use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptHandler method getDataAndExecuteScript.
* Get the table information array from the table data used by the script script
* association(s), then execute the script(s)
* @param tree
* table tree of the table instances (parent tables with their child tables); null
* if the tree should be loaded
* @param associations
* list of script associations to execute
* @param parent
* GUI component calling this method; null if none (e.g., if called via the command
* line)
* @return Array containing flags that indicate, for each association, if the association did
* not complete successfully
protected boolean[] getDataAndExecuteScript(CcddTableTreeHandler tree, List<Object[]> associations, Component parent) {
int assnIndex = 0;
CcddTableTreeHandler tableTree = tree;
// Create an array to indicate if an association has a problem that prevents its execution
boolean[] isBad = new boolean[associations.size()];
// Check if the script execution was initiated via command line command
if (parent == null) {
// Get the system environment variables map
envVarMap = new HashMap<String, String>(System.getenv());
// Check if no table tree was provided
if (tableTree == null) {
// Build the table tree
tableTree = new CcddTableTreeHandler(ccddMain, TableTreeType.INSTANCE_TABLES, parent);
// Create storage for the individual tables' data and table path+names
List<TableInformation> tableInformation = new ArrayList<TableInformation>();
loadedTablePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get the link assignment information, if any
CcddLinkHandler linkHandler = new CcddLinkHandler(ccddMain, parent);
// Load the data field information from the database
CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler = new CcddFieldHandler(ccddMain, null, parent);
// Load the group information from the database
CcddGroupHandler groupHandler = new CcddGroupHandler(ccddMain, null, parent);
// Get the list of the table paths in the order of appearance in the table tree. This
// is used to sort the association table paths
final List<String> allTablePaths = tableTree.getTableTreePathList(null);
// once. Step through each script association definition
for (Object[] assn : associations) {
try {
// Get the list of association table paths
List<String> tablePaths = getAssociationTablePaths(assn[AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.ordinal()].toString(), groupHandler, parent);
// Check if at least one table is assigned to this script association
if (!tablePaths.isEmpty()) {
// Sort the table paths
Collections.sort(tablePaths, new Comparator<String>() {
* Sort the table paths so that the root tables are in alphabetical order
* and the child tables appear in the order defined by their table type
* definition
public int compare(String path1, String path2) {
int result = 0;
// Get the indices of the two paths within the table tree
int index1 = allTablePaths.indexOf(path1);
int index2 = allTablePaths.indexOf(path2);
// the lowest index first
if (index1 > index2) {
result = 1;
} else if (index2 > index1) {
result = -1;
return result;
// Step through each table path+name
for (String tablePath : tablePaths) {
// Initialize the array for each of the tables to load from the database
combinedData = new String[0][0];
// Read the table and child table data from the database and store the
// results from the last table loaded
TableInformation tableInfo = readTable(tablePath, parent);
// Check if the table hasn't already been loaded
if (tableInfo != null) {
// Read the table and child table data from the database
// Check if an error occurred loading the table data
if (tableInfo.isErrorFlag()) {
throw new CCDDException("table '" + tableInfo.getProtoVariableName() + "' (or one of its children) failed to load");
} else // The table loaded successfully
// Store the data for the table and its child table(s)
// Get the type definition based on the table type name
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
// Check if the type exists
if (typeDefn != null) {
// Check if this table represents a structure
if (typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// Set the table type to indicate a structure
} else // Check if this table represents a command table
if (typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Set the table type to indicate a command table
} else // The table's type is invalid
throw new CCDDException("table '" + tableInfo.getProtoVariableName() + "' has unknown type '" + tableInfo.getType() + "'");
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Inform the user that script execution failed
logScriptError(FileEnvVar.expandEnvVars(assn[AssociationsColumn.SCRIPT_FILE.ordinal()].toString(), envVarMap), assn[AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.ordinal()].toString(), ce.getMessage(), parent);
// Set the flag for this association indicating it can't be executed
isBad[assnIndex] = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
CcddUtilities.displayException(e, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
assnIndex = 0;
// execute it. Step through each script association definition
for (Object[] assn : associations) {
// Check that an error didn't occur loading the data for this association
if (!isBad[assnIndex]) {
TableInformation[] combinedTableInfo = null;
List<String> groupNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// Get the list of association table paths
List<String> tablePaths = getAssociationTablePaths(assn[AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.ordinal()].toString(), groupHandler, parent);
String[] members = assn[AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.ordinal()].toString().split(Pattern.quote(ASSN_TABLE_SEPARATOR));
// Step through each table path+name or group
for (String member : members) {
// Check if this is a reference to a group
if (member.startsWith(GROUP_DATA_FIELD_IDENT)) {
// Add the group name to the list of referenced groups
// Check if at least one table is assigned to this script association
if (!tablePaths.isEmpty()) {
// Create storage for the table types used by this script association
List<String> tableTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
// information instance
for (TableInformation tableInfo : tableInformation) {
// Check if this table is a member of the association
if (tablePaths.contains(tableInfo.getTablePath())) {
// Check if the type for this table is not already in the list
if (!tableTypes.contains(tableInfo.getType())) {
// Add the table type to the list
// Create storage for the combined table data
combinedTableInfo = new TableInformation[tableTypes.size()];
// through each table type represented in this association
for (int typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < tableTypes.size(); typeIndex++) {
String tableName = "";
String[][] allTableData = new String[0][0];
// Step through each table information instance
for (TableInformation tableInfo : tableInformation) {
// Check if this table is a member of the association
if (tablePaths.contains(tableInfo.getTablePath())) {
// Check if the table types match
if (tableTypes.get(typeIndex).equals(tableInfo.getType())) {
// Check if the name hasn't been stored
if (tableName.isEmpty()) {
// Assign the name of the first table of this type as this
// type's table name
tableName += tableInfo.getTablePath();
// Append the table data to the combined data array
allTableData = CcddUtilities.concatenateArrays(allTableData, tableInfo.getData());
// Create the table information from the table data obtained from the
// database
combinedTableInfo[typeIndex] = new TableInformation(tableTypes.get(typeIndex), tableName, allTableData, null, null, false, new String[0][0]);
} else // No table is assigned to this script association
// Create a table information class in order to load and parse the data fields,
// and to allow access to the field methods
combinedTableInfo = new TableInformation[1];
combinedTableInfo[0] = new TableInformation("", "", new String[0][0], null, null, false, new String[0][0]);
// Get the script file name with any environment variables expanded
String scriptFileName = FileEnvVar.expandEnvVars(assn[AssociationsColumn.SCRIPT_FILE.ordinal()].toString(), envVarMap);
try {
// Execute the script using the indicated table data
executeScript(scriptFileName, combinedTableInfo, groupNames, linkHandler, fieldHandler, groupHandler, parent);
} catch (CCDDException ce) {
// Inform the user that script execution failed
logScriptError(scriptFileName, assn[AssociationsColumn.MEMBERS.ordinal()].toString(), ce.getMessage(), parent);
// Set the flag for this association indicating it can't be executed
isBad[assnIndex] = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
CcddUtilities.displayException(e, ccddMain.getMainFrame());
return isBad;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptHandler method readTable.
* Recursive method to load a table, and all the tables referenced within it and its child
* tables. The data is combined into a single array
* @param tablePath
* table path
* @param parent
* GUI component calling this method
* @return A reference to the TableInformation for the parent table; null if the table has
* already been loaded. The error flag for the table data handler is set if an error
* occurred loading the data
private TableInformation readTable(String tablePath, Component parent) {
TableInformation tableInfo = null;
// Check if the table is not already stored in the list
if (!loadedTablePaths.contains(tablePath)) {
// Add the table path to the list so that it is not reloaded
// Read the table's data from the database
tableInfo = dbTable.loadTableData(tablePath, false, false, false, parent);
// isn't empty
if (!tableInfo.isErrorFlag() && tableInfo.getData().length != 0) {
// Get the table's type definition
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
// Get the data and place it in an array for reference below. Add columns to
// contain the table type and path
String[][] data = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(tableInfo.getData(), 2);
int typeColumn = data[0].length - TYPE_COLUMN_DELTA;
int pathColumn = data[0].length - PATH_COLUMN_DELTA;
// Get the index of the column containing the data type for this table if it has
// one
int dataTypeColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT);
// Step through each row
for (int row = 0; row < data.length && !tableInfo.isErrorFlag(); row++) {
// Use the index column to store the table path and type for reference during
// script execution
data[row][typeColumn] = tableInfo.getType();
data[row][pathColumn] = tablePath;
// Store the data from the table in the combined storage array
combinedData = CcddUtilities.concatenateArrays(combinedData, new String[][] { data[row] });
// not contain a primitive data type)
if (dataTypeColumn != -1 && !dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(data[row][dataTypeColumn])) {
// Get the column containing the variable name for this table
int varNameColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE);
// Check that a variable name column was found
if (varNameColumn != -1) {
// Get the column containing the array size for this table
int arraySizeColumn = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.ARRAY_INDEX);
// information for this data type structure
if ((!data[row][dataTypeColumn].isEmpty() || !data[row][varNameColumn].isEmpty()) && (arraySizeColumn == -1 || data[row][arraySizeColumn].isEmpty() || ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(data[row][varNameColumn]))) {
// Get the variable in the format dataType.variableName, prepend a
// comma to separate the new variable from the preceding variable
// path, then break down the child table
TableInformation childInfo = readTable(tablePath + "," + data[row][dataTypeColumn] + "." + data[row][varNameColumn], parent);
// Check if an error occurred loading the child table
if (childInfo != null && childInfo.isErrorFlag()) {
// Set the error flag and stop processing this table
} else // Table has no variable name column
// Set the error flag and stop processing this table
return tableInfo;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandArgArraySize.
* Get the argument array size for the command argument specified at the specified row in the
* command data. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
* @param argumentNumber
* command argument index. The first argument is 0
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Argument array size for the command argument specified at the specified row in the
* command data; null if the argument number or row index is invalid
private String getCommandArgArraySize(int argumentNumber, int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String argArraySize = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the list of command arguments associated with this command table type
List<AssociatedColumns> commandArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false);
// Check if the argument number is valid and that the argument array size exists
if (argumentNumber < commandArguments.size() && commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getArraySize() != -1) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the argument array size
argArraySize = tableInfo.getData()[row][commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getArraySize()];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
argArraySize = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(argArraySize);
return argArraySize;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandCode.
* Get the command code (as a string) at the specified row in the command data. Macro expansion
* is controlled by the input flag
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Command code (as a string) at the specified row in the command data; null if the row
* index is invalid
private String getCommandCode(int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String commandCode = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the command code
commandCode = tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.COMMAND_CODE)];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
commandCode = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(commandCode);
return commandCode;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getStructureUnits.
* Get the variable units at the specified row in the structure data. Macro expansion is
* controlled by the input flag
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Variable units at the specified row in the structure data; null if the row index is
* invalid or no column has the 'Units' input type
private String getStructureUnits(int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String units = null;
// Get the table type definition for the structure table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getStructureTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a structure
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_STRUCTURE);
// Get the index of the first column with the 'Units' input type
int column = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.UNITS);
// Check if the column exists
if (column != -1) {
// Get the units
units = tableInfo.getData()[row][column];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
units = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(units);
return units;