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Example 11 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddFileIOHandler method importSelectedFileIntoTable.

 * Import the contents of a file selected by the user into the specified existing table
 * @param tableHandler
 *            reference to the table handler for the table into which to import the data
protected void importSelectedFileIntoTable(CcddTableEditorHandler tableHandler) {
    // Set the initial layout manager characteristics
    GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, 0, 0), 0, 0);
    // Create an empty border
    Border emptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder();
    // Create overwrite check box
    JCheckBox overwriteChkBx = new JCheckBox("Overwrite existing cells");
    overwriteChkBx.setToolTipText(CcddUtilities.wrapText("Overwrite existing cell data; if unchecked then new " + "rows are inserted to contain the imported data", ModifiableSizeInfo.MAX_TOOL_TIP_LENGTH.getSize()));
    // Create a check box for indicating existing tables can be replaced
    JCheckBox useExistingFieldsCb = new JCheckBox("Use existing field if duplicate");
    useExistingFieldsCb.setToolTipText(CcddUtilities.wrapText("Use the existing data field definition if " + "a field with the same name is imported", ModifiableSizeInfo.MAX_TOOL_TIP_LENGTH.getSize()));
    // Create a panel to contain the overwrite check box
    JPanel checkBoxPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
    checkBoxPnl.add(overwriteChkBx, gbc); = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
    checkBoxPnl.add(useExistingFieldsCb, gbc);
    // Allow the user to select the data file path + name to import from
    FileEnvVar[] dataFile = new CcddDialogHandler().choosePathFile(ccddMain, tableHandler.getOwner(), null, "export", new FileNameExtensionFilter[] { new FileNameExtensionFilter(FileExtension.CSV.getDescription(), FileExtension.CSV.getExtensionName()), new FileNameExtensionFilter(FileExtension.EDS.getDescription(), FileExtension.EDS.getExtensionName()), new FileNameExtensionFilter(FileExtension.JSON.getDescription(), FileExtension.JSON.getExtensionName()), new FileNameExtensionFilter(FileExtension.XTCE.getDescription(), FileExtension.XTCE.getExtensionName()) }, false, false, "Import Table Data", ccddMain.getProgPrefs().get(ModifiablePathInfo.TABLE_EXPORT_PATH.getPreferenceKey(), null), DialogOption.IMPORT_OPTION, checkBoxPnl);
    // Check if a file was chosen
    if (dataFile != null && dataFile[0] != null) {
        try {
            List<TableDefinition> tableDefinitions = null;
            CcddImportExportInterface ioHandler = null;
            // Check if the file to import is in CSV format based on the extension
            if (dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.CSV.getExtension())) {
                // Create a CSV handler
                ioHandler = new CcddCSVHandler(ccddMain, tableHandler.getFieldHandler(), tableHandler.getOwner());
            } else // Check if the file to import is in EDS XML format based on the extension
            if (dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.EDS.getExtension())) {
                // Create an EDS handler
                ioHandler = new CcddEDSHandler(ccddMain, tableHandler.getFieldHandler(), tableHandler.getOwner());
            } else // Check if the file to import is in JSON format based on the extension
            if (dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.JSON.getExtension())) {
                // Create a JSON handler
                ioHandler = new CcddJSONHandler(ccddMain, tableHandler.getFieldHandler(), tableHandler.getOwner());
            } else // Check if the file to import is in XTCE XML format based on the extension
            if (dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.XTCE.getExtension())) {
                // Create an XTCE handler
                ioHandler = new CcddXTCEHandler(ccddMain, tableHandler.getFieldHandler(), tableHandler.getOwner());
            } else // The file extension isn't recognized
                throw new CCDDException("Cannot import file '" + dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath() + "' into table; unrecognized file type");
            // Check that no error occurred creating the format conversion handler
            if (!ioHandler.getErrorStatus()) {
                // Store the current table type information so that it can be restored
                List<TypeDefinition> originalTableTypes = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions();
                // Import the data file into a table definition
                ioHandler.importFromFile(dataFile[0], ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY);
                tableDefinitions = ioHandler.getTableDefinitions();
                // Check if a table definition was successfully created
                if (tableDefinitions != null && !tableDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
                    // Get a short-cut to the table definition to shorten subsequent calls
                    TableDefinition tableDefn = tableDefinitions.get(0);
                    // End any active edit sequence, then disable auto-ending so that the
                    // import operation can be handled as a single edit for undo/redo purposes
                    // Update the table description field in case the description changed
                    // Add the imported data field(s) to the table
                    addImportedDataField(tableHandler.getFieldHandler(), tableDefn, tableHandler.getTableInformation().getTablePath(), useExistingFieldsCb.isSelected());
                    // Update the field information in case the field values changed
                    // Rebuild the table's editor panel which contains the data fields
                    // Check if cell data is provided in the table definition
                    if (tableDefn.getData() != null && !tableDefn.getData().isEmpty()) {
                        // Get the original number of rows in the table
                        int numRows = tableHandler.getTableModel().getRowCount();
                        // importing the table following a cell validation error
                        if (!tableHandler.getTable().pasteData(tableDefn.getData().toArray(new String[0]), tableHandler.getTable().getColumnCount(), !overwriteChkBx.isSelected(), !overwriteChkBx.isSelected(), true, false)) {
                            // Let the user know how many rows were added
                            new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(tableHandler.getOwner(), "<html><b>" + (tableHandler.getTableModel().getRowCount() - numRows) + " row(s) added", "Paste Table Data", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
                    // Restore the table types to the values prior to the import operation
                    // Re-enable auto-ending of the edit sequence and end the sequence. The
                    // imported data can be removed with a single undo if desired
                    // Store the data file path in the program preferences backing store
                    storePath(ccddMain, dataFile[0].getAbsolutePathWithEnvVars(), true, ModifiablePathInfo.TABLE_EXPORT_PATH);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // Inform the user that the data file cannot be read
            new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(tableHandler.getOwner(), "<html><b>Cannot read import file<br>'</b>" + dataFile[0].getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
        } catch (CCDDException ce) {
            // Check if an error message is provided
            if (!ce.getMessage().isEmpty()) {
                // Inform the user that an error occurred reading the import file
                new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(tableHandler.getOwner(), "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "File Error", ce.getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
            CcddUtilities.displayException(e, tableHandler.getOwner());
Also used : JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) GridBagConstraints(java.awt.GridBagConstraints) Insets(java.awt.Insets) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) GridBagLayout(java.awt.GridBagLayout) FileEnvVar(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar) IOException( FileNameExtensionFilter(javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException( TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) JCheckBox(javax.swing.JCheckBox) TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) Border(javax.swing.border.Border)

Example 12 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getStructureVariableName.

 * Get the variable name at the specified row in the structure data. Macro expansion is
 * controlled by the input flag
 * @param row
 *            table data row index
 * @param expandMacros
 *            true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
 *            data with any macro names in place
 * @return Variable name at the specified row in the structure data; null if the row index is
 *         invalid
private String getStructureVariableName(int row, boolean expandMacros) {
    String variableName = null;
    // Get the table type definition for the structure table referenced in the specified row
    TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getStructureTypeNameByRow(row));
    // Check if the table type exists and represents a structure
    if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
        // Get the reference to the table information
        TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_STRUCTURE);
        // Get the variable name
        variableName = tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE)];
        // Check if any macros should be expanded
        if (expandMacros) {
            // Expand any macros
            variableName = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(variableName);
    return variableName;
Also used : TableInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 13 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getNumCommandArguments.

 * Get the number of arguments associated with the specified command table type
 * @param tableType
 *            table type (case insensitive)
 * @return Number of arguments associated with the specified command table type; -1 if the
 *         table type is invalid
public int getNumCommandArguments(String tableType) {
    int numArguments = -1;
    // Get the table type definition based on the table type name
    TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableType);
    // Check if the table type exists and represents a command
    if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
        // Get the number of arguments associated with this command table type
        numArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false).size();
    return numArguments;
Also used : TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 14 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getTableColumnNames.

 * Get the table column names for the table referenced on the specified row of the table data
 * for the table type specified
 * @param tableType
 *            table type (case insensitive). All structure table types are combined and are
 *            referenced by the type name "Structure", and all command table types are combined
 *            and are referenced by the type name "Command"
 * @param row
 *            table data row index
 * @return Array containing the names of the columns of the table type referenced in the
 *         specified row of the type's table data
public String[] getTableColumnNames(String tableType, int row) {
    String[] columnNames = null;
    // Get the type definition based on the table type name
    TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getTypeNameByRow(tableType, row));
    // Check if the table type exists
    if (typeDefn != null) {
        // STore the names of the columns for this table type definition
        columnNames = typeDefn.getColumnNamesVisible();
    return columnNames;
Also used : TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 15 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandArgMaximum.

 * Get the argument maximum value (as a string) for the command argument specified at the
 * specified row in the command data. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
 * @param argumentNumber
 *            command argument index. The first argument is 0
 * @param row
 *            table data row index
 * @param expandMacros
 *            true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
 *            data with any macro names in place
 * @return Argument maximum value (as a string) for the command argument specified at the
 *         specified row in the command data; null if the argument number or row index is
 *         invalid
private String getCommandArgMaximum(int argumentNumber, int row, boolean expandMacros) {
    String argMaximum = null;
    // Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
    TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
    // Check if the table type exists and represents a command
    if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
        // Get the list of command arguments associated with this command table type
        List<AssociatedColumns> commandArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false);
        // Check if the argument number is valid and that the argument maximum value exists
        if (argumentNumber < commandArguments.size() && commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getMaximum() != -1) {
            // Get the reference to the table information
            TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
            // Get the argument maximum value
            argMaximum = tableInfo.getData()[row][commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getMaximum()];
            // Check if any macros should be expanded
            if (expandMacros) {
                // Expand any macros
                argMaximum = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(argMaximum);
    return argMaximum;
Also used : AssociatedColumns(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedColumns) TableInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)


TypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)64 TableInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation)30 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 CCDDException (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException)18 AssociatedColumns (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedColumns)10 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)9 JSONArray (org.json.simple.JSONArray)8 JSONObject (org.json.simple.JSONObject)8 TableTypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition)6 IOException ( TableDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition)5 BackgroundCommand (CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)4 ArrayListMultiple (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ArrayListMultiple)4 FileEnvVar (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar)3 FieldInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation)3 Component (java.awt.Component)3 GridBagConstraints (java.awt.GridBagConstraints)3 GridBagLayout (java.awt.GridBagLayout)3 Insets (java.awt.Insets)3 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)3