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Example 1 with Variable

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddSchedulerEditorHandler method clearVariablesFromMessages.

 * Remove the variables (applications) assigned to the messages (time slots)
 * @param rateFilter
 *            rate of the variables to removed from the telemetry messages; null to remove all
 *            variables. Not used for the application scheduler
protected void clearVariablesFromMessages(String rateFilter) {
    String type;
    String text;
    // Check if this is the telemetry scheduler
    if (schedulerHndlr.getSchedulerOption() == TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER) {
        type = "Variables";
        text = rateFilter == null ? "all variables from messages" : "variables of rate " + rateFilter + " from messages";
    } else // This is the application scheduler
        type = "Applications";
        text = "all applications from time slots";
    boolean isVariable = false;
    // Step through each message (time slot) in the stream
    for (Message msg : getCurrentMessages()) {
        // Check if a variable (application) exists in the message
        if (!msg.getAllVariables().isEmpty()) {
            // Set the flag indicating a variable (application)exists and stop searching
            isVariable = true;
    // resetting the messages (time slots)
    if (isVariable && new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(schedulerHndlr.getSchedulerDialog().getDialog(), "<html><b>Remove " + text + "?", "Remove " + type, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) == OK_BUTTON) {
        // Create lists for the variables and the variables that are removed
        List<Variable> allVarsRemoved = new ArrayList<Variable>();
        List<Variable> msgVarsRemoved = new ArrayList<Variable>();
        float rate = 0;
        // Check if a rate filter is to be applied
        if (rateFilter != null) {
            // Convert the rate to a floating point value
            rate = CcddUtilities.convertStringToFloat(rateFilter);
        // Step through each message
        for (int msgIndex = 0; msgIndex < messages.size(); msgIndex++) {
            // Step through each variable assigned to this message
            for (Variable variable : messages.get(msgIndex).getAllVariables()) {
                // variable's rate matches the rate filter
                if (rateFilter == null || rate == variable.getRate()) {
                    // Add the variable to the list of those to be removed from the message
            // Remove the variables from the messages
            removeVariablesFromMessages(msgVarsRemoved, msgIndex);
            // Add the message's removed variables to the list of all removed variables
            // Clear the removed variables list for the next pass
        // Check if this is a telemetry scheduler
        if (schedulerHndlr.getSchedulerOption() == TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER) {
            // Update the assignment definition list for when the assignment tree is rebuilt
            assignmentTree.updateAssignmentDefinitions(messages, schedulerHndlr.getRateName());
        // Calculate the bytes remaining in the messages
        // Update the remaining bytes column values
        // Update the assignment tree/list
        // Create an included variables (applications) list
        List<String> includedVars = new ArrayList<String>();
        // Step through each variable (application) in the removed variable (application) list
        for (Variable variable : allVarsRemoved) {
            // Add each name to the list of included variables (applications)
        // Include the variables (applications) back in the variable (application) tree
        // Set the unused bytes field
        // Update the scheduler dialog's change indicator
Also used : Variable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable) Message(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 2 with Variable

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddSchedulerEditorHandler method removeVariablesFromMessages.

 * Remove the specified variable(s) from all messages it is contained in
 * @param variables
 *            list of variables to remove
 * @param row
 *            message row index
 * @return List of the variable names removed
private List<String> removeVariablesFromMessages(List<Variable> variables, int row) {
    List<Integer> msgIndices;
    List<String> removedVarNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Step through the variable list
    for (Variable variable : variables) {
        // Add the variable path and name to the list of those removed
        // Check if the variable is in a sub-message
        if (variable.getRate() < (1 / period)) {
            // Remove it from a general message
        } else // Variable is not in a sub-message
            // Assign the message indices
            msgIndices = variable.getMessageIndices();
            // Step through all the messages the variable is contained in
            for (int msgIndex : msgIndices) {
                // Remove it from a general message
    return removedVarNames;
Also used : Variable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 3 with Variable

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddSchedulerEditorHandler method isMessageChanged.

 * Compare the current (sub-)message to the committed (sub-)message to detect any changes
 * @param currMsg
 *            reference to the message's current values
 * @param commMsg
 *            reference to the message's original values
 * @return true if the (sub-)message's content changed; false if no change exists
private boolean isMessageChanged(Message currMsg, Message commMsg) {
    boolean isChanged = false;
    // Get the list of variables for the current and committed messages
    List<Variable> currVars = currMsg.getVariables();
    List<Variable> commVars = commMsg.getVariables();
    // sub-messages changed
    if (currMsg.getBytesRemaining() != commMsg.getBytesRemaining() || !currMsg.getName().equals(commMsg.getName()) || !currMsg.getID().equals(commMsg.getID()) || currVars.size() != commVars.size() || currMsg.getNumberOfSubMessages() != commMsg.getNumberOfSubMessages()) {
        isChanged = true;
    } else // The message's number of bytes, name, number of variables, or number of sub-messages is
    // the same
        // Step through each variable
        for (int varIndex = 0; varIndex < currVars.size(); varIndex++) {
            // Get a reference to the current and committed variable to make subsequent calls
            // shorter
            Variable currVar = currVars.get(varIndex);
            Variable commVar = commVars.get(varIndex);
            // rate changed
            if (currVar.getSize() != commVar.getSize() || !currVar.getFullName().equals(commVar.getFullName()) || currVar.getRate() != commVar.getRate()) {
                // Set the flag indicating a change and stop searching
                isChanged = true;
    return isChanged;
Also used : Variable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable)

Example 4 with Variable

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddCopyTableHandler method createCopyTable.

 * Create a copy table based on the message definitions
 * @param fieldHandler
 *            field handler reference
 * @param linkHandler
 *            link handler reference
 * @param dataStreamName
 *            data stream name
 * @param headerSize
 *            size of the packet header in bytes
 * @param messageIDNameField
 *            name of the structure table data field containing the message ID name. If
 *            provided this is used instead of the tlmMessageIDs list
 * @param tlmMessageIDs
 *            list containing string array entries giving the structure table path+name and the
 *            table's associated message ID name. Used if messageIDNameField is null
 * @param optimize
 *            true to create copy table with memory copies optimized
 * @param expandMacros
 *            true to expand any macro within the variable names
 * @return Array containing the copy table entries
protected String[][] createCopyTable(CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler, CcddLinkHandler linkHandler, String dataStreamName, int headerSize, String messageIDNameField, ArrayListMultiple tlmMessageIDs, boolean optimize, boolean expandMacros) {
    List<String[]> messageTable = new ArrayList<String[]>();
    // Empty the copy table in case a previous one exists
    // Step through each message for the specified rate
    for (Message message : getStoredMessages(dataStreamName)) {
        // Step through the message's sub-messages
        for (Message subMsg : message.getSubMessages()) {
            // Step through each packet definition
            for (Variable variable : subMsg.getVariablesWithParent()) {
                String tlmMsgID = null;
                // Split the packet definition's variable string into the parent structure name
                // and variable reference string
                String[] parentAndPath = variable.getFullName().split(",", 2);
                // Check if macro in the variable names are to be expanded
                if (expandMacros) {
                    // Replace any macros with their corresponding values
                    parentAndPath[1] = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(parentAndPath[1]);
                // Get the offset in the root structure of the variable indicated by the packet
                // definition
                int structureOffset = variableHandler.getVariableOffset(variable.getFullName());
                // Check if the message ID name field name is provided
                if (messageIDNameField != null) {
                    // Get the field information for the message ID name field
                    FieldInformation msgIDNameFieldInfo = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(parentAndPath[0], messageIDNameField);
                    // Check that the message ID name field exists for the specified table
                    if (msgIDNameFieldInfo != null) {
                        // Get the message ID name associated with the table
                        tlmMsgID = msgIDNameFieldInfo.getValue();
                } else // Check if the telemetry message ID names list is provided
                if (tlmMessageIDs != null) {
                    // Get the index of the table in the list provided
                    int index = tlmMessageIDs.indexOf(parentAndPath[0]);
                    // Check if the table exists in the list
                    if (index != -1) {
                        // Get the message ID name associated with the table
                        tlmMsgID = tlmMessageIDs.get(index)[1];
                if (tlmMsgID != null) {
                    // Build the copy table entry array for this variable. The fields are:
                    // Input message ID name, input offset, output message ID name (the
                    // sub-message separator character, a period, is replaced with an
                    // underscore), output offset (initialized to a blank; the value is
                    // computed later), variable size, variable root table, and variable path
                    messageTable.add(new String[] { tlmMsgID, String.valueOf(structureOffset), subMsg.getName().replace(".", "_"), "", String.valueOf(variable.getSize()), parentAndPath[0], parentAndPath[1] });
            // Consolidate the bit-packed variables
            // Check if this copy table should be optimized
            if (optimize) {
                // Combine consecutive memory copies
            // Add the input and output offset to the list
            addInputAndOutputOffset(messageTable, headerSize);
            // Add this message's copy table entries to the list of all copy table entries
            // Clear out this message's entries to allow storage for the next message
    return copyTable.toArray(new String[0][0]);
Also used : Variable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable) Message(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FieldInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation)

Example 5 with Variable

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddSchedulerHandler method autoFill.

 * Automatically fill the variables/applications in messages/time slots corresponding to their
 * rate
protected void autoFill() {
    canceled = false;
    cancelDialog = new HaltDialog();
    progBar = new JProgressBar();
    progress = 0;
    // Create the panel to contain the progress/cancellation dialog components
    final JPanel dialogPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
    // Get the scheduler dialog type
    final SchedulerType schedulerType = getSchedulerOption();
    // Get the text that describes the type of object being assigned
    final String variableType = schedulerType == SchedulerType.TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER ? "variables" : (schedulerType == SchedulerType.APPLICATION_SCHEDULER ? "applications" : "unknown");
    // Create a thread to perform the auto-fill operation in the background
    final Thread progressThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

         * Auto-fill the telemetry messages (if this is the telemetry scheduler) or application
         * time slots (if this is the application scheduler). Note that in the comments below
         * 'variable' is used to describe the object being assigned, which is accurate for the
         * telemetry scheduler. For the application scheduler substitute 'application' for
         * 'variable'
        public void run() {
            int numVariables = 0;
            int unassigned = 0;
            // Get an array of the available rates
            String[] availableRates = schedulerInput.getAvailableRates();
            // variables at each rate until no more rates are available
            for (String rate : availableRates) {
                // out using HTML tags
                if (!rate.startsWith("<html>")) {
                    // Check if this is a telemetry scheduler
                    if (schedulerType == SchedulerType.TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER) {
                        // Get the reference to the variable tree in order to shorten the
                        // subsequent call
                        CcddTableTreeHandler variableTree = ((CcddTelemetrySchedulerInput) schedulerInput).getVariableTree();
                        // Add the number of unassigned variables at the given rate.
                        // getVariablesAtRate() could be used, but it performs other operations
                        // associated with links and is slower
                        numVariables += variableTree.getPrimitiveVariablePaths(variableTree.getRootNode(), true).size();
                    } else // Check if this is an application scheduler
                    if (schedulerType == SchedulerType.APPLICATION_SCHEDULER) {
                        // Add the number of unassigned applications at the given rate
                        numVariables += schedulerInput.getVariablesAtRate(rate).size();
            // Check if there are any variables to assign
            if (numVariables != 0) {
                // Update the progress bar now that the number of variables is known
                // Total size of the variable or link
                int totalSize;
                // Message option to which the variable or link will be added
                String option;
                // Variable that will be added
                Variable variable;
                // Variables that will be removed from the remaining list
                List<Variable> removedVars = new ArrayList<Variable>();
                // List of variables at a given rate
                List<Variable> varList;
                // List of the variables to exclude from the Variables tree. This should be all
                // of the variables unless there are any that can't be assigned
                List<String> excludedVars = new ArrayList<String>();
                // variables at each rate until no more rates are available
                for (String rate : availableRates) {
                    // Check if the user canceled auto-fill
                    if (canceled) {
                    // grayed out using HTML tags
                    if (!rate.startsWith("<html>")) {
                        // Show the current rate being processed in the progress bar
                        progBar.setString("Assigning " + rate + " Hz " + variableType);
                        // Get the rate as a floating point value
                        float rateVal = CcddUtilities.convertStringToFloat(rate);
                        // Get a list of all variables at the given rate (ones already assigned
                        // are not included)
                        varList = schedulerInput.getVariablesAtRate(rate);
                        // Sort the list from largest to smallest
                        // Loop through the list of variables until all are removed
                        while (!varList.isEmpty()) {
                            // Check if the user canceled padding adjustment
                            if (canceled) {
                            // Total size of the variable or link
                            totalSize = 0;
                            // Set to the first variable in the list
                            variable = varList.get(0);
                            // Check if the variable is linked
                            if (variable.getLink() != null) {
                                // Step through each variable in the variable list
                                for (Variable linkVar : varList) {
                                    // variable
                                    if (linkVar.getLink() != null && linkVar.getLink().equals(variable.getLink())) {
                                        // Add the variable's size to the total size
                                        totalSize += variable.getSize();
                                        // Add the variable to the list of removed variables
                            } else // The variable is unlinked
                                // Check if this is a telemetry scheduler
                                if (schedulerType == SchedulerType.TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER) {
                                    // Set total size to the given variable's size
                                    totalSize = variable.getSize();
                                    // Get the total size (in bytes) and the list of the
                                    // variable, or variables if this variable is associated
                                    // with others due to bit-packing or string membership and
                                    // therefore must be placed together in a message
                                    AssociatedVariable associates = ((CcddTelemetrySchedulerInput) schedulerInput).getAssociatedVariables(varList);
                                    // Set the total size to that of the associated variable(s)
                                    // and add the variable(s) to the list of those to be
                                    // removed
                                    totalSize = associates.getTotalSize();
                                } else // This is an application (or unknown type of) scheduler
                                    // Set total size to the given variable's size
                                    totalSize = variable.getSize();
                                    // Add the variable to the list of removed variables
                            // Find the option with the most room
                            option = getMessageWithRoom(rateVal, totalSize);
                            // Check to make sure there is an option
                            if (option != null) {
                                // Parse the option string to extract the sub-index (if this is
                                // a sub-option) and the message indices
                                Object[] parsedIndices = parseOption(option);
                                // Add the variable to the given message. If a sub-index is not
                                // given it will be set to -1. Add the list of added variables
                                // to the list of those to exclude in the Variables tree
                                excludedVars.addAll(addVariableToMessage(removedVars, (Integer[]) parsedIndices[1], (int) parsedIndices[0]));
                            } else // No option is available
                                // Increment the unplaced variable counter
                            // Remove all the variables in removed variables list. This
                            // includes variables that did not fit into the telemetry table
                            // Clear the removed variables list
                            // Update the auto-fill progress
                // Check if the auto-fill operation wasn't canceled by the user
                if (!canceled) {
                    // Close the auto-fill progress/cancellation dialog
                // Perform any updates needed following adding variables to messages
                // Set the variable tree to exclude the variable(s)
                // Display the originally selected rate's variable tree
                // Update the remaining bytes column values
                // Update the unused bytes/time field
                // Update the assigned variables/applications list panel
                // Update the scheduler dialog's change indicator
                // Check if there are items that are not assigned
                if (unassigned != 0) {
                    // Inform the user if there are items that are not assigned
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(schedulerDlg.getDialog(), "<html><b> Auto-fill unable to assign " + unassigned + " " + variableType, "Auto-fill", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
            } else // There are no unassigned variables
                // user
                if (!canceled) {
                    // Close the auto-fill progress/cancellation dialog
                new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(schedulerDlg.getDialog(), "<html><b>All " + variableType + " with a rate are already assigned", "Auto-fill", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
    // Execute the command in the background
    CcddBackgroundCommand.executeInBackground(ccddMain, schedulerDlg.getDialog(), new BackgroundCommand() {

         * Build and display the auto-fill progress/cancellation dialog. This is done as a
         * background operation so that the
        protected void execute() {
            // Set the initial layout manager characteristics
            GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing(), 0, ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing()), 0, 0);
            // Build the progress/cancellation dialog
            JLabel textLbl = new JLabel("<html><b>Assigning " + variableType + "...</b><br><br>", SwingConstants.LEFT);
            dialogPnl.add(textLbl, gbc);
            JLabel textLbl2 = new JLabel("<html><b>" + CcddUtilities.colorHTMLText("*** Press </i>Halt<i> " + "to terminate auto-fill ***", Color.RED) + "</b><br><br>", SwingConstants.CENTER);
            dialogPnl.add(textLbl2, gbc);
            // Add a progress bar to the dialog
            progBar.setString("Calculating number of variables");
            gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() * 2;
            gbc.insets.right = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() * 2;
            gbc.insets.bottom = 0;
            dialogPnl.add(progBar, gbc);
            // the dialog if there are no variables to assign
            if (!canceled) {
                // Display the auto-fill progress/cancellation dialog
                cancelDialog.showOptionsDialog(schedulerDlg.getDialog(), dialogPnl, "Auto-fill " + (schedulerType == SchedulerType.TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER ? "Telemetry Messages" : (schedulerType == SchedulerType.APPLICATION_SCHEDULER ? "Time Slots" : "")), DialogOption.HALT_OPTION, false, true);
    // Perform the auto-fill operation in a background thread
Also used : JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) GridBagConstraints(java.awt.GridBagConstraints) AssociatedVariable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedVariable) Variable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable) Insets(java.awt.Insets) GridBagLayout(java.awt.GridBagLayout) JProgressBar(javax.swing.JProgressBar) AssociatedVariable(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedVariable) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) SchedulerType(CCDD.CcddConstants.SchedulerType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JList(javax.swing.JList) List(java.util.List) BackgroundCommand(CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)


Variable (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Variable)23 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 Message (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.Message)8 AssociatedVariable (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedVariable)6 ApplicationData (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.ApplicationData)5 TelemetryData (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TelemetryData)3 DataStream (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.DataStream)2 FieldInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation)2 SchedulerType (CCDD.CcddConstants.SchedulerType)2 BackgroundCommand (CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)1 ToolTipTreeNode (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode)1 BitPackNodeIndex (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.BitPackNodeIndex)1 GroupInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.GroupInformation)1 RateInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.RateInformation)1 GridBagConstraints (java.awt.GridBagConstraints)1 GridBagLayout (java.awt.GridBagLayout)1 Insets (java.awt.Insets)1 List (java.util.List)1 JLabel (javax.swing.JLabel)1 JList (javax.swing.JList)1