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Example 6 with TableDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddCSVHandler method importFromFile.

 * Build the information from the table definition(s) in the current file
 * @param importFile
 *            import file reference
 * @param importAll
 *            ImportType.IMPORT_ALL to import the table type, data type, and macro definitions,
 *            and the data from all the table definitions; ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY to load
 *            only the data for the first table defined
 * @throws CCDDException
 *             If a data is missing, extraneous, or in error in the import file
 * @throws IOException
 *             If an import file I/O error occurs
 * @throws Exception
 *             For any unanticipated errors
public void importFromFile(FileEnvVar importFile, ImportType importType) throws CCDDException, IOException, Exception {
    BufferedReader br = null;
    try {
        List<TableTypeDefinition> tableTypeDefns = new ArrayList<TableTypeDefinition>();
        List<String[]> dataTypeDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        List<String[]> macroDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        List<String[]> reservedMsgIDDefns = new ArrayList<String[]>();
        tableDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>();
        // macros, then a second pass to read the table data and fields
        for (int loop = 1; loop <= 2; loop++) {
            int columnNumber = 0;
            // Create a buffered reader to read the file
            br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(importFile));
            // Flags indicating if importing should continue after an input error is detected
            boolean continueOnTableTypeError = false;
            boolean continueOnDataTypeError = false;
            boolean continueOnMacroError = false;
            boolean continueOnColumnError = false;
            boolean continueOnDataFieldError = false;
            boolean continueOnReservedMsgIDError = false;
            boolean continueOnTableTypeFieldError = false;
            // Initialize the input tag
            CSVTags importTag = null;
            // Read first line in file
            String line = br.readLine();
            // outer while loop accounts for multiple table definitions within a single file
            while (line != null) {
                TableTypeDefinition tableTypeDefn = null;
                // Initialize the table information
                int numColumns = 0;
                String tablePath = "";
                // Create empty table information and table type definition references
                TypeDefinition typeDefn = null;
                // Storage for column indices
                int[] columnIndex = null;
                // Initialize the number of matching columns and the cell data storage
                String[] columnValues = null;
                // Create a table definition to contain the table's information
                TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition();
                // Flag that indicates if a table type row is the type name and description or
                // a column definition
                boolean isTypeName = false;
                // inner while loop reads the information for a single table in the file
                while (line != null) {
                    // Remove any trailing commas, empty quotes, and leading/trailing white
                    // space characters from the row. If the CSV file is generated from a
                    // spreadsheet application then extra commas are appended to a row if
                    // needed for the number of columns to be equal with the other rows. These
                    // empty trailing columns are ignored
                    line = line.replaceAll("(?:[,\\s*]|\\\"\\s*\\\")*$", "");
                    // character)
                    if (!line.isEmpty() && !line.startsWith("#")) {
                        // Parse the import data. The values are comma- separated; however,
                        // commas within quotes are ignored - this allows commas to be included
                        // in the data values
                        columnValues = CcddUtilities.splitAndRemoveQuotes(line);
                        // Remove any leading/trailing white space characters from the first
                        // column value
                        String firstColumn = columnValues[0].trim();
                        // Check if this is the table name and table type tag
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.NAME_TYPE.getTag())) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the table name and table type
                            importTag = CSVTags.NAME_TYPE;
                            // information
                            if (loop == 2 && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
                                // to beginning another one
                        } else // type are defined
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.COLUMN_NAMES.getTag()) && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the table column names
                            importTag = CSVTags.COLUMN_NAMES;
                        } else // type are defined
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.DESCRIPTION.getTag()) && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the table description
                            importTag = CSVTags.DESCRIPTION;
                        } else // are defined
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.DATA_FIELD.getTag()) && !tablePath.isEmpty()) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the data field(s)
                            importTag = CSVTags.DATA_FIELD;
                        } else // Check if this is the table type tag
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE.getTag())) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the table type definition
                            importTag = CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE;
                            // Set the flag so that the next row is treated as the table type
                            // name and description
                            isTypeName = true;
                        } else // is defined
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE_DATA_FIELD.getTag()) && tableTypeDefn != null) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the table type data field(s)
                            importTag = CSVTags.TABLE_TYPE_DATA_FIELD;
                        } else // Check if this is the data type tag
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.DATA_TYPE.getTag())) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the data type(s)
                            importTag = CSVTags.DATA_TYPE;
                        } else // Check if this is the macro tag
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.MACRO.getTag())) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the macro(s)
                            importTag = CSVTags.MACRO;
                        } else // Check if this is the reserved message IDs tag
                        if (firstColumn.equalsIgnoreCase(CSVTags.RESERVED_MSG_IDS.getTag())) {
                            // Set the input type to look for the reserved IDs
                            importTag = CSVTags.RESERVED_MSG_IDS;
                        } else // Not a tag (or no table name and type are defined); read in the
                        // information based on the last tag read
                            // Check if this is the first pass
                            if (loop == 1) {
                                switch(importTag) {
                                    case TABLE_TYPE:
                                        // Check if this is the table type name and description
                                        if (isTypeName) {
                                            // Reset the flag so that subsequent rows are
                                            // treated as column definitions
                                            isTypeName = false;
                                            columnNumber = NUM_HIDDEN_COLUMNS;
                                            // present
                                            if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 1) {
                                                // Add the table type definition
                                                tableTypeDefn = new TableTypeDefinition(columnValues[0], (columnValues.length == 2 ? columnValues[1] : ""));
                                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                                // import canceled
                                                continueOnTableTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeError, "<html><b>Missing table type name in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Table Type Error", "Ignore this table type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid table types", "Stop importing", parent);
                                        } else // This is a column definition
                                            // present
                                            if (columnValues.length == TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.values().length - 1) {
                                                // Add the table type column definition,
                                                // checking for (and if possible, correcting)
                                                // errors
                                                continueOnTableTypeError = addImportedTableTypeDefinition(continueOnTableTypeError, tableTypeDefn, new String[] { String.valueOf(columnNumber), columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.NAME.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.DESCRIPTION.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.INPUT_TYPE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.UNIQUE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.REQUIRED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.STRUCTURE_ALLOWED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[TableTypeEditorColumnInfo.POINTER_ALLOWED.ordinal() - 1] }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
                                                // Update the column index number for the next
                                                // column definition
                                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                                // import canceled
                                                continueOnTableTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeError, "<html><b>Table type '" + tableTypeDefn.getTypeName() + "' definition has missing or extra " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Table Type Error", "Ignore this table type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid table types", "Stop importing", parent);
                                    case TABLE_TYPE_DATA_FIELD:
                                        // Check if all definitions are to be loaded
                                        if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
                                            // present
                                            if (columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 || columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 2) {
                                                // Append empty columns as needed to fill out
                                                // the expected number of inputs
                                                columnValues = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(columnValues, FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 - columnValues.length);
                                                // Add the data field definition, checking for
                                                // (and if possible, correcting) errors
                                                continueOnTableTypeFieldError = addImportedDataFieldDefinition(continueOnTableTypeFieldError, tableTypeDefn, new String[] { CcddFieldHandler.getFieldTypeName(tableTypeDefn.getTypeName()), columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_DESC.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_SIZE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_REQUIRED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_APPLICABILITY.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal() - 1] }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
                                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                                // import canceled
                                                continueOnTableTypeFieldError = getErrorResponse(continueOnTableTypeFieldError, "<html><b>Table type '</b>" + tableTypeDefn.getTypeName() + "<b>' has missing or extra data field " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Field Error", "Ignore this invalid data field", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data fields", "Stop importing", parent);
                                    case DATA_TYPE:
                                        // Check if all definitions are to be loaded
                                        if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
                                            // present
                                            if (columnValues.length == 4) {
                                                // Add the data type definition (add a blank to
                                                // represent the OID)
                                                dataTypeDefns.add(new String[] { columnValues[DataTypesColumn.USER_NAME.ordinal()], columnValues[DataTypesColumn.C_NAME.ordinal()], columnValues[DataTypesColumn.SIZE.ordinal()], columnValues[DataTypesColumn.BASE_TYPE.ordinal()], "" });
                                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                                // import canceled
                                                continueOnDataTypeError = getErrorResponse(continueOnDataTypeError, "<html><b>Missing or extra data type definition " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Type Error", "Ignore this data type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data types", "Stop importing", parent);
                                    case MACRO:
                                        // Check if all definitions are to be loaded
                                        if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
                                            // present
                                            if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 1) {
                                                // Add the macro definition (add a blank to
                                                // represent the OID)
                                                macroDefns.add(new String[] { columnValues[0], (columnValues.length == 2 ? columnValues[1] : ""), "" });
                                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                                // import canceled
                                                continueOnMacroError = getErrorResponse(continueOnMacroError, "<html><b>Missing or extra macro definition " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Macro Error", "Ignore this macro", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid macros", "Stop importing", parent);
                                    case RESERVED_MSG_IDS:
                                        // Check if all definitions are to be loaded
                                        if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
                                            // present
                                            if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 1) {
                                                // Append empty columns as needed to fill out
                                                // the expected number of inputs
                                                columnValues = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(columnValues, 2 - columnValues.length);
                                                // Add the reserved message ID definition (add
                                                // a blank to represent the OID)
                                                reservedMsgIDDefns.add(new String[] { columnValues[ReservedMsgIDsColumn.MSG_ID.ordinal()], columnValues[ReservedMsgIDsColumn.DESCRIPTION.ordinal()], "" });
                                            } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                                // import canceled
                                                continueOnReservedMsgIDError = getErrorResponse(continueOnReservedMsgIDError, "<html><b>Missing or extra reserved message ID " + "definition input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Reserved Message ID Error", "Ignore this data type", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid reserved message IDs", "Stop importing", parent);
                                    case CELL_DATA:
                                    case COLUMN_NAMES:
                                    case DATA_FIELD:
                                    case DESCRIPTION:
                                    case NAME_TYPE:
                                        // before other data
                                        throw new CCDDException("Import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>' information missing");
                            } else // This is the second pass
                                switch(importTag) {
                                    case NAME_TYPE:
                                        // not used)
                                        if (columnValues.length == 2 || columnValues.length == 3) {
                                            // Use the table name (with path, if applicable)
                                            // and type to build the parent, path, and type for
                                            // the table information class
                                            tablePath = columnValues[0];
                                            // Get the table's type definition
                                            typeDefn = tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinition(tableDefn.getTypeName());
                                            // Check if the table type doesn't exist
                                            if (typeDefn == null) {
                                                throw new CCDDException("Unknown table type '" + tableDefn.getTypeName() + "'");
                                            // Get the number of expected columns (the hidden
                                            // columns, primary key and row index, should not
                                            // be included in the CSV file)
                                            numColumns = typeDefn.getColumnCountVisible();
                                        } else // Incorrect number of inputs
                                            throw new CCDDException("Too many/few table name and type inputs");
                                    case DESCRIPTION:
                                        // Store the table description
                                    case COLUMN_NAMES:
                                        // Check if any column names exist
                                        if (columnValues.length != 0) {
                                            // Number of columns in an import file that match
                                            // the target table
                                            int numValidColumns = 0;
                                            // Create storage for the column indices
                                            columnIndex = new int[columnValues.length];
                                            // Step through each column name
                                            for (int index = 0; index < columnValues.length; index++) {
                                                // Get the index for this column name
                                                columnIndex[index] = typeDefn.getVisibleColumnIndexByUserName(columnValues[index]);
                                                // that of a column in the table
                                                if (columnIndex[index] != -1) {
                                                    // Increment the counter that tracks the
                                                    // number of matched columns
                                                } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                                    // Check if the error should be ignored or
                                                    // the import canceled
                                                    continueOnColumnError = getErrorResponse(continueOnColumnError, "<html><b>Table '</b>" + tableDefn.getName() + "<b>' column name '</b>" + columnValues[index] + "<b>' unrecognized in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Column Error", "Ignore this invalid column name", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid column names", "Stop importing", parent);
                                            // in the table
                                            if (numValidColumns == 0) {
                                                throw new CCDDException("No columns in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>' match those in the target table", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                                        } else // The file contains no column data
                                            throw new CCDDException("Format invalid for import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'");
                                        // Set the input type to look for cell data
                                        importTag = CSVTags.CELL_DATA;
                                    case CELL_DATA:
                                        // Create storage for the row of cell data and
                                        // initialize the values to nulls (a null indicates
                                        // that the pasted cell value won't overwrite the
                                        // current table value if overwriting; if inserting the
                                        // pasted value is changed to a space)
                                        String[] rowData = new String[numColumns];
                                        Arrays.fill(rowData, null);
                                        // Step through each column in the row
                                        for (int index = 0; index < columnValues.length; index++) {
                                            // Check if the column exists
                                            if (index < columnIndex.length && columnIndex[index] != -1) {
                                                // Store the cell data in the column matching
                                                // the one in the target table
                                                rowData[columnIndex[index]] = columnValues[index];
                                        // Add the row of data read in from the file to the
                                        // cell data list
                                    case DATA_FIELD:
                                        // Check if the expected number of inputs is present
                                        if (columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 || columnValues.length == FieldsColumn.values().length - 2) {
                                            // Append empty columns as needed to fill out the
                                            // expected number of inputs
                                            columnValues = CcddUtilities.appendArrayColumns(columnValues, FieldsColumn.values().length - 1 - columnValues.length);
                                            // Add the data field definition, checking for (and
                                            // if possible, correcting) errors
                                            continueOnDataFieldError = addImportedDataFieldDefinition(continueOnDataFieldError, tableDefn, new String[] { tableDefn.getName(), columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_NAME.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_DESC.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_SIZE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_TYPE.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_REQUIRED.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_APPLICABILITY.ordinal() - 1], columnValues[FieldsColumn.FIELD_VALUE.ordinal() - 1] }, importFile.getAbsolutePath(), parent);
                                        } else // The number of inputs is incorrect
                                            // Check if the error should be ignored or the
                                            // import canceled
                                            continueOnDataFieldError = getErrorResponse(continueOnDataFieldError, "<html><b>Table '</b>" + tableDefn.getName() + "<b>' has missing or extra data field " + "input(s) in import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; continue?", "Data Field Error", "Ignore this invalid data field", "Ignore this and any remaining invalid data fields", "Stop importing", parent);
                                    case DATA_TYPE:
                                    case MACRO:
                                    case TABLE_TYPE:
                                    case TABLE_TYPE_DATA_FIELD:
                                    case RESERVED_MSG_IDS:
                                        // before other data
                                        throw new CCDDException("Import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>' information missing");
                    // Read next line in file
                    line = br.readLine();
                // Check if this is the second pass
                if (loop == 2) {
                    // Add the table's definition to the list
                    // Check if only the data from the first table is to be read
                    if (importType == ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY) {
                        // Stop reading table definitions
            // Check if this is the first pass
            if (loop == 1) {
                // Add the table type if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same
                // name if the type definitions are the same
                String badDefn = tableTypeHandler.updateTableTypes(tableTypeDefns, fieldHandler);
                // same name
                if (badDefn != null) {
                    throw new CCDDException("Imported table type '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
                // Check if all definitions are to be loaded
                if (importType == ImportType.IMPORT_ALL) {
                    // Add the data type if it's new or match it to an existing one with the
                    // same name if the type definitions are the same
                    badDefn = dataTypeHandler.updateDataTypes(dataTypeDefns);
                    // the same name
                    if (badDefn != null) {
                        throw new CCDDException("Imported data type '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
                    // Add the macro if it's new or match it to an existing one with the same
                    // name if the values are the same
                    badDefn = macroHandler.updateMacros(macroDefns);
                    // same name
                    if (badDefn != null) {
                        throw new CCDDException("Imported macro '" + badDefn + "' doesn't match the existing definition");
                    // Add the reserved message ID if it's new
    } finally {
        try {
            // Check that the buffered reader exists
            if (br != null) {
                // Close the file
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // Inform the user that the file cannot be closed
            new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot close import file '</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
Also used : CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TableTypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition) IOException( TableTypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) BufferedReader( TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) FileReader(

Example 7 with TableDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddEDSHandler method importStructureTable.

 * Build a structure table from the specified telemetry metadata
 * @param namespace
 *            name space
 * @param parameterSet
 *            reference to the parameter set from which to build the structure table
 * @param table
 *            name table name, including the full system path
 * @param hasCommand
 *            true if the name space also has a command set
 * @throws CCDDException
 *             If an input error is detected
private void importStructureTable(NamespaceType namespace, List<InterfaceParameterType> parameterSet, String tableName, boolean hasCommand) throws CCDDException {
    List<DescriptionType> memberList = null;
    // Create a table definition for this structure table. If the name space also includes a
    // command set (which creates a command table) then ensure the two tables have different
    // names
    TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition(tableName + (hasCommand ? "_tlm" : ""), namespace.getLongDescription());
    // Check if a description exists for this structure table
    if (namespace.getLongDescription() != null && !namespace.getLongDescription().isEmpty()) {
        // Store the table's description
    // Set the new structure table's table type name
    // Extract the table's name, minus the path, from the name space name
    String typeName = namespace.getName();
    int index = typeName.lastIndexOf("/");
    if (index != -1) {
        typeName = typeName.substring(index + 1);
    typeName += TYPE;
    // container for this structure
    for (RootDataType parmType : namespace.getDataTypeSet().getArrayDataTypeOrBinaryDataTypeOrBooleanDataType()) {
        // Check if this is the container for the structure's members
        if (parmType instanceof ContainerDataType && parmType.getName().equals(typeName)) {
            // Check if the member list exists
            if (((ContainerDataType) parmType).getEntryList() != null && !((ContainerDataType) parmType).getEntryList().getEntryOrFixedValueEntryOrPaddingEntry().isEmpty()) {
                // Set the reference to the container's member list
                memberList = ((ContainerDataType) parmType).getEntryList().getEntryOrFixedValueEntryOrPaddingEntry();
            // Stop searching since the matching container was found
    // Step through each telemetry parameter
    for (int parmIndex = 0; parmIndex < parameterSet.size(); parmIndex++) {
        // Get the reference to the parameter in the parameter set
        InterfaceParameterType parm = parameterSet.get(parmIndex);
        // Create a new row of data in the table definition to contain
        // this structure's information. Initialize all columns to
        // blanks except for the variable name
        String[] newRow = new String[structureTypeDefn.getColumnCountVisible()];
        Arrays.fill(newRow, null);
        newRow[variableNameIndex] = parm.getName();
        // definition and that a description exists
        if (descriptionIndex != -1 && parm.getLongDescription() != null) {
            // Store the description for this variable
            newRow[descriptionIndex] = parm.getLongDescription();
        // Add the new row to the table definition
        // name matches the parameter type reference from the parameter set
        for (RootDataType parmType : namespace.getDataTypeSet().getArrayDataTypeOrBinaryDataTypeOrBooleanDataType()) {
            // parameter type set's name
            if (parm.getType().equals(parmType.getName())) {
                String dataType = null;
                String arraySize = null;
                BigInteger bitLength = null;
                long sizeInBytes = 0;
                String enumeration = null;
                String minimum = null;
                String maximum = null;
                Unit units = null;
                // Check if the parameter is an array data type
                if (parmType instanceof ArrayDataType) {
                    arraySize = "";
                    // Store the reference to the array parameter type
                    ArrayDataType arrayType = (ArrayDataType) parmType;
                    // Step through each dimension for the array variable
                    for (DimensionSizeType dim : ((ArrayDataType) parmType).getDimensionList().getDimension()) {
                        // Build the array size string
                        arraySize += String.valueOf(dim.getSize().longValue()) + ",";
                    arraySize = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(arraySize, ",");
                    parmType = null;
                    // the parameter type set in order to locate this data type entry
                    for (RootDataType type : namespace.getDataTypeSet().getArrayDataTypeOrBinaryDataTypeOrBooleanDataType()) {
                        // type name
                        if (arrayType.getDataTypeRef().equals(type.getName())) {
                            // Store the reference to the array parameter's data type and stop
                            // searching
                            parmType = type;
                // locate the data type entry for the individual array members)
                if (parmType != null) {
                    boolean isInteger = false;
                    boolean isUnsigned = false;
                    boolean isFloat = false;
                    boolean isString = false;
                    // Check if the parameter is an integer data type
                    if (parmType instanceof IntegerDataType) {
                        // The 'sizeInBits' references are the integer size for
                        // non-bit-wise parameters, but equal the number of bits
                        // assigned to the parameter for a bit-wise parameter. It
                        // doens't appear that the size of the integer used to contain
                        // the parameter is stored. The assumption is made that the
                        // smallest integer required to store the bits is used.
                        // However, this can alter the originally intended bit-packing
                        // (e.g., a 3-bit and a 9-bit fit within a single 16-bit
                        // integer, but the code below assigns the first to an 8-bit
                        // integer and the second to a 16-bit integer)
                        IntegerDataType itlm = (IntegerDataType) parmType;
                        // Get the number of bits occupied by the parameter
                        bitLength = itlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getSizeInBits();
                        // Check if units exist for this parameter
                        if (itlm.getSemantics() != null && itlm.getSemantics().getUnit() != null) {
                            // Get the parameter units reference
                            units = itlm.getSemantics().getUnit();
                        // Check if integer encoding is set to 'unsigned'
                        if (itlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding() == IntegerEncodingType.UNSIGNED) {
                            isUnsigned = true;
                        // Determine the smallest integer size that contains the number
                        // of bits occupied by the parameter
                        sizeInBytes = 8;
                        while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
                            sizeInBytes *= 2;
                        sizeInBytes /= 8;
                        // Check if the table's member list exists
                        if (memberList != null) {
                            // Step through each member in the member list
                            for (DescriptionType entry : memberList) {
                                // Check if this is the entry for this parameter
                                if (((EntryType) entry).getName().equals(parm.getName() + TYPE)) {
                                    // Get the minimum and maximum values, if present
                                    DerivedTypeRangeType range = ((EntryType) entry).getValidRange();
                                    // Check if the range information exists
                                    if (range != null) {
                                        // Get the minimum and maximum information
                                        MinMaxRangeType minMaxRange = range.getMinMaxRange();
                                        // Check if the minimum value is specified
                                        if (minMaxRange.getMin() != null) {
                                            // Set the minimum value
                                            minimum = minMaxRange.getMin().toString();
                                        // Check if the maximum value is specified
                                        if (minMaxRange.getMax() != null) {
                                            // Set the maximum value
                                            maximum = minMaxRange.getMax().toString();
                                    // Stop searching since the matching parameter was located
                        isInteger = true;
                    } else // Check if the parameter is a floating point data type
                    if (parmType instanceof FloatDataType) {
                        // Get the float parameter attributes
                        FloatDataType ftlm = (FloatDataType) parmType;
                        switch(ftlm.getFloatDataEncoding().getEncodingAndPrecision()) {
                            case IEEE_754_2008_SINGLE:
                                sizeInBytes = 4;
                            case IEEE_754_2008_DOUBLE:
                                sizeInBytes = 8;
                            case IEEE_754_2008_QUAD:
                                sizeInBytes = 16;
                        // Check if units exist for this parameter
                        if (ftlm.getSemantics() != null && ftlm.getSemantics().getUnit() != null) {
                            // Get the parameter units reference
                            units = ftlm.getSemantics().getUnit();
                        // Check if the table's member list exists
                        if (memberList != null) {
                            // Step through each member in the member list
                            for (DescriptionType entry : memberList) {
                                // Check if this is the entry for this parameter
                                if (((EntryType) entry).getName().equals(parm.getName())) {
                                    // Get the minimum and maximum values, if present
                                    DerivedTypeRangeType range = ((EntryType) entry).getValidRange();
                                    // Check if the range information exists
                                    if (range != null) {
                                        // Get the minimum and maximum information
                                        MinMaxRangeType minMaxRange = range.getMinMaxRange();
                                        // Check if the minimum value is specified
                                        if (minMaxRange.getMin() != null) {
                                            // Set the minimum value
                                            minimum = minMaxRange.getMin().toString();
                                        // Check if the maximum value is specified
                                        if (minMaxRange.getMax() != null) {
                                            // Set the maximum value
                                            maximum = minMaxRange.getMax().toString();
                                    // Stop searching since the matching parameter was located
                        isFloat = true;
                    } else // Check if the parameter is a string data type
                    if (parmType instanceof StringDataType) {
                        // Get the string parameter attributes
                        StringDataType stlm = (StringDataType) parmType;
                        sizeInBytes = stlm.getLength().longValue();
                        // Check if units exist for this parameter
                        if (stlm.getSemantics() != null && stlm.getSemantics().getUnit() != null) {
                            // Get the parameter units reference
                            units = stlm.getSemantics().getUnit();
                        isString = true;
                    } else // Check if the parameter is an enumerated data type
                    if (parmType instanceof EnumeratedDataType) {
                        // Get the enumeration parameters
                        EnumeratedDataType etlm = (EnumeratedDataType) parmType;
                        EnumerationListType enumList = etlm.getEnumerationList();
                        // Check if any enumeration parameters are defined
                        if (enumList != null) {
                            // Step through each enumeration parameter
                            for (ValueEnumerationType enumType : enumList.getEnumeration()) {
                                // Check if this is the first parameter
                                if (enumeration == null) {
                                    // Initialize the enumeration string
                                    enumeration = "";
                                } else // Not the first parameter
                                    // Add the separator for the enumerations
                                    enumeration += ",";
                                // Begin building this enumeration
                                enumeration += enumType.getValue() + " | " + enumType.getLabel();
                            bitLength = etlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getSizeInBits();
                            // Check if units exist for this parameter
                            if (etlm.getSemantics() != null && etlm.getSemantics().getUnit() != null) {
                                // Get the parameter units reference
                                units = etlm.getSemantics().getUnit();
                            // Check if integer encoding is set to 'unsigned'
                            if (etlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding() == IntegerEncodingType.UNSIGNED) {
                                isUnsigned = true;
                            // Determine the smallest integer size that contains the
                            // number of bits occupied by the parameter
                            sizeInBytes = 8;
                            while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
                                sizeInBytes *= 2;
                            sizeInBytes /= 8;
                            isInteger = true;
                    } else // reference
                    if (parmType instanceof ContainerDataType && ((ContainerDataType) parmType).getEntryList() != null) {
                        // Get the reference to the container's base type, which is the name
                        // space path
                        dataType = ((ContainerDataType) parmType).getBaseType();
                        // it begins with a '/'. This beginning '/' is stripped off
                        if (dataType.startsWith("/")) {
                            // Remove the initial '/'
                            dataType = dataType.substring(1);
                        // The variable name must be stripped from the name space path. Get the
                        // index of the beginning of the variable name
                        int end = dataType.lastIndexOf("/");
                        // Check if the beginning of the variable name was found
                        if (end != -1) {
                            // Strip off the variable name from the path
                            dataType = dataType.substring(0, end);
                        // Convert the path to a valid structure name, replacing invalid
                        // characters with underscores
                        dataType = convertPathToTableName(dataType);
                    // Check if the data type isn't a structure reference
                    if (dataType == null) {
                        // Get the name of the data type from the data type table that
                        // matches the base type and size of the parameter
                        dataType = getDataType(dataTypeHandler, sizeInBytes, isInteger, isUnsigned, isFloat, isString);
                    // Check if a data type exists
                    if (dataType != null) {
                        // Store the data type
                        tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + dataTypeIndex, dataType);
                    // Check if a array size exists
                    if (arraySize != null) {
                        // Store the array size
                        tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + arraySizeIndex, arraySize);
                    // Check if a bit length exists
                    if (bitLength != null && bitLength.longValue() != sizeInBytes) {
                        // Store the bit length
                        tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + bitLengthIndex, bitLength.toString());
                    // Check if a description exists
                    if (parm.getLongDescription() != null) {
                        // Store the description
                        tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + descriptionIndex, parm.getLongDescription());
                    // Check if a units exists
                    if (units != null && !units.value().isEmpty()) {
                        // Store the units for this variable
                        tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + unitsIndex, units.value());
                // Check if an enumeration exists
                if (enumeration != null) {
                    // Store the enumeration parameters. This accounts only for the
                    // first enumeration for a variable
                    tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + enumerationIndex, enumeration);
                // Check if a minimum value exists
                if (minimum != null) {
                    // Store the minimum value
                    tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + minimumIndex, minimum);
                // Check if a maximum value exists
                if (maximum != null) {
                    // Store the maximum value
                    tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + maximumIndex, maximum);
    // Add the structure table definition to the list
Also used : ValueEnumerationType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.ValueEnumerationType) FloatDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.FloatDataType) DescriptionType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DescriptionType) IntegerDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.IntegerDataType) EnumeratedDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.EnumeratedDataType) MinMaxRangeType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.MinMaxRangeType) DerivedTypeRangeType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DerivedTypeRangeType) Unit(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.Unit) RootDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.RootDataType) EnumerationListType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.EnumerationListType) StringDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.StringDataType) EntryType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.EntryType) ContainerDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.ContainerDataType) TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) InterfaceParameterType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.InterfaceParameterType) ArrayDataType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.ArrayDataType) DimensionSizeType(org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DimensionSizeType)

Example 8 with TableDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddFileIOHandler method importFile.

 * Import one or more files, creating new tables and optionally replacing existing ones. The
 * file(s) may contain definitions for more than one table. This method is executed in a
 * separate thread since it can take a noticeable amount time to complete, and by using a
 * separate thread the GUI is allowed to continue to update. The GUI menu commands, however,
 * are disabled until the database method completes execution
 * @param dataFile
 *            array of files to import
 * @param backupFirst
 *            true to create a backup of the database before importing tables
 * @param replaceExisting
 *            true to replace a table that already exists in the database
 * @param appendExistingFields
 *            true to append the existing data fields for a table (if any) to the imported ones
 *            (if any). Only valid when replaceExisting is true
 * @param useExistingFields
 *            true to replace an existing data field with the imported ones if the field names
 *            match. Only valid when replaceExisting and appendExistingFields are true
 * @param parent
 *            GUI component calling this method
protected void importFile(final FileEnvVar[] dataFile, final boolean backupFirst, final boolean replaceExisting, final boolean appendExistingFields, final boolean useExistingFields, final Component parent) {
    // Create a data field handler
    final CcddFieldHandler fieldHandler = new CcddFieldHandler(ccddMain, null, parent);
    // Store the current table type, data type, macro, reserved message ID, and data field
    // information in case it needs to be restored
    final List<TypeDefinition> originalTableTypes = new ArrayList<TypeDefinition>(tableTypeHandler.getTypeDefinitions());
    final List<String[]> originalDataTypes = new ArrayList<String[]>(dataTypeHandler.getDataTypeData());
    final List<String[]> originalMacros = new ArrayList<String[]>(macroHandler.getMacroData());
    final List<String[]> originalReservedMsgIDs = new ArrayList<String[]>(rsvMsgIDHandler.getReservedMsgIDData());
    final List<String[]> originalDataFields = new ArrayList<String[]>(fieldHandler.getFieldDefinitions());
    // Execute the import operation in the background
    CcddBackgroundCommand.executeInBackground(ccddMain, new BackgroundCommand() {

        List<TableDefinition> allTableDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>();

        List<String> duplicateDefinitions = new ArrayList<String>();

        boolean errorFlag = false;

         * Import the selected table(s)
        protected void execute() {
            CcddImportExportInterface ioHandler = null;
            // Create a reference to a table editor dialog
            tableEditorDlg = null;
            // Check if the user elected to back up the project before importing tables
            if (backupFirst) {
                // Back up the project database
            // Step through each selected file
            for (FileEnvVar file : dataFile) {
                try {
                    // Check if the file doesn't exist
                    if (!file.exists()) {
                        throw new CCDDException("Cannot locate import file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'");
                    // Check if the file to import is in CSV format based on the extension
                    if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.CSV.getExtension())) {
                        // Create a CSV handler
                        ioHandler = new CcddCSVHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
                    } else // Check if the file to import is in EDS format based on the extension
                    if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.EDS.getExtension())) {
                        // Create a EDS handler
                        ioHandler = new CcddEDSHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
                    } else // Check if the file to import is in JSON format based on the extension
                    if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.JSON.getExtension())) {
                        // Create a JSON handler
                        ioHandler = new CcddJSONHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
                    } else // Check if the file to import is in XTCE format based on the extension
                    if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(FileExtension.XTCE.getExtension())) {
                        // Create a XTCE handler
                        ioHandler = new CcddXTCEHandler(ccddMain, fieldHandler, parent);
                    } else // The file extension isn't recognized
                        throw new CCDDException("Cannot import file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'; unrecognized file type");
                    // Check that no error occurred creating the format conversion handler
                    if (!ioHandler.getErrorStatus()) {
                        // Import the table definition(s) from the file
                        ioHandler.importFromFile(file, ImportType.IMPORT_ALL);
                        // existing ones for a table
                        if (appendExistingFields) {
                            // Step through each table definition
                            for (TableDefinition tableDefn : ioHandler.getTableDefinitions()) {
                                // Build the field information for this table
                                // Add the imported data field(s) to the table
                                addImportedDataField(fieldHandler, tableDefn, tableDefn.getName(), useExistingFields);
                        // Step through each table definition from the import file
                        for (TableDefinition newDefn : ioHandler.getTableDefinitions()) {
                            boolean isFound = false;
                            // Step through each table definition already in the list
                            for (TableDefinition existingDefn : allTableDefinitions) {
                                // Check if the table is already defined in the list
                                if (newDefn.getName().equals(existingDefn.getName())) {
                                    // Add the table name and associated file name to the list
                                    // of duplicates
                                    duplicateDefinitions.add(newDefn.getName() + " (file: " + file.getName() + ")");
                                    // Set the flag indicating the table definition is a
                                    // duplicate and stop searching
                                    isFound = true;
                            // Check if the table is not already defined
                            if (!isFound) {
                                // Add the table definition to the list
                    } else // An error occurred creating the format conversion handler
                        errorFlag = true;
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    // Inform the user that the data file cannot be read
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot read import file<br>'</b>" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
                    errorFlag = true;
                } catch (CCDDException ce) {
                    // Check if an error message is provided
                    if (!ce.getMessage().isEmpty()) {
                        // Inform the user that an error occurred reading the import file
                        new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>" + ce.getMessage(), "Import Error", ce.getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
                    errorFlag = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Display a dialog providing details on the unanticipated error
                    CcddUtilities.displayException(e, parent);
                    errorFlag = true;

         * Import table(s) command complete
        protected void complete() {
            // Check if no errors occurred importing the table(s)
            if (!errorFlag) {
                try {
                    // Enable creation of a save point in case an error occurs while creating
                    // or modifying a table. This prevents committing the changes to the
                    // database until after all database transactions are complete
                    // Create the data tables from the imported table definitions from all
                    // files
                    createTablesFromDefinitions(allTableDefinitions, replaceExisting, parent);
                    // Commit the change(s) to the database
                } catch (CCDDException | SQLException cse) {
                    errorFlag = true;
                    // message is provided
                    if (cse instanceof CCDDException && !cse.getMessage().isEmpty()) {
                        // Inform the user that an error occurred reading the import file
                        new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>" + cse.getMessage(), "File Error", ((CCDDException) cse).getMessageType(), DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
                    try {
                        // Revert the changes to the tables that were successfully updated
                        // prior the current table
                        dbCommand.executeDbCommand("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT " + DB_SAVE_POINT_NAME + ";", parent);
                    } catch (SQLException se) {
                        // Inform the user that the reversion to the save point failed
                        eventLog.logFailEvent(parent, "Cannot revert changes to table(s); cause '" + se.getMessage() + "'", "<html><b>Cannot revert changes to table(s)");
                } finally {
                    // Reset the flag for creating a save point
            // Check if no errors occurred importing and creating the table(s)
            if (!errorFlag) {
                // Store the data file path in the program preferences backing store
                storePath(ccddMain, dataFile[0].getAbsolutePathWithEnvVars(), true, ModifiablePathInfo.TABLE_EXPORT_PATH);
                // Update any open editor's data type columns to include the new table(s), if
                // applicable
                // Update any open editor's message ID names columns to include any new message
                // ID names, if applicable
                eventLog.logEvent(EventLogMessageType.SUCCESS_MSG, "Table import completed successfully");
                // Check if any duplicate table definitions were detected
                if (!duplicateDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
                    // Inform the user that one or more duplicate table definitions were
                    // detected
                    new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Ignored the following duplicate table definition(s):</b><br>" + dbTable.getShortenedTableNames(duplicateDefinitions.toArray(new String[0])), "Duplicate Table(s)", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
            } else // An error occurred while importing the table(s)
                // Restore the table types, data types, macros, reserved message IDs, and data
                // fields to the values prior to the import operation
                dbTable.storeInformationTable(InternalTable.FIELDS, originalDataFields, null, parent);
                eventLog.logFailEvent(parent, "Import Error", "Table import completed with errors", "<html><b>Table import completed with errors");
Also used : CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileEnvVar(CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar) IOException( CCDDException(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException( TypeDefinition(CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition) TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) BackgroundCommand(CCDD.CcddBackgroundCommand.BackgroundCommand)

Example 9 with TableDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddXTCEHandler method importFromFile.

 * Import the the table definitions from an XTCE XML formatted file
 * @param importFile
 *            reference to the user-specified XML input file
 * @param importType
 *            ImportType.IMPORT_ALL to import the table type, data type, and macro definitions,
 *            and the data from all the table definitions; ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY to load
 *            only the data for the first table defined
 * @throws CCDDException
 *             If a data is missing, extraneous, or in error in the import file
 * @throws IOException
 *             If an import file I/O error occurs
 * @throws Exception
 *             For any unanticipated errors
public void importFromFile(FileEnvVar importFile, ImportType importType) throws CCDDException, IOException, Exception {
    try {
        // Import the XML from the specified file
        JAXBElement<?> jaxbElement = (JAXBElement<?>) unmarshaller.unmarshal(importFile);
        // Get the top-level space system
        SpaceSystemType rootSystem = (SpaceSystemType) jaxbElement.getValue();
        tableDefinitions = new ArrayList<TableDefinition>();
        structureTypeDefn = null;
        commandTypeDefn = null;
        // Get the telemetry and command header argument column names for the application ID
        // and the command function code. These are stored as project-level data fields
        ccsdsAppID = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldProjectName(), InputDataType.XML_APP_ID);
        ccsdsFuncCode = fieldHandler.getFieldValue(CcddFieldHandler.getFieldProjectName(), InputDataType.XML_FUNC_CODE);
        AncillaryDataSet ancillarySet = rootSystem.getAncillaryDataSet();
        // Check if the root system contains ancillary data
        if (ancillarySet != null) {
            // Step through each ancillary data item
            for (AncillaryData data : ancillarySet.getAncillaryData()) {
                // name indicator
                if (data.getName().equals(ArgumentColumnName.APP_ID.getAncillaryName())) {
                    // Store the item value as the application ID argument column name. Note
                    // that this overrides the value extracted from the project data field
                    ccsdsAppID = data.getValue();
                } else // column name indicator
                if (data.getName().equals(ArgumentColumnName.FUNC_CODE.getAncillaryName())) {
                    // Store the item value as the command function code argument column name.
                    // Note that this overrides the value extracted from the project data field
                    ccsdsFuncCode = data.getValue();
        // import file
        if (ccsdsAppID == null) {
            // Use the default application ID argument column name
            ccsdsAppID = ArgumentColumnName.APP_ID.getDefaultArgColName();
        // the import file
        if (ccsdsFuncCode == null) {
            // Use the default command function code argument column name
            ccsdsFuncCode = ArgumentColumnName.FUNC_CODE.getDefaultArgColName();
        // Create the table type definitions for any new structure and command tables
        createTableTypeDefinitions(rootSystem, importType);
        // Check if at least one structure or command table needs to be built
        if (structureTypeDefn != null || commandTypeDefn != null) {
            // Step through each space system
            for (SpaceSystemType system : rootSystem.getSpaceSystem()) {
                // Recursively step through the XTCE-formatted data and extract the telemetry
                // and command information
                unbuildSpaceSystems(system, rootSystem.getName(), importType);
                // Check if only the data from the first table is to be read
                if (importType == ImportType.FIRST_DATA_ONLY) {
                    // Stop reading table definitions
    } catch (JAXBException je) {
        // Inform the user that the database import failed
        new CcddDialogHandler().showMessageDialog(parent, "<html><b>Cannot import XTCE XML from file<br>'</b>" + importFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<b>'; cause '" + je.getMessage() + "'", "File Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, DialogOption.OK_OPTION);
Also used : JAXBException(javax.xml.bind.JAXBException) TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) AncillaryDataSet( AncillaryData( JAXBElement(javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement) SpaceSystemType(

Example 10 with TableDefinition

use of CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition in project CCDD by nasa.

the class CcddXTCEHandler method importStructureTable.

 * Build a structure table from the specified telemetry metadata
 * @param system
 *            space system
 * @param tlmMetaData
 *            reference to the telemetry metadata from which to build the structure table
 * @param table
 *            name table name, including the full system path
 * @throws CCDDException
 *             If an input error is detected
private void importStructureTable(SpaceSystemType system, TelemetryMetaDataType tlmMetaData, String tableName) throws CCDDException {
    // Create a table definition for this structure table. If the name space also includes a
    // command metadata (which creates a command table) then ensure the two tables have
    // different names
    TableDefinition tableDefn = new TableDefinition(tableName + (system.getCommandMetaData() == null ? "" : "_tlm"), system.getLongDescription());
    // Check if a description exists for this structure table
    if (system.getLongDescription() != null && !system.getLongDescription().isEmpty()) {
        // Store the table's description
    // Set the new structure table's table type name
    // Get the telemetry information
    ParameterSetType parmSetType = tlmMetaData.getParameterSet();
    ParameterTypeSetType parmTypeSetType = tlmMetaData.getParameterTypeSet();
    // Check if the telemetry information exists
    if (parmSetType != null && parmTypeSetType != null) {
        // Get the references to the parameter set and parameter type set
        List<Object> parmSet = parmSetType.getParameterOrParameterRef();
        List<NameDescriptionType> parmTypeSet = parmTypeSetType.getStringParameterTypeOrEnumeratedParameterTypeOrIntegerParameterType();
        // Step through each telemetry parameter
        for (int parmIndex = 0; parmIndex < parmSet.size(); parmIndex++) {
            // Get the reference to the parameter in the parameter set
            Parameter parm = (Parameter) parmSet.get(parmIndex);
            // Create a new row of data in the table definition to contain this
            // structures's information. Initialize all columns to blanks except for the
            // variable name
            String[] newRow = new String[numStructureColumns];
            Arrays.fill(newRow, null);
            newRow[variableNameIndex] = parm.getName();
            // name matches the parameter type reference from the parameter set
            for (NameDescriptionType parmType : parmTypeSet) {
                // parameter type set's name
                if (parm.getParameterTypeRef().equals(parmType.getName())) {
                    String dataType = null;
                    String arraySize = null;
                    BigInteger bitLength = null;
                    long sizeInBytes = 0;
                    String enumeration = null;
                    String minimum = null;
                    String maximum = null;
                    UnitSet unitSet = null;
                    // Check if the parameter is an array data type
                    if (parmType instanceof ArrayDataTypeType) {
                        // The size of each array dimension is located in a container set.
                        // The array parameter reference containing the dimensions for the
                        // parameter matches the parameter name. Get the container set
                        // reference
                        ContainerSetType containerSet = tlmMetaData.getContainerSet();
                        // Check if the container set exists
                        if (containerSet != null) {
                            // Step through each sequence container in the container set
                            for (SequenceContainerType seqContainer : containerSet.getSequenceContainer()) {
                                // system
                                if (system.getName().equals(seqContainer.getName())) {
                                    // Step through each entry in the sequence
                                    for (SequenceEntryType entry : seqContainer.getEntryList().getParameterRefEntryOrParameterSegmentRefEntryOrContainerRefEntry()) {
                                        // parameter reference matches the target parameter
                                        if (entry instanceof ArrayParameterRefEntryType && parm.getName().equals(((ArrayParameterRefEntryType) entry).getParameterRef())) {
                                            arraySize = "";
                                            // Store the reference to the array parameter
                                            // type
                                            ArrayDataTypeType arrayType = (ArrayDataTypeType) parmType;
                                            parmType = null;
                                            // variable
                                            for (Dimension dim : ((ArrayParameterRefEntryType) entry).getDimensionList().getDimension()) {
                                                // Build the array size string
                                                arraySize += String.valueOf(dim.getEndingIndex().getFixedValue()) + ",";
                                            arraySize = CcddUtilities.removeTrailer(arraySize, ",");
                                            // to locate this data type entry
                                            for (NameDescriptionType type : parmTypeSet) {
                                                // name
                                                if (arrayType.getArrayTypeRef().equals(type.getName())) {
                                                    // Store the reference to the array
                                                    // parameter's data type and stop
                                                    // searching
                                                    parmType = type;
                    // locate the data type entry for the individual array members)
                    if (parmType != null) {
                        boolean isInteger = false;
                        boolean isUnsigned = false;
                        boolean isFloat = false;
                        boolean isString = false;
                        // Check if the parameter is an integer data type
                        if (parmType instanceof IntegerParameterType) {
                            // The 'sizeInBits' references are the integer size for
                            // non-bit-wise parameters, but equal the number of bits
                            // assigned to the parameter for a bit-wise parameter. It
                            // doens't appear that the size of the integer used to contain
                            // the parameter is stored. The assumption is made that the
                            // smallest integer required to store the bits is used.
                            // However, this can alter the originally intended bit-packing
                            // (e.g., a 3-bit and a 9-bit fit within a single 16-bit
                            // integer, but the code below assigns the first to an 8-bit
                            // integer and the second to a 16-bit integer)
                            IntegerParameterType itlm = (IntegerParameterType) parmType;
                            // Get the number of bits occupied by the parameter
                            bitLength = itlm.getSizeInBits();
                            // Get the parameter units reference
                            unitSet = itlm.getUnitSet();
                            // Check if integer encoding is set to 'unsigned'
                            if (itlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned")) {
                                isUnsigned = true;
                            // Determine the smallest integer size that contains the number
                            // of bits occupied by the parameter
                            sizeInBytes = 8;
                            while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
                                sizeInBytes *= 2;
                            sizeInBytes /= 8;
                            // Get the parameter range
                            IntegerRangeType range = itlm.getValidRange();
                            // Check if the parameter has a range
                            if (range != null) {
                                // Check if the minimum value exists
                                if (range.getMinInclusive() != null) {
                                    // Store the minimum
                                    minimum = range.getMinInclusive();
                                // Check if the maximum value exists
                                if (range.getMaxInclusive() != null) {
                                    // Store the maximum
                                    maximum = range.getMaxInclusive();
                            isInteger = true;
                        } else // Check if the parameter is a floating point data type
                        if (parmType instanceof FloatParameterType) {
                            // Get the float parameter attributes
                            FloatParameterType ftlm = (FloatParameterType) parmType;
                            sizeInBytes = ftlm.getSizeInBits().longValue() / 8;
                            unitSet = ftlm.getUnitSet();
                            // Get the parameter range
                            FloatRangeType range = ftlm.getValidRange();
                            // Check if the parameter has a range
                            if (range != null) {
                                // Check if the minimum value exists
                                if (range.getMinInclusive() != null) {
                                    // Store the minimum
                                    minimum = String.valueOf(range.getMinInclusive());
                                // Check if the maximum exists
                                if (range.getMaxInclusive() != null) {
                                    // Store the maximum
                                    maximum = String.valueOf(range.getMaxInclusive());
                            isFloat = true;
                        } else // Check if the parameter is a string data type
                        if (parmType instanceof StringParameterType) {
                            // Get the string parameter attributes
                            StringParameterType stlm = (StringParameterType) parmType;
                            sizeInBytes = stlm.getCharacterWidth().longValue();
                            unitSet = stlm.getUnitSet();
                            isString = true;
                        } else // Check if the parameter is an enumerated data type
                        if (parmType instanceof EnumeratedParameterType) {
                            // Get the enumeration parameters
                            EnumeratedParameterType etlm = (EnumeratedParameterType) parmType;
                            EnumerationList enumList = etlm.getEnumerationList();
                            // Check if any enumeration parameters are defined
                            if (enumList != null) {
                                // Step through each enumeration parameter
                                for (ValueEnumerationType enumType : enumList.getEnumeration()) {
                                    // Check if this is the first parameter
                                    if (enumeration == null) {
                                        // Initialize the enumeration string
                                        enumeration = "";
                                    } else // Not the first parameter
                                        // Add the separator for the enumerations
                                        enumeration += ",";
                                    // Begin building this enumeration
                                    enumeration += enumType.getValue() + " | " + enumType.getLabel();
                                bitLength = etlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getSizeInBits();
                                unitSet = etlm.getUnitSet();
                                // Check if integer encoding is set to 'unsigned'
                                if (etlm.getIntegerDataEncoding().getEncoding().equalsIgnoreCase("unsigned")) {
                                    isUnsigned = true;
                                // Determine the smallest integer size that contains the
                                // number of bits occupied by the parameter
                                sizeInBytes = 8;
                                while (bitLength.longValue() > sizeInBytes) {
                                    sizeInBytes *= 2;
                                sizeInBytes /= 8;
                                isInteger = true;
                        } else // structure reference
                        if (parmType instanceof AggregateDataType) {
                            // The aggregate type contains a member list of the parameters
                            // belonging to the referenced structure. Each list parameter
                            // has the path to the space system defining the structure;
                            // this path is used to get the structure data type
                            // Get the reference to the aggregate's member list
                            List<Member> memberList = ((AggregateDataType) parmType).getMemberList().getMember();
                            // Check if the member list exists
                            if (!memberList.isEmpty()) {
                                // Get the type reference of the structure's first
                                // parameter which is the path to its space system
                                dataType = memberList.get(0).getTypeRef();
                                // beginning '/' is stripped off
                                if (dataType.startsWith("/")) {
                                    // Remove the initial '/'
                                    dataType = dataType.substring(1);
                                // The variable name must be stripped from the space system
                                // path. Get the index of the beginning of the variable
                                // name
                                int end = dataType.lastIndexOf("/");
                                // Check if the beginning of the variable name was found
                                if (end != -1) {
                                    // Strip off the variable name from the path
                                    dataType = dataType.substring(0, end);
                                // Convert the path to a valid structure name, replacing
                                // invalid characters with underscores
                                dataType = convertPathToTableName(dataType);
                        // Check if the data type isn't a structure reference
                        if (dataType == null) {
                            // Get the name of the data type from the data type table that
                            // matches the base type and size of the parameter
                            dataType = getDataType(dataTypeHandler, sizeInBytes, isInteger, isUnsigned, isFloat, isString);
                        // Check if a data type exists
                        if (dataType != null) {
                            // Store the data type
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + dataTypeIndex, dataType);
                        // Check if a array size exists
                        if (arraySize != null) {
                            // Store the array size
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + arraySizeIndex, arraySize);
                        // Check if a bit length exists
                        if (bitLength != null && bitLength.longValue() != sizeInBytes) {
                            // Store the bit length
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + bitLengthIndex, bitLength.toString());
                        // Check if a description exists
                        if (parmType.getLongDescription() != null) {
                            // Store the description
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + descriptionIndex, parmType.getLongDescription());
                        // Check if a units exists and
                        if (unitSet != null) {
                            List<UnitType> unitType = unitSet.getUnit();
                            // Check if the units exist
                            if (!unitType.isEmpty()) {
                                // Store the units for this variable
                                tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + unitsIndex, unitType.get(0).getContent());
                        // Check if an enumeration exists
                        if (enumeration != null) {
                            // Store the enumeration parameters. This accounts only for the
                            // first enumeration for a variable
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + enumerationIndex, enumeration);
                        // Check if a minimum value exists
                        if (minimum != null) {
                            // Store the minimum value
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + minimumIndex, minimum);
                        // Check if a maximum value exists
                        if (maximum != null) {
                            // Store the maximum value
                            tableDefn.getData().set(parmIndex * numStructureColumns + maximumIndex, maximum);
        ContainerSetType containerSet;
        // Check if the application ID data field name and the container set exist
        if ((containerSet = tlmMetaData.getContainerSet()) != null) {
            // Step through each sequence container in the container set
            for (SequenceContainerType seqContainer : containerSet.getSequenceContainer()) {
                // Check if this is the sequence container for the target system
                if (system.getName().equals(seqContainer.getName())) {
                    BaseContainer baseContainer;
                    RestrictionCriteria restrictionCriteria;
                    ComparisonList comparisonList;
                    // Check if the comparison list exists
                    if (((baseContainer = seqContainer.getBaseContainer()) != null) && ((restrictionCriteria = baseContainer.getRestrictionCriteria()) != null) && ((comparisonList = restrictionCriteria.getComparisonList()) != null)) {
                        // Step through each item in the comparison list
                        for (ComparisonType comparison : comparisonList.getComparison()) {
                            // application ID name
                            if (comparison.getParameterRef().equals(ccsdsAppID)) {
                                // Create a data field for the table containing the application
                                // ID. Once a match is found the search is discontinued
                                tableDefn.addDataField(new String[] { tableName, comparison.getParameterRef(), "Message ID", String.valueOf(comparison.getValue().length()), InputDataType.MESSAGE_ID.getInputName(), String.valueOf(false), ApplicabilityType.ROOT_ONLY.getApplicabilityName(), comparison.getValue() });
    // Add the structure table definition to the list
Also used : EnumerationList( ValueEnumerationType( SequenceContainerType( ComparisonType( StringParameterType( IntegerParameterType( IntegerRangeType( RestrictionCriteria( SequenceEntryType( NameDescriptionType( BaseContainer( FloatParameterType( UnitType( ArrayParameterRefEntryType( TableDefinition(CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition) ParameterTypeSetType( ComparisonList( Member( ParameterSetType( Dimension( ArrayDataTypeType( ContainerSetType( AggregateDataType( Parameter( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) UnitSet( FloatRangeType( EnumeratedParameterType(


TableDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableDefinition)11 CCDDException (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.CCDDException)5 TypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddTableTypeHandler.TypeDefinition)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 IOException ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)4 FileEnvVar (CCDD.CcddClassesComponent.FileEnvVar)2 AssociatedColumns (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.AssociatedColumns)2 TableTypeDefinition (CCDD.CcddClassesDataTable.TableTypeDefinition)2 BufferedReader ( FileReader ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 JAXBElement (javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement)2 JAXBException (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException)2 ArrayDataType (org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.ArrayDataType)2 DimensionSizeType (org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.DimensionSizeType)2 EnumeratedDataType (org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.EnumeratedDataType)2 EnumerationListType (org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.EnumerationListType)2 FloatDataType (org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.FloatDataType)2 IntegerDataType (org.ccsds.schema.sois.seds.IntegerDataType)2