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Example 1 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class InodeTree method lockFullInodePath.

   * Locks existing inodes on the path to the inode specified by an id, in the specified
   * {@link LockMode}. The target inode must exist. This may require multiple traversals of the
   * tree, so may be inefficient.
   * @param id the inode id
   * @param lockMode the {@link LockMode} to lock the inodes with
   * @return the {@link LockedInodePath} representing the locked path of inodes
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the target inode does not exist
public LockedInodePath lockFullInodePath(long id, LockMode lockMode) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
    int count = 0;
    while (true) {
        Inode<?> inode = mInodes.getFirst(id);
        if (inode == null) {
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.INODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getMessage(id));
        // Compute the path given the target inode.
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        computePathForInode(inode, builder);
        AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(builder.toString());
        boolean valid = false;
        LockedInodePath inodePath = null;
        try {
            inodePath = lockFullInodePath(uri, lockMode);
            if (inodePath.getInode().getId() == id) {
                // Set to true, so the path is not unlocked before returning.
                valid = true;
                return inodePath;
        // The path does not end up at the target inode id. Repeat the traversal.
        } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
            // ignore and repeat the loop
            LOG.warn("Inode lookup id {} computed path {} mismatch id. Repeating.", id, uri);
        } finally {
            if (!valid && inodePath != null) {
        if (count > PATH_TRAVERSAL_RETRIES) {
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(ExceptionMessage.INODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_RETRIES.getMessage(id));
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 2 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class InodeTree method createPath.

   * Creates a file or directory at path.
   * @param inodePath the path
   * @param options method options
   * @return a {@link CreatePathResult} representing the modified inodes and created inodes during
   *         path creation
   * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException when there is already a file at path if we want to create a
   *         directory there
   * @throws BlockInfoException when blockSizeBytes is invalid
   * @throws InvalidPathException when path is invalid, for example, (1) when there is nonexistent
   *         necessary parent directories and recursive is false, (2) when one of the necessary
   *         parent directories is actually a file
   * @throws IOException if creating the path fails
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path does not exist and the recursive
   *         option is false
public CreatePathResult createPath(LockedInodePath inodePath, CreatePathOptions<?> options) throws FileAlreadyExistsException, BlockInfoException, InvalidPathException, IOException, FileDoesNotExistException {
    AlluxioURI path = inodePath.getUri();
    if (path.isRoot()) {
        String errorMessage = ExceptionMessage.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS.getMessage(path);
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(errorMessage);
    if (options instanceof CreateFileOptions) {
        CreateFileOptions fileOptions = (CreateFileOptions) options;
        if (fileOptions.getBlockSizeBytes() < 1) {
            throw new BlockInfoException("Invalid block size " + fileOptions.getBlockSizeBytes());
    if (!(inodePath instanceof MutableLockedInodePath)) {
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.NOT_MUTABLE_INODE_PATH.getMessage(inodePath.getUri()));
    LOG.debug("createPath {}", path);
    TraversalResult traversalResult = traverseToInode(inodePath, LockMode.WRITE_PARENT);
    InodeLockList lockList = traversalResult.getInodeLockList();
    MutableLockedInodePath extensibleInodePath = (MutableLockedInodePath) inodePath;
    String[] pathComponents = extensibleInodePath.getPathComponents();
    String name = path.getName();
    // pathIndex is the index into pathComponents where we start filling in the path from the inode.
    int pathIndex = extensibleInodePath.getInodes().size();
    if (pathIndex < pathComponents.length - 1) {
        // Otherwise we add the remaining path components to the list of components to create.
        if (!options.isRecursive()) {
            final String msg = new StringBuilder().append("File ").append(path).append(" creation failed. Component ").append(pathIndex).append("(").append(pathComponents[pathIndex]).append(") does not exist").toString();
            LOG.error("FileDoesNotExistException: {}", msg);
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(msg);
    // The ancestor inode (parent or ancestor) of the target path.
    Inode<?> ancestorInode = extensibleInodePath.getAncestorInode();
    if (!ancestorInode.isDirectory()) {
        throw new InvalidPathException("Could not traverse to parent directory of path " + path + ". Component " + pathComponents[pathIndex - 1] + " is not a directory.");
    InodeDirectory currentInodeDirectory = (InodeDirectory) ancestorInode;
    List<Inode<?>> createdInodes = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Inode<?>> modifiedInodes = new ArrayList<>();
    // These are inodes that already exist, that should be journaled as persisted.
    List<Inode<?>> existingNonPersisted = new ArrayList<>();
    // These are inodes to mark as persisted at the end of this method.
    List<Inode<?>> toPersistDirectories = new ArrayList<>();
    if (options.isPersisted()) {
        // Directory persistence will not happen until the end of this method.
    if (pathIndex < (pathComponents.length - 1) || currentInodeDirectory.getChild(name) == null) {
        // (1) There are components in parent paths that need to be created. Or
        // (2) The last component of the path needs to be created.
        // In these two cases, the last traversed Inode will be modified.
    // TODO(gpang): We may not have to lock the newly created inodes if the last inode is write
    // locked. This could improve performance. Further investigation is needed.
    // Fill in the ancestor directories that were missing.
    // NOTE, we set the mode of missing ancestor directories to be the default value, rather
    // than inheriting the option of the final file to create, because it may not have
    // "execute" permission.
    CreateDirectoryOptions missingDirOptions = CreateDirectoryOptions.defaults().setMountPoint(false).setPersisted(options.isPersisted()).setOwner(options.getOwner()).setGroup(options.getGroup());
    for (int k = pathIndex; k < (pathComponents.length - 1); k++) {
        InodeDirectory dir = InodeDirectory.create(mDirectoryIdGenerator.getNewDirectoryId(), currentInodeDirectory.getId(), pathComponents[k], missingDirOptions);
        // Lock the newly created inode before subsequent operations, and add it to the lock group.
        lockList.lockWriteAndCheckNameAndParent(dir, currentInodeDirectory, pathComponents[k]);
        if (options.isPersisted()) {
        currentInodeDirectory = dir;
    // Create the final path component. First we need to make sure that there isn't already a file
    // here with that name. If there is an existing file that is a directory and we're creating a
    // directory, update persistence property of the directories if needed, otherwise, throw
    // FileAlreadyExistsException unless options.allowExists is true.
    Inode<?> lastInode = currentInodeDirectory.getChild(name);
    if (lastInode != null) {
        // Lock the last inode before subsequent operations, and add it to the lock group.
        lockList.lockWriteAndCheckNameAndParent(lastInode, currentInodeDirectory, name);
        if (lastInode.isDirectory() && options instanceof CreateDirectoryOptions && !lastInode.isPersisted() && options.isPersisted()) {
            // The final path component already exists and is not persisted, so it should be added
            // to the non-persisted Inodes of traversalResult.
        } else if (!lastInode.isDirectory() || !(options instanceof CreateDirectoryOptions && ((CreateDirectoryOptions) options).isAllowExists())) {
            String errorMessage = ExceptionMessage.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS.getMessage(path);
            throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(errorMessage);
    } else {
        if (options instanceof CreateDirectoryOptions) {
            CreateDirectoryOptions directoryOptions = (CreateDirectoryOptions) options;
            lastInode = InodeDirectory.create(mDirectoryIdGenerator.getNewDirectoryId(), currentInodeDirectory.getId(), name, directoryOptions);
            // Lock the created inode before subsequent operations, and add it to the lock group.
            lockList.lockWriteAndCheckNameAndParent(lastInode, currentInodeDirectory, name);
            if (directoryOptions.isPersisted()) {
        } else if (options instanceof CreateFileOptions) {
            CreateFileOptions fileOptions = (CreateFileOptions) options;
            lastInode = InodeFile.create(mContainerIdGenerator.getNewContainerId(), currentInodeDirectory.getId(), name, System.currentTimeMillis(), fileOptions);
            // Lock the created inode before subsequent operations, and add it to the lock group.
            lockList.lockWriteAndCheckNameAndParent(lastInode, currentInodeDirectory, name);
            if (currentInodeDirectory.isPinned()) {
                // Update set of pinned file ids.
    // we mark it as persisted.
    for (Inode<?> inode : toPersistDirectories) {
        MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(getPath(inode));
        String ufsUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
        UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
        MkdirsOptions mkdirsOptions = MkdirsOptions.defaults().setCreateParent(false).setOwner(inode.getOwner()).setGroup(inode.getGroup()).setMode(new Mode(inode.getMode()));
        if (ufs.isDirectory(ufsUri) || ufs.mkdirs(ufsUri, mkdirsOptions)) {
    // Extend the inodePath with the created inodes.
    LOG.debug("createFile: File Created: {} parent: {}", lastInode, currentInodeDirectory);
    return new CreatePathResult(modifiedInodes, createdInodes, existingNonPersisted);
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileAlreadyExistsException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException) MkdirsOptions(alluxio.underfs.options.MkdirsOptions) CreateDirectoryOptions(alluxio.master.file.options.CreateDirectoryOptions) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) CreateFileOptions(alluxio.master.file.options.CreateFileOptions) UnderFileSystem(alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem) Mode( BlockInfoException(alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 3 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class WebInterfaceBrowseServlet method doGet.

   * Populates attribute fields with data from the MasterInfo associated with this servlet. Errors
   * will be displayed in an error field. Debugging can be enabled to display additional data. Will
   * eventually redirect the request to a jsp.
   * @param request the {@link HttpServletRequest} object
   * @param response the {@link HttpServletResponse} object
   * @throws ServletException if the target resource throws this exception
   * @throws IOException if the target resource throws this exception
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    if (SecurityUtils.isSecurityEnabled() && AuthenticatedClientUser.get() == null) {
    request.setAttribute("debug", Configuration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.DEBUG));
    request.setAttribute("showPermissions", Configuration.getBoolean(PropertyKey.SECURITY_AUTHORIZATION_PERMISSION_ENABLED));
    request.setAttribute("masterNodeAddress", mMaster.getRpcAddress().toString());
    request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "");
    List<FileInfo> filesInfo;
    String requestPath = request.getParameter("path");
    if (requestPath == null || requestPath.isEmpty()) {
        requestPath = AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR;
    AlluxioURI currentPath = new AlluxioURI(requestPath);
    request.setAttribute("currentPath", currentPath.toString());
    request.setAttribute("viewingOffset", 0);
    try {
        long fileId = mMaster.getFileSystemMaster().getFileId(currentPath);
        FileInfo fileInfo = mMaster.getFileSystemMaster().getFileInfo(fileId);
        UIFileInfo currentFileInfo = new UIFileInfo(fileInfo);
        if (currentFileInfo.getAbsolutePath() == null) {
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(currentPath.toString());
        request.setAttribute("currentDirectory", currentFileInfo);
        request.setAttribute("blockSizeBytes", currentFileInfo.getBlockSizeBytes());
        if (!currentFileInfo.getIsDirectory()) {
            String offsetParam = request.getParameter("offset");
            long relativeOffset = 0;
            long offset;
            try {
                if (offsetParam != null) {
                    relativeOffset = Long.parseLong(offsetParam);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                relativeOffset = 0;
            String endParam = request.getParameter("end");
            // relative to the end of the file.
            if (endParam == null) {
                offset = relativeOffset;
            } else {
                offset = fileInfo.getLength() - relativeOffset;
            if (offset < 0) {
                offset = 0;
            } else if (offset > fileInfo.getLength()) {
                offset = fileInfo.getLength();
            try {
                displayFile(new AlluxioURI(currentFileInfo.getAbsolutePath()), request, offset);
            } catch (AlluxioException e) {
                throw new IOException(e);
            request.setAttribute("viewingOffset", offset);
            getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/viewFile.jsp").forward(request, response);
        setPathDirectories(currentPath, request);
        filesInfo = mMaster.getFileSystemMaster().listStatus(currentPath, ListStatusOptions.defaults().setLoadMetadataType(LoadMetadataType.Always));
    } catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: Invalid Path " + e.getMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: Invalid Path " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: File " + currentPath + " is not available " + e.getMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (AccessControlException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: File " + currentPath + " cannot be accessed " + e.getMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    List<UIFileInfo> fileInfos = new ArrayList<>(filesInfo.size());
    for (FileInfo fileInfo : filesInfo) {
        UIFileInfo toAdd = new UIFileInfo(fileInfo);
        try {
            if (!toAdd.getIsDirectory() && fileInfo.getLength() > 0) {
                FileBlockInfo blockInfo = mMaster.getFileSystemMaster().getFileBlockInfoList(new AlluxioURI(toAdd.getAbsolutePath())).get(0);
                List<String> locations = new ArrayList<>();
                // add the in-memory block locations
                for (BlockLocation location : blockInfo.getBlockInfo().getLocations()) {
                    WorkerNetAddress address = location.getWorkerAddress();
                    locations.add(address.getHost() + ":" + address.getDataPort());
                // add underFS locations
        } catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
            request.setAttribute("FileDoesNotExistException", "Error: non-existing file " + e.getMessage());
            getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
        } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
            request.setAttribute("InvalidPathException", "Error: invalid path " + e.getMessage());
            getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
        } catch (AccessControlException e) {
            request.setAttribute("AccessControlException", "Error: File " + currentPath + " cannot be accessed " + e.getMessage());
            getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    Collections.sort(fileInfos, UIFileInfo.PATH_STRING_COMPARE);
    request.setAttribute("nTotalFile", fileInfos.size());
    // URL can not determine offset and limit, let javascript in jsp determine and redirect
    if (request.getParameter("offset") == null && request.getParameter("limit") == null) {
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    try {
        int offset = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("offset"));
        int limit = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("limit"));
        List<UIFileInfo> sub = fileInfos.subList(offset, offset + limit);
        request.setAttribute("fileInfos", sub);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        request.setAttribute("fatalError", "Error: offset or limit parse error, " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        request.setAttribute("fatalError", "Error: offset or offset + limit is out of bound, " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        request.setAttribute("fatalError", e.getLocalizedMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AccessControlException(alluxio.exception.AccessControlException) IOException( FileBlockInfo(alluxio.wire.FileBlockInfo) BlockLocation(alluxio.wire.BlockLocation) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) FileInfo(alluxio.wire.FileInfo) WorkerNetAddress(alluxio.wire.WorkerNetAddress) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI) AlluxioException(alluxio.exception.AlluxioException)

Example 4 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class WebInterfaceDownloadServlet method doGet.

   * Prepares for downloading a file.
   * @param request the {@link HttpServletRequest} object
   * @param response the {@link HttpServletResponse} object
   * @throws ServletException if the target resource throws this exception
   * @throws IOException if the target resource throws this exception
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    if (SecurityUtils.isSecurityEnabled() && AuthenticatedClientUser.get() == null) {
    String requestPath = request.getParameter("path");
    if (requestPath == null || requestPath.isEmpty()) {
        requestPath = AlluxioURI.SEPARATOR;
    AlluxioURI currentPath = new AlluxioURI(requestPath);
    try {
        long fileId = mFsMaster.getFileId(currentPath);
        FileInfo fileInfo = mFsMaster.getFileInfo(fileId);
        if (fileInfo == null) {
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(currentPath.toString());
        downloadFile(new AlluxioURI(fileInfo.getPath()), request, response);
    } catch (FileDoesNotExistException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: Invalid Path " + e.getMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: Invalid Path " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
    } catch (AlluxioException e) {
        request.setAttribute("invalidPathError", "Error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/browse.jsp").forward(request, response);
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileInfo(alluxio.wire.FileInfo) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI) AlluxioException(alluxio.exception.AlluxioException)

Example 5 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method mountAndJournal.

   * Mounts a UFS path onto an Alluxio path.
   * <p>
   * Writes to the journal.
   * @param inodePath the Alluxio path to mount to
   * @param ufsPath the UFS path to mount
   * @param options the mount options
   * @param journalContext the journal context
   * @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
   * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the path to be mounted to already exists
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the parent of the path to be mounted to does not exist
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
   * @throws AccessControlException if the permission check fails
private void mountAndJournal(LockedInodePath inodePath, AlluxioURI ufsPath, MountOptions options, JournalContext journalContext) throws InvalidPathException, FileAlreadyExistsException, FileDoesNotExistException, IOException, AccessControlException {
    // Check that the Alluxio Path does not exist
    if (inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
        // TODO(calvin): Add a test to validate this (ALLUXIO-1831)
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.MOUNT_POINT_ALREADY_EXISTS.getMessage(inodePath.getUri()));
    mountInternal(inodePath, ufsPath, false, /* not replayed */
    boolean loadMetadataSucceeded = false;
    try {
        // This will create the directory at alluxioPath
        loadDirectoryMetadataAndJournal(inodePath, LoadMetadataOptions.defaults().setCreateAncestors(false), journalContext);
        loadMetadataSucceeded = true;
    } finally {
        if (!loadMetadataSucceeded) {
    // For proto, build a list of String pairs representing the properties map.
    Map<String, String> properties = options.getProperties();
    List<StringPairEntry> protoProperties = new ArrayList<>(properties.size());
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
    AddMountPointEntry addMountPoint = AddMountPointEntry.newBuilder().setAlluxioPath(inodePath.getUri().toString()).setUfsPath(ufsPath.toString()).setReadOnly(options.isReadOnly()).addAllProperties(protoProperties).setShared(options.isShared()).build();
    appendJournalEntry(JournalEntry.newBuilder().setAddMountPoint(addMountPoint).build(), journalContext);
Also used : AddMountPointEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.AddMountPointEntry) StringPairEntry(alluxio.proto.journal.File.StringPairEntry) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)


InvalidPathException (alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)82 AlluxioURI (alluxio.AlluxioURI)51 FileDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException)44 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 FileAlreadyExistsException (alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException)19 AccessControlException (alluxio.exception.AccessControlException)17 AlluxioException (alluxio.exception.AlluxioException)17 LockedInodePath (alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath)17 MountTable (alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable)14 UnderFileSystem (alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem)14 Inode (alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode)12 MountInfo (alluxio.master.file.meta.options.MountInfo)11 BlockInfoException (alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException)10 UnavailableException (alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException)9 LockResource (alluxio.resource.LockResource)9 DirectoryNotEmptyException (alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException)8 InodeDirectory (alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 URIStatus (alluxio.client.file.URIStatus)7