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Example 1 with TableMembers

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddDbTableCommandHandler method getRootTables.

 * Get the list of root (top level) tables
 * @param structuresOnly
 *            true to only include structure tables; false to include tables of all types
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
 * @return List of root tables; empty list if there are no root tables
protected List<String> getRootTables(boolean structuresOnly, Component parent) {
    List<String> rootTables = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Get the prototype tables and their member tables
    List<TableMembers> tableMembers = loadTableMembers(TableMemberType.TABLES_ONLY, true, parent);
    // Step through each table
    for (TableMembers member : tableMembers) {
        // included that the member is a structure table type
        if (!structuresOnly || tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(member.getTableType()).isStructure()) {
            boolean isRootTable = true;
            // Step through each table
            for (TableMembers otherMember : tableMembers) {
                // isn't referencing itself
                if (otherMember.getDataTypes().contains(member.getTableName()) && !member.equals(otherMember)) {
                    // Clear the flag indicating this is a root table and stop searching
                    isRootTable = false;
            // Check if this is a root table
            if (isRootTable) {
                // Store the root table's name
    return rootTables;
Also used : TableMembers(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 2 with TableMembers

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddDbTableCommandHandler method loadTableMembers.

 * Create a list of all prototype tables with their child tables (prototypes and instances),
 * and primitive variables (if specified). The table must contain all of the protected columns
 * defined for a structure in order for its members to be determined. Non-structure tables are
 * included in the returned list, but by definition have no members
 * @param memberType
 *            Type of table members to load: TABLES_ONLY to exclude primitive variables or
 *            INCLUDE_PRIMITIVES to include tables and primitive variables
 * @param sortByName
 *            true to return the table members in alphabetical order (e.g., for use in a tree);
 *            false to return the members sorted by row index (e.g., for use in determining the
 *            variable offsets in the structure)
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
 * @return List containing the table member information. For structure tables the member tables
 *         are included, along with primitive variables (if specified), sorted by variable name
 *         or row index as specified
protected List<TableMembers> loadTableMembers(TableMemberType memberType, boolean sortByName, final Component parent) {
    List<TableMembers> tableMembers = new ArrayList<TableMembers>();
    try {
        // Get the list of prototype tables in alphabetical order
        String[] tableNames = queryTableList(parent);
        // Get the comments for all data tables
        String[][] comments = queryDataTableComments(parent);
        // Get the table members of all structure tables by extracting the values from the
        // table's data type and variable name columns, if present, sorted by variable name or
        // table index. Non-structure tables and structure tables with no rows are skipped. The
        // information returned by the PostgreSQL function also returns the bit length,
        // rate(s), and enumeration(s) for each member; the enumeration information currently
        // isn't used
        ResultSet rowData = dbCommand.executeDbQuery("SELECT * FROM " + (sortByName ? "get_table_members_by_name();" : "get_table_members_by_index();"), parent);
        // Create a list to contain the database table member data types, variable names, bit
        // lengths, and rates
        List<String> dataTypes;
        List<String> variableNames;
        List<String> bitLengths;
        List<String[]> rates;
        // Set the flag based on if any data was returned by the database query
        boolean doLoop =;
        // Step through the query results
        while (doLoop) {
            // Initialize the data type, variable, bit length, rate(s), and enumeration(s)
            // lists
            dataTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
            variableNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            bitLengths = new ArrayList<String>();
            rates = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            // Get the table name for this query table row
            String tableName = rowData.getString(1);
            do {
                // Get the data type, variable name, bit length, and rate(s) from this query
                // row
                String dataType = rowData.getString(2);
                String variableName = rowData.getString(3);
                String bitLength = rowData.getString(4);
                String[] rate = rowData.getString(5).split(",", rateHandler.getNumRateColumns());
                // included
                if (dataType != null && !dataType.isEmpty() && variableName != null && !variableName.isEmpty() && (!dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(dataType) || memberType == TableMemberType.INCLUDE_PRIMITIVES)) {
                    // Get the number of variable names in the list
                    int addIndex = variableNames.size();
                    // sorted by variable name
                    if (addIndex != 0 && sortByName) {
                        // Get the name of the last variable added to the list
                        String lastVarName = variableNames.get(addIndex - 1);
                        // array
                        if (ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(variableName) && ArrayVariable.isArrayMember(lastVarName) && ArrayVariable.removeArrayIndex(variableName).equals(ArrayVariable.removeArrayIndex(lastVarName))) {
                            // The PostgreSQL function that obtains the table members sorted by
                            // variable name treats array indices as strings, so array member
                            // [10] appears immediately after member [1] instead of after [9].
                            // This code section determines the position in the list where the
                            // current array member should be placed relative to those members
                            // already in the list, sorted numerically by array dimension
                            // value(s)
                            boolean notFound = true;
                            do {
                                // Compare the two array members numerically, by array
                                // dimension value(s)
                                int result = ArrayVariable.compareTo(variableName, variableNames.get(addIndex - 1));
                                // before the comparison array member
                                if (result < 0) {
                                    // Decrement the variable insertion index
                                } else // after the comparison array member
                                if (result > 0) {
                                    // Set the flag indicating that the position of the current
                                    // variable in the list is located and stop checking the
                                    // dimension values
                                    notFound = false;
                            } while (notFound && addIndex > 0);
                        // Continue to adjust the insertion index as long as the current
                        // variable's array indices places it prior to the that of the
                        // variable at the current insertion index. The test for addIndex >
                        // 0 accounts for the possibility that array members are missing in
                        // the table
                    // Add the data type, variable name, bit length, rate(s), and
                    // enumeration(s) to the lists for this table
                    dataTypes.add(addIndex, dataType);
                    variableNames.add(addIndex, variableName);
                    bitLengths.add(addIndex, bitLength);
                    rates.add(addIndex, rate);
                // Go to the next row in the query results; set the flag to true if the row
                // exists
                doLoop =;
            // Continue to loop while rows exist to process in the query table and the
            // table name for the new row remains the same
            } while (doLoop && tableName.equals(rowData.getString(1)));
            // Get the comment array for this table
            String[] comment = getTableComment(tableName, comments);
            // Add the table name, table type, and the table's member information to the
            // members list
            tableMembers.add(new TableMembers(comment[TableCommentIndex.NAME.ordinal()], comment[TableCommentIndex.TYPE.ordinal()], dataTypes, variableNames, bitLengths, rates));
        // Create storage for the tables not added above; i.e., for non-structure tables and
        // for structure tables containing no rows
        List<TableMembers> newMembers = new ArrayList<TableMembers>();
        // Step through the table names
        for (String tableName : tableNames) {
            boolean isFound = false;
            // Step through the structure table members
            for (TableMembers member : tableMembers) {
                // Check if the table name matches the one in the member list
                if (tableName.equals(member.getTableName())) {
                    // Set the flag to indicate this table is already in the member list and
                    // stop searching
                    isFound = true;
            // Check if the table is not already in the member list
            if (!isFound) {
                // Get the comment array for this table
                String[] comment = getTableComment(tableName.toLowerCase(), comments);
                // Add the table to the member list with empty data type, variable name, bit
                // length, and rate lists
                newMembers.add(new TableMembers(tableName, comment[TableCommentIndex.TYPE.ordinal()], new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String[]>()));
        // Add the new members to the member list. The list now contains a reference to all
        // tables
        // Sort the table members by table name in ascending order
        Collections.sort(tableMembers, new Comparator<TableMembers>() {

             * Compare the table names of two member definitions. Force lower case to eliminate
             * case differences in the comparison
            public int compare(TableMembers mem1, TableMembers mem2) {
                return mem1.getTableName().toLowerCase().compareTo(mem2.getTableName().toLowerCase());
    } catch (SQLException se) {
        // Inform the user that loading the table members failed
        eventLog.logFailEvent(parent, "Cannot load table members; cause '" + se.getMessage() + "'", "<html><b>Cannot load table members");
        tableMembers = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
        CcddUtilities.displayException(e, parent);
    return tableMembers;
Also used : SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) TableMembers(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet)

Example 3 with TableMembers

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddTableTreeHandler method buildNodes.

 * Build the table tree nodes. This is a recursive method. In order to prevent an infinite
 * loop, a check is made for a child node that exists in its own path; if found the recursion
 * is terminated for that node
 * @param thisMember
 *            TableMember class
 * @param parentNode
 *            current working node for the table tree
 * @param childNode
 *            new child node to add to the working node
private void buildNodes(TableMembers thisMember, ToolTipTreeNode parentNode, ToolTipTreeNode childNode) {
    // Step through each node in the parent's path
    for (TreeNode node : parentNode.getPath()) {
        if (((ToolTipTreeNode) node).getLevel() >= getHeaderNodeLevel()) {
            // Check if the child is in the path
            if (((ToolTipTreeNode) node).getUserObject().toString().equals(childNode.getUserObject().toString())) {
                // Store the name of the recursively referenced node
                recursionTable = childNode.getUserObject().toString();
    // Check that a recursion error wasn't found; this prevents an infinite loop from occurring
    if (recursionTable == null) {
        // Add the child node to its parent
        // Get the parent table and variable path for this variable
        String fullTablePath = getFullVariablePath(childNode.getPath());
        // Step through each table/variable referenced by the table member
        for (int memIndex = 0; memIndex < thisMember.getDataTypes().size(); memIndex++) {
            // Check if this data type is a primitive
            if (dataTypeHandler.isPrimitive(thisMember.getDataTypes().get(memIndex))) {
                String tablePath = fullTablePath;
                // Set to true if the variable has a path (i.e., this is not a prototype's
                // variable)
                boolean isChildVariable = tablePath.contains(",");
                // Check if the variable has a path
                if (isChildVariable) {
                    // Add the data type and variable name to the variable path
                    tablePath += "," + thisMember.getDataTypes().get(memIndex) + "." + thisMember.getVariableNames().get(memIndex);
                String rate = null;
                // Check if a rate filter is in effect
                if (rateFilter != null) {
                    // Get the rate value for this variable. Use the prototype's value if the
                    // variable doesn't have a specific rate assigned
                    int index = rateValues.indexOf(tablePath);
                    rate = isChildVariable && index != -1 ? rateValues.get(index)[2] : thisMember.getRates().get(memIndex)[rateIndex];
                // specified rate filter
                if (rateFilter == null || rate.equals(rateFilter)) {
                    // Get the full variable name in the form
                    // data_type.variable_name[:bit_length]
                    String variable = thisMember.getFullVariableNameWithBits(memIndex);
                    // the variable, using its full path and name, is not in the exclusion list
                    if (excludedVariables == null || !excludedVariables.contains(tablePath)) {
                        // Add the primitive as a node to this child node
                        childNode.add(new ToolTipTreeNode(variable, ""));
                    } else // The variable is in the exclusion list
                        // Add the variable with the node text grayed out
                        childNode.add(new ToolTipTreeNode(DISABLED_TEXT_COLOR + variable, ""));
            } else // Data type is not a primitive, it's a structure
                // Step through the other tables
                for (TableMembers member : tableMembers) {
                    // Check if the table is a member of the target table
                    if (thisMember.getDataTypes().get(memIndex).equals(member.getTableName())) {
                        // Build the node name from the prototype and variable names
                        String nodeName = thisMember.getDataTypes().get(memIndex) + "." + thisMember.getVariableNames().get(memIndex);
                        // Get the variable name path to this node
                        String tablePath = fullTablePath + "," + nodeName;
                        // Add this table to the current table's node. The node name is in the
                        // format 'dataType.variableName<[arrayIndex]>'. If a specific
                        // description exists for the table then use it for the tool tip text;
                        // otherwise use the prototype's description
                        buildNodes(member, childNode, new ToolTipTreeNode(nodeName, getTableDescription(tablePath, thisMember.getDataTypes().get(memIndex))));
        // (variables)
            // Remove the node
Also used : ToolTipTreeNode(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode) DefaultMutableTreeNode(javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode) TreeNode(javax.swing.tree.TreeNode) TableMembers(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers) ToolTipTreeNode(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode)

Example 4 with TableMembers

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddTableTreeHandler method addByType.

 * Add tables to the specified prototype and instance nodes based on table type
 * @param nameList
 *            list of table names belonging to the filtered selection; null if no filtering
 * @param protoNode
 *            parent node for the prototype nodes
 * @param instNode
 *            parent node for the instance nodes
 * @param groupInfo
 *            reference to the group information is filtering also by group; null if not
 *            filtering by group
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
private void addByType(ToolTipTreeNode protoNode, ToolTipTreeNode instNode, GroupInformation groupInfo, Component parent) {
    // Step through each table type
    for (String type : tableTypeHandler.getTypes()) {
        List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>();
        // Step through each table
        for (TableMembers member : tableMembers) {
            // it belongs to the current group
            if (type.equals(member.getTableType()) && (groupInfo == null || groupInfo.getTableMembers().contains(member.getTableName()))) {
                // Add the table name to the list for this type
        // Create nodes for the type and add them to the prototype and instance nodes
        ToolTipTreeNode protoTypeNode = new ToolTipTreeNode(type, getDescriptions ? tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(type).getDescription() : null);
        ToolTipTreeNode instTypeNode = new ToolTipTreeNode(type, getDescriptions ? tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(type).getDescription() : null);
        // Build the prototype and instance nodes filtered by type (and group, if applicable)
        buildTopLevelNodes(tables, instTypeNode, protoTypeNode, parent);
Also used : TableMembers(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ToolTipTreeNode(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode)

Example 5 with TableMembers

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddTableTreeHandler method buildTopLevelNodes.

 * Build the top-level nodes for the table tree (based on the selected filters)
 * @param nameList
 *            list of table names belonging to the filtered selection; null if no filtering
 * @param instNode
 *            parent node for the top-level nodes
 * @param protoNode
 *            parent node for the prototype nodes
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
private void buildTopLevelNodes(List<String> nameList, ToolTipTreeNode instNode, ToolTipTreeNode protoNode, Component parent) {
    // haven't already been loaded
    if (getDescriptions && tableDescriptions == null) {
        // Get an array containing the tables and their variable paths, if any, for those
        // tables with descriptions
        tableDescriptions = dbTable.queryTableDescriptions(parent);
    // Step through each table
    for (TableMembers member : tableMembers) {
        // structure type tables for a tree showing structure instances with primitives
        if ((nameList == null || nameList.contains(member.getTableName())) && ((treeType != STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES && treeType != INSTANCE_STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES && treeType != INSTANCE_STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES_AND_RATES) || tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(member.getTableType()).isStructure())) {
            // prototype nodes are excluded if it is)
            if (treeType != STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES) {
                // Add the table to the prototype node
                protoNode.add(new ToolTipTreeNode(member.getTableName(), getTableDescription(member.getTableName(), "")));
            boolean isParent = true;
            // Step through each table
            for (TableMembers otherMember : tableMembers) {
                // is a member of the group
                if (otherMember.getDataTypes().contains(member.getTableName()) && !member.equals(otherMember) && (!isByGroup || (nameList != null && nameList.contains(otherMember.getTableName())))) {
                    // Clear the flag indicating this is a parent table and stop searching
                    isParent = false;
            // the prototype node
            if (isParent || treeType == STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES) {
                recursionTable = null;
                // Build the nodes in the tree for this table and its member tables
                buildNodes(member, (!isParent && treeType == STRUCTURES_WITH_PRIMITIVES ? protoNode : instNode), new ToolTipTreeNode(member.getTableName(), getTableDescription(member.getTableName(), "")));
                // suppressed
                if (recursionTable != null && !isSilent) {
                    // Inform the user that the table has a recursive reference
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Table '</b>" + member.getTableName() + "<b>' contains a recursive reference to '</b>" + recursionTable + "<b>'", "Table Reference", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
Also used : TableMembers(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers) ToolTipTreeNode(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode)


TableMembers (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableMembers)5 ToolTipTreeNode (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.ToolTipTreeNode)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 CCDDException (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException)1 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)1 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)1 DefaultMutableTreeNode (javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode)1 TreeNode (javax.swing.tree.TreeNode)1