use of alma.acs.algorithms.DataBinner.BinnedTimeValues in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class OrbProfilerStatisticsTest method testFinishedRequestBinning.
public void testFinishedRequestBinning() throws Exception {
OrbProfilerParser parser = new OrbProfilerParser(logger);
List<ProfilerMessage> messages = parser.parse(new File("hibernateCdbJDal-2011-09-12T153856.txt"));
OrbProfilerStatistics stat = new OrbProfilerStatistics(messages, logger);
List<TimeValue<Integer>> callsGetDao = stat.getFinishedRequests("get_DAO");
assertEquals(8415, callsGetDao.size());
// System.out.println("*** Last 10 get_DAO calls with response times in ms ***");
// for (int i = callsGetDao.size()-11; i < callsGetDao.size(); i++) {
// TimeValue call = callsGetDao.get(i);
// System.out.println(timeString(call.timeMillis) + "\t(=" + call.timeMillis + ")\t" + call.value);
// }
final int binIntervalMillis = 1000;
DataBinner binner = new DataBinner();
List<BinnedTimeValues<Integer>> binnedData = binner.binTimedData(callsGetDao, binIntervalMillis);
// System.out.println("*** Binned get_DAO calls per " + binIntervalMillis + " ms ***");
// for (BinnedTimeValues binnedTimeValues : binnedData) {
// // todo Calculate max or average
// String msg = timeString(binnedTimeValues.timeMillis) + '\t' + binnedTimeValues.binnedData.size(); // + '\t' + binnedTimeValues.binnedData;
// System.out.println(msg);
// }
// 4281 one-second bins
assertEquals(4281, binnedData.size());
// center time of first bin
assertEquals("2011-09-12T15:40:47.500", timeString(binnedData.get(0).timeMillis));
// first bin must have 3 calls
assertEquals(3, binnedData.get(0).binnedData.size());
// first call in first bin
assertEquals("2011-09-12T15:40:47.605", timeString(binnedData.get(0).binnedData.get(0).timeMillis));
// center time of second bin
assertEquals("2011-09-12T15:40:48.500", timeString(binnedData.get(1).timeMillis));
// second bin must have 4 calls
assertEquals(4, binnedData.get(1).binnedData.size());
// center time of third bin
assertEquals("2011-09-12T15:40:49.500", timeString(binnedData.get(2).timeMillis));
// third bin must be empty
assertEquals(0, binnedData.get(2).binnedData.size());
use of alma.acs.algorithms.DataBinner.BinnedTimeValues in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class CdbCallStatistics method getCallFrequency.
* @param operationName Can be null, to use calls to all operations.
public void getCallFrequency(String operationName) throws FileNotFoundException {
OrbProfilerStatistics stat = new OrbProfilerStatistics(messages, logger);
final int binIntervalMillis = 1000;
List<TimeValue<Integer>> allCalls = stat.getFinishedRequests(operationName);
DataBinner binner = new DataBinner();
List<BinnedTimeValues<Integer>> binnedAllCalls = binner.binTimedData(allCalls, binIntervalMillis);
String outFileName = getFileNameBase() + "_callFrequency" + (operationName != null ? operationName : "") + ".txt";
File outFile = new File(outFileName);
PrintStream pr = new PrintStream(outFile);
pr.println("time" + delim + "#calls/s" + delim + "duration max" + delim + "duration average");
for (BinnedTimeValues<Integer> binnedTimeValues : binnedAllCalls) {
List<TimeValue<Integer>> timeValuesPerBin = binnedTimeValues.binnedData;
DescriptiveStatistics callTimeStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
for (TimeValue<Integer> timeValue : timeValuesPerBin) {
// or timeValuesPerBin.size();
long numCallsPerBin = callTimeStats.getN();
pr.println(timeString(binnedTimeValues.timeMillis) + delim + numCallsPerBin + delim + (numCallsPerBin > 0 ? df2.format(callTimeStats.getMax()) : 0) + delim + (numCallsPerBin > 0 ? df2.format(callTimeStats.getMean()) : 0));
pr.close();"Wrote " + outFile.getAbsolutePath());
use of alma.acs.algorithms.DataBinner.BinnedTimeValues in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class ManagerStdoutParserTest method testParseManagerOutput.
public void testParseManagerOutput() throws Exception, ParseException {
String fileName = "sampleOutput/acsManager_2012-03-20_16.48.20.642";
ManagerStdoutParser parser = new ManagerStdoutParser(logger);
List<ComponentRequest> requests = parser.parse(new File(fileName));
// to select only logs between these two timestamps
long t0 = IsoDateFormat.parseIsoTimestamp("2011-11-13T20:47:17.328").getTime();
long t1 = IsoDateFormat.parseIsoTimestamp("2011-11-13T21:29:48.314").getTime();
List<TimeValue<ComponentRequest>> data = new ArrayList<TimeValue<ComponentRequest>>();
for (ComponentRequest r : requests) {
// if (r.timeRequested >= t0 && r.timeRequested <= t1) {
data.add(new TimeValue<ComponentRequest>(r.timeRequested, r));
System.out.println(toISO(r.timeRequested) + ", " + (r.timeProvided - r.timeRequested) + ", " + r.key.curl.substring(8) + ", " + r.key.clientName);
// }
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
int binIntervalSec = 5;
DataBinner binner = new DataBinner();
List<BinnedTimeValues<ComponentRequest>> binned = binner.binTimedData(data, binIntervalSec * 1000);
// System.out.println("Time interval\t#Requests by 'Python Client'/" + binIntervalSec +
// "s\t#Requests by other clients/" + binIntervalSec + "s" + "\t" + "Average response time/ms");
System.out.println("Time interval\t#Requests/" + binIntervalSec + "s interval\tAverage response time/ms");
for (BinnedTimeValues<ComponentRequest> binnedTimeValues : binned) {
long timeCurrentBin = binnedTimeValues.timeMillis;
List<TimeValue<ComponentRequest>> valuesCurrentBin = binnedTimeValues.binnedData;
int numCallsPythonClient = 0;
int numCallsOtherClients = 0;
DescriptiveStatistics callTimeStats = new DescriptiveStatistics();
for (TimeValue<ComponentRequest> timeValue : valuesCurrentBin) {
ComponentRequest r = timeValue.value;
if (r.key.clientName.equals("Python Client")) {
} else {
// duration in ms
callTimeStats.addValue(r.timeProvided - r.timeRequested);
System.out.println(toISO(timeCurrentBin) + "\t" + (numCallsPythonClient + numCallsOtherClients) + "\t" + df.format(callTimeStats.getMean()));