use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddSearchDialog method initialize.
* Create the database table or scripts search dialog
* @param targetRow
* row index to match if this is an event log entry search on a table that displays
* only a single log entry; null otherwise
* @param parent
* GUI component over which to center the dialog
private void initialize(final Long targetRow, Component parent) {
searchHandler = new CcddSearchHandler(ccddMain, searchDlgType, targetRow, eventLog);
searchColumns = "";
// Create a borders for the dialog components
Border border = BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.GRAY), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing(), ModifiableSpacingInfo.INPUT_FIELD_PADDING.getSpacing()));
Border emptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder();
// Set the initial layout manager characteristics
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES ? 0.0 : 1.0), 0.0, GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, 0, ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2, 0), 0, 0);
// Create panels to hold the components of the dialog
JPanel dialogPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
JPanel upperPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
JPanel inputPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
// Create the search dialog labels and fields
JLabel dlgLbl = new JLabel("Enter search text");
inputPnl.add(dlgLbl, gbc);
// Create the auto-completion search field and add it to the dialog panel. The search list
// is initially empty as it is updated whenever a key is pressed
searchFld = new AutoCompleteTextField(ModifiableSizeInfo.NUM_REMEMBERED_SEARCHES.getSize());
// Add a listener for key press events
searchFld.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
* Handle a key press event
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) {
// Check if this is a visible character
if (!ke.isActionKey() && ke.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_ENTER && !ke.isControlDown() && !ke.isAltDown() && !ke.isMetaDown() && ModifiableFontInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getFont().canDisplay(ke.getKeyCode())) {
// Get the list of remembered searches from the program preferences. This is
// done as a key press occurs so that the list is updated to the latest one. If
// multiple search dialogs are open this allows them to 'share' the list rather
// than overwriting each other
List<String> searches = new ArrayList<String>(ModifiableSizeInfo.NUM_REMEMBERED_SEARCHES.getSize());
searches.addAll(Arrays.asList(ccddMain.getProgPrefs().get(SEARCH_STRINGS, "").split(AUTO_COMPLETE_TEXT_SEPARATOR)));
gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.insets.bottom = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
inputPnl.add(searchFld, gbc);
// Create a check box for ignoring the text case
ignoreCaseCb = new JCheckBox("Ignore text case");
ignoreCaseCb.setToolTipText(CcddUtilities.wrapText("Ignore case when matching the search string", ModifiableSizeInfo.MAX_TOOL_TIP_LENGTH.getSize()));
// Add a listener for check box selection changes
ignoreCaseCb.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Handle a change in the ignore case check box state
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
// Change the case sensitivity for the remembered searches to match the case
// sensitivity check box
gbc.insets.left = 0;
gbc.insets.bottom = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
inputPnl.add(ignoreCaseCb, gbc);
// Create a check box for allow a regular expression in the search string
allowRegexCb = new JCheckBox("Allow regular expression");
allowRegexCb.setToolTipText(CcddUtilities.wrapText("Allow the search string to contain a regular expression", ModifiableSizeInfo.MAX_TOOL_TIP_LENGTH.getSize()));
inputPnl.add(allowRegexCb, gbc);
// Check if this is a table search
if (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES) {
final ArrayListMultiple columns = new ArrayListMultiple();
// Create a check box for ignoring matches within the internal tables
dataTablesOnlyCb = new JCheckBox("Search data table cells only");
dataTablesOnlyCb.setToolTipText(CcddUtilities.wrapText("Search only the cells in the data tables", ModifiableSizeInfo.MAX_TOOL_TIP_LENGTH.getSize()));
inputPnl.add(dataTablesOnlyCb, gbc);
// Step through each defined table type
for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
// Step through each visible column in the table type
for (int index = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS; index < typeDefn.getColumnCountDatabase(); ++index) {
// Check if the column name isn't already in the list
if (!columns.contains(typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[index])) {
// Add the visible column name and its corresponding database name to the
// list
columns.add(new String[] { typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[index], typeDefn.getColumnNamesDatabase()[index] });
// Check if any columns are defined
if (columns.size() != 0) {
ArrayListMultiple columnNames = new ArrayListMultiple();
// Sort the column names alphabetically
// Create the column selection check box and label to display the selected
// column(s)
selectedColumnsCb = new JCheckBox("Search selected columns");
selectedColumnsCb.setToolTipText(CcddUtilities.wrapText("Search only selected columns in the data tables", ModifiableSizeInfo.MAX_TOOL_TIP_LENGTH.getSize()));
selectedColumnsLbl = new MultilineLabel();
// Set the layout manager characteristics for the column selection panel
GridBagConstraints subgbc = new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.FIRST_LINE_START, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0);
// Add the column selection check box and label to the column selection panel, then
// add this panel to the dialog
JPanel selectedColumnsPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
selectedColumnsPnl.add(selectedColumnsCb, subgbc);
subgbc.weightx = 1.0;
subgbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing() * 3;
subgbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
selectedColumnsPnl.add(selectedColumnsLbl, subgbc);
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
inputPnl.add(selectedColumnsPnl, gbc);
// Create a panel for the column selection pop-up dialog
final JPanel columnPnl = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
// Step through each column
for (String[] column : columns) {
// Add the visible name to the list used to create the check box panel
columnNames.add(new String[] { column[0], null });
// Create the column name pop-up dialog
final CcddDialogHandler columnDlg = new CcddDialogHandler();
// Add the column name check boxes to the dialog
columnDlg.addCheckBoxes(null, columnNames.toArray(new String[0][0]), null, "", columnPnl);
// Add a listener for check box selection changes
selectedColumnsCb.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Handle a change in the selected columns check box state
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if the column selection check box is selected
if (selectedColumnsCb.isSelected()) {
// Display a pop-up for choosing which table columns to search
if (columnDlg.showOptionsDialog(CcddSearchDialog.this, columnPnl, "Select Column(s)", DialogOption.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, true) == OK_BUTTON) {
searchColumns = "";
// Step through each column name check box
for (int index = 0; index < columnDlg.getCheckBoxes().length; index++) {
// Check if the check box is selected
if (columnDlg.getCheckBoxes()[index].isSelected()) {
// Add the name of the column to the constraint string
searchColumns += columns.get(index)[1] + ",";
searchColumns = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(searchColumns, ",");
// Set the selected column(s) label to display the selected
// column(s)
selectedColumnsLbl.setText(searchColumns.replaceAll(",", ", "));
// Check if no column is selected
if (searchColumns.isEmpty()) {
// Deselect the selected columns check box and blank the selected
// column(s) text
} else // The column selection check box is not selected
// Blank the column constraint string and the selected column(s) text
searchColumns = "";
// Add the inputs panel, containing the search field and check boxes, to the upper panel
gbc.insets.right = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.gridy = 0;
upperPnl.add(inputPnl, gbc);
gbc.insets.left = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
// Check if this is a table search
if (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES) {
// Build the table tree showing both table prototypes and table instances; i.e., parent
// tables with their child tables (i.e., parents with children)
tableTree = new CcddTableTreeHandler(ccddMain, new CcddGroupHandler(ccddMain, null, parent), TableTreeType.TABLES, true, false, parent);
// Add the tree to the upper panel = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing() / 2;
gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
upperPnl.add(tableTree.createTreePanel("Tables", TreeSelectionModel.DISCONTIGUOUS_TREE_SELECTION, parent), gbc);
gbc.gridwidth = 1;
gbc.insets.right = 0;
gbc.gridx = 0;
gbc.gridy = 0;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
dialogPnl.add(upperPnl, gbc);
// Create the results and number of results found labels
JLabel resultsLbl = new JLabel("Search results");
numResultsLbl = new JLabel();
numResultsLbl.setFont(ModifiableFontInfo.LABEL_PLAIN.getFont()); = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.insets.right = ModifiableSpacingInfo.LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING.getSpacing();
gbc.insets.bottom = 0;
gbc.weighty = 0.0;
// Add the results labels to the dialog
JPanel resultsPnl = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
dialogPnl.add(resultsPnl, gbc);
// Create the table to display the search results
resultsTable = new CcddJTableHandler() {
* Allow multiple line display in the specified columns, depending on search type
protected boolean isColumnMultiLine(int column) {
return searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES || (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.LOG && column == SearchResultsColumnInfo.CONTEXT.ordinal()) || (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.SCRIPTS && (column == SearchResultsColumnInfo.OWNER.ordinal() || column == SearchResultsColumnInfo.CONTEXT.ordinal()));
* Allow HTML-formatted text in the specified column(s)
protected boolean isColumnHTML(int column) {
return searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES && column == SearchResultsColumnInfo.OWNER.ordinal();
* Allow the specified column's cells to be displayed with the text highlighted
protected boolean isColumnHighlight(int column) {
return column == SearchResultsColumnInfo.CONTEXT.ordinal();
* Load the search results data into the table and format the table cells
protected void loadAndFormatData() {
// Place the data into the table model along with the column names, set up the
// editors and renderers for the table cells, set up the table grid lines, and
// calculate the minimum width required to display the table information
setUpdatableCharacteristics(resultsData, SearchResultsColumnInfo.getColumnNames(searchDlgType), null, SearchResultsColumnInfo.getToolTips(searchDlgType), true, true, true);
* Override the table layout so that extra width is apportioned unequally between the
* columns when the table is resized
public void doLayout() {
// Get a reference to the column being resized
if (getTableHeader() != null && getTableHeader().getResizingColumn() == null) {
// Get a reference to the event table's column model to shorten subsequent
// calls
TableColumnModel tcm = getColumnModel();
// Calculate the change in the search dialog's width
int delta = getParent().getWidth() - tcm.getTotalColumnWidth();
// Get the reference to the search results table columns
TableColumn tgtColumn = tcm.getColumn(SearchResultsColumnInfo.OWNER.ordinal());
TableColumn locColumn = tcm.getColumn(SearchResultsColumnInfo.LOCATION.ordinal());
TableColumn cntxtColumn = tcm.getColumn(SearchResultsColumnInfo.CONTEXT.ordinal());
// Set the columns' widths to its current width plus a percentage of the the
// extra width added to the dialog due to the resize
tgtColumn.setPreferredWidth(tgtColumn.getPreferredWidth() + (int) (delta * 0.25));
locColumn.setPreferredWidth(locColumn.getPreferredWidth() + (int) (delta * 0.25));
cntxtColumn.setPreferredWidth(cntxtColumn.getPreferredWidth() + delta - (int) (delta * 0.25) * 2);
} else // Table header or resize column not available
* Highlight the matching search text in the context column cells
* @param component
* reference to the table cell renderer component
* @param value
* cell value
* @param isSelected
* true if the cell is to be rendered with the selection highlighted
* @param int
* row cell row, view coordinates
* @param column
* cell column, view coordinates
protected void doSpecialRendering(Component component, String text, boolean isSelected, int row, int column) {
// Check if highlighting is enabled and if the column allows text highlighting
if (isColumnHighlight(column)) {
Pattern pattern;
// Create a highlighter painter
DefaultHighlightPainter painter = new DefaultHighlighter.DefaultHighlightPainter(isSelected ? ModifiableColorInfo.INPUT_TEXT.getColor() : ModifiableColorInfo.TEXT_HIGHLIGHT.getColor());
// Check if case is to be ignored
if (ignoreCaseCb.isSelected()) {
// Create the match pattern with case ignored
pattern = Pattern.compile(allowRegexCb.isSelected() ? searchFld.getText() : Pattern.quote(searchFld.getText()), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
} else // Only highlight matches with the same case
// Create the match pattern, preserving case
pattern = Pattern.compile(allowRegexCb.isSelected() ? searchFld.getText() : Pattern.quote(searchFld.getText()));
// Create the pattern matcher from the pattern
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
// Find each match in the text string
while (matcher.find()) {
try {
// Highlight the matching text. Adjust the highlight color to account
// for the cell selection highlighting so that the search text is
// easily readable
((JTextComponent) component).getHighlighter().addHighlight(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), painter);
} catch (BadLocationException ble) {
// Ignore highlighting failure
// Place the table into a scroll pane
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(resultsTable);
// Set up the search results table parameters
resultsTable.setFixedCharacteristics(scrollPane, false, ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION, TableSelectionMode.SELECT_BY_CELL, true, ModifiableColorInfo.TABLE_BACK.getColor(), false, true, ModifiableFontInfo.OTHER_TABLE_CELL.getFont(), true);
// Define the panel to contain the table
JPanel resultsTblPnl = new JPanel();
resultsTblPnl.setLayout(new BoxLayout(resultsTblPnl, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
// Add the table to the dialog
gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
gbc.weighty = 1.0;
gbc.gridx = 0;
dialogPnl.add(resultsTblPnl, gbc);
// Search database tables button
JButton btnSearch = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Search", SEARCH_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_O, "Search the project database");
// Add a listener for the Search button
btnSearch.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Search the database tables and display the results
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
// Check if the search field is blank
if (searchFld.getText().isEmpty()) {
// Inform the user that the input value is invalid
new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(CcddSearchDialog.this, "<html><b>Search text cannot be blank", "Invalid Input", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
} else // The search field contains text
List<Object[]> resultsDataList = null;
// Update the search string list
// Store the search list in the program preferences
ccddMain.getProgPrefs().put(SEARCH_STRINGS, searchFld.getListAsString());
switch(searchDlgType) {
case TABLES:
// Search the database tables or scripts and display the results
resultsDataList = searchHandler.searchTablesOrScripts(searchFld.getText(), ignoreCaseCb.isSelected(), allowRegexCb.isSelected(), (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES ? dataTablesOnlyCb.isSelected() : false), searchColumns);
case LOG:
// Search the event log and display the results
resultsDataList = searchHandler.searchEventLogFile(searchFld.getText(), ignoreCaseCb.isSelected(), targetRow);
// Check if this is a table search
if (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES) {
List<Object[]> removeResults = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
// Get the list of selected tables
List<String> filterTables = tableTree.getSelectedTablesWithChildren();
// Add the ancestors (instances and prototype) of the selected tables to
// the list of filter tables
tableTree.addTableAncestors(filterTables, true);
// Check if tables were selected to filter the search results
if (!filterTables.isEmpty()) {
// Step through the search results
for (Object[] result : resultsDataList) {
// Separate the target into the target type and owner
String[] typeAndOwner = CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(result[SearchResultsColumnInfo.OWNER.ordinal()].toString()).split(": ");
// if owner isn't one of the selected tables or its prototype
if (!((typeAndOwner[0].equals(SearchTarget.TABLE.getTargetName(false)) || typeAndOwner[0].equals(SearchTarget.TABLE_FIELD.getTargetName(false))) && filterTables.contains(typeAndOwner[1]))) {
// Add the search result to the list of those to remove
// TODO Since prototype tables are automatically added (needed
// since a child only returns matches in the values table), a false
// match can occur if the filter table is a child, the hit is in
// the child's prototype, and the child has overridden the
// prototype's value where the match occurs
// Remove the search results that aren't in the selected table(s)
// Convert the results list to an array and display the results in the dialog's
// search results table
resultsData = resultsDataList.toArray(new Object[0][0]);
// Update the number of results found label
numResultsLbl.setText(" (" + resultsData.length + " found)");
JButton btnOpen = null;
// Check if this is the table search dialog
if (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES) {
// Open table(s) button
btnOpen = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Open", TABLE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_O, "Open the table(s) associated with the selected search result(s)");
// Add a listener for the Open button
btnOpen.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Open the selected table(s)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
// Print inconsistencies button
JButton btnPrint = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Print", PRINT_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_P, "Print the search results list");
// Add a listener for the Print button
btnPrint.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Print the search results list
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
resultsTable.printTable("Search Results", null, CcddSearchDialog.this, PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
// Close search dialog button
JButton btnClose = CcddButtonPanelHandler.createButton("Close", CLOSE_ICON, KeyEvent.VK_C, "Close the search dialog");
// Add a listener for the Close button
btnClose.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
* Close the search dialog
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
// Create a panel for the dialog buttons and add the buttons to the panel
JPanel buttonPnl = new JPanel();
// Check if this is the table search dialog
if (searchDlgType == SearchDialogType.TABLES) {
// Get the dialog title based on the search type
String title = null;
switch(searchDlgType) {
case TABLES:
title = "Search Tables";
title = "Search Scripts";
case LOG:
title = getLogTitle();
// Display the search dialog
createFrame(parent, dialogPnl, buttonPnl, btnSearch, title, null);
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddJSONHandler method getTableTypeDefinitions.
* Add the table type definition(s) corresponding to the supplied table type name(s) to the
* specified JSON object. If no table type is provided, or if none are recognized, then nothing
* is added to the JSON object
* @param tableTypeNames
* names of the table types to add; null to include all defined table types
* @param outputJO
* JSON object to which the data types are added
* @return The supplied JSON object, with the table type definitions added (if any)
protected JSONObject getTableTypeDefinitions(List<String> tableTypeNames, JSONObject outputJO) {
// included
if (tableTypeNames == null) {
tableTypeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
// Step through each table type definition
for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
// Add the table type name to the list
// Check if any table types are referenced
if (!tableTypeNames.isEmpty()) {
JSONArray tableTypeJA = new JSONArray();
// Step through each referenced table type
for (String refTableType : tableTypeNames) {
// Get the table type definition
TypeDefinition tableTypeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(refTableType);
// Check if the table type exists
if (tableTypeDefn != null) {
JSONArray typeDefnJA = new JSONArray();
JSONObject tableTypeJO;
// key and row index columns
for (int column = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS; column < tableTypeDefn.getColumnCountDatabase(); column++) {
tableTypeJO = new JSONObject();
tableTypeJO.put(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.NAME.getColumnName(), tableTypeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[column]);
tableTypeJO.put(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.getColumnName(), tableTypeDefn.getColumnToolTips()[column]);
tableTypeJO.put(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.getColumnName(), tableTypeDefn.getInputTypes()[column].getInputName());
tableTypeJO.put(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.UNIQUE.getColumnName(), tableTypeDefn.isRowValueUnique()[column]);
tableTypeJO.put(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.getColumnName(), tableTypeDefn.isRequired()[column]);
tableTypeJO.put(CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.getColumnName()), tableTypeDefn.isStructureAllowed()[column]);
tableTypeJO.put(CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.POINTER_ALLOWED.getColumnName()), tableTypeDefn.isPointerAllowed()[column]);
// Add the table type definition to the array
// Add the wrapper for the table type name and put the table type description,
// column definitions, and data fields (if any) in it
tableTypeJO = new JSONObject();
tableTypeJO.put(JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_NAME.getTag(), refTableType);
tableTypeJO.put(JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION.getTag(), tableTypeDefn.getDescription());
tableTypeJO.put(JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_COLUMN.getTag(), typeDefnJA);
tableTypeJO = getDataFields(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldTypeName(refTableType), JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_FIELD.getTag(), tableTypeJO);
// Check if a table type definition was recognized
if (!tableTypeJA.isEmpty()) {
// Add the table type definition(s) to the JSON output
outputJO.put(JSONTags.TABLE_TYPE_DEFN.getTag(), tableTypeJA);
return outputJO;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddRateParameterHandler method setRateInformation.
* Set the rate information list based on the unique rate columns
* @return true if the number of rate columns changed
protected boolean setRateInformation() {
// Store the current number of rate columns
int oldNumRateColumns = rateInformation.size();
// Step through any existing rate column information
for (RateInformation rateInfo : rateInformation) {
// Set the number of table types referencing this rate to zero. This is used to
// determine if a rate is still in use
// Step through each table type
for (TypeDefinition typeDefn : tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions()) {
// Check if the type represents a structure
if (typeDefn.isStructure()) {
// Step through each column in the type definition
for (int index = 0; index < typeDefn.getColumnCountDatabase(); index++) {
// Check if the column is a sample rate
if (typeDefn.getInputTypes()[index] == InputDataType.RATE) {
// Get the column's visible name
String colName = typeDefn.getColumnNamesUser()[index];
// Get the rate information for this rate column name
RateInformation rateInfo = getRateInformationByRateName(colName);
// Check if the column name hasn't been added
if (rateInfo == null) {
// Add the rate column name to the list
rateInformation.add(new RateInformation(colName));
} else // The rate column already exists
// Increment the share counter for the existing rate information
rateInfo.setNumSharedTableTypes(rateInfo.getNumSharedTableTypes() + 1);
// Create a list to store any rate column information that no longer exists
List<RateInformation> removedRates = new ArrayList<RateInformation>();
// Step through each rate column's information
for (RateInformation rateInfo : rateInformation) {
// Check if the rate is not referenced by a table type
if (rateInfo.getNumSharedTableTypes() == 0) {
// Add the non-referenced rate to the list of those to remove
// Remove any rate information that's no longer valid
return rateInformation.size() != oldNumRateColumns;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandArgArraySize.
* Get the argument array size for the command argument specified at the specified row in the
* command data. Macro expansion is controlled by the input flag
* @param argumentNumber
* command argument index. The first argument is 0
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Argument array size for the command argument specified at the specified row in the
* command data; null if the argument number or row index is invalid
private String getCommandArgArraySize(int argumentNumber, int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String argArraySize = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the list of command arguments associated with this command table type
List<AssociatedColumns> commandArguments = typeDefn.getAssociatedCommandArgumentColumns(false);
// Check if the argument number is valid and that the argument array size exists
if (argumentNumber < commandArguments.size() && commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getArraySize() != -1) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the argument array size
argArraySize = tableInfo.getData()[row][commandArguments.get(argumentNumber).getArraySize()];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
argArraySize = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(argArraySize);
return argArraySize;
use of CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddScriptDataAccessHandler method getCommandCode.
* Get the command code (as a string) at the specified row in the command data. Macro expansion
* is controlled by the input flag
* @param row
* table data row index
* @param expandMacros
* true to replace any macros with their corresponding value; false to return the
* data with any macro names in place
* @return Command code (as a string) at the specified row in the command data; null if the row
* index is invalid
private String getCommandCode(int row, boolean expandMacros) {
String commandCode = null;
// Get the table type definition for the command table referenced in the specified row
TypeDefinition typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(getCommandTypeNameByRow(row));
// Check if the table type exists and represents a command
if (typeDefn != null && typeDefn.isCommand()) {
// Get the reference to the table information
TableInformation tableInfo = getTableInformation(TYPE_COMMAND);
// Get the command code
commandCode = tableInfo.getData()[row][typeDefn.getColumnIndexByInputType(InputDataType.COMMAND_CODE)];
// Check if any macros should be expanded
if (expandMacros) {
// Expand any macros
commandCode = macroHandler.getMacroExpansion(commandCode);
return commandCode;