use of ai.grakn.graql.Var in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class QueryAnswerStream method knownFilterWithInverse.
static boolean knownFilterWithInverse(Answer answer, Map<Pair<Var, Concept>, Set<Answer>> stream2InverseMap) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Var, Concept>> eit = answer.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<Var, Concept> entry =;
Set<Answer> matchAnswers = findMatchingAnswers(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), stream2InverseMap);
while (eit.hasNext()) {
entry =;
matchAnswers = Sets.intersection(matchAnswers, findMatchingAnswers(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), stream2InverseMap));
for (Answer knownAnswer : matchAnswers) {
if (knownAnswer.entrySet().containsAll(answer.entrySet())) {
return false;
return true;
use of ai.grakn.graql.Var in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class BenchmarkTests method nonRecursiveChainOfRules.
* Executes a scalability test defined in terms of the number of rules in the system. Creates a simple rule chain:
* R_i(x, y) := R_{i-1}(x, y); i e [1, N]
* with a single initial relation instance R_0(a ,b)
public void nonRecursiveChainOfRules() {
final int N = 200;
LOG.debug(new Object() {
GraknSession graknSession = sessionContext.newSession();
// NB: loading data here as defining it as KB and using graql api leads to circular dependencies
try (GraknTx tx = {
Role fromRole = tx.putRole("fromRole");
Role toRole = tx.putRole("toRole");
RelationshipType relation0 = tx.putRelationshipType("relation0").relates(fromRole).relates(toRole);
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
tx.putRelationshipType("relation" + i).relates(fromRole).relates(toRole);
EntityType genericEntity = tx.putEntityType("genericEntity").plays(fromRole).plays(toRole);
Entity fromEntity = genericEntity.addEntity();
Entity toEntity = genericEntity.addEntity();
relation0.addRelationship().addRolePlayer(fromRole, fromEntity).addRolePlayer(toRole, toEntity);
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
Var fromVar = Graql.var().asUserDefined();
Var toVar = Graql.var().asUserDefined();
VarPattern rulePattern = Graql.label("rule" + i).when(Graql.and(Graql.var().rel(Graql.label(fromRole.getLabel()), fromVar).rel(Graql.label(toRole.getLabel()), toVar).isa("relation" + (i - 1)))).then(Graql.and(Graql.var().rel(Graql.label(fromRole.getLabel()), fromVar).rel(Graql.label(toRole.getLabel()), toVar).isa("relation" + i)));
try (GraknTx tx = {
final long limit = 1;
String queryPattern = "(fromRole: $x, toRole: $y) isa relation" + N + ";";
String queryString = "match " + queryPattern + " get;";
String limitedQueryString = "match " + queryPattern + "limit " + limit + ";" + "get;";
assertEquals(executeQuery(queryString, tx, "full").size(), limit);
assertEquals(executeQuery(limitedQueryString, tx, "limit").size(), limit);
use of ai.grakn.graql.Var in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class AtomicTest method testRoleInference_RelationHasVerticalRoleHierarchy.
// relation relates a single role so instead of assigning metarole this role should be assigned
public void testRoleInference_RelationHasVerticalRoleHierarchy() {
EmbeddedGraknTx<?> graph = ruleApplicabilitySet.tx();
String relationString = "{($x, $y) isa reifying-relation;}";
RelationshipAtom relation = (RelationshipAtom) ReasonerQueries.atomic(conjunction(relationString, graph), graph).getAtom();
ImmutableSetMultimap<Role, Var> roleMap = ImmutableSetMultimap.of(graph.getRole("role1"), var("x"), graph.getRole("role1"), var("y"));
assertEquals(roleMap, roleSetMap(relation.getRoleVarMap()));
use of ai.grakn.graql.Var in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class AtomicTest method testRuleApplicability_AmbiguousRoleMapping.
public void testRuleApplicability_AmbiguousRoleMapping() {
EmbeddedGraknTx<?> graph = ruleApplicabilitySet.tx();
// although singleRoleEntity plays only one role it can also play an implicit role of the resource so mapping ambiguous
String relationString = "{($x, $y, $z);$x isa singleRoleEntity; $y isa anotherTwoRoleEntity; $z isa twoRoleEntity;}";
RelationshipAtom relation = (RelationshipAtom) ReasonerQueries.atomic(conjunction(relationString, graph), graph).getAtom();
ImmutableSetMultimap<Role, Var> roleMap = ImmutableSetMultimap.of(graph.getRole("role"), var("x"), graph.getRole("role"), var("y"), graph.getRole("role"), var("z"));
assertEquals(roleMap, roleSetMap((relation.getRoleVarMap())));
assertEquals(3, relation.getApplicableRules().count());
use of ai.grakn.graql.Var in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class MatchModifierTest method testLimitQuery.
public void testLimitQuery() {
Var t = var("t");
Match match = qb.match(x.isa("movie").has("title", t)).orderBy(t, asc).offset(1).limit(3);
assertResultsOrderedByValue(match, t, true);