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Example 1 with ResourceExhaustedException

use of alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class MemoryPageStore method put.

public void put(PageId pageId, byte[] page) throws ResourceExhaustedException, IOException {
    PageId pageKey = getKeyFromPageId(pageId);
    try {
        byte[] mPage = new byte[page.length];
        System.arraycopy(page, 0, mPage, 0, page.length);
        mPageStoreMap.put(pageKey, mPage);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IOException("Failed to put cached data in memory for page " + pageId);
Also used : PageId(alluxio.client.file.cache.PageId) IOException( PageNotFoundException(alluxio.exception.PageNotFoundException) IOException( ResourceExhaustedException(alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException)

Example 2 with ResourceExhaustedException

use of alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class LocalCacheManager method putAttempt.

private PutResult putAttempt(PageId pageId, byte[] page, CacheContext cacheContext, boolean forcedToEvict) {
    LOG.debug("putInternal({},{} bytes) enters", pageId, page.length);
    PageInfo victimPageInfo = null;
    CacheScope scopeToEvict;
    ReadWriteLock pageLock = getPageLock(pageId);
    try (LockResource r = new LockResource(pageLock.writeLock())) {
        try (LockResource r2 = new LockResource(mMetaLock.writeLock())) {
            if (mMetaStore.hasPage(pageId)) {
                LOG.debug("{} is already inserted before", pageId);
                // TODO(binfan): we should return more informative result in the future
                return PutResult.OK;
            scopeToEvict = checkScopeToEvict(page.length, cacheContext.getCacheScope(), cacheContext.getCacheQuota(), forcedToEvict);
            if (scopeToEvict == null) {
                mMetaStore.addPage(pageId, new PageInfo(pageId, page.length, cacheContext.getCacheScope()));
            } else {
                if (mQuotaEnabled) {
                    victimPageInfo = ((QuotaMetaStore) mMetaStore).evict(scopeToEvict);
                } else {
                    victimPageInfo = mMetaStore.evict();
                if (victimPageInfo == null) {
                    LOG.error("Unable to find page to evict: space used {}, page length {}, cache size {}", mMetaStore.bytes(), page.length, mCacheSize);
                    return PutResult.OTHER;
        if (scopeToEvict == null) {
            try {
                mPageStore.put(pageId, page);
                // Bytes written to the cache
                return PutResult.OK;
            } catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) {
                LOG.error("Failed to add page {} to pageStore", pageId, e);
                return PutResult.NO_SPACE_LEFT;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Failed to add page {} to pageStore", pageId, e);
                return PutResult.OTHER;
    Pair<ReadWriteLock, ReadWriteLock> pageLockPair = getPageLockPair(pageId, victimPageInfo.getPageId());
    try (LockResource r1 = new LockResource(pageLockPair.getFirst().writeLock());
        LockResource r2 = new LockResource(pageLockPair.getSecond().writeLock())) {
        // metalock. Evictor will be updated inside metastore.
        try (LockResource r3 = new LockResource(mMetaLock.writeLock())) {
            if (mMetaStore.hasPage(pageId)) {
                return PutResult.OK;
            try {
            } catch (PageNotFoundException e) {
                LOG.debug("Page {} is unavailable to evict, likely due to a benign race", victimPageInfo.getPageId());
                return PutResult.BENIGN_RACING;
            // Check if we are able to insert page after evicting victim page
            scopeToEvict = checkScopeToEvict(page.length, cacheContext.getCacheScope(), cacheContext.getCacheQuota(), false);
            if (scopeToEvict == null) {
                mMetaStore.addPage(pageId, new PageInfo(pageId, page.length, cacheContext.getCacheScope()));
        // phase2: remove victim and add new page in pagestore
        // Regardless of enoughSpace, delete the victim as it has been removed from the metastore
        PageId victim = victimPageInfo.getPageId();
        try {
            // Bytes evicted from the cache
            // Errors when adding pages
        } catch (IOException | PageNotFoundException e) {
            if (scopeToEvict == null) {
                // Failed to evict page, remove new page from metastore as there will not be enough space
            LOG.error("Failed to delete page {} from pageStore", pageId, e);
            return PutResult.OTHER;
        if (scopeToEvict != null) {
            return PutResult.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_EVICTED;
        try {
            mPageStore.put(pageId, page);
            // Bytes written to the cache
            return PutResult.OK;
        } catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) {
            LOG.error("Failed to add page {} to pageStore", pageId, e);
            return PutResult.NO_SPACE_LEFT;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Failed to add page, remove new page from metastoree
            LOG.error("Failed to add page {} to pageStore", pageId, e);
            return PutResult.OTHER;
Also used : ResourceExhaustedException(alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException) PageNotFoundException(alluxio.exception.PageNotFoundException) LockResource(alluxio.resource.LockResource) ReentrantReadWriteLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock) ReadWriteLock(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock) IOException( CacheScope(alluxio.client.quota.CacheScope)

Example 3 with ResourceExhaustedException

use of alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class UfsFallbackLocalFileDataWriter method writeChunk.

public void writeChunk(ByteBuf chunk) throws IOException {
    if (mIsWritingToLocal) {
        long pos = mLocalFileDataWriter.pos();
        try {
            // chunk.refcount++ to ensure chunk not garbage-collected if writeChunk fails
            // chunk.refcount-- inside regardless of exception
            // chunk.refcount-- on success
        } catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) {
            LOG.warn("Fallback to write to UFS for block {} due to a failure of insufficient space " + "on the local worker: {}", mBlockId, e.toString());
            mIsWritingToLocal = false;
        try {
            if (pos == 0) {
                // Nothing has been written to temp block, we can cancel this failed local writer and
                // cleanup the temp block.
            } else {
                // Note that, we can not cancel mLocalFileDataWriter now as the cancel message may
                // arrive and clean the temp block before it is written to UFS.
            // Close the block writer. We do not close the mLocalFileDataWriter to prevent the worker
            // completes the block, commit it and remove it.
            // mLocalFileDataWriter.getWriter().close();
            mGrpcDataWriter = GrpcDataWriter.create(mContext, mWorkerNetAddress, mBlockId, mBlockSize, RequestType.UFS_FALLBACK_BLOCK, mOutStreamOptions);
            // when there is data already written.
            if (pos > 0) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // chunk.refcount-- on exception
            throw new IOException("Failed to switch to writing block " + mBlockId + " to UFS", e);
    // refcount-- inside to release chunk
Also used : ResourceExhaustedException(alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException) IOException( ResourceExhaustedException(alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException) IOException(

Example 4 with ResourceExhaustedException

use of alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class LocalCacheManagerTest method noSpaceLeftPageStorePut.

public void noSpaceLeftPageStorePut() throws Exception {
    LocalPageStore pageStore = new LocalPageStore(PageStoreOptions.create(mConf).toOptions()) {

        private long mFreeBytes = PAGE_SIZE_BYTES;

        public void delete(PageId pageId) throws IOException, PageNotFoundException {
            mFreeBytes += PAGE_SIZE_BYTES;

        public void put(PageId pageId, byte[] page) throws IOException {
            if (mFreeBytes < page.length) {
                throw new ResourceExhaustedException("No space left on device");
            mFreeBytes -= page.length;
            super.put(pageId, page);
    mCacheManager = createLocalCacheManager(mConf, mMetaStore, new TimeBoundPageStore(pageStore, mPageStoreOptions));
    assertTrue(mCacheManager.put(PAGE_ID1, PAGE1));
    // trigger evicting PAGE1
    assertTrue(mCacheManager.put(PAGE_ID2, PAGE2));
    assertEquals(0, mCacheManager.get(PAGE_ID1, PAGE1.length, mBuf, 0));
Also used : LocalPageStore( ResourceExhaustedException(alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with ResourceExhaustedException

use of alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException in project alluxio by Alluxio.

the class JobMasterTest method flowControl.

public void flowControl() throws Exception {
    PlanCoordinator coordinator = PowerMockito.mock(PlanCoordinator.class);
    when(PlanCoordinator.create(any(CommandManager.class), any(JobServerContext.class), anyList(), anyLong(), any(JobConfig.class), any(Consumer.class))).thenReturn(coordinator);
    TestPlanConfig jobConfig = new TestPlanConfig("/test");
    for (long i = 0; i < TEST_JOB_MASTER_JOB_CAPACITY; i++) {;
    try {;"should not be able to run more jobs than job master capacity");
    } catch (ResourceExhaustedException e) {
        Assert.assertEquals(ExceptionMessage.JOB_MASTER_FULL_CAPACITY.getMessage(ServerConfiguration.get(PropertyKey.JOB_MASTER_JOB_CAPACITY)), e.getMessage());
Also used : TestPlanConfig(alluxio.job.TestPlanConfig) ResourceExhaustedException(alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException) JobServerContext(alluxio.job.JobServerContext) CommandManager(alluxio.master.job.command.CommandManager) Consumer(java.util.function.Consumer) PlanCoordinator(alluxio.master.job.plan.PlanCoordinator) SleepJobConfig(alluxio.job.SleepJobConfig) JobConfig(alluxio.job.JobConfig) PrepareForTest(org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest) Test(org.junit.Test)


ResourceExhaustedException (alluxio.exception.status.ResourceExhaustedException)9 IOException ( PageNotFoundException (alluxio.exception.PageNotFoundException)3 JobConfig (alluxio.job.JobConfig)3 Test (org.junit.Test)3 JobDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.JobDoesNotExistException)2 JobServerContext (alluxio.job.JobServerContext)2 SleepJobConfig (alluxio.job.SleepJobConfig)2 TestPlanConfig (alluxio.job.TestPlanConfig)2 CommandManager (alluxio.master.job.command.CommandManager)2 AlluxioURI (alluxio.AlluxioURI)1 PageId (alluxio.client.file.cache.PageId)1 LocalPageStore ( CacheScope (alluxio.client.quota.CacheScope)1 ConcurrentHashSet (alluxio.collections.ConcurrentHashSet)1 BlockInfoException (alluxio.exception.BlockInfoException)1 FileDoesNotExistException (alluxio.exception.FileDoesNotExistException)1 UnavailableException (alluxio.exception.status.UnavailableException)1 PlanConfig (alluxio.job.plan.PlanConfig)1 PlanInfo (alluxio.job.plan.meta.PlanInfo)1