Search in sources :

Example 1 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class RouteCalculator method calculateRoute.

	 * Template method, responsible for shortest path generation between two map
	 * nodes. It searches for way nodes in the vicinity of the given nodes which
	 * comply with the specified way selection, searches for a suitable paths,
	 * and adds the paths as tracks to the provided <code>map</code>. Various
	 * factory methods can be used to override aspects of the default behavior
	 * in subclasses if needed.
	 * @param markers
	 *            Nodes, not necessarily way nodes. The first node is used as
	 *            start, last node as finish, all others as via nodes.
	 * @param map
	 *            The information source.
	 * @param taskSelection
	 *            Number, indicating which kinds of ways are relevant.
public List<Position> calculateRoute(List<MapNode> markers, OsmMap map, int taskSelection) {
    List<Position> result = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        MapWayFilter wayFilter = createMapWayFilter(map, taskSelection);
        boolean ignoreOneways = (taskSelection == 0);
        List<MapNode[]> pNodeList = subdivideProblem(markers, map, wayFilter);
        MapNode prevNode = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < pNodeList.size() && !CancelableThread.currIsCanceled(); i++) {
            Problem<MapNode, OsmMoveAction> problem = createProblem(pNodeList.get(i), map, wayFilter, ignoreOneways, taskSelection);
            ToDoubleFunction<Node<MapNode, OsmMoveAction>> h = createHeuristicFunction(pNodeList.get(i), taskSelection);
            SearchForActions<MapNode, OsmMoveAction> search = createSearch(h, taskSelection);
            List<OsmMoveAction> actions = search.findActions(problem);
            if (actions.isEmpty())
            for (Object action : actions) {
                if (action instanceof OsmMoveAction) {
                    OsmMoveAction a = (OsmMoveAction) action;
                    for (MapNode node : a.getNodes()) {
                        if (prevNode != node) {
                            result.add(new Position(node.getLat(), node.getLon()));
                            prevNode = node;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return result;
Also used : MapWayFilter( Position( Node( MapNode( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MapNode(

Example 2 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class DefaultEntityRenderer method getViewCoords.

	 * Computes the view coordinates for a list of way nodes and checks
	 * visibility with respect to a clipping rectangle. The check improves the
	 * viewing performance in large scales in which long invisible ways (e.g.
	 * coast lines) often pass the bounding box test.
	 * @param nodes
	 *            List of way nodes.
	 * @param viewWidth
	 *            Used for clipping if > 0.
	 * @param viewHeight
	 *            Used for clipping if > 0.
	 * @param xView
	 *            Array of coordinates for the result.
	 * @param yView
	 *            Array of coordinates for the result.
	 * @return true if at least a part of the line is visible.
protected boolean getViewCoords(List<MapNode> nodes, int viewWidth, int viewHeight, int[] xView, int[] yView) {
    boolean visible = (viewWidth <= 0 || viewHeight <= 0);
    int xv;
    int yv;
    int xClipPos;
    int yClipPos;
    int xClipPosLast = 0;
    int yClipPosLast = 0;
    int i = 0;
    for (MapNode node : nodes) {
        xv = transformer.x(node.getLon());
        yv = transformer.y(node.getLat());
        // bounding box test not sufficient for large scales...
        xView[i] = xv;
        yView[i] = yv;
        if (!visible) {
            xClipPos = 0;
            if (xv < 0)
                xClipPos = 1;
            else if (xv > viewWidth)
                xClipPos = 2;
            yClipPos = 0;
            if (yv < 0)
                yClipPos = 1;
            else if (yv > viewHeight)
                yClipPos = 2;
            visible = (xClipPos == 0 || xClipPos != xClipPosLast && i > 0) && (yClipPos == 0 || yClipPos != yClipPosLast && i > 0);
            xClipPosLast = xClipPos;
            yClipPosLast = yClipPos;
    return visible;
Also used : MapNode(

Example 3 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class DefaultEntityRenderer method printBufferedObjects.

// int awnodes = 0;
/** Prints all buffered entities according to their rendering informations. */
public void printBufferedObjects() {
    Collections.sort(areaBuffer, new MapAreaComparator());
    Comparator<MapEntity> comp = new MapEntityComparator();
    if (wayBuffer.size() < 10000)
        Collections.sort(wayBuffer, comp);
    if (nodeBuffer.size() < 10000)
        Collections.sort(nodeBuffer, comp);
    for (MapWay area : areaBuffer) printWay(area, (DefaultEntityViewInfo) area.getViewInfo(), true);
    for (MapWay way : wayBuffer) printWay(way, (DefaultEntityViewInfo) way.getViewInfo(), false);
    for (MapEntity node : nodeBuffer) {
        MapNode n;
        if (node instanceof MapWay) {
            List<MapNode> wayNodes = getWayNodes((MapWay) node);
            // needed to show icons for ways, whose abstraction is empty.
            if (wayNodes.isEmpty())
                wayNodes = ((MapWay) node).getNodes();
            n = wayNodes.get(0);
        } else
            n = (MapNode) node;
        printNode(n, (DefaultEntityViewInfo) node.getViewInfo());
    for (Track track : trackBuffer) printTrack(track);
    // System.out.print("NamesOrg: " + nameInfoBuffer.size() + "\n");
    // remove names whose positions are to close to each other
    int charSize = (int) (defaultFontSize * displayFactorSym);
    for (int i = 0; i < nameInfoBuffer.size(); ++i) {
        NameInfo info = nameInfoBuffer.get(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
            NameInfo info1 = nameInfoBuffer.get(j);
            int fac = ( ? 3 : 2;
            if (Math.abs(info.y - info1.y) < charSize * fac) {
                fac = (info.x < info1.x) ? :;
                if (Math.abs(info.x - info1.x) < charSize * fac) {
                    j = i;
    for (NameInfo textInfo : nameInfoBuffer) {
        imageBdr.drawString(, textInfo.x, textInfo.y);
// System.out.print("Areas: " + areaBuffer.size() + "  ");
// System.out.print("Ways: " + wayBuffer.size() + "  ");
// System.out.print("Nodes: " + nodeBuffer.size() + "  ");
// System.out.print("Names: " + nameInfoBuffer.size() + "\n");
Also used : MapWay( MapEntity( MapNode( Track(

Example 4 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class DefaultEntityRenderer method getNextNode.

	 * Returns the map node which is the nearest with respect to the specified
	 * view coordinates among the currently displayed nodes.
public MapNode getNextNode(int x, int y) {
    Position pos = new Position(, transformer.lon(x));
    MapNode nextNode = null;
    MapNode tmp = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        List<MapWay> ways = (i == 0) ? areaBuffer : wayBuffer;
        for (MapWay way : ways) {
            tmp = pos.selectNearest(way.getNodes(), null);
            if (nextNode == null || pos.getDistKM(tmp) < pos.getDistKM(nextNode)) {
                nextNode = tmp;
    for (MapEntity node : nodeBuffer) {
        if (node instanceof MapNode) {
            tmp = (MapNode) node;
            if (tmp != null && tmp.getAttributeValue("marker") == null && (nextNode == null || pos.getDistKM(tmp) < pos.getDistKM(nextNode))) {
                nextNode = tmp;
    return nextNode;
Also used : MapWay( Position( MapNode( MapEntity(

Example 5 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class MapAdapter method getDistance.

public Double getDistance(String fromLocation, String toLocation) {
    MapNode node1 = getWayNode(fromLocation);
    MapNode node2 = getWayNode(toLocation);
    if (node1 != null && node2 != null && getPossibleNextLocations(fromLocation).contains(toLocation))
        return new Position(node1).getDistKM(node2);
        return null;
Also used : Position( MapNode(


MapNode ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Position ( MapWay ( MapEntity ( BoundingBox ( WayRef ( MapAdapter (aimax.osm.routing.MapAdapter)4 Point2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D)3 MapEvent ( EntityAttribute ( Node ( LRTAStarAgent ( IOException ( DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Agent (aima.core.agent.Agent)1 ( MapAgent ( MapEnvironment (