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Example 21 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class OsmMoveAction method getTravelDistance.

/** Returns the distance in KM. */
public float getTravelDistance() {
    float result = 0f;
    int size = Math.abs(toIndex - fromIndex) + 1;
    List<MapNode> nodes = way.getNodes();
    Position pos = new Position(nodes.get(fromIndex));
    for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
        MapNode next = nodes.get(fromIndex < toIndex ? fromIndex + i : fromIndex - i);
        result += pos.getDistKM(next);
        pos = new Position(next);
    return result;
Also used : Position( MapNode(

Example 22 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class RouteCalculator method subdivideProblem.

	 * Factory method, responsible for subdividing the overall problem which is
	 * specified by a list of marker nodes. It returns arrays of way nodes.
	 * The arrays will be used to define problems to be solved one after
	 * another. This implementation returns pairs of from and to way nodes.
protected List<MapNode[]> subdivideProblem(List<MapNode> markers, OsmMap map, MapWayFilter wayFilter) {
    List<MapNode[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
    MapNode fromNode = map.getNearestWayNode(new Position(markers.get(0)), wayFilter);
    for (int i = 1; i < markers.size(); i++) {
        MapNode toNode = map.getNearestWayNode(new Position(markers.get(i)), wayFilter);
        result.add(new MapNode[] { fromNode, toNode });
        fromNode = toNode;
    return result;
Also used : Position( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MapNode(

Example 23 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class DefaultEntityRenderer method printLine.

/** Prints a line or fills an area. */
protected void printLine(UnifiedImageBuilder<?> imageBdr, List<MapNode> nodes, DefaultEntityViewInfo pInfo, boolean asArea, boolean asOneway, NameInfo textInfo) {
    // count++;
    int[] xPoints = new int[nodes.size()];
    int[] yPoints = new int[nodes.size()];
    int viewWidth = !asArea ? imageBdr.getWidth() : -1;
    int viewHeight = !asArea ? imageBdr.getHeight() : -1;
    boolean visible = getViewCoords(nodes, viewWidth, viewHeight, xPoints, yPoints);
    if (visible) {
        boolean filled = false;
        if (asArea) {
            imageBdr.setColor(pInfo.wayFillColor != null ? pInfo.wayFillColor : pInfo.wayColor);
            imageBdr.setLineStyle(false, displayFactor);
            imageBdr.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nodes.size());
            filled = true;
        if (!filled || pInfo.wayFillColor != null && !pInfo.wayFillColor.equals(pInfo.wayColor)) {
            imageBdr.setLineStyle(pInfo.wayDashed, pInfo.wayWidth * displayFactorSym);
            imageBdr.drawPolyline(xPoints, yPoints, nodes.size());
        if (asOneway) {
            float x = xPoints[xPoints.length - 1];
            float y = yPoints[yPoints.length - 1];
            double angle = Math.atan2(x - xPoints[xPoints.length - 2], -(y - yPoints[yPoints.length - 2]));
            printOnewayArrow(x, y, angle);
        if (textInfo != null) {
            setWayNamePosition(textInfo, xPoints, yPoints, filled);
        if (debugMode && scale >= 2 * pInfo.minNameScale * displayFactor) {
            int i = 0;
            for (MapNode node : nodes) {
                textInfo = new NameInfo(Long.toString(node.getId()), pInfo.nameColor, pInfo.printOrder);
                textInfo.x = xPoints[i];
                textInfo.y = yPoints[i];
Also used : MapNode(

Example 24 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class OsmWriter method writeWay.

/*<node id="83551472" lat="38.8353186" lon="20.7118425" user="aitolos" uid="653" visible="true" version="2" changeset="4440307" timestamp="2010-04-16T16:35:48Z"/>*/
protected void writeWay(OutputStreamWriter writer, MapWay way) throws IOException {
    StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer();
    text.append("<way id=\"");
    for (MapNode node : way.getNodes()) {
        text.append("  <nd ref=\"");
    addTags(text, way.getName(), way.getAttributes());
Also used : MapNode(

Example 25 with MapNode

use of in project aima-java by aimacode.

the class MapViewPane method removeNearestMarker.

	 * Removes the mark which is the nearest with respect to the given view
	 * coordinates.
public void removeNearestMarker(int x, int y) {
    List<MapNode> markers = getMap().getMarkers();
    float lat = getTransformer().lat(y);
    float lon = getTransformer().lon(x);
    MapNode marker = new Position(lat, lon).selectNearest(markers, null);
    if (marker != null)
    getMap().fireMapDataEvent(new MapEvent(getMap(), MapEvent.Type.MAP_MODIFIED));
Also used : Position( MapEvent( MapNode(


MapNode ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Position ( MapWay ( MapEntity ( BoundingBox ( WayRef ( MapAdapter (aimax.osm.routing.MapAdapter)4 Point2D (aima.core.util.math.geom.shapes.Point2D)3 MapEvent ( EntityAttribute ( Node ( LRTAStarAgent ( IOException ( DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Agent (aima.core.agent.Agent)1 ( MapAgent ( MapEnvironment (