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Example 1 with SemanticConditionList

use of abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList in project abstools by abstools.

the class ModelBuilderTest method testTypecheck.

public void testTypecheck() throws Exception {
    String moduleText = "//$id: Peertopeer.abs 5108 2010-07-17 20:14:12Z jschaefer $ \n" + "\n" + "module PeerToPeer;\n" + "import * from ImportTest;\n" + "\n" + "//type synonyms  \n" + "\n" + "type Filename = String ;\n" + "type Filenames = Set<String> ;\n" + "type Packet = String ;\n" + "type File = List<Packet> ;\n" + "type Catalog = List<Pair<Peer, Filenames> > ;\n" + "\n" + " \n" + " \n" + "// Application functions\n" + "def Peer findServer(Filename file, Catalog catalog) =\n" + "  case catalog {\n" + "    Nil => null;\n" + "    Cons(Pair(server, files), rest) =>\n" + "      case contains(files, file) { True => server;\n" + "                                   False => findServer(file, rest); };\n" + "  };\n" + "\n" + "interface Server {\n" + "  Filenames enquire();\n" + "  Int getLength(Filename fId);\n" + "  Packet getPack(Filename fId, Int pNbr);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "interface Peer extends Client, Server { \n" + "   Unit setAdmin(Network admin);\n" + "   Unit run();\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "interface Network {\n" + "  List<Peer> getNeighbors(Peer caller);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "interface DataBase {\n" + "  File getFile(Filename fId);\n" + "  Int getLength(Filename fId);\n" + "  Unit storeFile(Filename fId, File file);\n" + "  Filenames listFiles();\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "interface Client {\n" + "  Unit reqFile(Server sId, Filename fId);\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class DataBaseImpl(Map<Filename, File> db) implements DataBase {\n" + "  File getFile(Filename fId) {\n" + "    return lookupUnsafe(db, fId);\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Int getLength(Filename fId) {\n" + "    return length(lookupUnsafe(db,fId));\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Unit storeFile(Filename fId, File file) {\n" + "    db = InsertAssoc(Pair(fId,file), db);\n" + "  } \n" + "\n" + "  Filenames listFiles() {\n" + "    return keys(db);\n" + "  }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class Node(DataBase db, Filename file) implements Peer {\n" + "  Catalog catalog = Nil;\n" + "  List<Peer> myNeighbors = Nil;\n" + "  Network admin = null;\n" + "\n" + "  Unit run() {\n" + "    Fut<Catalog> c ; \n" + "    Fut<List<Peer>> f;\n" + "    Server server ; \n" + "\n" + "    await admin != null;\n" + "    f = admin!getNeighbors(this);   // Asynchronous call to admin\n" + "    await f?;\n" + "    myNeighbors = f.get;\n" + "    c = this!availFiles(myNeighbors); // Asynchronous call\n" + "    await c?;               // Allow other peers to call in the meantime\n" + "    catalog = c.get;        // Build the catalog\n" + "    server = findServer(file, catalog); // Find the server for the requested file\n" + "    if (server != null) {\n" + "      this.reqFile(server,file) ;        // Download file\n" + "    }\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Unit setAdmin(Network admin) {\n" + "    this.admin = admin;\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Filenames enquire() { \n" + "    Fut<Filenames> f ;  \n" + "    f = db!listFiles();\n" + "    await f?;\n" + "    return f.get;\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Int getLength(Filename fId) {\n" + "    Fut<Int> length ; \n" + "    length = db!getLength(fId);\n" + "    await length?;\n" + "    return length.get;\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Packet getPack(Filename fId, Int pNbr) {\n" + "    File f = Nil;\n" + "    Fut<File> ff;\n" + "    ff = db!getFile(fId);\n" + "    await ff?;\n" + "    f = ff.get;\n" + "    return nth(f, pNbr);\n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Catalog availFiles (List<Peer> sList) {\n" + "    Catalog cat = Nil;\n" + "    Filenames fNames = EmptySet; \n" + "    Fut<Filenames> fN;\n" + "    Catalog catList = Nil; \n" + "    Fut<Catalog> cL;\n" + "\n" + "    if (sList != Nil) {\n" + "      fN = head(sList)!enquire();\n" + "      cL = this!availFiles(tail(sList));\n" + "      await fN? & cL?;\n" + "      catList = cL.get;\n" + "      fNames = fN.get;\n" + "      cat = appendright(catList, Pair(head(sList), fNames)); \n" + "    }\n" + "    return cat; \n" + "  }\n" + "\n" + "  Unit reqFile(Server sId, Filename fId) {\n" + "    File file = Nil;\n" + "    Packet pack = \"\";\n" + "    Int lth = 0;\n" + "    Fut<Int> l1;\n" + "    Fut<Packet> l2;\n" + "\n" + "    l1 = sId!getLength(fId);\n" + "    await l1?;\n" + "    lth = l1.get; \n" + "    while (lth > 0) {\n" + "      lth = lth - 1;            // indexing is zero-based\n" + "      l2 = sId!getPack(fId, lth);\n" + "      await l2?;\n" + "      pack = l2.get ;\n" + "      file = Cons(pack, file); \n" + "    } \n" + "    db!storeFile(fId, file);\n" + "  }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "class OurTopology(Peer node0,   Peer node1,   Peer node2,   Peer node3)\n" + "implements Network\n" + "{\n" + "  List<Peer> getNeighbors(Peer caller) {\n" + "    List<Peer> res = Nil;\n" + "    if (caller == node0) { res = list[node1, node2]; }\n" + "    if (caller == node1) { res = list[node3]; }\n" + "    if (caller == node2) { res = list[node0, node1, node3]; }\n" + "    if (caller == node3) { res = list[node0, node2]; }\n" + "    return res;\n" + "  }\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "{ \n" + "  Peer node0;\n" + "  Peer node1;\n" + "  Peer node2;\n" + "  Peer node3;\n" + "  DataBase db0;\n" + "  DataBase db1;\n" + "  DataBase db2;\n" + "  Network admin;\n" + "  // Map<Filename, File>\n" + "  db0 = new DataBaseImpl(map[Pair(\"file0\", list[\"file\", \"from\", \"db0\"])]);\n" + "  db1 = new DataBaseImpl(map[Pair(\"file1\", list[\"file\", \"from\", \"db1\"])]);\n" + "  db2 = new DataBaseImpl(map[Pair(\"file2\", list[\"file\", \"from\", \"db2\"])]);\n" + "  node0 = new Node(db0, \"file2\");\n" + "  node1 = new Node(db1, \"file2\");\n" + "  node2 = new Node(db2, \"file1\");\n" + "  node3 = new Node(db2, \"file0\");\n" + "  admin = new OurTopology(node0, node1, node2, node3);\n" + "  node0!setAdmin(admin);\n" + "  node1!setAdmin(admin);\n" + "  node2!setAdmin(admin);\n" + "  node3!setAdmin(admin);\n" + "  \n" + "  node0!run();\n" + "  node1!run();\n" + "  node2!run();\n" + "  node3!run();\n" + "}\n";
    Main absParser = new Main();
    CompilationUnit testcu = absParser.parseUnit(new File("PeerToPeer.abs"), moduleText, new StringReader(moduleText));
    assertEquals(testcu.getParserErrors().toString(), 0, testcu.getParserErrors().size());
    SemanticConditionList testel = modelbuilder.typeCheckModel(new NullProgressMonitor(), true, "Somewhere", LocationTypingPrecision.BASIC.toString(), false);
    assertEquals(testel.toString(), 1, testel.getErrorCount());
    System.err.println("Test 1 finished");
    String importTestText = "module ImportTest;";
    CompilationUnit importTestCU = absParser.parseUnit(new File("importtest.abs"), importTestText, new StringReader(importTestText));
    SemanticConditionList testel1 = modelbuilder.typeCheckModel(new NullProgressMonitor(), true, "Somewhere", LocationTypingPrecision.BASIC.toString(), false);
    assertEquals(testel1.toString(), 0, testel1.getErrorCount());
    System.err.println("Test 2 finished");
    SemanticConditionList testel2 = modelbuilder.typeCheckModel(new NullProgressMonitor(), true, "Somewhere", LocationTypingPrecision.BASIC.toString(), false);
    assertEquals(1, testel2.getErrorCount());
Also used : CompilationUnit(abs.frontend.ast.CompilationUnit) NullProgressMonitor(org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor) SemanticConditionList(abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList) StringReader( Main(abs.frontend.parser.Main) File( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with SemanticConditionList

use of abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList in project abstools by abstools.

the class ParFnAppTest method tooManyArgsForFuncParam.

public void tooManyArgsForFuncParam() {
    Model m = parse("apply(tooFew)(0);", applyFunction(), "def Int tooFew() = 0;");
    SemanticConditionList conditions = m.typeCheck();
Also used : SemanticConditionList(abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList) Model(abs.frontend.ast.Model) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with SemanticConditionList

use of abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList in project abstools by abstools.

the class CaseStudyTypeChecking method assertParseFilesOk.

protected Model assertParseFilesOk(String srcFolder, Config... config) throws IOException, WrongProgramArgumentException, InternalBackendException {
    File srcFolderF = new File(srcFolder);
    assertTrue(srcFolder, srcFolderF.exists());
    Main main = new Main();
    main.setWithStdLib(isSet(WITH_STD_LIB, config));
    Model m = main.parseFiles(findAbsFiles(srcFolderF).toArray(new String[0]));
    if (m != null) {
        if (m.hasParserErrors())
        int numSemErrs = m.getErrors().getErrorCount();
        StringBuffer errs = new StringBuffer("Semantic errors: " + numSemErrs + "\n");
        if (numSemErrs > 0) {
            for (SemanticCondition error : m.getErrors()) errs = errs.append(error.getHelpMessage() + "\n");
            fail("Failed to parse: " + srcFolder + "\n" + errs.toString());
        } else if (isSet(TYPE_CHECK, config)) {
            SemanticConditionList l = m.typeCheck();
            if (l.containsErrors()) {
                for (SemanticCondition error : l) errs = errs.append(error.getHelpMessage() + "\n");
                fail("Failed to typecheck: " + srcFolder + "\n" + errs.toString());
    return m;
Also used : SemanticConditionList(abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList) SemanticCondition(abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticCondition) Model(abs.frontend.ast.Model) File( Main(abs.frontend.parser.Main)

Example 4 with SemanticConditionList

use of abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList in project abstools by abstools.

the class ExamplesTypeChecking method parse.

protected Model parse(String input) throws Exception {
    Model m = assertTypeCheckFileOk(input, true);
    if (product != null) {
        final SemanticConditionList errors = m.getErrors();
        if (errors.containsErrors())
        if (errors.containsErrors())
    return m;
Also used : SemanticConditionList(abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList) Model(abs.frontend.ast.Model)

Example 5 with SemanticConditionList

use of abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList in project abstools by abstools.

the class LocationTypeTests method testAwaitFailRewriteOff.

public void testAwaitFailRewriteOff() {
    LocationType lt = LocationType.INFER;
    Model.doAACrewrite = false;
    Model m = assertParseOkStdLib("interface T { Unit foo(); } class C { T t = null; Unit bar() { await t!foo(); }}");
    // This line is essential to trigger the NPE!
    LocationTypeInferrerExtension ltie = new LocationTypeInferrerExtension(m);
    SemanticConditionList e = m.typeCheck();
    Model.doAACrewrite = true;
Also used : LocationTypeInferrerExtension(abs.frontend.typechecker.locationtypes.infer.LocationTypeInferrerExtension) SemanticConditionList(abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList) Model(abs.frontend.ast.Model) LocationType(abs.frontend.typechecker.locationtypes.LocationType) Test(org.junit.Test) FrontendTest(abs.frontend.FrontendTest)


SemanticConditionList (abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticConditionList)51 Test (org.junit.Test)30 Model (abs.frontend.ast.Model)24 FrontendTest (abs.frontend.FrontendTest)7 SemanticCondition (abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticCondition)7 LocationTypeInferrerExtension (abs.frontend.typechecker.locationtypes.infer.LocationTypeInferrerExtension)7 LocationType (abs.frontend.typechecker.locationtypes.LocationType)5 LocationTypeExtension (abs.frontend.typechecker.locationtypes.LocationTypeExtension)4 WrongProgramArgumentException (abs.common.WrongProgramArgumentException)3 ProductLine (abs.frontend.ast.ProductLine)3 TypeError (abs.frontend.analyser.TypeError)2 CompilationUnit (abs.frontend.ast.CompilationUnit)2 DeltaModellingException ( Main (abs.frontend.parser.Main)2 ParserError (abs.frontend.parser.ParserError)2 File ( ABSTest (abs.ABSTest)1 InternalBackendException (abs.backend.common.InternalBackendException)1 DefaultABSFormatter (abs.backend.prettyprint.DefaultABSFormatter)1 SemanticError (abs.frontend.analyser.SemanticError)1