use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTableEditorDialog method doTableModificationComplete.
* Perform the steps needed following execution of a table modification. This includes closing
* child table editors that are no longer valid and modifying child tables when a prototype
* table is changed
* @param main
* reference to CcddMain
* @param dbTblCmdHndlr
* reference to CcddDbTableCommandHandler
* @param tableInfo
* table information
* @param modifications
* list of row update information
* @param deletions
* list of row deletion information
* @param forceUpdate
* true to make the changes to other tables; false to only make changes to tables
* other than the one in which the changes originally took place
protected static void doTableModificationComplete(CcddMain main, TableInformation tableInfo, List<TableModification> modifications, List<TableModification> deletions, boolean forceUpdate) {
CcddDataTypeHandler dtHandler = main.getDataTypeHandler();
CcddDbTableCommandHandler dbTblCmdHndlr = main.getDbTableCommandHandler();
// Create a list to store the names of tables that are no longer valid
List<String[]> invalidatedEditors = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Step through each row modification
for (TableModification mod : modifications) {
// type has been changed
if (mod.getVariableColumn() != -1 && mod.getDataTypeColumn() != -1 && !dtHandler.isPrimitive(mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString()) && ((mod.getArraySizeColumn() != -1 && mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getArraySizeColumn()].toString().isEmpty() && !mod.getRowData()[mod.getArraySizeColumn()].toString().isEmpty()) || !mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString().equals(mod.getRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString()))) {
// Add the pattern that matches the table editor tab names for the modified
// structure. The pattern is [parent structure].__,[original structure data
// type].[original structure variable name][,__]
invalidatedEditors.add(new String[] { tableInfo.getPrototypeName(), mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString() + "." + mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString() });
// Step through each row deletion
for (TableModification del : deletions) {
// Check if the original data type was for a structure
if (del.getVariableColumn() != -1 && del.getDataTypeColumn() != -1 && !dtHandler.isPrimitive(del.getRowData()[del.getDataTypeColumn()].toString())) {
// Add the pattern that matches the table editor tab names for the deleted
// structure. The pattern is [parent structure].__,[structure data type].[structure
// variable name][,__]
invalidatedEditors.add(new String[] { tableInfo.getPrototypeName(), del.getRowData()[del.getDataTypeColumn()].toString() + "." + del.getRowData()[del.getVariableColumn()].toString() });
// Close the invalid table editors
dbTblCmdHndlr.closeDeletedTableEditors(invalidatedEditors, main.getMainFrame());
// Update the tables with message names & IDs columns
// Step through the open editor dialogs
for (CcddTableEditorDialog editorDialog : main.getTableEditorDialogs()) {
// Step through each individual editor
for (CcddTableEditorHandler editor : editorDialog.getTableEditors()) {
// updated
if (editor.getTableInformation().getPrototypeName().equals(tableInfo.getPrototypeName())) {
// Flag that indicates true if a forced update is set (such as when a macro
// name or value is changed), or if the updated table is a prototype and the
// editor is for an instance table of the updated table
boolean applyToChild = forceUpdate || (tableInfo.isPrototype() && !tableInfo.getTablePath().equals(editor.getTableInformation().getTablePath()));
// Load the table from the database
TableInformation updateInfo = main.getDbTableCommandHandler().loadTableData(editor.getTableInformation().getTablePath(), true, true, true, editorDialog);
// Store the updates as the committed changes in the table (so that other
// changes are recognized)
editor.doTableUpdatesComplete(updateInfo, applyToChild);
// Check if the table's root structure status changed
if (editor.getTableInformation().isRootStructure() != dbTblCmdHndlr.getRootStructures().contains(editor.getTableInformation().getTablePath())) {
// Update the table's root structure status
// Rebuild the table's data fields based on the updated field information
// Step through each row modification
for (TableModification mod : modifications) {
// this implies it could be a structure table reference
if (mod.getVariableColumn() != -1 && mod.getDataTypeColumn() != -1) {
// Update the table names in the open editors
updateTableNames(main, mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString(), mod.getRowData()[mod.getDataTypeColumn()].toString(), mod.getOriginalRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString(), mod.getRowData()[mod.getVariableColumn()].toString(), editorDialog, editor);
// Check if the data field editor table dialog is open
if (main.getFieldTableEditor() != null && main.getFieldTableEditor().isShowing()) {
// Update the data field editor table
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddTableEditorDialog method addTablePanes.
* Add one or more table tabs to the editor dialog tabbed pane using the supplied table
* information list and/or existing table editor tab contents
* @param tableInformation
* list containing information for each table
* @param editor
* reference to an existing table editor
protected void addTablePanes(List<TableInformation> tableInformation, CcddTableEditorHandler editor) {
// Get the number of table editors already in the editor dialog
int numExisting = tableEditors.size();
// Check if a table editor is supplied
if (editor != null) {
// Add the editor to the list
// Create a tab for the editor
tabbedPane.addTab(editor.getOwnerName(), null, editor.getFieldPanel(), editor.getTableToolTip());
// Refresh the editor's change indicator, in case it's added while having unstored
// changes
// Check if table information is provided
if (tableInformation != null) {
// Step through the tables
for (TableInformation tableInfo : tableInformation) {
// Create an editor for this table and add it to the list of editors
editor = new CcddTableEditorHandler(ccddMain, tableInfo, this);
// Create a tab for each table
tabbedPane.addTab(editor.getOwnerName(), null, editor.getFieldPanel(), editor.getTableToolTip());
// Check if only a single table was added
if (tableEditors.size() - numExisting == 1) {
// Select the tab for the newly opened table
tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(tabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFileIOHandler method createTablesFromDefinitions.
* Create one or more data tables from the supplied table definitions
* @param tableDefinitions
* list of table definitions for the table(s) to create
* @param replaceExisting
* true to replace a table that already exists in the database
* @param parent
* GUI component calling this method
* @throws CCDDException
* If the table path name is invalid or the table cannot be created from the table
* definition
private void createTablesFromDefinitions(List<TableDefinition> tableDefinitions, boolean replaceExisting, final Component parent) throws CCDDException {
cancelImport = false;
boolean prototypesOnly = true;
List<String> skippedTables = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get the list of all tables, including the paths for child structure tables
CcddTableTreeHandler tableTree = new CcddTableTreeHandler(ccddMain, TableTreeType.TABLES, parent);
List<String> allTables = tableTree.getTableTreePathList(null);
// tables
for (int loop = 1; loop <= 2 && !cancelImport; loop++) {
// Step through each table definition
for (TableDefinition tableDefn : tableDefinitions) {
// Check if the table path/name format is valid
if (!tableDefn.getName().matches(InputDataType.VARIABLE.getInputMatch() + "(?:$|(?:," + InputDataType.VARIABLE.getInputMatch() + "\\." + InputDataType.VARIABLE.getInputMatch() + ")+)")) {
// Inform the user the table path/name isn't in the correct format
throw new CCDDException("Invalid table path/name '</b>" + tableDefn.getName() + "<b>' format");
// Check if the table import was canceled by the user
if (cancelImport) {
// Add the table to the list of those skipped
// or if this is a child table and this is the second pass
if (!tableDefn.getData().isEmpty() && (!tableDefn.getName().contains(",") != !prototypesOnly)) {
// Get the table type definition for this table
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableDefn.getTypeName());
// Get the number of table columns
int numColumns = typeDefn.getColumnCountVisible();
// Create the table information for the new table
TableInformation tableInfo = new TableInformation(tableDefn.getTypeName(), tableDefn.getName(), new String[0][0], tableTypeHandler.getDefaultColumnOrder(tableDefn.getTypeName()), tableDefn.getDescription(), !tableDefn.getName().contains("."), tableDefn.getDataFields().toArray(new String[0][0]));
// Check if the new table is not a prototype
if (!tableInfo.isPrototype()) {
// Break the path into the individual structure variable references
String[] ancestors = tableInfo.getTablePath().split(",");
// table
for (int index = ancestors.length - 1; index >= 0 && !cancelImport; index--) {
// Split the ancestor into the data type (i.e., structure name) and
// variable name
String[] typeAndVar = ancestors[index].split("\\.");
// Check if the ancestor prototype table doesn't exist
if (!dbTable.isTableExists(typeAndVar[0].toLowerCase(), ccddMain.getMainFrame())) {
// Create the table information for the new prototype table
TableInformation ancestorInfo = new TableInformation(tableDefn.getTypeName(), typeAndVar[0], new String[0][0], tableTypeHandler.getDefaultColumnOrder(tableDefn.getTypeName()), "", true, tableDefn.getDataFields().toArray(new String[0][0]));
// Check if this is the child table and not one of its ancestors
if (index == ancestors.length - 1) {
// Create a list to store a copy of the cell data
List<String> protoData = new ArrayList<String>(tableDefn.getData());
// Step through each row of the cell data
for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < tableDefn.getData().size(); cellIndex += numColumns) {
// Step through each column in the row
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < numColumns; colIndex++) {
// type
if (!DefaultColumn.isTypeRequiredColumn((typeDefn.isStructure() ? TYPE_STRUCTURE : (typeDefn.isCommand() ? TYPE_COMMAND : TYPE_OTHER)), typeDefn.getInputTypesVisible()[colIndex])) {
// Replace the non-required column value with a
// blank. The child's non-required values are
// therefore not inherited from the prototype
protoData.set(cellIndex + colIndex, "");
// the protected column data
if (!createImportedTable(ancestorInfo, protoData, numColumns, replaceExisting, "Cannot create prototype '" + ancestorInfo.getPrototypeName() + "' of child table", allTables, parent)) {
// Add the skipped table to the list
} else // This is an ancestor of the child table
// Split the ancestor into the data type (i.e., structure name)
// and variable name
typeAndVar = ancestors[index + 1].split("\\.|$", -1);
// Add the variable reference to the new table
String[] rowData = new String[typeDefn.getColumnCountVisible()];
Arrays.fill(rowData, "");
rowData[typeDefn.getVisibleColumnIndexByUserName(typeDefn.getColumnNameByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE))] = typeAndVar[1];
rowData[typeDefn.getVisibleColumnIndexByUserName(typeDefn.getColumnNameByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT))] = typeAndVar[0];
// the protected column data
if (!createImportedTable(ancestorInfo, Arrays.asList(rowData), numColumns, replaceExisting, "Cannot create prototype '" + ancestorInfo.getPrototypeName() + "' of child table's ancestor", allTables, parent)) {
// Add the skipped table to the list
// Load the table's prototype data from the database and copy the
// prototype's data to the table
TableInformation protoInfo = dbTable.loadTableData(tableInfo.getPrototypeName(), false, false, false, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
// Create a table from the imported information
if (!createImportedTable(tableInfo, tableDefn.getData(), numColumns, replaceExisting, "Cannot create prototype '" + tableInfo.getPrototypeName() + "'", allTables, parent)) {
// Add the skipped table to the list
prototypesOnly = false;
// Check if any tables were skipped
if (!skippedTables.isEmpty()) {
// Inform the user that one or more tables were not imported
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Table(s) not imported<br>'</b>" + dbTable.getShortenedTableNames(skippedTables.toArray(new String[0])) + "<b>';<br>table already exists", "Import Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
// Store the table types
dbTable.storeInformationTable(InternalTable.TABLE_TYPES, null, null, parent);
// Store the data types
dbTable.storeInformationTable(InternalTable.DATA_TYPES, CcddUtilities.removeArrayListColumn(dataTypeHandler.getDataTypeData(), DataTypesColumn.OID.ordinal()), null, parent);
// Check if any macros are defined
if (!macroHandler.getMacroData().isEmpty()) {
// Store the macros in the database
dbTable.storeInformationTable(InternalTable.MACROS, CcddUtilities.removeArrayListColumn(macroHandler.getMacroData(), MacrosColumn.OID.ordinal()), null, parent);
// Check if any reserved message IDs are defined
if (!rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDData().isEmpty()) {
// Store the reserved message IDs in the database
dbTable.storeInformationTable(InternalTable.RESERVED_MSG_IDS, CcddUtilities.removeArrayListColumn(rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDData(), ReservedMsgIDsColumn.OID.ordinal()), null, parent);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFieldTableEditorDialog method doDataFieldUpdatesComplete.
* Perform the steps needed following execution of database table changes
* @param commandError
* false if the database commands successfully completed; true
protected void doDataFieldUpdatesComplete(boolean commandError) {
// Check that no error occurred performing the database commands
if (!commandError) {
// Clear the cells selected for deletion
// Load the data field information into the data field editor table
// Step through the open editor dialogs
for (CcddTableEditorDialog editorDialog : ccddMain.getTableEditorDialogs()) {
// Step through each individual editor in this editor dialog
for (CcddTableEditorHandler editor : editorDialog.getTableEditors()) {
List<String> redrawnTables = new ArrayList<String>();
TableInformation tableInfo = editor.getTableInformation();
// Step through the data field deletions
for (String[] del : fieldDeletions) {
// already had a deletion applied
if (del[0].equals(tableInfo.getTablePath()) && !redrawnTables.contains(del[0])) {
// Add the table's name and path to the list of updated tables. This is
// used to prevent updating the data fields for a table multiple times
// Rebuild the table's data field information
// Store the data field information in the committed information so
// that this value change is ignored when updating or closing the table
// Rebuild the table's editor panel which contains the data fields
// Step through the data field value modifications
for (String[] mod : fieldModifications) {
// already been updated by having a deletion applied
if (mod[0].equals(tableInfo.getTablePath()) && !redrawnTables.contains(mod[0])) {
// Get the reference to the modified field
FieldInformation fieldInfo = tableInfo.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformationByName(mod[0], mod[1]);
// Update the field's value. Also update the value in the committed
// information so that this value change is ignored when updating or
// closing the table
editor.getCommittedTableInformation().getFieldHandler().getFieldInformationByName(mod[0], mod[1]).setValue(mod[2]);
// Check that this isn't a boolean input (check box) data field
if (fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputFormat() != InputTypeFormat.BOOLEAN) {
// Display the updated value in the text field
((UndoableTextField) fieldInfo.getInputFld()).setText(mod[2]);
// Clear the undo/redo cell edits stack
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method showData.
* Display the table information for each associated table type
public void showData() {
// Check if no table is associated with the script
if (tableInformation == null || tableInformation.length == 0 || tableInformation[0].getType().isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No table data associated with this script");
} else // A table is associated with the script
// Step through the information for each table type
for (TableInformation tableInfo : tableInformation) {
// Display the table's type
System.out.println("Table data for type '" + tableInfo.getType() + "'");
// Get the table's data
String[][] data = tableInfo.getData();
// Step through each row in the table
for (int row = 0; row < data.length; row++) {
// Display the row of table data
System.out.println(row + ": " + Arrays.toString(data[row]));