use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getStructureBitLength.
* Get the variable bit length at the specified row in the structure data. Macro expansion is
* controlled by the input flag
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Variable bit length at the specified row in the structure data; null if the row
* index is invalid
private String getStructureBitLength(int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String bitLength = null;
// Get the table type definition for the structure table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getStructureTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a structure
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_STRUCTURE);
// Get the bit length
bitLength = tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.BIT_LENGTH)];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
bitLength = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(bitLength);
return bitLength;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandArgEnumeration.
* Get the argument enumeration for the command argument specified at the specified row in the
* command data. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
* @param argumentNumber
* command argument index. The first argument is 0
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Argument enumeration for the command argument specified at the specified row in the
* command data; null if the argument number or row index is invalid
private String getCommandArgEnumeration(int argumentNumber, int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String argEnumeration = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the list of command arguments associated with this command table type
List<AssociatedColumns> commandArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false);
// Check if the argument number is valid and that the argument enumeration exists
if (argumentNumber < commandArguments.size() && commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getEnumeration() != -1) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the argument enumeration
argEnumeration = tableInfo.getData()[row][commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getEnumeration()];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
argEnumeration = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(argEnumeration);
return argEnumeration;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getTableDataByColumnName.
* Get the data from the table in the specified column for the row in the matching column name
* that contains the matching name. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
* @param tableType
* table type (case insensitive). All structure table types are combined and are
* referenced by the type name "Structure", and all command table types are combined
* and are referenced by the type name "Command"
* @param tablePath
* full table path
* @param matchColumnName
* name of the column containing that matching name (case insensitive)
* @param matchName
* text to match in the matching column - this determines the row. The first row in
* the matching column that matches the matching name determines the row used to
* retrieve the data value
* @param dataColumnName
* name of the column from which to retrieve the data value (case insensitive)
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Contents of the table defined by the table type, table path, matching column name,
* matching name, and data column name specified; returns null if an instance of the
* table type, the matching column, the data column, or the matching name doesn't exist
private String getTableDataByColumnName(String tableType, String tablePath, String matchColumnName, String matchName, String dataColumnName, boolean expandMacros) {
String tableData = null;
// Get the reference to the table information class for the requested table type
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(tableType);
// Check that the table type exists
if (tableInfo != null) {
// Step through the table data
for (int row = 0; row < tableInfo.getData().length; row++) {
// Get the type definition based on the table's specific type name
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getTypeNameByRow(tableType, row));
// Get the index for the matching and data columns
int matchColumnIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByUserName(matchColumnName);
int dataColumnIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByUserName(dataColumnName);
// Check that the column names exist in the table
if (matchColumnIndex != -1 && dataColumnIndex != -1) {
// matches that in the matching name column
if (tableInfo.getData()[row][tableInfo.getData()[row].length - PATH_COLUMN_DELTA].equals(tablePath) && tableInfo.getData()[row][matchColumnIndex].equals(matchName)) {
// Store the contents of the table at the specified row and column and stop
// searching
tableData = tableInfo.getData()[row][dataColumnIndex];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros in the data
tableData = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(tableData);
// Check if the data field contains a message ID
if (typeDefn.getInputTypes()[dataColumnIndex].equals(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID)) {
// Remove the auto-assignment protection flag, if present
tableData = CcddMessageIDHandler.removeProtectionFlag(tableData);
return tableData;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandArgMinimum.
* Get the argument minimum value (as a string) for the command argument specified at the
* specified row in the command data. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
* @param argumentNumber
* command argument index. The first argument is 0
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Argument minimum value (as a string) for the command argument specified at the
* specified row in the command data; null if the argument number or row index is
* invalid
private String getCommandArgMinimum(int argumentNumber, int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String argMinimum = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the list of command arguments associated with this command table type
List<AssociatedColumns> commandArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false);
// Check if the argument number is valid and that the argument minimum value exists
if (argumentNumber < commandArguments.size() && commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getMinimum() != -1) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the argument minimum value
argMinimum = tableInfo.getData()[row][commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getMinimum()];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
argMinimum = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(argMinimum);
return argMinimum;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandArgName.
* Get the argument name for the command argument specified at the specified row in the command
* data. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
* @param argumentNumber
* command argument index. The first argument is 0
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Argument name for the command argument specified at the specified row in the command
* data; null if the argument number or row index is invalid
private String getCommandArgName(int argumentNumber, int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String argName = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the list of command arguments associated with this command table type
List<AssociatedColumns> commandArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false);
// Check if the argument number is valid and that the argument name exists
if (argumentNumber < commandArguments.size() && commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getName() != -1) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the argument name
argName = tableInfo.getData()[row][commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getName()];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
argName = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(argName);
return argName;