use of alluxio.worker.block.BlockMasterClient in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class RegisterWorkerBench method prepare.
public void prepare() throws Exception {
// The task ID is different for local and cluster executions
// So including that in the log can help associate the log to the run"Task ID is {}", mBaseParameters.mId);
mTierAliases = getTierAliases(mParameters.mTiers);
mCapacityMap = Maps.toMap(mTierAliases, (tier) -> CAPACITY);
mUsedMap = Maps.toMap(mTierAliases, (tier) -> 0L);
// Generate block IDs heuristically
Map<BlockStoreLocation, List<Long>> blockMap = RpcBenchPreparationUtils.generateBlockIdOnTiers(mParameters.mTiers);
BlockMasterClient client = new BlockMasterClient(MasterClientContext.newBuilder(ClientContext.create(mConf)).build());
mLocationBlockIdList = client.convertBlockListMapToProto(blockMap);
// done once, so skip preparation when running in job worker
if (!mBaseParameters.mDistributed) {
// Prepare these block IDs concurrently"Preparing blocks at the master");
RpcBenchPreparationUtils.prepareBlocksInMaster(blockMap);"Created all blocks at the master");
// Prepare worker IDs
int numWorkers = mParameters.mConcurrency;
mWorkerPool = RpcBenchPreparationUtils.prepareWorkerIds(client, numWorkers);
Preconditions.checkState(mWorkerPool.size() == numWorkers, "Expecting %s workers but registered %s", numWorkers, mWorkerPool.size());"Prepared worker IDs: {}", mWorkerPool);
use of alluxio.worker.block.BlockMasterClient in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class WorkerHeartbeatBench method prepare.
public void prepare() throws Exception {
// The task ID is different for local and cluster executions
// So including that in the log can help associate the log to the run"Task ID is {}", mBaseParameters.mId);
// Prepare block IDs to use for this test
// We prepare the IDs before test starts so each RPC does not waste time in the conversion
Map<BlockStoreLocation, List<Long>> blockMap = RpcBenchPreparationUtils.generateBlockIdOnTiers(mParameters.mTiers);
BlockMasterClient client = new BlockMasterClient(MasterClientContext.newBuilder(ClientContext.create(mConf)).build());
mLocationBlockIdList = client.convertBlockListMapToProto(blockMap);
// done once, so skip preparation when running in job worker
if (!mBaseParameters.mDistributed) {
// Prepare these block IDs concurrently"Preparing block IDs at the master");
RpcBenchPreparationUtils.prepareBlocksInMaster(blockMap);"Created all blocks at the master");
// Prepare simulated workers
int numWorkers = mParameters.mConcurrency;"Register {} simulated workers for the test", numWorkers);
mWorkerPool = RpcBenchPreparationUtils.prepareWorkerIds(client, numWorkers);
Preconditions.checkState(mWorkerPool.size() == numWorkers, "Expecting %s workers but registered %s", numWorkers, mWorkerPool.size());
RpcBenchPreparationUtils.registerWorkers(client, mWorkerPool);"All workers registered with the master {}", mWorkerPool);
use of alluxio.worker.block.BlockMasterClient in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class BlockWorkerDataReaderTest method before.
public void before() throws Exception {
BlockMasterClient blockMasterClient = mock(BlockMasterClient.class);
BlockMasterClientPool blockMasterClientPool = spy(new BlockMasterClientPool());
TieredBlockStore blockStore = new TieredBlockStore();
FileSystemMasterClient fileSystemMasterClient = mock(FileSystemMasterClient.class);
Sessions sessions = mock(Sessions.class);
// Connect to the real UFS for UFS read testing
UfsManager ufsManager = mock(UfsManager.class);
mRootUfs = ServerConfiguration.getString(PropertyKey.MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS);
UfsManager.UfsClient ufsClient = new UfsManager.UfsClient(() -> UnderFileSystem.Factory.create(mRootUfs, UnderFileSystemConfiguration.defaults(, new AlluxioURI(mRootUfs));
mBlockWorker = new DefaultBlockWorker(blockMasterClientPool, fileSystemMasterClient, sessions, blockStore, ufsManager);
URIStatus dummyStatus = new URIStatus(new FileInfo().setBlockIds(Collections.singletonList(BLOCK_ID)));
InStreamOptions options = new InStreamOptions(dummyStatus, FileSystemOptions.openFileDefaults(mConf), mConf);
mDataReaderFactory = new BlockWorkerDataReader.Factory(mBlockWorker, BLOCK_ID, CHUNK_SIZE, options);
use of alluxio.worker.block.BlockMasterClient in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class StreamRegisterWorkerBench method prepare.
public void prepare() throws Exception {
// The task ID is different for local and cluster executions
// So including that in the log can help associate the log to the run"Task ID is {}", mBaseParameters.mId);
mTierAliases = getTierAliases(mParameters.mTiers);
mCapacityMap = Maps.toMap(mTierAliases, (tier) -> CAPACITY);
mUsedMap = Maps.toMap(mTierAliases, (tier) -> 0L);
// Generate block IDs heuristically
Map<BlockStoreLocation, List<Long>> blockMap = RpcBenchPreparationUtils.generateBlockIdOnTiers(mParameters.mTiers);
BlockMasterClient client = new BlockMasterClient(MasterClientContext.newBuilder(ClientContext.create(mConf)).build());
mBlockMap = blockMap;
// done once, so skip preparation when running in job worker
if (!mBaseParameters.mDistributed) {
// Prepare these block IDs concurrently"Preparing blocks at the master");
RpcBenchPreparationUtils.prepareBlocksInMaster(blockMap);"Created all blocks at the master");
// Prepare worker IDs
int numWorkers = mParameters.mConcurrency;
mWorkerPool = RpcBenchPreparationUtils.prepareWorkerIds(client, numWorkers);
Preconditions.checkState(mWorkerPool.size() == numWorkers, "Expecting %s workers but registered %s", numWorkers, mWorkerPool.size());"Prepared worker IDs: {}", mWorkerPool);
use of alluxio.worker.block.BlockMasterClient in project alluxio by Alluxio.
the class RpcBenchPreparationUtils method prepareBlocksInMaster.
* Prepare all relevant block IDs on the master side concurrently.
* @param locToBlocks a map from block location to block IDs
public static void prepareBlocksInMaster(Map<BlockStoreLocation, List<Long>> locToBlocks) throws InterruptedException {
// Since the task is I/O bound, set concurrency set to 4x CPUs
int concurrency = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4;
// Partition the wanted block IDs to smaller jobs in order to utilize concurrency
List<List<Long>> jobs = new ArrayList<>();
long totalBlocks = 0;
for (Map.Entry<BlockStoreLocation, List<Long>> e : locToBlocks.entrySet()) {
List<Long> v = e.getValue();
totalBlocks += v.size();
jobs.addAll(Lists.partition(v, Math.min(v.size() / concurrency, 1_000)));
final long totalBlocksFinal = totalBlocks;"Split block ID generation into {} jobs", jobs.size());
for (List<Long> job : jobs) {
LOG.debug("Block ids: [{},{}]", job.get(0), job.get(job.size() - 1));
ExecutorService pool = ExecutorServiceFactories.fixedThreadPool("rpc-bench-prepare", concurrency).create();
long blockSize = sConf.getBytes(PropertyKey.USER_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES_DEFAULT);
CompletableFuture[] futures = new CompletableFuture[jobs.size()];
AtomicInteger progress = new AtomicInteger(0);
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) {
List<Long> job = jobs.get(i);
final int batchIndex = i;
final int batchSize = job.size();
CompletableFuture<Void> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync((Supplier<Void>) () -> {
BlockMasterClient client = new BlockMasterClient(MasterClientContext.newBuilder(ClientContext.create(sConf)).build());
for (Long blockId : job) {
try {
client.commitBlockInUfs(blockId, blockSize);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to commitBlockInUfs in batch {}, blockId={} total={}", batchIndex, blockId, totalBlocksFinal, e);
long finishedCount = progress.addAndGet(batchSize);"Generated {}th batch of {} blocks, {}% completed", batchIndex, batchSize, String.format("%.2f", 100.0 * finishedCount / totalBlocksFinal));
return null;
}, pool);
futures[i] = (future);
}"Collect all results");
try {
} finally {
pool.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);