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Example 11 with Point2D

use of aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class GraphicsTransfer2D method transfer.

	 * Transfers a {@link Polyline2D} into its {@link Shape} representative.
	 * @param polyline the polyline to be transferred.
	 * @return the transferred shape.
private static Shape transfer(Polyline2D polyline) {
    Path2D result = new java.awt.geom.Path2D.Double();
    Point2D[] vertexes = polyline.getVertexes();
    result.moveTo(vertexes[0].getX(), vertexes[0].getY());
    for (int i = 1; i < vertexes.length; i++) {
        result.lineTo(vertexes[i].getX(), vertexes[i].getY());
    if (polyline.isClosed())
    return result;
Also used : Point2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D) Path2D(java.awt.geom.Path2D)

Example 12 with Point2D

use of aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class SVGGroupParser method parsePolyline.

	 * Parses the current element as a polyline. This polyline is added to the {@code shapes} if it contains a valid points list.
private void parsePolyline() {
    String value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, POINTS_ATTRIBUTE);
    if (value != null) {
        String[] coords = value.split(POINTS_REGEX);
        if (coords.length >= 2 && coords.length % 2 == 0) {
            //otherwise something is wrong with the points list!
            Point2D[] vertexes = new Point2D[coords.length / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i = i + 2) {
                vertexes[(i / 2) - 1] = new Point2D(parseNumber(coords[i]), parseNumber(coords[i + 1]));
            IGeometric2D polyline = new Polyline2D(vertexes, false).transform(currentMatrix);
Also used : IGeometric2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D) Polyline2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D) Point2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D)

Example 13 with Point2D

use of aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class SVGGroupParser method parsePolygon.

	 * Parses the current element as a polygon. This polygon is added to the {@code shapes} if it contains a valid points list.
private void parsePolygon() {
    String value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, POINTS_ATTRIBUTE);
    if (value != null) {
        String[] coords = value.split(POINTS_REGEX);
        if (coords.length >= 2 && coords.length % 2 == 0) {
            //otherwise something is wrong with the points list!
            Point2D[] vertexes = new Point2D[coords.length / 2];
            for (int i = 1; i < coords.length; i = i + 2) {
                vertexes[(i - 1) / 2] = new Point2D(parseNumber(coords[i - 1]), parseNumber(coords[i]));
            IGeometric2D polygon = new Polyline2D(vertexes, true).transform(currentMatrix);
Also used : IGeometric2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D) Polyline2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D) Point2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D)

Example 14 with Point2D

use of aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class SVGGroupParser method parseEllipse.

	 * Parses the current element as an ellipse. This ellipse is added to the {@code shapes} if it is rendered.
private void parseEllipse() {
    String value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, CX_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double cx = parseNumber(value);
    value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, CY_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double cy = parseNumber(value);
    value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, RX_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double rx = parseNumber(value);
    value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, RY_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double ry = parseNumber(value);
    if (rx != 0.0d && ry != 0.0d) {
        //SVG standard specifies that the radius is forced to have a value. Otherwise the rendering for this element is disabled.
        IGeometric2D elipse = new Ellipse2D(new Point2D(cx, cy), rx, ry).transform(currentMatrix);
Also used : IGeometric2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D) Point2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D) Ellipse2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D)

Example 15 with Point2D

use of aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class SVGGroupParser method parseCircle.

	 * Parses the current element as a circle. This circle is added to the {@code shapes} if it is rendered.
private void parseCircle() {
    String value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, CX_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double cx = parseNumber(value);
    value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, CY_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double cy = parseNumber(value);
    value = reader.getAttributeValue(null, R_ATTRIBUTE);
    final double r = parseNumber(value);
    if (r != 0.0d) {
        //SVG standard specifies that the radius is forced to have a value. Otherwise the rendering for this element is disabled.
        IGeometric2D circle = new Circle2D(new Point2D(cx, cy), r).transform(currentMatrix);
Also used : IGeometric2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D) Point2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D) Circle2D(aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D)


Point2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D)32 Map ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 IGeometric2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.IGeometric2D)5 Before (org.junit.Before)5 Circle2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Circle2D)4 Ellipse2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ellipse2D)4 Polyline2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Polyline2D)4 Test (org.junit.Test)4 Line2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Line2D)3 Ray2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Ray2D)3 MapNode ( Agent (aima.core.agent.Agent)2 LRTAStarAgent ( Circle (javafx.scene.shape.Circle)2 Line (javafx.scene.shape.Line)2 Text (javafx.scene.text.Text)2 ( MapAgent ( MapEnvironment (