use of ai.grakn.test.rule.SampleKBContext in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class BenchmarkTests method testPathTree.
* single-rule mimicking transitivity test rule defined by two-hop relations
* Initial data arranged in N x N square grid.
* Rules:
* (arc-from: $x, arc-to: $y) isa arc;},
* ->
* (path-from: $x, path-to: $y) isa path;};
* (path-from: $x, path-to: $z) isa path;
* (path-from: $z, path-to: $y) isa path;},
* ->
* (path-from: $x, path-to: $y) isa path;};
* Initial data arranged as follows:
* N - tree heights
* l - number of links per entity
* a0
* / . \
* arc arc
* / . \
* a1,1 ... a1,1^l
* / . \ / . \
* arc . arc arc . arc
* / . \ / . \
* a2,1 ... a2,l a2,l+1 ... a2,2^l
* . .
* . .
* . .
* aN,1 ... ... ... ... ... ... aN,N^l
public void testPathTree() {
final int N = 5;
final int linksPerEntity = 4;
LOG.debug(new Object() {
int answers = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) answers += Math.pow(linksPerEntity, i);
SampleKBContext kb = PathTreeKB.context(N, linksPerEntity);
GraknTx graph = kb.tx();
String queryString = "match (path-from: $x, path-to: $y) isa path;" + "$x has index 'a0';" + "limit " + answers + ";" + "get $y;";
assertEquals(executeQuery(queryString, graph, "tree").size(), answers);
use of ai.grakn.test.rule.SampleKBContext in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class BenchmarkTests method testDiagonal.
* single-rule mimicking transitivity test rule defined by two-hop relations
* Initial data arranged in N x N square grid.
* Rule:
* (rel-from:$x, rel-to:$y) isa horizontal;
* (rel-from:$y, rel-to:$z) isa horizontal;
* (rel-from:$z, rel-to:$u) isa vertical;
* (rel-from:$u, rel-to:$v) isa vertical;
* ->
* (rel-from:$x, rel-to:$v) isa diagonal;
* Initial data arranged as follows:
* a_{i , j} - horizontal - a_{i, j + 1}
* | |
* vertical vertical
* | |
* a_{i+1, j} - horizontal - a_{i+1, j+1}
* i e [0, N)
* j e [0, N)
public void testDiagonal() {
// 9604
final int N = 10;
final int limit = 10;
LOG.debug(new Object() {
// results @N = 40 1444 3.5s
// results @N = 50 2304 8s / 1s
// results @N = 100 9604 loading takes ages
SampleKBContext kb = DiagonalKB.context(N, N);
QueryBuilder iqb = kb.tx().graql().infer(true).materialise(false);
String queryString = "match (rel-from: $x, rel-to: $y) isa diagonal; get;";
GetQuery query = iqb.parse(queryString);
executeQuery(query, "full");
executeQuery(query.match().limit(limit).get(), "limit " + limit);
use of ai.grakn.test.rule.SampleKBContext in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class RecursiveInferenceTest method testPathSymmetric.
public void testPathSymmetric() {
final int N = 2;
SampleKBContext kb = PathTreeSymmetricKB.context(N, 3);
QueryBuilder qb = kb.tx().graql().infer(false);
QueryBuilder iqb = kb.tx().graql().infer(true);
String queryString = "match ($x, $y) isa path;$x has index 'a0'; get $y;";
String explicitQuery = "match {$y isa vertex;} or {$y isa start-vertex;}; get;";
assertQueriesEqual(iqb.materialise(false).parse(queryString), qb.parse(explicitQuery));
assertQueriesEqual(iqb.materialise(true).parse(queryString), qb.parse(explicitQuery));
use of ai.grakn.test.rule.SampleKBContext in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class RecursiveInferenceTest method testNguyen.
*test3 from Nguyen (similar to test 6.5 from Cao)
* N(x, y) :- R(x, y)
* N(x, y) :- P(x, z), N(z, w), Q(w, y)
* c -- P -- d -- R -- e -- Q -- a0
* \ /
* P Q
* \ \ /
* b0 -- Q -- a1
* \ /
* P Q
* \ /
* b1 -- Q -- a2
* .
* .
* .
* bN -- Q -- aN+1
public void testNguyen() {
final int N = 9;
SampleKBContext kb = NguyenKB.context(N);
QueryBuilder qb = kb.tx().graql().infer(false);
QueryBuilder iqb = kb.tx().graql().infer(true);
String queryString = "match (N-rA: $x, N-rB: $y) isa N; $x has index 'c'; get $y;";
String explicitQuery = "match $y isa a-entity; get;";
List<Answer> answers = iqb.materialise(false).<GetQuery>parse(queryString).execute();
List<Answer> explicitAnswers = qb.<GetQuery>parse(explicitQuery).execute();
assertCollectionsEqual(answers, explicitAnswers);
List<Answer> answers2 = iqb.materialise(true).<GetQuery>parse(queryString).execute();
assertCollectionsEqual(answers, answers2);
use of ai.grakn.test.rule.SampleKBContext in project grakn by graknlabs.
the class RecursiveInferenceTest method testDualLinearTransitivityMatrix.
* test 6.1 from Cao p 71
public void testDualLinearTransitivityMatrix() {
final int N = 5;
SampleKBContext kb = DualLinearTransitivityMatrixKB.context(N, N);
QueryBuilder qb = kb.tx().graql().infer(false);
QueryBuilder iqb = kb.tx().graql().infer(true);
String queryString = "match (Q1-from: $x, Q1-to: $y) isa Q1; $x has index 'a0'; get $y;";
String explicitQuery = "match $y isa a-entity or $y isa end; get;";
assertQueriesEqual(iqb.materialise(false).parse(queryString), qb.parse(explicitQuery));
assertQueriesEqual(iqb.materialise(true).parse(queryString), qb.parse(explicitQuery));