use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getProjectFields.
* Get an array containing the data field information for the project
* @return Array containing the data field information for the project; an empty array if the
* project has no data fields. The array in is the format: field name, description,
* size, input type, required (true or false), applicability, value[,...]
public String[][] getProjectFields() {
List<String[]> projectFields = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Build the project's data field information
// Step through each data field belonging to the project
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : fieldHandler.getFieldInformation()) {
// Add the data field information to the list
projectFields.add(new String[] { fieldInfo.getFieldName(), fieldInfo.getDescription(), Integer.toString(fieldInfo.getSize()), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName(), Boolean.toString(fieldInfo.isRequired()), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), fieldInfo.getValue() });
return projectFields.toArray(new String[0][0]);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getDataFieldValue.
* Get the contents of the data field for the specified table's specified data field
* @param ownerName
* name of the data field owner (table name, including the path if this table
* references a structure, group name, or table type name)
* @param fieldName
* data field name
* @return Data field value; returns a null if the owner name or field name is invalid
private String getDataFieldValue(String ownerName, String fieldName) {
String fieldValue = null;
// Get the reference to the data field information for the requested owner and field names
FieldInformation fieldInfo = fieldHandler.getFieldInformationByName(ownerName, fieldName);
// Check if a field for this owner exists
if (fieldInfo != null) {
// Get the field value
fieldValue = fieldInfo.getValue();
// Check if the data field contains a message ID
if (fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID)) {
// Remove the auto-assignment protection flag, if present
fieldValue = CcddMessageIDHandler.removeProtectionFlag(fieldValue);
return fieldValue;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddAssignMessageIDDialog method assignGroupMessageIDs.
* Assign message ID values to the group data fields
* @param tabInfo
* message ID tab information reference
* @param fieldInformation
* list of data field information
* @return true if a message ID value changed
private boolean assignGroupMessageIDs(MsgTabInfo type, List<FieldInformation> fieldInformation) {
boolean isChanges = false;
// Get the starting message ID and ID interval values
int startID = Integer.decode(type.getStartFld().getText());
int interval = Integer.valueOf(type.getIntervalFld().getText());
// Step through each defined data field
for (int index = 0; index < fieldInformation.size(); index++) {
// Get the reference to the field information
FieldInformation fieldInfo = fieldInformation.get(index);
// overwrite check box is selected or the field is blank
if (fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID) && fieldInfo.getOwnerName().startsWith(GROUP_DATA_FIELD_IDENT) && !fieldInfo.getValue().endsWith(PROTECTED_MSG_ID_IDENT) && (type.getOverwriteCbx().isSelected() || fieldInfo.getValue().isEmpty())) {
// Set the message ID data field value to the next unused message ID
startID = getNextMessageID(startID, interval);
// Set the flag to indicate a message ID value is changed
isChanges = true;
return isChanges;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddCSVHandler method exportToFile.
* Export the project in CSV format to the specified file
* @param exportFile
* reference to the user-specified output file
* @param tableNames
* array of table names to export
* @param replaceMacros
* true to replace any embedded macros with their corresponding values
* @param includeReservedMsgIDs
* true to include the contents of the reserved message ID table in the export file
* @param includeVariablePaths
* true to include the variable path for each variable in a structure table, both in
* application format and using the user-defined separator characters
* @param variableHandler
* variable handler class reference; null if includeVariablePaths is false
* @param separators
* string array containing the variable path separator character(s), show/hide data
* types flag ('true' or 'false'), and data type/variable name separator
* character(s); null if includeVariablePaths is false
* @param extraInfo
* unused
* @return true if an error occurred preventing exporting the project to the file
public boolean exportToFile(FileEnvVar exportFile, String[] tableNames, boolean replaceMacros, boolean includeReservedMsgIDs, boolean includeVariablePaths, CcddVariableSizeAndConversionHandler variableHandler, String[] separators, Object... extraInfo) {
boolean errorFlag = false;
boolean addLineFeed = false;
FileWriter fw = null;
BufferedWriter bw = null;
PrintWriter pw = null;
try {
List<String> referencedTableTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> referencedDataTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> referencedMacros = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String[]> variablePaths = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Output the table data to the selected file. Multiple writers are needed in case
// tables are appended to an existing file
fw = new FileWriter(exportFile, true);
bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
// Step through each table
for (String tblName : tableNames) {
// Get the information from the database for the specified table
TableInformation tableInfo = ccddMain.getDbTableCommandHandler().loadTableData(tblName, true, false, true, parent);
// Check if the table's data successfully loaded
if (!tableInfo.isErrorFlag()) {
// Output the file creation information (for the first pass only)
pw.printf((!addLineFeed ? "# Created " + new Date().toString() + " : project = " + dbControl.getDatabaseName() + " : host = " + dbControl.getServer() + " : user = " + dbControl.getUser() + "\n" : "") + "\n");
// Get the table type definition based on the type name
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableInfo.getType());
// Check if this table type is not already output
if (!referencedTableTypes.contains(tableInfo.getType())) {
// Add the table type to the list of those referenced
// Get the visible column names based on the table's type
String[] columnNames = typeDefn.getColumnNamesVisible();
// Check if the flag is set that indicates macros should be replaced
if (replaceMacros) {
// Replace all macro names with their corresponding values
String systemName = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(tblName, InputDataType.SYSTEM_PATH);
// Check if the system name exists
if (systemName != null && !systemName.isEmpty()) {
// Store the system name
systemName = ",\"" + systemName + "\"";
// Output the table path (if applicable) and name, table type, and system name
// (if provided)
pw.printf(CSVTags.NAME_TYPE.getTag() + "\n%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(tableInfo.getTablePath(), tableInfo.getType(), systemName));
// Check if the table has a description
if (!tableInfo.getDescription().isEmpty()) {
// Output the table description tag and description
pw.printf(CSVTags.DESCRIPTION.getTag() + "\n%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotes(tableInfo.getDescription()));
// Output the column data tag and column names
pw.printf(CSVTags.COLUMN_NAMES.getTag() + "\n%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(columnNames));
// Step through each row in the table
for (int row = 0; row < tableInfo.getData().length; row++) {
// Output the table row data, skipping the hidden columns
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(Arrays.copyOfRange(tableInfo.getData()[row], NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS, tableInfo.getData()[row].length)));
// Step through each column in the row, skipping the hidden columns
for (int column = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS; column < columnNames.length; column++) {
List<Integer> dataTypeColumns = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Get the column indices for all columns that can contain a primitive
// data type
// Step through each data type column
for (int dataTypeColumn : dataTypeColumns) {
// Get the value in the data type column
String dataTypeName = tableInfo.getData()[row][dataTypeColumn].toString();
// list
if (dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(dataTypeName) && !referencedDataTypes.contains(dataTypeName)) {
// Add the data type name to the list of references data types
// Get the names of the macros referenced in the cell and add them to
// the list
// represents a structure
if (includeVariablePaths && typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// Get the variable path
String variablePath = tableInfo.getTablePath() + "," + tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT)] + "." + tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE)];
// Add the path, in both application and user-defined formats, to
// the list to be output
variablePaths.add(new String[] { variablePath, variableHandler.getFullVariableName(variablePath, separators[0], Boolean.parseBoolean(separators[1]), separators[2]) });
// Get the table's data field information
List<FieldInformation> fieldInformation = tableInfo.getFieldHandler().getFieldInformation();
// Check if the table contains any data fields
if (!fieldInformation.isEmpty()) {
// Output the data field marker
pw.printf(CSVTags.DATA_FIELD.getTag() + "\n");
// Step through each data field
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : fieldInformation) {
// Output the field information
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(fieldInfo.getFieldName(), fieldInfo.getDescription(), Integer.toString(fieldInfo.getSize()), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName(), Boolean.toString(fieldInfo.isRequired()), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), fieldInfo.getValue()));
addLineFeed = true;
// Check if any table types are referenced
if (!referencedTableTypes.isEmpty()) {
// Step through each referenced table type
for (String tableType : referencedTableTypes) {
// Get the table type definition based on the type name
TypeDefinition tableTypeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableType);
// Output the table type tag, and the type name and description
pw.printf("\n" + CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE.getTag() + "\n%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(tableTypeDefn.getName(), tableTypeDefn.getDescription()));
// key and row index columns
for (int column = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS; column < tableTypeDefn.getColumnCountDatabase(); column++) {
// Output the column definition
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(tableTypeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column], tableTypeDefn.getColumnToolTips()[column], tableTypeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].getInputName(), tableTypeDefn.isRowValueUnique()[column].toString(), tableTypeDefn.isRequired()[column].toString(), tableTypeDefn.isStructureAllowed()[column].toString(), tableTypeDefn.isPointerAllowed()[column].toString()));
// Build the data field information for this table type
List<FieldInformation> fieldInformation = fieldHandler.getFieldInformation();
// Check if the table type contains any data fields
if (!fieldInformation.isEmpty()) {
// Output the data field marker
pw.printf(CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE_DATA_FIELD.getTag() + "\n");
// Step through each data field
for (FieldInformation fieldInfo : fieldInformation) {
// Output the field information
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(fieldInfo.getFieldName(), fieldInfo.getDescription(), Integer.toString(fieldInfo.getSize()), fieldInfo.getInputType().getInputName(), Boolean.toString(fieldInfo.isRequired()), fieldInfo.getApplicabilityType().getApplicabilityName(), fieldInfo.getValue()));
// Check if any primitive data types are referenced
if (!referencedDataTypes.isEmpty()) {
// Output the data type marker
pw.printf("\n" + CSVTags.DATA_TYPE.getTag() + "\n");
// Step through each data type
for (String[] dataType : dataTypeHandler.getDataTypeData()) {
// Check if the data type is referenced in the table
if (referencedDataTypes.contains(CcddDataTypeHandler.getDataTypeName(dataType))) {
// Output the data type definition
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(dataType[DataTypesColumn.USER_NAME.ordinal()], dataType[DataTypesColumn.C_NAME.ordinal()], dataType[DataTypesColumn.SIZE.ordinal()], dataType[DataTypesColumn.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()]));
// Check if any macros are referenced
if (!referencedMacros.isEmpty()) {
// Output the macro marker
pw.printf("\n" + CSVTags.MACRO.getTag() + "\n");
// Step through each macro
for (String[] macro : macroHandler.getMacroData()) {
// Check if the macro is referenced in the table
if (referencedMacros.contains(macro[MacrosColumn.MACRO_NAME.ordinal()])) {
// Output the macro definition
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(macro[MacrosColumn.MACRO_NAME.ordinal()], macro[MacrosColumn.VALUE.ordinal()]));
// reserved message IDs defined
if (includeReservedMsgIDs && !rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDData().isEmpty()) {
// Output the reserved message ID marker
pw.printf("\n" + CSVTags.RESERVED_MSG_IDS.getTag() + "\n");
// Step through each reserved message ID
for (String[] reservedMsgID : rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDData()) {
// Output the reserved message ID definition
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(reservedMsgID[ReservedMsgIDsColumn.MSG_ID.ordinal()], reservedMsgID[ReservedMsgIDsColumn.DESCRIPTION.ordinal()]));
// Check if variable paths are to be output and that any exist
if (includeVariablePaths && !variablePaths.isEmpty()) {
// Output the variable path marker
pw.printf("\n" + CSVTags.VARIABLE_PATHS.getTag() + "\n");
// Step through each variable path
for (String[] variablePath : variablePaths) {
// Output the variable path in application and user-defined formats
pw.printf("%s\n", CcddUtilities.addEmbeddedQuotesAndCommas(variablePath[0], variablePath[1]));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the data file cannot be written to
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot write to export file '</b>" + exportFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
errorFlag = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
CcddUtilities.displayException(e, parent);
errorFlag = true;
} finally {
// Check if the PrintWriter was opened
if (pw != null) {
// Close the file
try {
// Check if the BufferedWriter was opened
if (bw != null) {
// Close the file
// Check if the FileWriter was opened
if (fw != null) {
// Close the file
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Inform the user that the data file cannot be closed
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot close export file '</b>" + exportFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
return errorFlag;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddApplicationSchedulerInput method getAvailableRates.
* Get an array of the available rates
* @return Array of rates
public String[] getAvailableRates() {
// List of all the current rates
List<String> rates = new ArrayList<String>();
// Step through each application in the application tree
for (GroupInformation appInfo : applicationTree.getGroupHandler().getGroupInformation()) {
// Set the field handler to contain the current application's information
// Get the scheduler rate of the current application
FieldInformation rateInfo = fieldHndlr.getFieldInformationByName(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldGroupName(appInfo.getName()), "Schedule Rate");
// Check if the application had a schedule rate assigned
if (rateInfo != null && !rates.contains(rateInfo.getValue())) {
// Add the rate to the list of current rates
// Sort the list of rates from greatest to least
Collections.sort(rates, Collections.reverseOrder(new Comparator<String>() {
* Override the compare method to sort from greatest to least
public int compare(String string1, String string2) {
// Compare the integer value of the strings
return Integer.valueOf(string1).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(string2));
return rates.toArray(new String[rates.size()]);