use of ai.grakn.concept.RelationshipType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class GraknTxTest method whenAttemptingToMutateReadOnlyGraph_Throw.
public void whenAttemptingToMutateReadOnlyGraph_Throw() {
Keyspace keyspace = Keyspace.of("myreadonlygraph");
String entityType = "My Entity Type";
String roleType1 = "My Role Type 1";
String roleType2 = "My Role Type 2";
String relationType1 = "My Relationship Type 1";
String relationType2 = "My Relationship Type 2";
String resourceType = "My Attribute Type";
// Fail Some Mutations
tx = EmbeddedGraknSession.create(keyspace, Grakn.IN_MEMORY).open(GraknTxType.READ);
failMutation(tx, () -> tx.putEntityType(entityType));
failMutation(tx, () -> tx.putRole(roleType1));
failMutation(tx, () -> tx.putRelationshipType(relationType1));
// Pass some mutations
tx = EmbeddedGraknSession.create(keyspace, Grakn.IN_MEMORY).open(GraknTxType.WRITE);
EntityType entityT = tx.putEntityType(entityType);
Role roleT1 = tx.putRole(roleType1);
Role roleT2 = tx.putRole(roleType2);
RelationshipType relationT1 = tx.putRelationshipType(relationType1).relates(roleT1);
RelationshipType relationT2 = tx.putRelationshipType(relationType2).relates(roleT2);
AttributeType<String> resourceT = tx.putAttributeType(resourceType, AttributeType.DataType.STRING);
// Fail some mutations again
tx = EmbeddedGraknSession.create(keyspace, Grakn.IN_MEMORY).open(GraknTxType.READ);
failMutation(tx, entityT::addEntity);
failMutation(tx, () -> resourceT.putAttribute("A resource"));
failMutation(tx, () -> tx.putEntityType(entityType));
failMutation(tx, () -> entityT.plays(roleT1));
failMutation(tx, () -> relationT1.relates(roleT2));
failMutation(tx, () -> relationT2.relates(roleT1));
use of ai.grakn.concept.RelationshipType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class GrpcServerIT method whenDefiningASchema_TheSchemaIsDefined.
public void whenDefiningASchema_TheSchemaIsDefined() {
try (GraknTx tx = {
EntityType animal = tx.putEntityType("animal");
EntityType dog = tx.putEntityType("dog").sup(animal);
EntityType cat = tx.putEntityType("cat");
RelationshipType chases = tx.putRelationshipType("chases");
Role chased = tx.putRole("chased");
Role chaser = tx.putRole("chaser");
Role pointlessRole = tx.putRole("pointless-role");
AttributeType<String> name = tx.putAttributeType("name", DataType.STRING);
AttributeType<String> id = tx.putAttributeType("id", DataType.STRING).setRegex("(good|bad)-dog");
AttributeType<Long> age = tx.putAttributeType("age", DataType.LONG);
Entity dunstan = dog.addEntity();
Attribute<String> dunstanId = id.putAttribute("good-dog");
Attribute<String> dunstanName = name.putAttribute("Dunstan");
chases.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(chaser, dunstan);
try (GraknTx tx = {
EntityType animal = tx.getEntityType("animal");
EntityType dog = tx.getEntityType("dog");
EntityType cat = tx.getEntityType("feline");
RelationshipType chases = tx.getRelationshipType("chases");
Role chased = tx.getRole("chased");
Role chaser = tx.getRole("chaser");
AttributeType<String> name = tx.getAttributeType("name");
AttributeType<String> id = tx.getAttributeType("id");
Entity dunstan = Iterators.getOnlyElement(dog.instances().iterator());
Relationship aChase = Iterators.getOnlyElement(chases.instances().iterator());
assertEquals(animal, dog.sup());
assertEquals(animal, cat.sup());
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(chased, chaser), chases.relates().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(chaser), dog.plays().filter(role -> !role.isImplicit()).collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(chased), cat.plays().filter(role -> !role.isImplicit()).collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(name, id), animal.attributes().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(id), animal.keys().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(name, id), dog.attributes().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(id), dog.keys().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(name, id), cat.attributes().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals(ImmutableSet.of(id), cat.keys().collect(toSet()));
assertEquals("good-dog", Iterables.getOnlyElement(dunstan.keys(id).collect(toSet())).getValue());
ImmutableMap<Role, ImmutableSet<?>> expectedRolePlayers = ImmutableMap.of(chaser, ImmutableSet.of(dunstan), chased, ImmutableSet.of());
assertEquals(expectedRolePlayers, aChase.allRolePlayers());
assertEquals("(good|bad)-dog", id.getRegex());
use of ai.grakn.concept.RelationshipType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class PathTreeKB method buildTree.
void buildTree(GraknTx tx, Role fromRole, Role toRole, int n, int children) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
EntityType vertex = tx.getEntityType("vertex");
EntityType startVertex = tx.getEntityType("start-vertex");
RelationshipType arc = tx.getRelationshipType("arc");
putEntityWithResource(tx, "a0", startVertex, getKey());
int outputThreshold = 500;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
int m = IntMath.pow(children, i);
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
putEntityWithResource(tx, "a" + i + "," + j, vertex, getKey());
if (j != 0 && j % outputThreshold == 0) {
System.out.println(j + " entities out of " + m + " inserted");
for (int j = 0; j < children; j++) {
arc.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(fromRole, getInstance(tx, "a0")).addRolePlayer(toRole, getInstance(tx, "a1," + j));
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
int m = IntMath.pow(children, i);
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
for (int c = 0; c < children; c++) {
arc.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(fromRole, getInstance(tx, "a" + i + "," + j)).addRolePlayer(toRole, getInstance(tx, "a" + (i + 1) + "," + (j * children + c)));
if (j != 0 && j % outputThreshold == 0) {
System.out.println("level " + i + "/" + (n - 1) + ": " + j + " entities out of " + m + " connected");
long loadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
System.out.println("PathKB loading time: " + loadTime + " ms");
use of ai.grakn.concept.RelationshipType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class DiagonalKB method buildExtensionalDB.
private void buildExtensionalDB(GraknTx tx, int n, int m) {
Role relFrom = tx.getRole("rel-from");
Role relTo = tx.getRole("rel-to");
EntityType entity1 = tx.getEntityType("entity1");
RelationshipType horizontal = tx.getRelationshipType("horizontal");
RelationshipType vertical = tx.getRelationshipType("vertical");
ConceptId[][] instanceIds = new ConceptId[n][m];
long inserts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
instanceIds[i][j] = putEntityWithResource(tx, "a" + i + "," + j, entity1, key).getId();
if (inserts % 100 == 0)
System.out.println("inst inserts: " + inserts);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
if (i < n - 1) {
vertical.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(relFrom, tx.getConcept(instanceIds[i][j])).addRolePlayer(relTo, tx.getConcept(instanceIds[i + 1][j]));
if (j < m - 1) {
horizontal.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(relFrom, tx.getConcept(instanceIds[i][j])).addRolePlayer(relTo, tx.getConcept(instanceIds[i][j + 1]));
if (inserts % 100 == 0)
System.out.println("rel inserts: " + inserts);
System.out.println("Extensional DB loaded.");
use of ai.grakn.concept.RelationshipType in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class NguyenKB method buildExtensionalDB.
private void buildExtensionalDB(GraknTx graph, int n) {
Role Rfrom = graph.getRole("R-rA");
Role Rto = graph.getRole("R-rB");
Role qfrom = graph.getRole("Q-rA");
Role qto = graph.getRole("Q-rB");
Role Pfrom = graph.getRole("P-rA");
Role Pto = graph.getRole("P-rB");
EntityType entity = graph.getEntityType("entity2");
EntityType aEntity = graph.getEntityType("a-entity");
EntityType bEntity = graph.getEntityType("b-entity");
RelationshipType r = graph.getRelationshipType("R");
RelationshipType p = graph.getRelationshipType("P");
RelationshipType q = graph.getRelationshipType("Q");
ConceptId cId = putEntityWithResource(graph, "c", entity, key).getId();
ConceptId dId = putEntityWithResource(graph, "d", entity, key).getId();
ConceptId eId = putEntityWithResource(graph, "e", entity, key).getId();
ConceptId[] aInstancesIds = new ConceptId[n + 2];
ConceptId[] bInstancesIds = new ConceptId[n + 2];
aInstancesIds[n + 1] = putEntityWithResource(graph, "a" + (n + 1), aEntity, key).getId();
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
aInstancesIds[i] = putEntityWithResource(graph, "a" + i, aEntity, key).getId();
bInstancesIds[i] = putEntityWithResource(graph, "b" + i, bEntity, key).getId();
p.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(Pfrom, graph.getConcept(cId)).addRolePlayer(Pto, graph.getConcept(dId));
r.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(Rfrom, graph.getConcept(dId)).addRolePlayer(Rto, graph.getConcept(eId));
q.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(qfrom, graph.getConcept(eId)).addRolePlayer(qto, graph.getConcept(aInstancesIds[0]));
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
p.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(Pfrom, graph.getConcept(bInstancesIds[i])).addRolePlayer(Pto, graph.getConcept(cId));
p.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(Pfrom, graph.getConcept(cId)).addRolePlayer(Pto, graph.getConcept(bInstancesIds[i]));
q.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(qfrom, graph.getConcept(aInstancesIds[i])).addRolePlayer(qto, graph.getConcept(bInstancesIds[i]));
q.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(qfrom, graph.getConcept(bInstancesIds[i])).addRolePlayer(qto, graph.getConcept(aInstancesIds[i + 1]));