use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddGroupManagerDialog method newGroup.
* Add a new group to the group tree
private void newGroup() {
// Create a panel to contain the dialog components
JPanel dialogPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
// Create the group name input dialog label and field
GridBagConstraints gbc = addGroupNameField("Enter new group name", "", dialogPnl);
// Create the group description label
JLabel descriptionLbl = new JLabel("Description");
descriptionLbl.setForeground(ModifiableColorInfo.LABEL_TEXT.getColor()); = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
gbc.insets.bottom = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
gbc.weighty = 0.0;
dialogPnl.add(descriptionLbl, gbc);
// Create the group description input field
final JTextArea descriptionFld = new JTextArea("", 3, 1);
descriptionFld.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.FORWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null);
descriptionFld.setFocusTraversalKeys(KeyboardFocusManager.BACKWARD_TRAVERSAL_KEYS, null);
JScrollPane descScrollPane = new JScrollPane(descriptionFld);
// Add the description field to the dialog panel = 0;
gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
dialogPnl.add(descScrollPane, gbc);
// Create a check box for setting the group as an application
JCheckBox appCb = new JCheckBox("Group represents a CFS application");
appCb.setBorder(emptyBorder); = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
dialogPnl.add(appCb, gbc);
// Create a dialog for the new group information
CcddDialogHandler groupDlg = new CcddDialogHandler() {
* Verify that the dialog content is valid
* @return true if the input values are valid
protected boolean verifySelection() {
return verifyGroupName(this);
// Display a dialog for the user to provide a group name and description
if (groupDlg.showOptionsDialog(groupMgr, dialogPnl, "New Group", DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
// Disable automatically ending the edit sequence. This allows the added group's edits
// to be grouped into a single sequence so that if undone, all edits are removed
// together
// Add the new group information
groupHandler.addGroupInformation(groupNameFld.getText(), descriptionFld.getText(), appCb.isSelected());
// Insert the new group into the group tree
groupTree.addInformationNode(groupNameFld.getText(), descriptionFld.getText(), appCb.isSelected());
// Check if the check box indicating this group represents an application is selected
if (appCb.isSelected()) {
// Get the field information and data fields for the new group
GroupInformation groupInfo = groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(groupNameFld.getText());
List<FieldInformation> fieldInfo = CcddFieldHandler.getFieldInformationCopy(groupInfo.getFieldInformation());
// Step through each default application data field
for (DefaultApplicationField field : DefaultApplicationField.values()) {
// Add the field to the group
// Update the group dialog's change indicator
// Re-enable automatic edit sequence ending, then end the edit sequence to group the
// added group's edits
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddJSONHandler method getDataFields.
* Get the data field information for the specified owner (table, table type, or group)
* @param ownerName
* table name and path in the format rootTable[,dataType1.variable1[,...]] (if blank
* then every data table's data fields are returned), table type name in the format
* tableTypeTag:tableTypepName, or group owner in the format groupTag:groupName
* @param outputJO
* JSON object to which the data fields are added
* @return The supplied JSON object, with the data field(s) added (if any)
protected JSONObject getDataFields(String ownerName, String tagName, JSONObject outputJO) {
JSONArray dataFieldDefnJA = new JSONArray();
// Get the existing data fields for the specified owner
// Check if the owner has any fields
if (!fieldHandler.getFieldInformation().isEmpty()) {
JSONObject fieldJO = new JSONObject();
// Step through the data fields for this owner
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : fieldHandler.getFieldInformation()) {
fieldJO = new JSONObject();
// Add the data field column values to the output
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.NAME.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.getFieldName());
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.getDescription());
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.getSize());
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName());
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.isRequired());
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.APPLICABILITY.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName());
fieldJO.put(FieldEditorColumnInfo.VALUE.getColumnName(), fieldInfo.getValue());
// Check if any data field exists
if (!dataFieldDefnJA.isEmpty()) {
// Add the data field(s) to the JSON output
outputJO.put(tagName, dataFieldDefnJA);
return outputJO;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddJTableHandler method printTable.
* Output the table to the user-selected printer (or file)
* @param tableName
* table name; displayed at the top of each printed page
* @param fieldHandler
* data field handler; null if no data fields are associated with the table
* @param parent
* parent window for this table
* @param orientation
* page orientation; e.g., PageFormat.LANDSCAPE or PageFormat.PORTRAIT
protected void printTable(String tableName, CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler, Component parent, int orientation) {
try {
GraphicsConfiguration gc;
// Create a printer job
PrinterJob printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
// The native print dialog does not allow simple positioning on the screen relative to
// another component. However, the ServiceUI.printDialog() method, which calls
// PrinterJob.printDialog(), does allow setting the dialog's x and y coordinates. The
// dimensions of the print dialog must be known in order to center it over its parent,
// but the size is unknown until the dialog is instantiated. Therefore, a dummy dialog
// is created using the same call within ServiceUI.printDialog() and the dialog's size
// is taken from it. The dialog's x, y coordinates can then be determined
PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
DocFlavor flavor = null;
PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, attributes);
PrintService defaultService = printerJob.getPrintService();
// Get the dialog/frame that contains the table
Component comp = table.getTopLevelAncestor();
// Create a dummy dialog in order to obtain the print dialog's dimensions
ServiceDialog dialog = new ServiceDialog(comp.getGraphicsConfiguration(), 0, 0, services, 0, flavor, attributes, (Dialog) null);
Rectangle newDlgSize = dialog.getBounds();
// Get the array of graphics devices (this accounts for multiple screens)
GraphicsDevice[] gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices();
// Check if more than one screen exists
if (gd.length > 1) {
// Get the graphics configuration for the screen on which the component resides
gc = gd[0].getDefaultConfiguration();
} else // Only one screen is present
// Get the component's graphics configuration
gc = comp.getGraphicsConfiguration();
// Now that the dialog's size is known the print dialog's position can be calculated so
// as to center it over calling component, adjusting the location so that the dialog
// appears fully on the screen in which the component resides
Dimension compSize = comp.getSize();
Point adjLocation = CcddDialogHandler.adjustDialogLocationForScreen(new Rectangle(comp.getX() + ((compSize.width - newDlgSize.width) / 2), comp.getY() + ((compSize.height - newDlgSize.height) / 2), newDlgSize.width, newDlgSize.height));
// selected printer
if (ServiceUI.printDialog(gc, adjLocation.x, adjLocation.y, services, defaultService, flavor, attributes) != null) {
// Set the page format
PageFormat pageFormat = new PageFormat();
// Create a book object for the table and data fields (if applicable)
Book book = new Book();
// Determine the number of pages to print the table. The printable object is
// altered during the page counting process, so it cannot be reused when creating
// the page wrapper below
int tblPages = getNumberOfPages(getPrintable(JTable.PrintMode.FIT_WIDTH, new MessageFormat(tableName), new MessageFormat("page {0}")), pageFormat);
// Add the table to the book object
book.append(new PageWrapper(getPrintable(JTable.PrintMode.FIT_WIDTH, new MessageFormat(tableName), new MessageFormat("page {0}")), 0), pageFormat, tblPages);
// Check if data fields are provided
if (fieldHandler != null && !fieldHandler.getFieldInformation().isEmpty()) {
String fields = "";
// Step through each data field
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : fieldHandler.getFieldInformation()) {
// Append the field name and value to the output string
fields += " " + fieldInfo.getFieldName() + ": " + fieldInfo.getValue() + "\n";
// Place the field information into a text area
JTextArea fldTxtArea = new JTextArea(fields);
// Get the printable object for the text area
Printable fldPrintable = fldTxtArea.getPrintable(new MessageFormat("Data Fields for " + tableName), new MessageFormat("page {0}"));
// Add the fields to the book object
book.append(new PageWrapper(fldPrintable, tblPages), pageFormat, getNumberOfPages(fldPrintable, pageFormat));
// Output the book object to the selected printer or file
} catch (PrinterException pe) {
// Inform the user that printing failed
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Table '" + tableName + "' printing failed; cause '" + pe.getMessage() + "'", "Print Fail", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddLinkHandler method getApplicationNames.
* Get the application name data field values associated with the specified link's variable
* members
* @param fieldHandler
* field handler to access data fields
* @param applicationFieldName
* name of the application name data field
* @return Array containing the application name data field values associated with the
* specified link's variable members. Each application name is listed only once in the
* array
protected String[] getApplicationNames(CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler, String applicationFieldName) {
List<String> appNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// Step through each link definition
for (String[] linkDefn : linkDefinitions) {
// Extract the link rate/description or member
String linkMember = linkDefn[LinksColumn.MEMBER.ordinal()];
// link information entry
if (!linkMember.matches("\\d.*")) {
// Split the link definition's variable string into the parent structure name and
// variable reference string
String[] parentAndPath = linkMember.split(",", 2);
// Get the information for the parent's application name data field
FieldInformation fieldInfo = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(parentAndPath[0], applicationFieldName);
// Check that the data field exists
if (fieldInfo != null) {
// Get the application name field information
String appName = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(parentAndPath[0], applicationFieldName).getValue();
// that this name hasn't already been added to the list
if (appName != null && !appNames.contains(appName)) {
// Add the application name field name to the list
return appNames.toArray(new String[0]);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddCopyTableHandler method createCopyTable.
* Create a copy table based on the message definitions
* @param fieldHandler
* field handler reference
* @param linkHandler
* link handler reference
* @param dataStreamName
* data stream name
* @param headerSize
* size of the packet header in bytes
* @param messageIDNameField
* name of the structure table data field containing the message ID name. If
* provided this is used instead of the tlmMessageIDs list
* @param tlmMessageIDs
* list containing string array entries giving the structure table path+name and the
* table's associated message ID name. Used if messageIDNameField is null
* @param optimize
* true to create copy table with memory copies optimized
* @param expandMacros
* true to expand any macro within the variable names
* @return Array containing the copy table entries
protected String[][] createCopyTable(CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler, CcddLinkHandler linkHandler, String dataStreamName, int headerSize, String messageIDNameField, ArrayListMultiple tlmMessageIDs, boolean optimize, boolean expandMacros) {
List<String[]> messageTable = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Empty the copy table in case a previous one exists
// Step through each message for the specified rate
for (Message message : getStoredMessages(dataStreamName)) {
// Step through the message's sub-messages
for (Message subMsg : message.getSubMessages()) {
// Step through each packet definition
for (Variable variable : subMsg.getVariablesWithParent()) {
String tlmMsgID = null;
// Split the packet definition's variable string into the parent structure name
// and variable reference string
String[] parentAndPath = variable.getFullName().split(",", 2);
// Check if macro in the variable names are to be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Replace any macros with their corresponding values
parentAndPath[1] = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(parentAndPath[1]);
// Get the offset in the root structure of the variable indicated by the packet
// definition
int structureOffset = variableHandler.getVariableOffset(variable.getFullName());
// Check if the message ID name field name is provided
if (messageIDNameField != null) {
// Get the field information for the message ID name field
FieldInformation msgIDNameFieldInfo = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(parentAndPath[0], messageIDNameField);
// Check that the message ID name field exists for the specified table
if (msgIDNameFieldInfo != null) {
// Get the message ID name associated with the table
tlmMsgID = msgIDNameFieldInfo.getValue();
} else // Check if the telemetry message ID names list is provided
if (tlmMessageIDs != null) {
// Get the index of the table in the list provided
int index = tlmMessageIDs.indexOf(parentAndPath[0]);
// Check if the table exists in the list
if (index != -1) {
// Get the message ID name associated with the table
tlmMsgID = tlmMessageIDs.get(index)[1];
if (tlmMsgID != null) {
// Build the copy table entry array for this variable. The fields are:
// Input message ID name, input offset, output message ID name (the
// sub-message separator character, a period, is replaced with an
// underscore), output offset (initialized to a blank; the value is
// computed later), variable size, variable root table, and variable path
messageTable.add(new String[] { tlmMsgID, String.valueOf(structureOffset), subMsg.getName().replace(".", "_"), "", String.valueOf(variable.getSize()), parentAndPath[0], parentAndPath[1] });
// Consolidate the bit-packed variables
// Check if this copy table should be optimized
if (optimize) {
// Combine consecutive memory copies
// Add the input and output offset to the list
addInputAndOutputOffset(messageTable, headerSize);
// Add this message's copy table entries to the list of all copy table entries
// Clear out this message's entries to allow storage for the next message
return copyTable.toArray(new String[0][0]);