use of ai.grakn.GraknTxType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class GrpcOpenRequestExecutorImpl method execute.
public EmbeddedGraknTx<?> execute(Open request) {
Keyspace keyspace = GrpcUtil.getKeyspace(request);
GraknTxType txType = GrpcUtil.getTxType(request);
return txFactory.tx(keyspace, txType);
use of ai.grakn.GraknTxType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class GraqlController method executeGraql.
private String executeGraql(Request request, Response response) throws RetryException, ExecutionException {
Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.of(mandatoryPathParameter(request, KEYSPACE_PARAM));
String queryString = mandatoryBody(request);
// Run the query with reasoning on or off
Optional<Boolean> infer = queryParameter(request, EXECUTE_WITH_INFERENCE).map(Boolean::parseBoolean);
// Allow multiple queries to be executed
boolean multiQuery = parseBoolean(queryParameter(request, ALLOW_MULTIPLE_QUERIES).orElse("false"));
// Define all anonymous variables in the query
Optional<Boolean> defineAllVars = queryParameter(request, DEFINE_ALL_VARS).map(Boolean::parseBoolean);
// Used to check if serialisation of results is needed. When loading we skip this for the sake of speed
boolean skipSerialisation = parseBoolean(queryParameter(request, LOADING_DATA).orElse("false"));
// Check the transaction type to use
GraknTxType txType = queryParameter(request, TX_TYPE).map(String::toUpperCase).map(GraknTxType::valueOf).orElse(GraknTxType.WRITE);
// This is used to determine the response format
// TODO: Maybe we should really try to stick with one representation? This would require dashboard console interpreting the json representation
final String acceptType;
if (APPLICATION_TEXT.equals(Requests.getAcceptType(request))) {
} else {
// Execute the query and get the results
LOG.debug("Executing graql query: {}", StringUtils.abbreviate(queryString, 100));
LOG.trace("Full query: {}", queryString);
return executeFunctionWithRetrying(() -> {
try (EmbeddedGraknTx<?> tx = factory.tx(keyspace, txType);
Timer.Context context = executeGraql.time()) {
QueryBuilder builder = tx.graql();
QueryParser parser = builder.parser();
return executeQuery(tx, queryString, acceptType, multiQuery, skipSerialisation, parser);
} finally {
LOG.debug("Executed graql query");