Search in sources :

Example 31 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddDbTableCommandHandler method storeTableTypesInfoTableCommand.

 * Build the command for storing the table type definitions table
 * @return Command for building the specified table
protected String storeTableTypesInfoTableCommand() {
    // Build the command to delete the existing table type definitions table and create the new
    // one
    String cmd = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + InternalTable.TABLE_TYPES.getTableName() + "; CREATE TABLE " + InternalTable.TABLE_TYPES.getTableName() + " " + InternalTable.TABLE_TYPES.getColumnCommand(!tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions().isEmpty());
    // Get the index of the default column definitions command (if present)
    int cmdIndex = cmd.indexOf(DefaultColumn.getColumnDefinitions());
    // Check if the default column definitions command is present
    if (cmdIndex != -1) {
        // Remove the default column definitions from the command
        cmd = cmd.substring(0, cmd.indexOf(DefaultColumn.getColumnDefinitions()));
    // Convert the command to a StringBuilder for efficiency
    StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(cmd);
    // Step through each table type definition
    for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
        // Step through each column definition
        for (int index = 0; index < typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase().length; index++) {
            // Add the command to create the column
            command.append("(" + delimitText(typeDefn.getName()) + ", " + index + ", '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[index] + "', '" + typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[index] + "', " + delimitText(typeDefn.getColumnToolTips()[index]) + ", '" + typeDefn.getInputTypes()[index].getInputName() + "', " + typeDefn.isRowValueUnique()[index] + ", " + typeDefn.isRequired()[index] + ", " + typeDefn.isStructureAllowed()[index] + ", " + typeDefn.isPointerAllowed()[index] + "), ");
    // Replace the trailing comma with a semicolon
    command = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(command, ", ").append("; ").append(dbControl.buildOwnerCommand(DatabaseObject.TABLE, InternalTable.TABLE_TYPES.getTableName()));
    return command.toString();
Also used : TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 32 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddDbTableCommandHandler method loadTableData.

 * Perform the database query to load the contents of a database table. The data is sorted in
 * ascending numerical order based on the index (primary key) column
 * @param tablePath
 *            table path in the format rootTable[,dataType1.variable1[,dataType2
 *            .variable2[,...]]]. The table path for a non-structure table is simply the root
 *            table name. For a structure table the root table is the top level structure table
 *            from which this table descends. The first data type/variable name pair is from
 *            the root table, with each succeeding pair coming from the next level down in the
 *            structure's hierarchy
 * @param loadDescription
 *            true to load the table's description
 * @param loadColumnOrder
 *            true to load the table's column order
 * @param loadFieldInfo
 *            true to retrieve the data field information to include with the table
 *            information; false to not load the field information
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
 * @return TableInformation class containing the table data from the database. If the error
 *         flag is set the an error occurred and the data is invalid
protected TableInformation loadTableData(String tablePath, boolean loadDescription, boolean loadColumnOrder, boolean loadFieldInfo, Component parent) {
    // Create an empty table information class
    TableInformation tableInfo = new TableInformation(tablePath);
    // Strip the variable name, if present, from the table name
    String tableName = tableInfo.getPrototypeName();
    // Convert the table name to lower case. PostgreSQL ignores case; it's done here just to
    // differentiate the table name from the database commands in the event log
    String dbTableName = tableName.toLowerCase();
    try {
        // Check if the table doesn't exist in the database
        if (!isTableExists(dbTableName, parent)) {
            throw new CCDDException("table doesn't exist");
        // Get the table comment
        String[] comment = queryDataTableComment(tableName, parent);
        // Get the table type definition for this table
        TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(comment[TableCommentIndex.TYPE.ordinal()]);
        // Get a comma-separated list of the columns for this table's type
        String columnNames = CcddUtilities.convertArrayToString(typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase());
        // Get the table's row information for the specified columns. The table must have all
        // of its table type's columns or else it fails to load
        ResultSet rowData = dbCommand.executeDbQuery("SELECT " + columnNames + " FROM " + dbTableName + " ORDER BY " + DefaultColumn.ROW_INDEX.getDbName() + ";", parent);
        // Create a list to contain the database table rows
        List<String[]> dbRows = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        // Step through each of the query results
        while ( {
            // Create an array to contain the column values
            String[] columnValues = new String[typeDefn.getColumnCountDatabase()];
            // Step through each column in the row
            for (int column = 0; column < typeDefn.getColumnCountDatabase(); column++) {
                // Add the column value to the array. Note that the first column's index in
                // the database is 1, not 0
                columnValues[column] = rowData.getString(column + 1);
                // Check if the value is null
                if (columnValues[column] == null) {
                    // Replace the null with a blank
                    columnValues[column] = "";
            // Add the row data to the list
        // Create the table information handler for this table
        tableInfo = new TableInformation(comment[TableCommentIndex.TYPE.ordinal()], tablePath, dbRows.toArray(new String[0][0]), (loadColumnOrder ? queryColumnOrder(tablePath, comment[TableCommentIndex.TYPE.ordinal()], parent) : ""), (loadDescription ? queryTableDescription(tablePath, parent) : ""), rootStructures.contains(tablePath), (loadFieldInfo ? retrieveInformationTable(InternalTable.FIELDS, parent).toArray(new String[0][0]) : null));
        // Get the index of the variable name and data type columns
        int varNameIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE);
        int dataTypeIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.PRIM_AND_STRUCT);
        // must be loaded
        if (varNameIndex != -1 && dataTypeIndex != -1 && tablePath.contains(",")) {
            // Get the column index for the variable path
            int varPathIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.VARIABLE_PATH);
            // Check if the variable path column is present
            if (varPathIndex != -1) {
                // Step through each row in the table
                for (int row = 0; row < tableInfo.getData().length; row++) {
                    // Blank the variable path. This prevents the child table from inheriting a
                    // user-defined variable path from the prototype
                    tableInfo.getData()[row][varPathIndex] = "";
            // Place double back slashes before each square brace character in an array index
            // so that the brackets are interpreted correctly in the query's regular expression
            // comparisons
            tablePath = tablePath.replaceAll("\\[(\\d+)\\]", "\\\\\\\\[$1\\\\\\\\]");
            // Get the rows from the custom values table that match the specified parent table
            // and variable path. These values replace those loaded for the prototype of this
            // table
            rowData = dbCommand.executeDbQuery("SELECT * FROM " + InternalTable.VALUES.getTableName() + " WHERE " + ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName() + " ~ E'^" + tablePath + ",[^,]+$' AND " + ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName() + " != '';", parent);
            // Step through each of the query results
            while ( {
                // Get the variable name that will have its value replaced
                String variableName = rowData.getString(ValuesColumn.TABLE_PATH.getColumnName());
                // Get the index of the last data type/variable name separator character (if
                // present)
                int varIndex = variableName.lastIndexOf(".");
                // Check if a variable name exists
                if (varIndex != -1) {
                    // Get the row index for the referenced variable
                    int row = typeDefn.getRowIndexByColumnValue(tableInfo.getData(), variableName.substring(varIndex + 1), varNameIndex);
                    // values table
                    if (row != -1 && tableInfo.getData()[row][dataTypeIndex].equals(variableName.subSequence(variableName.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, varIndex))) {
                        // Get the index of the column that will have its data replaced
                        int column = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByUserName(rowData.getString(ValuesColumn.COLUMN_NAME.getColumnName()));
                        // Check if the table contains the column
                        if (column != -1) {
                            // Replace the value in the table with the one from the custom
                            // values table
                            tableInfo.getData()[row][column] = rowData.getString(ValuesColumn.VALUE.getColumnName());
    } catch (SQLException | CCDDException se) {
        // Inform the user that loading the table failed
        eventLog.logFailEvent(parent, "Cannot load table '" + tableInfo.getProtoVariableName() + "'; cause '" + se.getMessage() + "'", "<html><b>Cannot load table '</b>" + tableInfo.getProtoVariableName() + "<b>'");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
        CcddUtilities.displayException(e, parent);
    return tableInfo;
Also used : CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TableInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)

Example 33 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddAssignMessageIDDialog method assignTableMessageIDs.

 * Assign message ID values to the structure, command, or other table type message ID columns
 * and data fields
 * @param tabInfo
 *            message ID tab information reference
 * @param tables
 *            list of structure, command, or other tables, with paths
 * @param fieldInformation
 *            list of data field information
 * @return true if a message ID value changed
private boolean assignTableMessageIDs(MsgTabInfo type, List<String> tables, List<FieldInformation> fieldInformation) {
    boolean isChanges = false;
    // Get the starting message ID and ID interval values
    int startID = Integer.decode(type.getStartFld().getText());
    int interval = Integer.valueOf(type.getIntervalFld().getText());
    // Step through each table type
    for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
        // Check if the tab information type and table type match the table type definition
        if ((type.getName().equals(TYPE_STRUCTURE) && typeDefn.isStructure()) || type.getName().equals(TYPE_COMMAND) && typeDefn.isCommand() || (type.getName().equals(TYPE_OTHER) && !typeDefn.isStructure() && !typeDefn.isCommand())) {
            // Get a list of the columns in this table type that are message IDs
            List<Integer> msgIDColumns = typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID);
            // Check if the table type has any columns that are message IDs
            if (!msgIDColumns.isEmpty()) {
                // Step through each table
                for (String tablePath : tables) {
                    // Load the table's information from the project database
                    TableInformation tableInformation = dbTable.loadTableData(tablePath, false, false, false, CcddAssignMessageIDDialog.this);
                    // the current type definition
                    if (!tableInformation.isErrorFlag() && tableInformation.getType().equals(typeDefn.getName())) {
                        // Create a table editor handler, but without displaying the editor
                        // itself
                        CcddTableEditorHandler editor = new CcddTableEditorHandler(ccddMain, tableInformation, null);
                        // Check if the table arrays aren't expanded
                        if (!editor.isExpanded()) {
                            // Expand the table arrays
                        // Get the table's data (again if a name change occurred since changes
                        // were made)
                        Object[][] tableData = editor.getTable().getTableData(false);
                        // Step through each row in the table
                        for (int row = 0; row < editor.getTable().getModel().getRowCount(); row++) {
                            // Step through each column that contains message IDs
                            for (int idColumn : msgIDColumns) {
                                // values should be overwritten or if the cell is empty
                                if (editor.getTable().isCellEditable(editor.getTable().convertRowIndexToView(row), editor.getTable().convertColumnIndexToView(idColumn)) && !tableData[row][idColumn].toString().endsWith(PROTECTED_MSG_ID_IDENT) && (type.getOverwriteCbx().isSelected() || tableData[row][idColumn].toString().isEmpty())) {
                                    // Set the column message ID value to the next unused
                                    // message ID
                                    startID = getNextMessageID(startID, interval);
                                    tableData[row][idColumn] = formatMessageID(startID);
                        // Check if the a message ID in the table was changed
                        if (editor.getTable().isTableChanged(tableData)) {
                            // Load the updated array of data into the table
                            editor.getTable().loadDataArrayIntoTable(tableData, false);
                            // Build the table updates
                            // Make the table modifications to the project database and to any
                            // open table editors
                            dbTable.modifyTableData(editor.getTableInformation(), editor.getAdditions(), editor.getModifications(), editor.getDeletions(), true, false, false, false, false, null, CcddAssignMessageIDDialog.this);
    // Step through each defined data field
    for (int index = 0; index < fieldInformation.size(); index++) {
        // Get the reference to the field information
        FieldInformation fieldInfo = fieldInformation.get(index);
        // blank
        if (fieldInfo.getInputType().equals(InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID) && tables.contains(fieldInfo.getOwnerName()) && !fieldInfo.getValue().endsWith(PROTECTED_MSG_ID_IDENT) && (type.getOverwriteCbx().isSelected() || fieldInfo.getValue().isEmpty())) {
            // Set the message ID data field value to the next unused message ID
            startID = getNextMessageID(startID, interval);
            // the database. Step through each table editor dialog
            for (CcddTableEditorDialog editorDialog : ccddMain.getTableEditorDialogs()) {
                boolean isUpdate = false;
                // Step through each table editor in the editor dialog
                for (CcddTableEditorHandler editor : editorDialog.getTableEditors()) {
                    // Get the reference to the table's field handler
                    CcddFieldHandler editorFldHandler = editor.getTableInformation().getFieldHandler();
                    // to the new value
                    if (editorFldHandler.updateField(fieldInfo)) {
                        // Update the committed message ID value
                        // Update the editor data fields
                        // Set the flag to indicate the table/field combination was located and
                        // stop searching
                        isUpdate = true;
                // Check if this table/field combination has been located
                if (isUpdate) {
                    // Stop searching
            // Set the flag to indicate a message ID value is changed
            isChanges = true;
    return isChanges;
Also used : TableInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) FieldInformation(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation)

Example 34 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddDataTypeEditorDialog method createDataTypeTable.

 * Create the data type table
 * @return Reference to the scroll pane in which the table is placed
private JScrollPane createDataTypeTable() {
    // Define the data type editor JTable
    dataTypeTable = new CcddJTableHandler(DefaultPrimitiveTypeInfo.values().length) {

         * Allow multiple line display in user name and C name columns
        protected boolean isColumnMultiLine(int column) {
            return column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.ordinal() || column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal();

         * Hide the specified column(s)
        protected boolean isColumnHidden(int column) {
            return column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.OID.ordinal();

         * Override isCellEditable so that all columns can be edited
        public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
            return true;

         * Allow pasting data into the data type cells
        protected boolean isDataAlterable(Object[] rowData, int row, int column) {
            return isCellEditable(convertRowIndexToView(row), convertColumnIndexToView(column));

         * Override getCellEditor so that for a base data type column cell the base data type
         * combo box cell editor is returned; for all other cells return the normal cell editor
         * @param row
         *            table view row number
         * @param column
         *            table view column number
         * @return The cell editor for the specified row and column
        public TableCellEditor getCellEditor(int row, int column) {
            // Get the editor for this cell
            TableCellEditor cellEditor = super.getCellEditor(row, column);
            // Convert the row and column indices to the model coordinates
            int modelColumn = convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
            // column
            if (modelColumn == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()) {
                // Select the combo box cell editor that displays the base data types
                cellEditor = baseTypeCellEditor;
            return cellEditor;

         * Validate changes to the editable cells
         * @param tableData
         *            list containing the table data row arrays
         * @param row
         *            table model row number
         * @param column
         *            table model column number
         * @param oldValue
         *            original cell contents
         * @param newValue
         *            new cell contents
         * @param showMessage
         *            true to display the invalid input dialog, if applicable
         * @param isMultiple
         *            true if this is one of multiple cells to be entered and checked; false if
         *            only a single input is being entered
         * @return Always returns false
        protected Boolean validateCellContent(List<Object[]> tableData, int row, int column, Object oldValue, Object newValue, Boolean showMessage, boolean isMultiple) {
            // Reset the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is invalid
            // Create a string version of the old and new values
            String oldValueS = oldValue.toString();
            String newValueS = newValue.toString();
            try {
                // Check if the value isn't blank
                if (!newValueS.isEmpty()) {
                    // Check if the data type user name or C type has been changed
                    if (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.ordinal() || column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()) {
                        // avoid creating a duplicate
                        for (int otherRow = 0; otherRow < getRowCount(); otherRow++) {
                            // type name matches the one being added (case insensitive)
                            if (otherRow != row && newValueS.equalsIgnoreCase(CcddDataTypeHandler.getDataTypeName(tableData.get(otherRow)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.ordinal()].toString(), tableData.get(otherRow)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()].toString()))) {
                                throw new CCDDException("Data type name already in use");
                        // Check if the data type user name has been changed
                        if (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.ordinal()) {
                            // input type
                            if (!newValueS.matches(InputDataType.ALPHANUMERIC.getInputMatch())) {
                                throw new CCDDException("Illegal character(s) in data type name");
                        } else // The data type C type has been changed
                            // Initialize the C type name matching regular expression
                            String match = InputDataType.ALPHANUMERIC_MULTI.getInputMatch();
                            // Check if the base data type is a pointer
                            if (tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()].equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.POINTER.getName())) {
                                // asterisk
                                if (!newValueS.endsWith("*")) {
                                    // Append an asterisk to the C type name
                                    newValueS += "*";
                                    tableData.get(row)[column] = newValueS;
                                // Add the ending asterisk to the matching regular expression
                                match += "\\*+";
                            } else // Check if the base type is blank
                            if (tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()].toString().isEmpty()) {
                                // Add the optional ending asterisk to the matching regular
                                // expression
                                match += "\\*?+";
                            // alphanumeric input type (with an asterisk if this is a pointer)
                            if (!newValueS.matches(match)) {
                                throw new CCDDException("Illegal character(s) in data type C type name");
                    } else // Check if this is the data type size column
                    if (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.ordinal()) {
                        // Check if the data type size is not a positive integer
                        if (!newValueS.matches(InputDataType.INT_POSITIVE.getInputMatch())) {
                            throw new CCDDException("Data type size must be a positive integer");
                        // Remove any unneeded characters and store the cleaned number
                        tableData.get(row)[column] = Integer.valueOf(newValueS.replaceAll(InputDataType.INT_POSITIVE.getInputMatch(), "$1"));
                    } else // Check if this is the data type base type column
                    if (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()) {
                        // Get the C type name
                        String cType = tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()].toString();
                        // Check if the base type changed from a non-pointer to a pointer
                        if (newValueS.equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.POINTER.getName())) {
                            // an asterisk
                            if (!cType.isEmpty() && !cType.endsWith("*")) {
                                // Append an asterisk to the C type name
                                tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()] += "*";
                        } else // the base type had been empty
                        if (oldValueS.equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.POINTER.getName()) || oldValueS.isEmpty()) {
                            // Remove any asterisks from the C type name
                            tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()] = cType.replaceAll("\\*", "");
                    // a non-integer
                    if (!oldValueS.isEmpty() && ((column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.ordinal() && Integer.valueOf(newValueS) < Integer.valueOf(oldValueS) && (tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()].equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.SIGNED_INT.getName()) || tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()].equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.UNSIGNED_INT.getName()))) || (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.BASE_TYPE.ordinal() && (oldValueS.equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.SIGNED_INT.getName()) || oldValueS.equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.UNSIGNED_INT.getName())) && !(newValueS.equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.SIGNED_INT.getName()) || newValueS.equals(BaseDataTypeInfo.UNSIGNED_INT.getName()))))) {
                        // Get the data type's index
                        String index = tableData.get(row)[DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.OID.ordinal()].toString();
                        // Step through the committed data types
                        for (int commRow = 0; commRow < committedData.length; commRow++) {
                            // Check if the index matches that for the committed data type
                            if (index.equals(committedData[commRow][DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.OID.ordinal()])) {
                                List<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                                // Get the data type name. Use the committed name (in place of
                                // the current name in the editor, in case it's been changed)
                                // since this is how the data type is referenced in the data
                                // tables
                                String dataTypeName = CcddDataTypeHandler.getDataTypeName(CcddUtilities.convertObjectToString(committedData[commRow]));
                                // prototype tables
                                for (String dataTypeRef : getDataTypeReferences(dataTypeName).getReferences()) {
                                    // Split the reference into table name, column name, table
                                    // type, and context
                                    String[] tblColDescAndCntxt = dataTypeRef.split(TABLE_DESCRIPTION_SEPARATOR, 4);
                                    String refComment = tblColDescAndCntxt[SearchResultsQueryColumn.COMMENT.ordinal()];
                                    // Extract the viewable name and type of the table, and the
                                    // name of the column containing the data type. Separate
                                    // the column string into the individual column values
                                    String[] refNameAndType = refComment.split(",");
                                    String[] refColumns = CcddUtilities.splitAndRemoveQuotes(tblColDescAndCntxt[SearchResultsQueryColumn.CONTEXT.ordinal()]);
                                    // Use the type and column to get the column's input data
                                    // type
                                    TypeDefinition typeDefn = ccddMain.getTableTypeHandler().getTypeDefinition(refNameAndType[1]);
                                    // Get the index of the bit length column, if present
                                    int bitLengthIndex = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.BIT_LENGTH);
                                    // Check if the byte size changed
                                    if (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.ordinal()) {
                                        // have a conflict
                                        if (bitLengthIndex != -1 && !refColumns[bitLengthIndex].isEmpty() && Integer.valueOf(newValueS) * 8 < Integer.valueOf(refColumns[bitLengthIndex]) && !tableNames.contains(refNameAndType[0])) {
                                            // The bit length is now too large; add the
                                            // affected table name to the list
                                    } else // The base type changed
                                        // to have a conflict
                                        if (bitLengthIndex != -1 && !refColumns[bitLengthIndex].isEmpty() && !tableNames.contains(refNameAndType[0])) {
                                            // A bit length is not valid with the new data
                                            // type; add the affected table name to the list
                                        // Get the enumeration column index(ices), if present
                                        List<Integer> enumerationIndices = typeDefn.getColumnIndicesByInputType(InputDataType.ENUMERATION);
                                        // Step through each enumeration column
                                        for (int enumIndex : enumerationIndices) {
                                            // already been found to have a conflict
                                            if (!refColumns[enumIndex].isEmpty() && !tableNames.contains(refNameAndType[0])) {
                                                // An enumeration is not valid with the new
                                                // data type; add the affected table name to
                                                // the list
                                // were found
                                if (!tableNames.isEmpty()) {
                                    // Check if the byte size changed
                                    if (column == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.SIZE.ordinal()) {
                                        throw new CCDDException("Bit length exceeds the size of the data type in table(s) '</b>" + dbTable.getShortenedTableNames(tableNames.toArray(new String[0])) + "<b>'");
                                    } else // The base type changed
                                        throw new CCDDException("Base data type inconsistent with data type usage in table(s) '</b>" + dbTable.getShortenedTableNames(tableNames.toArray(new String[0])) + "<b>'");
            } catch (CCDDException ce) {
                // Set the flag that indicates the last edited cell's content is invalid
                // Check if the input error dialog should be displayed
                if (showMessage) {
                    // Inform the user that the input value is invalid
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddDataTypeEditorDialog.this, "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
                // Restore the cell contents to its original value and pop the edit from the
                // stack
                tableData.get(row)[column] = oldValue;
            return false;

         * Load the table data types into the table and format the table cells
        protected void loadAndFormatData() {
            // Place the data into the table model along with the column names, set up the
            // editors and renderers for the table cells, set up the table grid lines, and
            // calculate the minimum width required to display the table information
            setUpdatableCharacteristics(committedData, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.getColumnNames(), null, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.getToolTips(), true, true, true);

         * Override prepareRenderer to allow adjusting the background colors of table cells
        public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int row, int column) {
            JComponent comp = (JComponent) super.prepareRenderer(renderer, row, column);
            // invalid highlighting, if applicable)
            if (!(isFocusOwner() && isRowSelected(row) && (isColumnSelected(column) || !getColumnSelectionAllowed()))) {
                boolean found = true;
                // Convert the column to model coordinates
                int modelColumn = dataTypeTable.convertColumnIndexToModel(column);
                // Check if both the user name and C type columns are blank
                if ((modelColumn == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.ordinal() || modelColumn == DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()) && dataTypeTable.getValueAt(row, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.USER_NAME.ordinal()).toString().isEmpty() && dataTypeTable.getValueAt(row, DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.C_NAME.ordinal()).toString().isEmpty()) {
                    // Set the flag indicating that the cell value is invalid
                    found = false;
                } else // Check if the cell is required and is empty
                if (DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.values()[modelColumn].isRequired() && dataTypeTable.getValueAt(row, column).toString().isEmpty()) {
                    // Set the flag indicating that the cell value is invalid
                    found = false;
                // Check if the cell value is invalid
                if (!found) {
                    // Change the cell's background color
            return comp;

         * Override the CcddJTableHandler method to produce an array containing empty values
         * for a new row in this table
         * @return Array containing blank cell values for a new row
        protected Object[] getEmptyRow() {
            return DataTypeEditorColumnInfo.getEmptyRow();

         * Handle a change to the table's content
        protected void processTableContentChange() {
            // Add or remove the change indicator based on whether any unstored changes exist
            setTitle(DIALOG_TITLE + (dataTypeTable.isTableChanged(committedData) ? "*" : ""));
            // Force the table to redraw so that changes to the cells are displayed
    // Place the table into a scroll pane
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(dataTypeTable);
    // Disable storage of edit operations during creation of the table
    // Set common table parameters and characteristics
    dataTypeTable.setFixedCharacteristics(scrollPane, true, ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL, false, ModifiableColorInfo.TABLE_BACK.getColor(), true, true, ModifiableFontInfo.DATA_TABLE_CELL.getFont(), true);
    // Re-enable storage of edit operations
    return scrollPane;
Also used : JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) TableCellRenderer(javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TableCellEditor(javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor) Component(java.awt.Component) JComponent(javax.swing.JComponent)

Example 35 with TypeDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddPatchHandler method updateTableTypesTable.

 * Update the internal table __types to the new name __table_types, delete the primitive_only
 * column, and add the structure allowed and pointer allowed columns. If successful, the
 * original table (__types) is renamed, preserving the original information and preventing
 * subsequent conversion attempts. The project database is first backed up to the file
 * <projectName>_<timeStamp>.dbu. Older versions of CCDD are not compatible with the project
 * database after applying this patch
 * @throws CCDDException
 *             If the user elects to not install the patch or an error occurs while applying
 *             the patch
private void updateTableTypesTable() throws CCDDException {
    CcddDbTableCommandHandler dbTable = ccddMain.getDbTableCommandHandler();
    // Check if the old table exists
    if (dbTable.isTableExists("__types", ccddMain.getMainFrame())) {
        // Check if the user elects to not apply the patch
        if (new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "<html><b>Apply patch to update the table types " + "table?<br><br></b>Creates the new " + "__table_types table from the old __types " + "table.<br><b><i>Older versions of CCDD " + "will be incompatible with this project " + "database after applying the patch", "Apply Patch #01262017", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) != OK_BUTTON) {
            throw new CCDDException("user elected to not install patch (#01262017)");
        CcddDbControlHandler dbControl = ccddMain.getDbControlHandler();
        CcddDbCommandHandler dbCommand = ccddMain.getDbCommandHandler();
        CcddEventLogDialog eventLog = ccddMain.getSessionEventLog();
        CcddTableTypeHandler tableTypeHandler = ccddMain.getTableTypeHandler();
        try {
            // Back up the project database before applying the patch
            dbControl.backupDatabase(dbControl.getDatabaseName(), new FileEnvVar(ModifiablePathInfo.DATABASE_BACKUP_PATH.getPath() + File.separator + dbControl.getDatabaseName() + "_" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) + FileExtension.DBU.getExtension()));
            // Create lists to contain the old and new table types table items
            List<String[]> oldTableData = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            List<String[]> newTableData = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            // Read the contents of the old table types table
            ResultSet infoData = dbCommand.executeDbQuery("SELECT * FROM __types ORDER BY OID;", ccddMain.getMainFrame());
            // Step through each of the query results
            while ( {
                // Create an array to contain the column values
                String[] columnValues = new String[infoData.getMetaData().getColumnCount()];
                // Step through each column in the row
                for (int column = 0; column < infoData.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); column++) {
                    // Add the column value to the array. Note that the first column's index in
                    // the database is 1, not 0
                    columnValues[column] = infoData.getString(column + 1);
                    // Check if the value is null
                    if (columnValues[column] == null) {
                        // Replace the null with a blank
                        columnValues[column] = "";
                // Add the row data to the list
            // Indicate in the log that the old data successfully loaded
            eventLog.logEvent(SUCCESS_MSG, "__types retrieved");
            // Step through the old table types column definitions
            for (String[] oldColumnDefn : oldTableData) {
                boolean isFound = false;
                // Create storage for the new column definition
                String[] newColumnDefn = new String[InternalTable.TABLE_TYPES.getNumColumns()];
                // Step through each of the old columns (the new table has one extra column)
                for (int index = 0; index < TableTypesColumn.values().length - 1; index++) {
                    // Copy the old columns definition to the new column definition
                    newColumnDefn[index] = oldColumnDefn[index];
                // Get the default type definition for this table type name
                TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(oldColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.TYPE_NAME.ordinal()]);
                // Check if the type exists in the default definitions
                if (typeDefn != null) {
                    // Get the index of the column
                    int column = typeDefn.getColumnIndexByDbName(oldColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_NAME_DB.ordinal()]);
                    // Check if the column exists in the default type definition
                    if (column != -1) {
                        // Use the default definition to set the structure and pointer allowed
                        // flags
                        newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.ordinal()] = typeDefn.isStructureAllowed()[column] ? "t" : "f";
                        newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.POINTER_ALLOWED.ordinal()] = typeDefn.isPointerAllowed()[column] ? "t" : "f";
                        isFound = true;
                // Check if this column isn't in the default column definitions
                if (!isFound) {
                    // Assume that this column is valid for a structures and pointers
                    newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.ordinal()] = "t";
                    newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.POINTER_ALLOWED.ordinal()] = "t";
                // Add the column definition to the list
            // Delete the default column definitions
            // Step through the updated table types column definitions
            for (String[] newColumnDefn : newTableData) {
                // Get the type definition associated with this column
                TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.TYPE_NAME.ordinal()]);
                // Check if the type is not defined
                if (typeDefn == null) {
                    // Create the type and add it to the list. THis creates the primary key and
                    // row index columns
                    typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.createTypeDefinition(newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.TYPE_NAME.ordinal()], new String[0][0], newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION.ordinal()]);
                // these were created previously
                if (!newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_NAME_DB.ordinal()].equals(DefaultColumn.PRIMARY_KEY.getDbName()) && !newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_NAME_DB.ordinal()].equals(DefaultColumn.ROW_INDEX.getDbName())) {
                    // Add the column names, description, input type, and flags to the type
                    // definition
                    typeDefn.addColumn(Integer.parseInt(newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.INDEX.ordinal()].toString()), newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_NAME_DB.ordinal()].toString(), newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_NAME_VISIBLE.ordinal()].toString(), newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION.ordinal()].toString(), InputDataType.getInputTypeByName(newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.INPUT_TYPE.ordinal()].toString()), newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.ROW_VALUE_UNIQUE.ordinal()].equals("t") ? true : false, newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.COLUMN_REQUIRED.ordinal()].equals("t") ? true : false, newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.ordinal()].equals("t") ? true : false, newColumnDefn[TableTypesColumn.POINTER_ALLOWED.ordinal()].equals("t") ? true : false);
            // Store the updated table type definitions in the project database and change the
            // old table types table name so that the conversion doesn't take place again
            dbCommand.executeDbCommand(dbTable.storeTableTypesInfoTableCommand() + "ALTER TABLE __types RENAME TO __types_backup;", ccddMain.getMainFrame());
            // Inform the user that converting the table types completed
            eventLog.logEvent(EventLogMessageType.SUCCESS_MSG, "Table types conversion complete");
            // Reopen the database
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Inform the user that converting the table types table failed
            eventLog.logFailEvent(ccddMain.getMainFrame(), "Cannot convert table types table to new format; cause '" + e.getMessage() + "'", "<html><b>Cannot convert table types table to new " + "format (project database will be closed)");
            throw new CCDDException();
Also used : CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) FileEnvVar(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat)


TypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)64 TableInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableInformation)30 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 CCDDException (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException)18 AssociatedColumns (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedColumns)10 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)9 JSONArray (org.json.simple.JSONArray)8 JSONObject (org.json.simple.JSONObject)8 TableTypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition)6 IOException ( TableDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition)5 BackgroundCommand (CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)4 ArrayListMultiple (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ArrayListMultiple)4 FileEnvVar (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar)3 FieldInformation (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.FieldInformation)3 Component (java.awt.Component)3 GridBagConstraints (java.awt.GridBagConstraints)3 GridBagLayout (java.awt.GridBagLayout)3 Insets (java.awt.Insets)3 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)3