use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddApplicationSchedulerInput method getVariableRelativeIndex.
* Get the index at which the specified application should be inserted in the list of
* applications provided. The application tree is used to determine the target application's
* position relative to the applications in the list (if any)
* @param application
* application for which to determine the insertion index
* @param applications
* list of applications into which the application is to be inserted
* @return Index at which to insert the target application
public int getVariableRelativeIndex(Variable application, List<Variable> applications) {
int insertIndex = -1;
// Check if any applications are in the list
if (!applications.isEmpty()) {
int targetVarTreeIndex = 0;
// Step through the application tree's root node's children, if any
for (Enumeration<?> element = applicationTree.getRootNode().preorderEnumeration(); element.hasMoreElements(); ) {
// Get the referenced node and its path
ToolTipTreeNode tableNode = (ToolTipTreeNode) element.nextElement();
// Check if the target node matches the application tree node
if (application.getFullName().equals(CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(tableNode.getUserObject().toString()))) {
// The target application is located in the tree; stop searching
// Step through each application in the list
for (insertIndex = 0; insertIndex < applications.size(); insertIndex++) {
int listVarTreeIndex = 0;
// Step through the application tree's root node's children, if any
for (Enumeration<?> element = applicationTree.getRootNode().preorderEnumeration(); element.hasMoreElements(); ) {
// Get the referenced node and its path
ToolTipTreeNode tableNode = (ToolTipTreeNode) element.nextElement();
// Check if the target node matches the application tree node
if (applications.get(insertIndex).getFullName().equals(CcddUtilities.removeHTMLTags(tableNode.getUserObject().toString()))) {
// The list application is located in the tree; stop searching
// position
if (listVarTreeIndex > targetVarTreeIndex) {
// determined; stop searching
return insertIndex;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddInformationTreeHandler method addNode.
* Add a node to the tree
* @param parentNode
* parent node for the new node
* @param nodeName
* name of the node to add
* @param toolTipText
* tool tip text for the new node
* @param index
* index in the parent at which to insert the new node
* @param order
* order in which the added node should be placed relative to the child nodes
* already preset
* @return Reference to the newly added child node
private ToolTipTreeNode addNode(ToolTipTreeNode parentNode, String nodeName, String toolTipText, TreeChildOrder order) {
// Create a node for the new child node
ToolTipTreeNode childNode = new ToolTipTreeNode(nodeName, toolTipText);
int index = 0;
switch(order) {
// Insert the child node below any existing sibling nodes
index = parentNode.getChildCount();
// Step through the parent node's children
for (; index < parentNode.getChildCount(); index++) {
// name
if (removeExtraText(((ToolTipTreeNode) parentNode.getChildAt(index)).getUserObject().toString()).compareToIgnoreCase(nodeName) > 0) {
// Stop searching the node
// Combine the parent and child paths
List<TreeNode> path = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
// Set the insertion point to the end of the tree in the event the child isn't in
// the path order list
index = parentNode.getChildCount();
// Get the path of the new child node and locate it within the path order list
int childIndex = treePathOrder.indexOf(createNameFromPath(path.toArray(new Object[0]), getItemNodeLevel()));
// Check if the child is present in the path order list
if (childIndex != -1) {
// Step backwards through the existing sibling nodes
for (int nodeIndex = parentNode.getChildCount() - 1; nodeIndex >= 0; nodeIndex--) {
// Get the path of the sibling node and locate it within the path order
// list
ToolTipTreeNode siblingPath = (ToolTipTreeNode) parentNode.getChildAt(nodeIndex);
int siblingIndex = treePathOrder.indexOf(createNameFromPath(siblingPath.getPath(), getItemNodeLevel()));
// Check if the sibling appears in the path order before the new child
if (siblingIndex < childIndex) {
// Store the insertion index and stop searching
index = nodeIndex + 1;
// Insert the new child node at the specified index
infoTreeModel.insertNodeInto(childNode, parentNode, index);
// Check if this is the first node added to the tree
if (parentNode.equals(root) && parentNode.getChildCount() == 1) {
// Force the root node to draw with the node addition
return childNode;
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddInformationTreeHandler method addSourceNodesToTargetNode.
* Add the specified nodes(s) from the source tree to the specified node(s) in the information
* tree
* @param sourcePaths
* list containing the node paths for the selected nodes in the source tree
* @param startIndex
* tree level at which the desired node names first appear in the source tree
* @param onlyIfPrimitive
* true to only include nodes that end with a reference to primitive data type;
* false to include all nodes
protected void addSourceNodesToTargetNode(List<Object[]> sourcePaths, int startIndex, boolean onlyIfPrimitive) {
// selected in the information tree
if (sourcePaths != null && getSelectionCount() != 0) {
List<ToolTipTreeNode> infoNodes = new ArrayList<ToolTipTreeNode>();
// Step through each selected information node's path
for (TreePath infoPath : getSelectionPaths()) {
// Get the top level node for this path
ToolTipTreeNode infoNode = (ToolTipTreeNode) infoPath.getPathComponent(getGroupNodeLevel());
// than one node in the top level node's tree is selected
if (!infoNodes.contains(infoNode)) {
// Add the top level node to the list so that it won't be checked again
// Step through each selected node path in the source tree
for (Object[] sourcePath : sourcePaths) {
boolean isPrimitive = false;
// should be included
if (onlyIfPrimitive) {
// Get the name of the last node in the path
String lastNode = sourcePath[sourcePath.length - 1].toString();
// Get the index that bounds the variable's data type
int lastPeriod = lastNode.lastIndexOf(".");
// before checking the data type
if (lastPeriod != -1 && dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(removeExtraText(lastNode.substring(0, lastPeriod)))) {
// Set the flag to indicate this node references a primitive data
// type
isPrimitive = true;
// primitive data type
if (!onlyIfPrimitive || isPrimitive) {
// Add the source node to this top level node in the information tree
addNodeToInfoNode(infoNode, sourcePath, startIndex);
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddInformationTreeHandler method addNodeToInfoNode.
* Add the specified variable(s) to the specified information node(s)
* @param node
* parent information node for this variable
* @param sourcePath
* array containing the source node path
* @param startIndex
* tree level at which the variable names first appear in the array
protected void addNodeToInfoNode(ToolTipTreeNode node, Object[] sourcePath, int startIndex) {
// Check if the tree is filtered by table type
if (isFilterByType) {
// Get the source node's prototype table name
String protoName = sourcePath[startIndex].toString().split(Pattern.quote("."))[0];
// Step through each data table comment
for (String[] tableComment : tableComments) {
// Check if the table name matches the source node's prototype name
if (tableComment[TableCommentIndex.NAME.ordinal()].equals(protoName)) {
int typeIndex = 0;
// Step through each table type
for (String type : tableTypeHandler.getTypes()) {
// table
if (type.equals(tableComment[TableCommentIndex.TYPE.ordinal()])) {
// Set the node to the table type node and stop searching
node = (ToolTipTreeNode) node.getChildAt(typeIndex);
// Step through the source path
for (int index = startIndex; index < sourcePath.length; index++) {
boolean isFound = false;
// Get the node name at this tree level
String nodeName = sourcePath[index].toString();
// Step through the current node's children
for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < node.getChildCount(); childIndex++) {
// Check if the node already contains this source tree's node
if (node.getChildAt(childIndex).toString().equals(nodeName)) {
// Update the node to this child node and set the flag indicating the tree node
// already exists, then stop searching
node = (ToolTipTreeNode) node.getChildAt(childIndex);
isFound = true;
// Check if this node doesn't exist in the information tree
if (!isFound) {
// Add the node to the information tree
node = addNode(node, nodeName, "", treePathOrder == null ? TreeChildOrder.NATURAL : TreeChildOrder.PATH_ORDER);
// Expand the tree to display the added node
expandPath(new TreePath(((ToolTipTreeNode) node.getParent()).getPath()));
use of CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode in project CCDD by nasa.
the class CcddInformationTreeHandler method removeSelectedTopLevelNodes.
* Remove the currently selected top level node(s) and all of its child nodes from the
* information tree
protected void removeSelectedTopLevelNodes() {
List<ToolTipTreeNode> removedNodes = new ArrayList<ToolTipTreeNode>();
// Step through each selected path
for (TreePath path : getSelectionPaths()) {
// Get the node for this path
ToolTipTreeNode node = (ToolTipTreeNode) path.getPathComponent(1);
// Check if this node has already been removed
if (!removedNodes.contains(node)) {
// Add the node to the list of those removed
// Remove the node from the tree