) {
                            // Get the variable's data type
                            String dataType = tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT)];
                            // Check if the data type is a primitive
                            if (dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(dataType)) {
                                // Build the variable's full path
                                String variablePath = tableInfo.getTablePath() + "," + dataType + "." + tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE)];
                                // Add the formatted path in the 'Variable Path' column
                                columnJO.put("Variable Path", variableHandler.getFullVariableName(variablePath, separators[0], Boolean.valueOf(separators[1]), separators[2]));
                // Add the column values to the data array. An array is used to preserve the
                // order of the rows
        // Check if any table data was loaded
        if (!tableDataJA.isEmpty()) {
            // Add the table data to the JSON output
            outputJO.put(JSONTags.TABLE_DATA.getTag(), tableDataJA);
    } else // The table failed to load (database error or the table doesn't exist)
        // Set the output to null in order to indicate the error
        outputJO = null;
    return outputJO;
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.simple.JSONObject) JSONArray(org.json.simple.JSONArray) TableTypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 4 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddMessageIDHandler method getMessageIDsAndNames.

 * Get the list containing every message ID name and its corresponding message ID, and the
 * owning entity from every table cell, data field (table or group), and telemetry message. ID
 * names and IDs are determined by the input data type assigned to the table column or data
 * field, and are matched one-to-one by relative position; i.e., the first message ID name data
 * field for a table or group is paired with the first message ID data field, and so on. If
 * more names are defined than IDs or vice versa then a blank ID/name is paired with the
 * unmatched name/ID
 * @param sortOrder
 *            order in which to sort the message ID list: BY_OWNER or BY_NAME
 * @param hideProtectionFlag
 *            true to not display the flag character that protects a message ID from being
 *            changed by the auto-update methods; false to allow the flag to remain
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
 * @return List containing every message ID name and its corresponding message ID, and the
 *         owning entity
protected List<String[]> getMessageIDsAndNames(MessageIDSortOrder sortOrder, boolean hideProtectionFlag, Component parent) {
    String id;
    ArrayListMultiple ownersNamesAndIDs = new ArrayListMultiple();
    ArrayListMultiple tableIDNames = new ArrayListMultiple();
    ArrayListMultiple tableIDs = new ArrayListMultiple();
    // Step through each table type
    for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
        // Step through each column that contains message ID names
        for (int idColumn : typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID_NAME)) {
            // Query the database for those values in the specified message ID name column that
            // are in use in any table, including any references in the custom values table
            tableIDNames.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT " + "* FROM find_columns_by_name('" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[idColumn] + "', '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[idColumn] + "', '{" + typeDefn.getName() + "}');", parent));
        // Step through each column that contains message IDs
        for (int idColumn : typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID)) {
            // Query the database for those values in the specified message ID column that are
            // in use in any table, including any references in the custom values table
            tableIDs.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT " + "* FROM find_columns_by_name('" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[idColumn] + "', '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[idColumn] + "', '{" + typeDefn.getName() + "}');", parent));
    // Get the list of all message ID name data field values
    tableIDNames.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.ordinal()) + ", " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal()) + " FROM " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal()) + " = '" + InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID_NAME.getInputName() + "' AND " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal()) + " != '' ORDER BY OID;", parent));
    // Get the list of all message ID data field values
    tableIDs.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.ordinal()) + ", " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal()) + " FROM " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getTableName() + " WHERE " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal()) + " = '" + InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID.getInputName() + "' AND " + InternalTable.FIELDS.getColumnName(FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal()) + " != '' ORDER BY OID;", parent));
    // Step through each ID name
    while (tableIDNames.size() > 0) {
        // Get the ID name owner and ID name from the first list member, then remove it from
        // the ID name list
        String idOwner = tableIDNames.get(0)[0];
        String idName = tableIDNames.get(0)[1];
        // Get the index in the ID list of the first member with the same owner
        int index = tableIDs.indexOf(idOwner);
        // Check if a matching owner is found
        if (index != -1) {
            // Get the ID with the matching owner and remove it from the ID list
            id = hideProtectionFlag ? removeProtectionFlag(tableIDs.get(index)[1]) : tableIDs.get(index)[1];
        } else // No matching owner exists
            // Set the ID to the default (a blank)
            id = "";
        // Add the owner, ID name, and ID to the list
        ownersNamesAndIDs.add(new String[] { idOwner, idName, id });
    // name
    while (tableIDs.size() > 0) {
        // Get the ID owner and ID from the first list member, then remove it from the ID list
        String idOwner = tableIDs.get(0)[0];
        id = hideProtectionFlag ? removeProtectionFlag(tableIDs.get(0)[1]) : tableIDs.get(0)[1];
        // Add the owner, default ID name (a blank), and ID to the list
        ownersNamesAndIDs.add(new String[] { idOwner, "", id });
    // Get the telemetry rates, message ID names, and IDs assigned in the telemetry scheduler
    // table. This query returns only those the message names with the sub-message index
    // appended, so for parent messages without any sub-messages this retrieves the 'default'
    // sub-message name
    ArrayListMultiple tlmMsgs = new ArrayListMultiple(1);
    tlmMsgs.addAll(dbTable.queryDatabase("SELECT DISTINCT ON (3,2) 'Tlm:' || " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.RATE_NAME.ordinal()) + ", regexp_replace(" + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_NAME.ordinal()) + ", E'\\\\.', '_'), " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_ID.ordinal()) + " FROM " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getTableName() + " WHERE " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getColumnName(TlmSchedulerColumn.MESSAGE_NAME.ordinal()) + " ~ E'\\\\.';", parent));
    // Step through each of the telemetry messages retrieved
    for (String[] tlmMsg : tlmMsgs) {
        // Check if this message has the default sub-message name
        if (tlmMsg[1].endsWith("_0")) {
            // Get the parent message name
            String parentMsg = tlmMsg[1].substring(0, tlmMsg[1].length() - 2);
            // indicates that the parent has no 'real' sub-messages
            if (!tlmMsgs.contains(parentMsg + "_1")) {
                // Store the parent message name in place of the default sub-message name
                tlmMsg[1] = parentMsg;
    // Add the processed telemetry message to the list
    // Sort the message ID list in the order specified
    switch(sortOrder) {
        case BY_OWNER:
            // Sort the message ID list by owner
        case BY_NAME:
            // Sort the message ID list by ID name
    return ownersNamesAndIDs;
Also used : ArrayListMultiple(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ArrayListMultiple) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 5 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddMacroEditorDialog method createMacroTable.

 * Create the macro table
 * @return Reference to the scroll pane in which the table is placed
private JScrollPane createMacroTable() {
    // Define the macro editor JTable
    macroTable = new CcddJTableHandler() {

         * Highlight any macros in the macro values column
         * @param component
         *            reference to the table cell renderer component
         * @param text
         *            cell text
         * @param isSelected
         *            true if the cell is to be rendered with the selection highlighted
         * @param int
         *            row cell row, view coordinates
         * @param column
         *            cell column, view coordinates
        protected void doSpecialRendering(Component component, String text, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
            // Check if this is the macro values column
            if (column == MacroEditorColumnInfo.VALUE.ordinal()) {
                // Highlight any macro names in the table cell. Adjust the highlight color to
                // account for the cell selection highlighting so that the macro is easily
                // readable
                macroHandler.highlightMacro(component, text, isSelected ? ModifiableColorInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getColor() : ModifiableColorInfo.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT.getColor());
                // Highlight 'sizeof(data type)' instances
                CcddDataTypeHandler.highlightSizeof(component, text, isSelected ? ModifiableColorInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getColor() : ModifiableColorInfo.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT.getColor());

         * Get the tool tip text for a table cell, showing any macro name replaced with its
         * corresponding macro value
        public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent me) {
            String toolTipText = null;
            // Get the row and column of the cell over which the mouse pointer is hovering
            Point point = me.getPoint();
            int row = rowAtPoint(point);
            int column = columnAtPoint(point);
            // Check if a cell is beneath the mouse pointer
            if (row != -1 && column != -1) {
                // Expand any macros in the cell text and display this as the cell's tool tip
                // text
                toolTipText = macroHandler.getMacroToolTipText(getValueAt(row, column).toString());
            return toolTipText;

         * Allow multiple line display in all columns
        protected boolean isColumnMultiLine(int column) {
            return true;

         * Hide the the specified columns
        protected boolean isColumnHidden(int column) {
            return column == MacroEditorColumnInfo.OID.ordinal();

         * Override isCellEditable so that all columns can be edited
        public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
            return true;

         * Allow pasting data into the macro cells
        protected boolean isDataAlterable(Object[] rowData, int row, int column) {
            return isCellEditable(convertRowIndexToView(row), convertColumnIndexToView(column));

         * Validate changes to the editable cells
         * @param tableData
         *            list containing the table data row arrays
         * @param row
         *            table model row number
         * @param column
         *            table model column number
         * @param oldValue
         *            original cell contents
         * @param newValue
         *            new cell contents
         * @param showMessage
         *            true to display the invalid input dialog, if applicable
         * @param isMultiple
         *            true if this is one of multiple cells to be entered and checked; false if
         *            only a single input is being entered
         * @return Always returns false
        protected Boolean validateCellContent(List<Object[]> tableData, int row, int column, Object oldValue, Object newValue, Boolean showMessage, boolean isMultiple) {
            // Reset the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is invalid
            // Create a string version of the new value
            String newValueS = newValue.toString();
            try {
                // Check if the value isn't blank
                if (!newValueS.isEmpty()) {
                    // Check if the macro name has been changed and if the name isn't blank
                    if (column == MacroEditorColumnInfo.NAME.ordinal()) {
                        // Check if the macro name does not match the alphanumeric input type
                        if (!newValueS.matches(InputDataType.ALPHANUMERIC.getInputMatch())) {
                            throw new CCDDException("Illegal character(s) in macro name");
                        // creating a duplicate
                        for (int otherRow = 0; otherRow < getRowCount(); otherRow++) {
                            // name matches the one being added (case insensitive)
                            if (otherRow != row && newValueS.equalsIgnoreCase(tableData.get(otherRow)[column].toString())) {
                                throw new CCDDException("Macro name already in use");
                    } else // Check if the macro value changed
                    if (column == MacroEditorColumnInfo.VALUE.ordinal()) {
                        // Create a macro handler using the values currently displayed in the
                        // macro editor
                        CcddMacroHandler newMacroHandler = new CcddMacroHandler(ccddMain, getUpdatedData());
                        // Get the macro's index and name
                        String index = tableData.get(row)[MacroEditorColumnInfo.OID.ordinal()].toString();
                        String macroName = tableData.get(row)[MacroEditorColumnInfo.NAME.ordinal()].toString();
                        // (doesn't cause a recursive reference)
                        if (!macroName.isEmpty() && newMacroHandler.isMacroRecursive(macroName)) {
                            throw new CCDDException("Macro '</b>" + macroName + "<b>' contains a recursive reference");
                        // Step through the committed macros
                        for (int commRow = 0; commRow < committedData.length; commRow++) {
                            // Check if the index matches that for the committed macro
                            if (index.equals(committedData[commRow][MacroEditorColumnInfo.OID.ordinal()])) {
                                List<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                                // Get the macro name. Use the committed name (in place of the
                                // current name in the editor, in case it's been changed) since
                                // this is how the macro is referenced in the data tables
                                macroName = committedData[commRow][MacroEditorColumnInfo.NAME.ordinal()];
                                MacroReference macroRefs = null;
                                // loaded
                                for (MacroReference loadedRef : loadedReferences) {
                                    // searched macro
                                    if (macroName.equals(loadedRef.getMacroName())) {
                                        // Store the macro search reference and stop searching
                                        macroRefs = loadedRef;
                                // Check if the macro references haven't already been loaded
                                if (macroRefs == null) {
                                    // Search for references to this macro
                                    macroRefs = new MacroReference(macroName);
                                    // Add the search results to the list so that this search
                                    // doesn't get performed again
                                // Step through each reference to the macro in the tables
                                for (String macroRef : macroRefs.getReferences()) {
                                    // Split the reference into table name, column name, table
                                    // type, and context
                                    String[] tblColDescAndCntxt = macroRef.split(TABLE_DESCRIPTION_SEPARATOR, 4);
                                    String refComment = tblColDescAndCntxt[SearchResultsQueryColumn.COMMENT.ordinal()];
                                    // table
                                    if (!refComment.isEmpty()) {
                                        // Extract the viewable name and type of the table and
                                        // the name of the column containing the data type, and
                                        // separate the column string into the individual
                                        // column values
                                        String[] refNameAndType = refComment.split(",");
                                        // contain a type mismatch
                                        if (!tableNames.contains(refNameAndType[0])) {
                                            String refColumn = tblColDescAndCntxt[SearchResultsQueryColumn.COLUMN.ordinal()];
                                            String[] refContext = CcddUtilities.splitAndRemoveQuotes(tblColDescAndCntxt[SearchResultsQueryColumn.CONTEXT.ordinal()]);
                                            // Use the type and column to get the column's
                                            // input data type
                                            TypeDefinition typeDefn = ccddMain.getTableTypeHandler().getTypeDefinition(refNameAndType[1]);
                                            int columnIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByDbName(refColumn);
                                            InputDataType inputType = typeDefn.getInputTypes()[columnIndex];
                                            // column value
                                            for (String oldName : macroHandler.getReferencedMacros(refContext[columnIndex])) {
                                                String newName = oldName;
                                                String oid = "";
                                                // Step through the updated macro definitions
                                                for (String[] oldMacro : macroHandler.getMacroData()) {
                                                    // Check if the macro names match
                                                    if (oldName.equals(oldMacro[MacrosColumn.MACRO_NAME.ordinal()])) {
                                                        // Store the OID value for the macro
                                                        // and stop searching
                                                        oid = oldMacro[MacrosColumn.OID.ordinal()];
                                                // Step through the updated macro definitions
                                                for (String[] newMacro : newMacroHandler.getMacroData()) {
                                                    // the target one
                                                    if (oid.equals(newMacro[MacrosColumn.OID.ordinal()])) {
                                                        // Since the OIDs match these are the
                                                        // same macro. Store the macro's new
                                                        // name (in case it changed) and stop
                                                        // searching
                                                        newName = newMacro[MacrosColumn.MACRO_NAME.ordinal()];
                                                // Replace all instances of the macro's old
                                                // name with its new name
                                                refContext[columnIndex] = macroHandler.replaceMacroName(CcddMacroHandler.getFullMacroName(oldName), CcddMacroHandler.getFullMacroName(newName), refContext[columnIndex]);
                                            // macro's user
                                            if (!newMacroHandler.getMacroExpansion(refContext[columnIndex]).matches(inputType.getInputMatch())) {
                                                // Add the affected table name to the list
                                // were found
                                if (!tableNames.isEmpty()) {
                                    throw new CCDDException("Macro value is not consistent with macro usage in table(s) '</b>" + dbTable.getShortenedTableNames(tableNames.toArray(new String[0])) + "<b>'");
            } catch (CCDDException ce) {
                // Set the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is invalid
                // Check if the input error dialog should be displayed
                if (showMessage) {
                    // Inform the user that the input value is invalid
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddMacroEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
                // Restore the cell contents to its original value and pop the edit from the
                // stack
                tableData.get(row)[column] = oldValue;
            return false;

         * Load the table macro definition values into the table and format the table cells
        protected void loadAndFormatData() {
            // Place the data into the table model along with the column names, set up the
            // editors and renderers for the table cells, set up the table grid lines, and
            // calculate the minimum width required to display the table information
            setUpdatableCharacteristics(committedData, MacroEditorColumnInfo.getColumnNames(), null, MacroEditorColumnInfo.getToolTips(), true, true, true);

         * Override prepareRenderer to allow adjusting the background colors of table cells
        public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column) {
            JComponent comp = (JComponent) super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
            // invalid highlighting, if applicable)
            if (!(isFocusOwner() && isRowSelected(row) && (isColumnSelected(column) || !getColumnSelectionAllowed()))) {
                boolean found = true;
                // Check if the cell is required and is empty
                if (MacroEditorColumnInfo.values()[macroTable.convertColumnIndexToModel(column)].isRequired() && macroTable.getValueAt(row, column).toString().isEmpty()) {
                    // Set the flag indicating that the cell value is invalid
                    found = false;
                // Check if the cell value is invalid
                if (!found) {
                    // Change the cell's background color
            return comp;

         * Override the CcddJTableHandler method to produce an array containing empty values
         * for a new row in this table
         * @return Array containing blank cell values for a new row
        protected Object[] getEmptyRow() {
            return MacroEditorColumnInfo.getEmptyRow();

         * Handle a change to the table's content
        protected void processTableContentChange() {
            // Add or remove the change indicator based on whether or not any unstored changes
            // exist
            setTitle(DIALOG_TITLE + (macroTable.isTableChanged(committedData) ? "*" : ""));
            // Force the table to redraw so that changes to the cells are displayed
    // Place the table into a scroll pane
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(macroTable);
    // Disable storage of edit operations during table creation
    // Set common table parameters and characteristics
    macroTable.setFixedCharacteristics(scrollPane, true, ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL, false, ModifiableColorInfo.TABLE_BACK.getColor(), true, true, ModifiableFontInfo.DATA_TABLE_CELL.getFont(), true);
    // Re-enable storage of edit operations
    return scrollPane;
Also used : JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) TableCellRenderer(javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer) MouseEvent(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) Point(java.awt.Point) Point(java.awt.Point) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) Component(java.awt.Component) InputDataType(CCDD.CcddConstants.InputDataType)


TypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)64 TableInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation)30 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 CCDDException (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException)18 AssociatedColumns (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedColumns)10 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)9 JSONArray (org.json.simple.JSONArray)8 JSONObject (org.json.simple.JSONObject)8 TableTypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition)6 IOException ( TableDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition)5 BackgroundCommand (CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)4 ArrayListMultiple (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ArrayListMultiple)4 FileEnvVar (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar)3 FieldInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation)3 Component (java.awt.Component)3 GridBagConstraints (java.awt.GridBagConstraints)3 GridBagLayout (java.awt.GridBagLayout)3 Insets (java.awt.Insets)3 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)3