Search in sources :

Example 66 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class Project method getBundles.

	 * Analyze the header and return a list of files that should be on the
	 * build, test or some other path. The list is assumed to be a list of bsns
	 * with a version specification. The special case of version=project
	 * indicates there is a project in the same workspace. The path to the
	 * output directory is calculated. The default directory ${bin} can be
	 * overridden with the output attribute.
	 * @param spec The header
public List<Container> getBundles(Strategy strategyx, String spec, String source) throws Exception {
    List<Container> result = new ArrayList<Container>();
    Parameters bundles = new Parameters(spec, this);
    try {
        for (Iterator<Entry<String, Attrs>> i = bundles.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Entry<String, Attrs> entry =;
            String bsn = removeDuplicateMarker(entry.getKey());
            Map<String, String> attrs = entry.getValue();
            Container found = null;
            String versionRange = attrs.get("version");
            boolean triedGetBundle = false;
            if (bsn.indexOf('*') >= 0) {
                return getBundlesWildcard(bsn, versionRange, strategyx, attrs);
            if (versionRange != null) {
                if (versionRange.equals(VERSION_ATTR_LATEST) || versionRange.equals(VERSION_ATTR_SNAPSHOT)) {
                    found = getBundle(bsn, versionRange, strategyx, attrs);
                    triedGetBundle = true;
            if (found == null) {
                if (versionRange != null && (versionRange.equals(VERSION_ATTR_PROJECT) || versionRange.equals(VERSION_ATTR_LATEST))) {
                    // Use the bin directory ...
                    Project project = getWorkspace().getProject(bsn);
                    if (project != null && project.exists()) {
                        File f = project.getOutput();
                        found = new Container(project, bsn, versionRange, Container.TYPE.PROJECT, f, null, attrs, null);
                    } else {
                        msgs.NoSuchProject(bsn, spec).context(bsn).header(source);
                } else if (versionRange != null && versionRange.equals("file")) {
                    File f = getFile(bsn);
                    String error = null;
                    if (!f.exists())
                        error = "File does not exist: " + f.getAbsolutePath();
                    if (f.getName().endsWith(".lib")) {
                        found = new Container(this, bsn, "file", Container.TYPE.LIBRARY, f, error, attrs, null);
                    } else {
                        found = new Container(this, bsn, "file", Container.TYPE.EXTERNAL, f, error, attrs, null);
                } else if (!triedGetBundle) {
                    found = getBundle(bsn, versionRange, strategyx, attrs);
            if (found != null) {
                List<Container> libs = found.getMembers();
                for (Container cc : libs) {
                    if (result.contains(cc)) {
                        if (isPedantic())
                            warning("Multiple bundles with the same final URL: %s, dropped duplicate", cc);
                    } else {
                        if (cc.getError() != null) {
                            error("Cannot find %s", cc).context(bsn).header(source);
            } else {
                // Oops, not a bundle in sight :-(
                Container x = new Container(this, bsn, versionRange, Container.TYPE.ERROR, null, bsn + ";version=" + versionRange + " not found", attrs, null);
                error("Can not find URL for bsn %s", bsn).context(bsn).header(source);
    } catch (CircularDependencyException e) {
        String message = e.getMessage();
        if (source != null)
            message = String.format("%s (from property: %s)", message, source);
        msgs.CircularDependencyContext_Message_(getName(), message);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        msgs.Unexpected_Error_(spec, e);
    return result;
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Attrs(aQute.bnd.header.Attrs) IOException( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) File(

Example 67 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class ProjectBuilder method fillInLocationForPackageInfo.

public void fillInLocationForPackageInfo(Location location, String packageName) throws Exception {
    Parameters eps = getExportPackage();
    Attrs attrs = eps.get(packageName);
    if (attrs != null && attrs.containsKey(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE)) {
        FileLine fl = getHeader(PATTERN_EXPORT_PACKAGE);
        if (fl != null) {
            location.file = fl.file.getAbsolutePath();
            location.line = fl.line;
            location.length = fl.length;
    Parameters ecs = getExportContents();
    attrs = ecs.get(packageName);
    if (attrs != null && attrs.containsKey(Constants.VERSION_ATTRIBUTE)) {
        FileLine fl = getHeader(PATTERN_EXPORT_CONTENTS);
        if (fl != null) {
            location.file = fl.file.getAbsolutePath();
            location.line = fl.line;
            location.length = fl.length;
    String path = packageName.replace('.', '/');
    for (File src : project.getSourcePath()) {
        File packageDir = IO.getFile(src, path);
        File pi = IO.getFile(packageDir, "");
        if (pi.isFile()) {
            FileLine fl = findHeader(pi, PATTERN_VERSION_ANNOTATION);
            if (fl != null) {
                location.file = fl.file.getAbsolutePath();
                location.line = fl.line;
                location.length = fl.length;
        pi = IO.getFile(packageDir, "packageinfo");
        if (pi.isFile()) {
            FileLine fl = findHeader(pi, PATTERN_VERSION_PACKAGEINFO);
            if (fl != null) {
                location.file = fl.file.getAbsolutePath();
                location.line = fl.line;
                location.length = fl.length;
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) Attrs(aQute.bnd.header.Attrs) File(

Example 68 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class Project method fillActions.

public void fillActions(Map<String, Action> all) {
    List<NamedAction> plugins = getPlugins(NamedAction.class);
    for (NamedAction a : plugins) all.put(a.getName(), a);
    Parameters actions = new Parameters(getProperty("-actions", DEFAULT_ACTIONS), this);
    for (Entry<String, Attrs> entry : actions.entrySet()) {
        String key = Processor.removeDuplicateMarker(entry.getKey());
        Action action;
        if (entry.getValue().get("script") != null) {
            // TODO check for the type
            action = new ScriptAction(entry.getValue().get("type"), entry.getValue().get("script"));
        } else {
            action = new ReflectAction(key);
        String label = entry.getValue().get("label");
        all.put(label.toLowerCase(), action);
Also used : NamedAction(aQute.bnd.service.action.NamedAction) Action(aQute.bnd.service.action.Action) NamedAction(aQute.bnd.service.action.NamedAction) Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) Attrs(aQute.bnd.header.Attrs)

Example 69 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class Project method getReleaseRepos.

private List<RepositoryPlugin> getReleaseRepos(String names) {
    Parameters repoNames = parseReleaseRepos(names);
    List<RepositoryPlugin> plugins = getPlugins(RepositoryPlugin.class);
    List<RepositoryPlugin> result = new ArrayList<>();
    if (repoNames == null) {
        // -releaserepo unspecified
        for (RepositoryPlugin plugin : plugins) {
            if (plugin.canWrite()) {
        if (result.isEmpty()) {
        return result;
    repoNames: for (String repoName : repoNames.keySet()) {
        for (RepositoryPlugin plugin : plugins) {
            if (plugin.canWrite() && repoName.equals(plugin.getName())) {
                continue repoNames;
        msgs.ReleaseRepository_NotFoundIn_(repoName, plugins);
    return result;
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RepositoryPlugin(aQute.bnd.service.RepositoryPlugin)

Example 70 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class ResourceBuilder method addManifest.

	 * Parse the manifest and turn them into requirements & capabilities
	 * @param manifest The manifest to parse
	 * @throws Exception
public boolean addManifest(Domain manifest) throws Exception {
    // Do the Bundle Identity Ns
    int bundleManifestVersion = Integer.parseInt(manifest.get(Constants.BUNDLE_MANIFESTVERSION, "1"));
    Entry<String, Attrs> bsn = manifest.getBundleSymbolicName();
    if (bsn == null) {
        reporter.warning("No BSN set, not a bundle");
        return false;
    boolean singleton = "true".equals(bsn.getValue().get(Constants.SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE + ":"));
    boolean fragment = manifest.getFragmentHost() != null;
    String versionString = manifest.getBundleVersion();
    if (versionString == null)
        versionString = "0";
    else if (!aQute.bnd.version.Version.isVersion(versionString))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid version in bundle " + bsn + ": " + versionString);
    aQute.bnd.version.Version version = aQute.bnd.version.Version.parseVersion(versionString);
    // First the identity
    CapReqBuilder identity = new CapReqBuilder(resource, IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE);
    identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE, bsn.getKey());
    identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, fragment ? IdentityNamespace.TYPE_FRAGMENT : IdentityNamespace.TYPE_BUNDLE);
    identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, version);
    if (singleton) {
        identity.addDirective(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_SINGLETON_DIRECTIVE, "true");
    String copyright = manifest.get(Constants.BUNDLE_COPYRIGHT);
    if (copyright != null) {
        identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_COPYRIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, copyright);
    String description = manifest.get(Constants.BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION);
    if (description != null) {
        identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE, description);
    String docurl = manifest.get(Constants.BUNDLE_DOCURL);
    if (docurl != null) {
        identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_DOCUMENTATION_ATTRIBUTE, docurl);
    String license = manifest.get("Bundle-License");
    if (license != null) {
        identity.addAttribute(IdentityNamespace.CAPABILITY_LICENSE_ATTRIBUTE, license);
    if ((bundleManifestVersion >= 2) && (!fragment)) {
        CapReqBuilder provideBundle = new CapReqBuilder(resource, BundleNamespace.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE);
        provideBundle.addAttribute(BundleNamespace.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE, bsn.getKey());
        provideBundle.addAttribute(BundleNamespace.CAPABILITY_BUNDLE_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, version);
    // Import/Export service
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Parameters importServices = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(manifest.get(Constants.IMPORT_SERVICE));
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Parameters exportServices = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(manifest.get(Constants.EXPORT_SERVICE));
    // Handle Require Bundle
    Parameters requireBundle = manifest.getRequireBundle();
    if (fragment) {
        Entry<String, Attrs> fragmentHost = manifest.getFragmentHost();
        addFragmentHost(fragmentHost.getKey(), fragmentHost.getValue());
    } else {
        addFragmentHostCap(bsn.getKey(), version);
    // Add the exported package. These need
    // to be converted to osgi.wiring.package ns
    // Add the imported package. These need
    // to be converted to osgi.wiring.package ns
    // Add the provided capabilities, they're easy!
    // Add the required capabilities, they're also easy!
    // Manage native code header
    return true;
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) Attrs(aQute.bnd.header.Attrs)


Parameters (aQute.bnd.header.Parameters)157 Attrs (aQute.bnd.header.Attrs)78 File ( Jar (aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar)44 Manifest (java.util.jar.Manifest)39 Builder (aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder)35 Domain (aQute.bnd.osgi.Domain)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 Map (java.util.Map)16 Attributes (java.util.jar.Attributes)16 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)13 Version (aQute.bnd.version.Version)11 Instructions (aQute.bnd.osgi.Instructions)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 Requirement (org.osgi.resource.Requirement)9 FileNotFoundException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)8 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)8 Analyzer (aQute.bnd.osgi.Analyzer)7