use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddDbTableCommandHandler method modifyTableType.
* Add, rename, or delete table type column names in the table definitions table and update the
* existing tables of the specified type
* @param typeName
* table type name to modify
* @param fieldInformation
* data field information list
* @param overwriteFields
* true if the content of existing fields should be overwritten by the default
* values; false to not overwrite existing values
* @param additions
* list of new columns to add to the tables. Each list item is an array containing:
* [0] column name (user), [1] column input type
* @param modifications
* list of name changes of existing columns in the tables. Each list item is an
* array containing: [0] original column name (user), [1] new column name (user),
* [2] column input type
* @param deletions
* list of columns to remove from the tables. Each list item is an array containing:
* [0] column name (user), [1] column input type
* @param columnOrderChange
* true if the table type's column order changed
* @param originalDefn
* reference to the table type definition prior to making any changes; null if this
* is a new table type
* @param editorDialog
* reference to the table type editor dialog
* @param editor
* reference to the table type editor where the change(s) occurred
protected void modifyTableType(String typeName, List<FieldInformation> fieldInformation, boolean overwriteFields, List<String[]> additions, List<String[]> modifications, List<String[]> deletions, boolean columnOrderChange, TypeDefinition originalDefn, CcddTableTypeEditorDialog editorDialog, CcddTableTypeEditorHandler editor) {
try {
boolean errorFlag = false;
String[] tableNames = null;
String names = "";
// Get the type definition based on the table type name
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(typeName);
// Set the flags that indicates if the table type definition represents a structure
// prior to and after making the updates
boolean wasStructure = originalDefn != null ? originalDefn.isStructure() : false;
boolean isStructure = typeDefn.isStructure();
// Create the command to update the table definitions table
StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(storeTableTypesInfoTableCommand());
// Check if this isn't a new table type
if (originalDefn != null) {
// Get an array containing all of the prototype tables of the specified type
String[] protoTableNames = queryTablesOfTypeList(typeName, editorDialog);
String columnOrder = "";
// Check if the column order changed or if any columns were added or deleted
if (columnOrderChange || !additions.isEmpty() || !deletions.isEmpty()) {
// Step through each column in the table type
for (int index = 0; index < typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase().length; index++) {
// Add the column index and a separator
columnOrder += index + ":";
// Remove the trailing separator
columnOrder = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(columnOrder, ":");
// Create a list to store the names of all tables of the specified type
List<String> tableNamesList = new ArrayList<String>();
// Build a table tree with all prototype and instance tables
CcddTableTreeHandler tableTree = new CcddTableTreeHandler(ccddMain, TableTreeType.TABLES, editorDialog);
// Step through each prototype table of the specified type
for (String protoName : protoTableNames) {
// Create a list of table path arrays for instances of this prototype table
// name
// Get the database form of the table name
String dbTable = protoName.toLowerCase();
// Step through each addition
for (String[] add : additions) {
// Get the input data type, and the column name in database form
InputDataType inputDataType = InputDataType.getInputTypeByName(add[1]);
String dbName = DefaultColumn.convertVisibleToDatabase(add[0], inputDataType, isStructure);
// Append the add command
command.append("ALTER TABLE " + dbTable + " ADD COLUMN " + dbName + " text DEFAULT ''; ");
// Step through each modification
for (String[] mod : modifications) {
// Get the old and new column names in database form
String oldDbName = DefaultColumn.convertVisibleToDatabase(mod[0], InputDataType.getInputTypeByName(mod[2]), isStructure);
String newDbName = DefaultColumn.convertVisibleToDatabase(mod[1], InputDataType.getInputTypeByName(mod[3]), isStructure);
// Check if the database form of the name changed
if (!oldDbName.equals(newDbName)) {
// Append the modify command
command.append("ALTER TABLE " + dbTable + " RENAME COLUMN " + oldDbName + " TO " + newDbName + "; ");
// Step through each deletion
for (String[] del : deletions) {
// Get the input data type, and the column name in database form
InputDataType inputDataType = InputDataType.getInputTypeByName(del[1]);
String dbName = DefaultColumn.convertVisibleToDatabase(del[0], inputDataType, isStructure);
// Append the delete command
command.append("ALTER TABLE " + dbTable + " DROP COLUMN " + dbName + "; ");
// Check if the column order changed
if (columnOrder.length() != 0) {
// Replace the column order for all tables matching this table name. This
// resets the column order for all users
command.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.ORDERS.getTableName() + " SET " + OrdersColumn.COLUMN_ORDER.getColumnName() + " = '" + columnOrder + "' WHERE " + OrdersColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + protoName + "(,|$)'; ");
// exist
if ((!modifications.isEmpty() || !deletions.isEmpty()) && protoTableNames.length != 0) {
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Build the sub-command required to detect references to tables of the
// affected type in the custom values, links, and telemetry scheduler tables
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
StringBuilder valuesCmd = new StringBuilder("");
StringBuilder linksCmd = new StringBuilder("");
StringBuilder tlmSchCmd = new StringBuilder("");
// Step through each prototype table of the specified type
for (String protoName : protoTableNames) {
// Build the table name comparison command for the custom values table
valuesCmd.append(ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'[^,]+," + protoName + "\\.[^,]+,[^,]+$' OR ");
// Remove the trailing 'OR' and prepend an 'AND' to complete the custom values
// command
valuesCmd = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(valuesCmd, " OR ");
valuesCmd.insert(0, " AND (");
// Check if the table type represents a structure
if (isStructure && wasStructure) {
// Step through each prototype table of the specified type
for (String protoName : protoTableNames) {
// Build the table name comparison command for the links and telemetry
// scheduler tables
linksCmd.append(LinksColumn.MEMBER.getColumnName() + " ~ E'(?:" + protoName + ",|[^,]+," + protoName + "\\.[^,]+,[^,]+$)' OR ");
tlmSchCmd.append(TlmSchedulerColumn.MEMBER.getColumnName() + " ~ E'(?:" + tlmSchSeparator + protoName + ",|[^,]+," + protoName + "\\.[^,]+,[^,]+$)' OR ");
// Remove the trailing 'OR' and prepend an 'AND' to complete the links and
// telemetry scheduler table commands
linksCmd = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(linksCmd, " OR ");
linksCmd.insert(0, " AND (");
tlmSchCmd = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(tlmSchCmd, " OR ");
tlmSchCmd.insert(0, " AND (");
// doing so
if (!isStructure && wasStructure) {
boolean hasSharedRate = false;
// Step through each rate column in the table type definition
for (int column : originalDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.RATE)) {
// Get the rate column name (as seen by the user)
String rateName = originalDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column];
// Check if this is the only table type using this rate column name
if (rateHandler.getRateInformationByRateName(rateName).getNumSharedTableTypes() == 1) {
// Delete all entries in the links and telemetry scheduler tables
// that reference this rate name
} else // The rate is shared with another table type
// Set the flag indicating the table type has a shared rate
hasSharedRate = true;
// the specific table references in these internal tables
if (hasSharedRate) {
// Remove all references to tables of the changed type in the links and
// telemetry scheduler tables
command.append(deleteLinkAndTlmRateRef(".+", linksCmd, tlmSchCmd));
// Step through each modification
for (String[] mod : modifications) {
// Check if the column name changed
if (!mod[0].equals(mod[1])) {
// Append the modify command for the custom values table
command.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " SET " + ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + mod[1] + "' WHERE " + ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + mod[0] + "'" + valuesCmd + "; ");
// was a rate
if (isStructure && wasStructure && mod[2].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// column
if (!mod[3].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Check if the rate name is used by another structure table type
if (rateHandler.getRateInformationByRateName(mod[0]).getNumSharedTableTypes() > 1) {
// Remove all references to tables of the changed type in the
// links and telemetry scheduler tables
command.append(deleteLinkAndTlmRateRef(mod[0], linksCmd, tlmSchCmd));
} else // The rate name is unique to this table type
// Remove all references to the original rate column name in
// the links and telemetry scheduler tables
} else // Check if the rate column name changed
if (!mod[0].equals(mod[1])) {
// table type
if (rateHandler.getRateInformationByRateName(mod[0]).getNumSharedTableTypes() > 1) {
// Remove all references to tables of the changed type in the
// links and telemetry scheduler tables
command.append(deleteLinkAndTlmRateRef(mod[0], linksCmd, tlmSchCmd));
} else // type (i.e., the rate name is unique to this table type)
if (rateHandler.getRateInformationByRateName(mod[1]) == null) {
// Append the modify command for the links and telemetry
// scheduler table
command.append("UPDATE " + InternalTable.LINKS.getTableName() + " SET " + LinksColumn.RATE_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + mod[1] + "' WHERE " + LinksColumn.RATE_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + mod[0] + "'; UPDATE " + InternalTable.TLM_SCHEDULER.getTableName() + " SET " + TlmSchedulerColumn.RATE_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + mod[1] + "' WHERE " + TlmSchedulerColumn.RATE_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + mod[0] + "'; ");
} else // The new rate name is already in use
// Remove all references to the original rate column name in
// the links and telemetry scheduler tables
// Step through each deletion
for (String[] del : deletions) {
// Append the delete command for the custom values table
command.append("DELETE FROM " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " WHERE " + ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName() + " = '" + del[0] + "'" + valuesCmd + "; ");
// deleted
if (isStructure && wasStructure && del[1].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Check if the rate name is used by another structure table type
if (rateHandler.getRateInformationByRateName(del[0]).getNumSharedTableTypes() > 1) {
// Remove all references to tables of the changed type in the links
// and telemetry scheduler tables
command.append(deleteLinkAndTlmRateRef(del[0], linksCmd, tlmSchCmd));
} else // The rate name is unique to this table type
// Remove all references to the original rate column name in the
// links and telemetry/scheduler tables
// Create a field handler to store the data field information
CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler = new CcddFieldHandler(ccddMain, null, editorDialog);
// Step through each table of the specified type
for (String tableName : tableNamesList) {
// Set the flag to indicate if the table is a root structure
boolean isRootStruct = isStructure && rootStructures.contains(tableName);
// Get the existing data fields for this table
// Get the number of separator and line break fields
int numSep = fieldHandler.getFieldTypeCount(InputDataType.SEPARATOR);
int numBrk = fieldHandler.getFieldTypeCount(InputDataType.BREAK);
int sepCount = 0;
int brkCount = 0;
boolean isChanges = false;
// Step through the default data fields for this table type
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : fieldInformation) {
// Check if this is a separator
if (fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.SEPARATOR)) {
// Increment the separator counter
} else // Check if this is a line break
if (fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.BREAK)) {
// Increment the line break counter
// Check if the data field meets the criteria of a new field for this table
if ((// The table doesn't have this data field
(fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(tableName, fieldInfo.getFieldName()) == null)) && // this table
(!tableName.contains(".") || fieldHandler.isFieldApplicable(tableName, fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), isRootStruct)) || // separator in the type editor exceeds the number already in the table
(fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.SEPARATOR) && sepCount > numSep) || (fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.BREAK) && brkCount > numBrk)) {
// Add the data field to the table and set the flag indicating a change
// has been made
fieldHandler.addField(tableName, fieldInfo.getFieldName(), fieldInfo.getDescription(), fieldInfo.getSize(), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName(), fieldInfo.isRequired(), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), fieldInfo.getValue());
isChanges = true;
} else // overwritten, and if the field value(s) changed
if (overwriteFields && fieldHandler.updateField(new FieldInformation(tableName, fieldInfo.getFieldName(), fieldInfo.getDescription(), fieldInfo.getSize(), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName(), fieldInfo.isRequired(), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), fieldInfo.getValue()))) {
// Set the flag indicating a change has been made
isChanges = true;
// Check if any fields were added
if (isChanges) {
// Create the command to modify the table's data field entries
command.append(modifyFieldsCommand(tableName, fieldHandler.getFieldInformation()));
// Convert the list of modified tables names to an array
tableNames = tableNamesList.toArray(new String[0]);
// Check if any table of this type exists
if (tableNames.length != 0) {
// Convert the array of tables names into a single string and shorten it if too
// long
names = " and table(s) '</b>" + getShortenedTableNames(tableNames) + "<b>'";
// Build the command to update the data fields table and the telemetry scheduler
// table comment (rate parameters)
command.append(modifyFieldsCommand(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldTypeName(typeName), fieldInformation));
try {
// Execute the command to change the table type and any table's of this type
dbCommand.executeDbCommand(command.toString(), editorDialog);
// Check if the type changed from being a structure to not being a structure
if (!isStructure && wasStructure) {
// Update the list of root structure tables
rootStructures = getRootStructures(editorDialog);
// Log that updating the table type succeeded
eventLog.logEvent(SUCCESS_MSG, "Table type '" + typeName + "'" + CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(names) + " updated");
} catch (SQLException se) {
// Inform the user that updating the tables failed
eventLog.logFailEvent(editorDialog, "Cannot update table type '" + typeName + "'" + CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(names) + "; cause '" + se.getMessage() + "'", "<html><b>Cannot update table type '</b>" + typeName + "<b>'" + names);
errorFlag = true;
// structure
if (!errorFlag && (isStructure || wasStructure)) {
// Step through each column addition
for (String[] add : additions) {
// Check if the column is a rate column
if (add[1].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Add the rate column to the rate information
// Step through each column modification
for (String[] mod : modifications) {
// Check if the column changed from a rate column to not being a rate column
if (mod[2].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName()) && !mod[3].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Delete the rate column from the rate information
} else // Check if the column changed from not being a rate column to a rate column
if (!mod[2].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName()) && mod[3].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Add the rate column to the rate information
} else // changed)
if (mod[3].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Rename (or add if the rate column is shared with another table type) the
// rate column in the rate information
rateHandler.renameRateInformation(mod[0], mod[1]);
// Step through each column deletion
for (String[] del : deletions) {
// Check if the column is a rate column
if (del[1].equals(InputDataType.RATE.getInputName())) {
// Delete the rate column from the rate information
// Update the rate column information and store it in the project database
// Update the database functions that collect structure table members and
// structure-defining column data
// Perform the type modification clean-up steps
editorDialog.doTypeModificationComplete(errorFlag, editor, tableNames);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
CcddUtilities.displayException(e, editorDialog);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFieldHandler method getFieldValue.
* Get the value of the data field with the specified input type for the specified field owner
* @param fieldOwner
* field owner name
* @param inputType
* InputDataTYpe for which to search
* @return Value of the data field with the specified input type for the specified field owner;
* null if the owner doesn't have a data field of that type
protected String getFieldValue(String fieldOwner, InputDataType inputType) {
String fieldValue = null;
// Get a reference to the first field of the specified type
FieldInformation fieldInfo = getFieldInformationByInputType(fieldOwner, inputType);
// Check if a non-empty field of the specified type exists
if (fieldInfo != null && !fieldInfo.getValue().isEmpty()) {
// Store the field value
fieldValue = fieldInfo.getValue();
return fieldValue;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFileIOHandler method addImportedDataField.
* Import one or more data fields into a table, appending them to any existing fields. If the
* imported field already exists then the input flag determines if the existing or imported
* field is used
* @param fieldHandler
* field handler reference
* @param tableDefn
* imported table definition
* @param ownerName
* data field owner name
* @param useExistingFields
* true to replace an existing data field with the imported ones if the field names
* match
private void addImportedDataField(CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler, TableDefinition tableDefn, String ownerName, boolean useExistingFields) {
// can be removed if needed
for (int index = tableDefn.getDataFields().size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
// Get the reference to the data field definitions to shorten subsequent calls
String[] fieldDefn = tableDefn.getDataFields().get(index);
// Set the data field owner to the specified table (if importing entire tables this
// isn't necessary, but is when importing into an existing table since the owner in the
// import file may differ)
fieldDefn[FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.ordinal()] = ownerName;
// Get the reference to the data field based on the table name and field name
FieldInformation fieldInfo = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(fieldDefn[FieldsColumn.OWNER_NAME.ordinal()], fieldDefn[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal()]);
// Check if the data field already exists
if (fieldInfo != null) {
// Check if the original data field information supersedes the imported one
if (useExistingFields) {
// Remove the new data field definition
} else // The imported data field information replaces the original
// Remove the original data field definition
// Combine the existing and imported data fields
tableDefn.getDataFields().addAll(0, fieldHandler.getFieldDefinitionsFromInformation());
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddGroupTreeHandler method adjustNodeText.
* Set the node text color based on the currently selected schedule rate and the rate of the
* group to which the node belongs: black for a match and gray for a mismatch
* @param startNode
* starting node for which to adjust the text and color
protected void adjustNodeText(ToolTipTreeNode startNode, List<String> excludes) {
// Step through the node's children, if any
for (Enumeration<?> element = startNode.preorderEnumeration(); element.hasMoreElements(); ) {
// Get the node reference
ToolTipTreeNode node = (ToolTipTreeNode) element.nextElement();
// Get the tree level for this node
int level = node.getLevel();
// called when no nodes exist
if (level > 0) {
// Get the group name from the node. The group name is the second node in the path
// for this node
String groupName = removeExtraText(node.getPath()[1].toString());
// Get the reference to the group's information
GroupInformation groupInfo = groupHandler.getGroupInformationByName(groupName);
// Check that the node references a group
if (groupInfo != null) {
// Get the node name
String nodeName = node.getUserObject().toString();
// Set to true if the group in this path is not excluded (as evidenced by
// having a HTML tag)
boolean wasExcluded = nodeName.contains(DISABLED_TEXT_COLOR);
// Remove any HTML tags or other extra text from the node name
nodeName = removeExtraText(nodeName);
// Get the reference to the schedule rate field information
FieldInformation rateInfo = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldGroupName(groupName), DefaultApplicationField.SCHEDULE_RATE.getFieldName());
// Set the flag indicating the group is excluded if it's in the exclusion list
boolean isExcluded = rateInfo == null || rateInfo.getValue().isEmpty() || !scheduleRate.equals(rateInfo.getValue()) || excludes.contains(nodeName);
// Check if the group's exclusion state has changed
if (wasExcluded != isExcluded) {
// Reset the node name to indicate its inclusion/exclusion state. If
// excluded, prepend the HTML tag to gray out the name. Indicate that the
// node changed so that the tree redraws the name
node.setUserObject((isExcluded ? DISABLED_TEXT_COLOR : "") + nodeName);
((DefaultTreeModel) getModel()).nodeChanged(node);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddFieldTableEditorDialog method doDataFieldUpdatesComplete.
* Perform the steps needed following execution of database table changes
* @param commandError
* false if the database commands successfully completed; true
protected void doDataFieldUpdatesComplete(boolean commandError) {
// Check that no error occurred performing the database commands
if (!commandError) {
// Clear the cells selected for deletion
// Load the data field information into the data field editor table
// Step through the open editor dialogs
for (CcddTableEditorDialog editorDialog : ccddMain.getTableEditorDialogs()) {
// Step through each individual editor in this editor dialog
for (CcddTableEditorHandler editor : editorDialog.getTableEditors()) {
List<String> redrawnTables = new ArrayList<String>();
TableInformation tableInfo = editor.getTableInformation();
// Step through the data field deletions
for (String[] del : fieldDeletions) {
// already had a deletion applied
if (del[0].equals(tableInfo.getTablePath()) && !redrawnTables.contains(del[0])) {
// Add the table's name and path to the list of updated tables. This is
// used to prevent updating the data fields for a table multiple times
// Rebuild the table's data field information
// Store the data field information in the committed information so
// that this value change is ignored when updating or closing the table
// Rebuild the table's editor panel which contains the data fields
// Step through the data field value modifications
for (String[] mod : fieldModifications) {
// already been updated by having a deletion applied
if (mod[0].equals(tableInfo.getTablePath()) && !redrawnTables.contains(mod[0])) {
// Get the reference to the modified field
FieldInformation fieldInfo = tableInfo.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformationByName(mod[0], mod[1]);
// Update the field's value. Also update the value in the committed
// information so that this value change is ignored when updating or
// closing the table
editor.getCommittedTableInformation().getFieldHandler().getFieldInformationByName(mod[0], mod[1]).setValue(mod[2]);
// Check that this isn't a boolean input (check box) data field
if (fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputFormat() != InputTypeFormat.BOOLEAN) {
// Display the updated value in the text field
((UndoableTextField) fieldInfo.getInputFld()).setText(mod[2]);
// Clear the undo/redo cell edits stack