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Example 1 with UnresolvableException

use of alma.acs.commandcenter.util.VariableString.UnresolvableException in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class CommandCenterGui method addExtraTool.

	 * Adds an entry to the tools menu, on activation an input dialog is shown and
	 * evaluated. Finally the specified listener is triggered.
public void addExtraTool(Tool tool, final HashMap<String, Object> result, final ExecuteTools.ToolStarter ts) {
    // --- create an input dialog
    final ToolInputPanel tp = new ToolInputPanel(this, tool);
    // --- create an action that shows the input panel (if needed) and runs the tool
    // make up the pretty names to show in the gui 
    final String cap = tool.getCaption();
    // menu text: append three dots if user has to give input
    String menuCaption = (tp.counter == 0) ? cap : cap + "...";
    // tab text: shorten if too long 
    final String tabCaption = (cap.length() < 15) ? cap : cap.substring(0, 8) + "..." + cap.substring(cap.length() - 4);
    Action a = new AbstractAction(menuCaption) {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            // only show if panel contains more than zero lines
            if (tp.counter > 0) {
                boolean ok = tp.showPanel();
                if (!ok) {
                    // user cancelled the dialog
                // read results from dialog
                Map<String, String> map = tp.evaluate();
            NativeCommand.Listener listener = giveOutputListener(tabCaption);
            try {
            } catch (UnresolvableException exc) {
                String var = exc.getVariableName();
                log.log(Level.INFO, "Couldn't start tool '" + cap + "': Variable '" + var + "' is undefined");
            } catch (Throwable t) {
      "Couldn't start tool '" + cap + "', check definition file; reason was: " + t);
    // append the action to the tools menu
    JMenuItem mi = toolsMenu.add(a);
Also used : AbstractAction(javax.swing.AbstractAction) Action(javax.swing.Action) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) NativeCommand(alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.NativeCommand) UnresolvableException(alma.acs.commandcenter.util.VariableString.UnresolvableException) JMenuItem(javax.swing.JMenuItem) AbstractAction(javax.swing.AbstractAction)


NativeCommand (alma.acs.commandcenter.engine.NativeCommand)1 UnresolvableException (alma.acs.commandcenter.util.VariableString.UnresolvableException)1 ActionEvent (java.awt.event.ActionEvent)1 AbstractAction (javax.swing.AbstractAction)1 Action (javax.swing.Action)1 JMenuItem (javax.swing.JMenuItem)1