use of in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class EngineContext method before.
protected final void before() throws Throwable {
RestAssured.baseURI = uri().toURI().toString();
if (!config.getProperty(GraknConfigKey.TEST_START_EMBEDDED_COMPONENTS)) {
SimpleURI redisURI = new SimpleURI(Iterables.getOnlyElement(config.getProperty(GraknConfigKey.REDIS_HOST)));
jedisPool = new JedisPool(redisURI.getHost(), redisURI.getPort());
// To ensure consistency b/w test profiles and configuration files, when not using Janus
// for a unit tests in an IDE, add the following option:
// -Dgrakn.conf=../conf/test/tinker/
// When using janus, add -Dgrakn.test-profile=janus
// The reason is that the default configuration of Grakn uses the Janus Factory while the default
// test profile is tinker: so when running a unit test within an IDE without any extra parameters,
// we end up wanting to use the JanusFactory but without starting Cassandra first."starting engine...");
// start engine
spark = Service.ignite();
config.setConfigProperty(GraknConfigKey.REDIS_HOST, Collections.singletonList("localhost:" + redis.port()));
RedisWrapper redis = RedisWrapper.create(config);
server = startGraknEngineServer(redis);"engine started on " + uri());
use of in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class GraknEngineServerFactory method createGraknEngineServer.
* Create a {@link GraknEngineServer} configured for Grakn Core. Grakn Queue (which is needed for post-processing and distributed locks) is implemented with Redis as the backend store
* @return a {@link GraknEngineServer} instance configured for Grakn Core
public static GraknEngineServer createGraknEngineServer() {
// grakn engine configuration
EngineID engineId =;
GraknConfig config = GraknConfig.create();
GraknEngineStatus status = new GraknEngineStatus();
MetricRegistry metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
// redis
RedisWrapper redisWrapper = RedisWrapper.create(config);
QueueSanityCheck queueSanityCheck = new RedisSanityCheck(redisWrapper);
// distributed locks
LockProvider lockProvider = new JedisLockProvider(redisWrapper.getJedisPool());
SystemKeyspaceSession systemKeyspaceSession = new GraknSystemKeyspaceSession(config);
GraknKeyspaceStore graknKeyspaceStore = GraknKeyspaceStoreImpl.create(systemKeyspaceSession);
// tx-factory
EngineGraknTxFactory engineGraknTxFactory = EngineGraknTxFactory.create(lockProvider, config, graknKeyspaceStore);
// post-processing
IndexStorage indexStorage = RedisIndexStorage.create(redisWrapper.getJedisPool(), metricRegistry);
CountStorage countStorage = RedisCountStorage.create(redisWrapper.getJedisPool(), metricRegistry);
IndexPostProcessor indexPostProcessor = IndexPostProcessor.create(lockProvider, indexStorage);
CountPostProcessor countPostProcessor = CountPostProcessor.create(config, engineGraknTxFactory, lockProvider, metricRegistry, countStorage);
PostProcessor postProcessor = PostProcessor.create(indexPostProcessor, countPostProcessor);
// http services: spark, http controller, and gRPC server
Service sparkHttp = Service.ignite();
Collection<HttpController> httpControllers = Collections.emptyList();
GrpcServer grpcServer = configureGrpcServer(config, engineGraknTxFactory, postProcessor);
return createGraknEngineServer(engineId, config, status, sparkHttp, httpControllers, grpcServer, engineGraknTxFactory, metricRegistry, queueSanityCheck, lockProvider, postProcessor, graknKeyspaceStore);