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Example 56 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method getFileInfoInternal.

   * @param inodePath the {@link LockedInodePath} to get the {@link FileInfo} for
   * @return the {@link FileInfo} for the given inode
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
   * @throws AccessControlException if permission denied
private FileInfo getFileInfoInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath) throws FileDoesNotExistException, AccessControlException {
    Inode<?> inode = inodePath.getInode();
    AlluxioURI uri = inodePath.getUri();
    FileInfo fileInfo = inode.generateClientFileInfo(uri.toString());
    if (inode instanceof InodeFile) {
        try {
        } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
            throw new FileDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage(), e);
    MountTable.Resolution resolution;
    try {
        resolution = mMountTable.resolve(uri);
    } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
        throw new FileDoesNotExistException(e.getMessage(), e);
    AlluxioURI resolvedUri = resolution.getUri();
    // Only set the UFS path if the path is nested under a mount point.
    if (!uri.equals(resolvedUri)) {
    return fileInfo;
Also used : FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileInfo(alluxio.wire.FileInfo) InodeFile(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeFile) MountTable(alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 57 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method reportLostFile.

   * Reports a file as lost.
   * @param fileId the id of the file
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if the file does not exist
// Currently used by Lineage Master
// TODO(binfan): Add permission checking for internal APIs
public void reportLostFile(long fileId) throws FileDoesNotExistException {
    try (LockedInodePath inodePath = mInodeTree.lockFullInodePath(fileId, InodeTree.LockMode.READ)) {
        Inode<?> inode = inodePath.getInode();
        if (inode.isDirectory()) {
            LOG.warn("Reported file is a directory {}", inode);
        List<Long> blockIds = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            for (FileBlockInfo fileBlockInfo : getFileBlockInfoListInternal(inodePath)) {
        } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
  "Failed to get file info {}", fileId, e);
        mBlockMaster.reportLostBlocks(blockIds);"Reported file loss of blocks {}. Alluxio will recompute it: {}", blockIds, fileId);
Also used : LockedInodePath(alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FileBlockInfo(alluxio.wire.FileBlockInfo) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)

Example 58 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method renameInternal.

   * Implements renaming.
   * @param srcInodePath the path of the rename source
   * @param dstInodePath the path to the rename destination
   * @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
   * @param options method options
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
   * @throws InvalidPathException if an invalid path is encountered
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error is encountered
private void renameInternal(LockedInodePath srcInodePath, LockedInodePath dstInodePath, boolean replayed, RenameOptions options) throws FileDoesNotExistException, InvalidPathException, IOException {
    // Rename logic:
    // 1. Change the source inode name to the destination name.
    // 2. Insert the source inode into the destination parent.
    // 3. Do UFS operations if necessary.
    // 4. Remove the source inode (reverting the name) from the source parent.
    // 5. Set the last modification times for both source and destination parent inodes.
    Inode<?> srcInode = srcInodePath.getInode();
    AlluxioURI srcPath = srcInodePath.getUri();
    AlluxioURI dstPath = dstInodePath.getUri();
    InodeDirectory srcParentInode = srcInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
    InodeDirectory dstParentInode = dstInodePath.getParentInodeDirectory();
    String srcName = srcPath.getName();
    String dstName = dstPath.getName();
    LOG.debug("Renaming {} to {}", srcPath, dstPath);
    // 1. Change the source inode name to the destination name.
    // 2. Insert the source inode into the destination parent.
    if (!dstParentInode.addChild(srcInode)) {
        // On failure, revert changes and throw exception.
        throw new InvalidPathException("Destination path: " + dstPath + " already exists.");
    // If the source file is persisted, rename it in the UFS.
    try {
        if (!replayed && srcInode.isPersisted()) {
            MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(srcPath);
            String ufsSrcPath = resolution.getUri().toString();
            UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
            String ufsDstUri = mMountTable.resolve(dstPath).getUri().toString();
            // Create ancestor directories from top to the bottom. We cannot use recursive create
            // parents here because the permission for the ancestors can be different.
            List<Inode<?>> dstInodeList = dstInodePath.getInodeList();
            Stack<Pair<String, MkdirsOptions>> ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions = new Stack<>();
            AlluxioURI curUfsDirPath = new AlluxioURI(ufsDstUri).getParent();
            // The dst inode does not exist yet, so the last inode in the list is the existing parent.
            for (int i = dstInodeList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (ufs.isDirectory(curUfsDirPath.toString())) {
                Inode<?> curInode = dstInodeList.get(i);
                MkdirsOptions mkdirsOptions = MkdirsOptions.defaults().setCreateParent(false).setOwner(curInode.getOwner()).setGroup(curInode.getGroup()).setMode(new Mode(curInode.getMode()));
                ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions.push(new Pair<>(curUfsDirPath.toString(), mkdirsOptions));
                curUfsDirPath = curUfsDirPath.getParent();
            while (!ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions.empty()) {
                Pair<String, MkdirsOptions> ufsDirAndPerm = ufsDirsToMakeWithOptions.pop();
                if (!ufs.mkdirs(ufsDirAndPerm.getFirst(), ufsDirAndPerm.getSecond())) {
                    throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.FAILED_UFS_CREATE.getMessage(ufsDirAndPerm.getFirst()));
            boolean success;
            if (srcInode.isFile()) {
                success = ufs.renameFile(ufsSrcPath, ufsDstUri);
            } else {
                success = ufs.renameDirectory(ufsSrcPath, ufsDstUri);
            if (!success) {
                throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.FAILED_UFS_RENAME.getMessage(ufsSrcPath, ufsDstUri));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // On failure, revert changes and throw exception.
        if (!dstParentInode.removeChild(dstName)) {
            LOG.error("Failed to revert rename changes. Alluxio metadata may be inconsistent.");
        throw e;
    // TODO(jiri): A crash between now and the time the rename operation is journaled will result in
    // an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
    // 4. Remove the source inode (reverting the name) from the source parent. The name must be
    // reverted or removeChild will not be able to find the appropriate child entry since it is
    // keyed on the original name.
    if (!srcParentInode.removeChild(srcInode)) {
        // This should never happen.
        LOG.error("Failed to rename {} to {} in Alluxio. Alluxio and under storage may be " + "inconsistent.", srcPath, dstPath);
        if (!dstParentInode.removeChild(dstName)) {
            LOG.error("Failed to revert changes when renaming {} to {}. Alluxio metadata may be " + "inconsistent.", srcPath, dstPath);
        throw new IOException("Failed to remove source path " + srcPath + " from parent");
    // 5. Set the last modification times for both source and destination parent inodes.
    // Note this step relies on setLastModificationTimeMs being thread safe to guarantee the
    // correct behavior when multiple files are being renamed within a directory.
Also used : MkdirsOptions(alluxio.underfs.options.MkdirsOptions) Mode( IOException( MountTable(alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) AlluxioException(alluxio.exception.AlluxioException) BlockInfoException(alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException) FileAlreadyExistsException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException) IOException( InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) AccessControlException(alluxio.exception.AccessControlException) InvalidFileSizeException(alluxio.exception.InvalidFileSizeException) FileDoesNotExistException(alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException) FileAlreadyCompletedException(alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyCompletedException) DirectoryNotEmptyException(alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException) UnexpectedAlluxioException(alluxio.exception.UnexpectedAlluxioException) Stack(java.util.Stack) InodeDirectory(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory) Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) UnderFileSystem(alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI) InodePathPair(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodePathPair) Pair(alluxio.collections.Pair)

Example 59 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class FileSystemMaster method deleteInternal.

   * Implements file deletion.
   * @param inodePath the file {@link LockedInodePath}
   * @param replayed whether the operation is a result of replaying the journal
   * @param opTimeMs the time of the operation
   * @param deleteOptions the method optitions
   * @throws FileDoesNotExistException if a non-existent file is encountered
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error is encountered
   * @throws InvalidPathException if the specified path is the root
   * @throws DirectoryNotEmptyException if recursive is false and the file is a nonempty directory
private void deleteInternal(LockedInodePath inodePath, boolean replayed, long opTimeMs, DeleteOptions deleteOptions) throws FileDoesNotExistException, IOException, DirectoryNotEmptyException, InvalidPathException {
    // journaled will result in an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
    if (!inodePath.fullPathExists()) {
    Inode<?> inode = inodePath.getInode();
    if (inode == null) {
    boolean recursive = deleteOptions.isRecursive();
    boolean alluxioOnly = deleteOptions.isAlluxioOnly();
    if (inode.isDirectory() && !recursive && ((InodeDirectory) inode).getNumberOfChildren() > 0) {
        // true
        throw new DirectoryNotEmptyException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_NONEMPTY_DIRECTORY_NONRECURSIVE, inode.getName());
    if (mInodeTree.isRootId(inode.getId())) {
        // The root cannot be deleted.
        throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_ROOT_DIRECTORY.getMessage());
    List<Inode<?>> delInodes = new ArrayList<>();
    try (InodeLockList lockList = mInodeTree.lockDescendants(inodePath, InodeTree.LockMode.WRITE)) {
        TempInodePathForDescendant tempInodePath = new TempInodePathForDescendant(inodePath);
        // file, we deal with the checkpoints and blocks as well.
        for (int i = delInodes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Inode<?> delInode = delInodes.get(i);
            // the path to delInode for getPath should already be locked.
            AlluxioURI alluxioUriToDel = mInodeTree.getPath(delInode);
            tempInodePath.setDescendant(delInode, alluxioUriToDel);
            // Currently, it will result in an inconsistency between Alluxio and UFS.
            if (!replayed && delInode.isPersisted()) {
                try {
                    // TODO(calvin): Add tests (ALLUXIO-1831)
                    if (mMountTable.isMountPoint(alluxioUriToDel)) {
                    } else {
                        // Delete the file in the under file system.
                        MountTable.Resolution resolution = mMountTable.resolve(alluxioUriToDel);
                        String ufsUri = resolution.getUri().toString();
                        UnderFileSystem ufs = resolution.getUfs();
                        boolean failedToDelete = false;
                        if (!alluxioOnly) {
                            if (delInode.isFile()) {
                                if (!ufs.deleteFile(ufsUri)) {
                                    failedToDelete = ufs.isFile(ufsUri);
                                    if (!failedToDelete) {
                                        LOG.warn("The file to delete does not exist in ufs: {}", ufsUri);
                            } else {
                                if (!ufs.deleteDirectory(ufsUri, alluxio.underfs.options.DeleteOptions.defaults().setRecursive(true))) {
                                    failedToDelete = ufs.isDirectory(ufsUri);
                                    if (!failedToDelete) {
                                        LOG.warn("The directory to delete does not exist in ufs: {}", ufsUri);
                            if (failedToDelete) {
                                LOG.error("Failed to delete {} from the under filesystem", ufsUri);
                                throw new IOException(ExceptionMessage.DELETE_FAILED_UFS.getMessage(ufsUri));
                } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
            if (delInode.isFile()) {
                // Remove corresponding blocks from workers and delete metadata in master.
                mBlockMaster.removeBlocks(((InodeFile) delInode).getBlockIds(), true);
            mInodeTree.deleteInode(tempInodePath, opTimeMs);
Also used : InodeLockList(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeLockList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DirectoryNotEmptyException(alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException) IOException( MountTable(alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException) InodeDirectory(alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory) Inode(alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode) TempInodePathForDescendant(alluxio.master.file.meta.TempInodePathForDescendant) UnderFileSystem(alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem) AlluxioURI(alluxio.AlluxioURI)

Example 60 with InvalidPathException

use of alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class InodeTree method traverseToInode.

   * Traverses the tree to find the given path components. Hints for the lock mode at each path
   * component can be specified.
   * @param pathComponents the components of the path to traverse
   * @param lockMode the {@link LockMode} for the path
   * @param lockHints optional {@link List} to specify the lock type for each path component; this
   *                  can be shorter than pathComponents
   * @return the {@link TraversalResult} for this traversal
   * @throws InvalidPathException if the path is invalid
private TraversalResult traverseToInode(String[] pathComponents, LockMode lockMode, List<LockMode> lockHints) throws InvalidPathException {
    List<Inode<?>> nonPersistedInodes = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Inode<?>> inodes = new ArrayList<>();
    InodeLockList lockList = new InodeLockList();
    // This must be set to true before returning a valid value, otherwise all the inodes will be
    // unlocked.
    boolean valid = false;
    try {
        if (pathComponents == null) {
            throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_COMPONENTS_INVALID.getMessage("null"));
        } else if (pathComponents.length == 0) {
            throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_COMPONENTS_INVALID.getMessage("empty"));
        } else if (pathComponents.length == 1) {
            if (pathComponents[0].equals("")) {
                if (getLockModeForComponent(0, pathComponents.length, lockMode, lockHints) == LockMode.READ) {
                } else {
                valid = true;
                return TraversalResult.createFoundResult(nonPersistedInodes, inodes, lockList);
            } else {
                throw new InvalidPathException(ExceptionMessage.PATH_COMPONENTS_INVALID_START.getMessage(pathComponents[0]));
        if (getLockModeForComponent(0, pathComponents.length, lockMode, lockHints) == LockMode.READ) {
        } else {
        TraversalResult result = traverseToInodeInternal(pathComponents, inodes, nonPersistedInodes, lockList, lockMode, lockHints);
        valid = true;
        return result;
    } finally {
        if (!valid) {
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvalidPathException(alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)


InvalidPathException (alluxio.exception.InvalidPathException)82 AlluxioURI (alluxio.AlluxioURI)51 FileDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException)44 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)25 FileAlreadyExistsException (alluxio.exception.FileAlreadyExistsException)19 AccessControlException (alluxio.exception.AccessControlException)17 AlluxioException (alluxio.exception.AlluxioException)17 LockedInodePath (alluxio.master.file.meta.LockedInodePath)17 MountTable (alluxio.master.file.meta.MountTable)14 UnderFileSystem (alluxio.underfs.UnderFileSystem)14 Inode (alluxio.master.file.meta.Inode)12 MountInfo (alluxio.master.file.meta.options.MountInfo)11 BlockInfoException (alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException)10 UnavailableException (alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException)9 LockResource (alluxio.resource.LockResource)9 DirectoryNotEmptyException (alluxio.exception.DirectoryNotEmptyException)8 InodeDirectory (alluxio.master.file.meta.InodeDirectory)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 URIStatus (alluxio.client.file.URIStatus)7