use of ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.ConceptVertex in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class EmbeddedGraknTx method copyRelationshipEdge.
* Copy a relation which is an edge - {@link RelationshipEdge}
private void copyRelationshipEdge(Attribute main, Attribute other, RelationshipEdge relationEdge) {
ConceptVertex newOwner;
ConceptVertex newValue;
if (relationEdge.owner().equals(other)) {
// The resource owns another resource which it needs to replace
newOwner = ConceptVertex.from(main);
newValue = ConceptVertex.from(relationEdge.value());
} else {
// The resource is owned by another Entity
newOwner = ConceptVertex.from(relationEdge.owner());
newValue = ConceptVertex.from(main);
EdgeElement edge = newOwner.vertex().putEdge(newValue.vertex(), Schema.EdgeLabel.ATTRIBUTE);
factory().buildRelation(edge, relationEdge.type(), relationEdge.ownerRole(), relationEdge.valueRole());