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Example 86 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class CapReqBuilderTest method testAliasedRequirementWithVersion.

public void testAliasedRequirementWithVersion() throws Exception {
    Parameters params = OSGiHeader.parseHeader("bnd.identity;; version=1.2");
    Requirement req = CapReqBuilder.getRequirementsFrom(params).get(0);
    assertEquals("osgi.identity", req.getNamespace());
    assertEquals("(&(>=1.2.0))", req.getDirectives().get("filter"));
Also used : Requirement(org.osgi.resource.Requirement) Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters)

Example 87 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class Domain method getIcon.

	 * Find an icon with the requested size in the list of icons.
	 * @param requestedSize the number of pixels desired
	 * @return null or a the selected URI (which may be relative)
public String getIcon(int requestedSize) throws Exception {
    String spec = get(Constants.BUNDLE_ICON);
    if (spec == null)
        return null;
    Parameters p = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(spec);
    int dist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    String selected = null;
    for (Entry<String, Attrs> e : p.entrySet()) {
        String url = e.getKey();
        if (selected == null)
            selected = url;
        if (e.getValue() != null) {
            String s = e.getValue().get("size");
            if (s != null) {
                int size = Converter.cnv(Integer.class, s);
                if (size != 0 && Math.abs(requestedSize - size) < dist) {
                    dist = Math.abs(requestedSize - size);
                    selected = url;
    return selected;
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) Attrs(aQute.bnd.header.Attrs)

Example 88 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class Processor method fixupMessages.

	 * Move errors and warnings to their proper place by scanning the fixup
	 * messages property.
private void fixupMessages() {
    if (fixupMessages)
    fixupMessages = true;
    Parameters fixup = getMergedParameters(Constants.FIXUPMESSAGES);
    if (fixup.isEmpty())
    Instructions instrs = new Instructions(fixup);
    doFixup(instrs, errors, warnings, FIXUPMESSAGES_IS_ERROR);
    doFixup(instrs, warnings, errors, FIXUPMESSAGES_IS_WARNING);
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters)

Example 89 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class Domain method getPrivatePackage.

public Parameters getPrivatePackage() {
    Parameters p = getParameters(PRIVATE_PACKAGE);
    return p;
Also used : Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters)

Example 90 with Parameters

use of aQute.bnd.header.Parameters in project bnd by bndtools.

the class ProjectLauncherImpl method executable.

	 * Create a standalone executable. All entries on the runpath are rolled out
	 * into the JAR and the runbundles are copied to a directory in the jar. The
	 * launcher will see that it starts in embedded mode and will automatically
	 * detect that it should load the bundles from inside. This is drive by the
	 * launcher.embedded flag.
	 * @throws Exception
public Jar executable() throws Exception {
    // TODO use constants in the future
    Parameters packageHeader = OSGiHeader.parseHeader(getProject().getProperty("-package"));
    boolean useShas = packageHeader.containsKey("jpm");
    logger.debug("useShas {} {}", useShas, packageHeader);
    Jar jar = new Jar(getProject().getName());
    Builder b = new Builder();
    if (!getProject().getIncludeResource().isEmpty()) {
        b.setProperty(Constants.RESOURCEONLY, "true");;
        if (b.isOk()) {
    List<String> runpath = getRunpath();
    Set<String> runpathShas = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    Set<String> runbundleShas = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    List<String> classpath = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String path : runpath) {
        logger.debug("embedding runpath {}", path);
        File file = new File(path);
        if (file.isFile()) {
            if (useShas) {
                String sha = SHA1.digest(file).asHex();
                runpathShas.add(sha + ";name=\"" + file.getName() + "\"");
            } else {
                String newPath = nonCollidingPath(file, jar);
                jar.putResource(newPath, new FileResource(file));
    // Copy the bundles to the JAR
    List<String> runbundles = (List<String>) getRunBundles();
    List<String> actualPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String path : runbundles) {
        logger.debug("embedding run bundles {}", path);
        File file = new File(path);
        if (!file.isFile())
            getProject().error("Invalid entry in -runbundles %s", file);
        else {
            if (useShas) {
                String sha = SHA1.digest(file).asHex();
                runbundleShas.add(sha + ";name=\"" + file.getName() + "\"");
                actualPaths.add("${JPMREPO}/" + sha);
            } else {
                String newPath = nonCollidingPath(file, jar);
                jar.putResource(newPath, new FileResource(file));
    LauncherConstants lc = getConstants(actualPaths, true);
    lc.embedded = !useShas;
    // cannot use local info
    lc.storageDir = null;
    final Properties p = lc.getProperties(new UTF8Properties());
    ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();, "");
    jar.putResource(LauncherConstants.DEFAULT_LAUNCHER_PROPERTIES, new EmbeddedResource(bout.toByteArray(), 0L));
    Manifest m = new Manifest();
    Attributes main = m.getMainAttributes();
    for (Entry<Object, Object> e : getProject().getFlattenedProperties().entrySet()) {
        String key = (String) e.getKey();
        if (key.length() > 0 && Character.isUpperCase(key.charAt(0)))
            main.putValue(key, (String) e.getValue());
    Instructions instructions = new Instructions(getProject().getProperty(Constants.REMOVEHEADERS));
    Collection<Object> result =, false);
    if (useShas) {
        logger.debug("Use JPM launcher");
        m.getMainAttributes().putValue("Main-Class", JPM_LAUNCHER_FQN);
        m.getMainAttributes().putValue("JPM-Classpath", Processor.join(runpathShas));
        m.getMainAttributes().putValue("JPM-Runbundles", Processor.join(runbundleShas));
        URLResource jpmLauncher = new URLResource(this.getClass().getResource("/" + JPM_LAUNCHER));
        jar.putResource(JPM_LAUNCHER, jpmLauncher);
        doStart(jar, JPM_LAUNCHER_FQN);
    } else {
        logger.debug("Use Embedded launcher");
        m.getMainAttributes().putValue("Main-Class", EMBEDDED_LAUNCHER_FQN);
        m.getMainAttributes().putValue(EmbeddedLauncher.EMBEDDED_RUNPATH, Processor.join(classpath));
        URLResource embeddedLauncher = new URLResource(this.getClass().getResource("/" + EMBEDDED_LAUNCHER));
        jar.putResource(EMBEDDED_LAUNCHER, embeddedLauncher);
        doStart(jar, EMBEDDED_LAUNCHER_FQN);
    if (getProject().getProperty(Constants.DIGESTS) != null)
        jar.setDigestAlgorithms(new String[] { "SHA-1", "MD-5" });
    return jar;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Parameters(aQute.bnd.header.Parameters) Builder(aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileResource(aQute.bnd.osgi.FileResource) Attributes(java.util.jar.Attributes) Instructions(aQute.bnd.osgi.Instructions) ByteArrayOutputStream( UTF8Properties(aQute.lib.utf8properties.UTF8Properties) Properties(java.util.Properties) Manifest(java.util.jar.Manifest) URLResource(aQute.bnd.osgi.URLResource) EmbeddedResource(aQute.bnd.osgi.EmbeddedResource) Jar(aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) LauncherConstants(aQute.launcher.constants.LauncherConstants) File( UTF8Properties(aQute.lib.utf8properties.UTF8Properties)


Parameters (aQute.bnd.header.Parameters)157 Attrs (aQute.bnd.header.Attrs)78 File ( Jar (aQute.bnd.osgi.Jar)44 Manifest (java.util.jar.Manifest)39 Builder (aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder)35 Domain (aQute.bnd.osgi.Domain)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 Map (java.util.Map)16 Attributes (java.util.jar.Attributes)16 IOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)13 Version (aQute.bnd.version.Version)11 Instructions (aQute.bnd.osgi.Instructions)9 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 Requirement (org.osgi.resource.Requirement)9 FileNotFoundException ( Properties (java.util.Properties)8 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)8 Analyzer (aQute.bnd.osgi.Analyzer)7