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Example 1 with ComponentQueryDescriptor

use of alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ContainerServicesImpl method getCollocatedComponent.

public org.omg.CORBA.Object getCollocatedComponent(String compUrl, String targetCompUrl) throws AcsJContainerServicesEx {
    if (compUrl == null) {
        AcsJBadParameterEx cause = new AcsJBadParameterEx();
        throw new AcsJContainerServicesEx(cause);
    if (targetCompUrl == null) {
        AcsJBadParameterEx cause = new AcsJBadParameterEx();
        throw new AcsJContainerServicesEx(cause);
    ComponentQueryDescriptor cqd = new ComponentQueryDescriptor(compUrl, null);
    return getCollocatedComponent(cqd, false, targetCompUrl);
Also used : AcsJBadParameterEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJBadParameterEx) ComponentQueryDescriptor(alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor) AcsJContainerServicesEx(alma.JavaContainerError.wrappers.AcsJContainerServicesEx)

Example 2 with ComponentQueryDescriptor

use of alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ContainerServicesTesterImpl method testGetDynamicDummyComponent.

	 * @see alma.jconttest.ContainerServicesTesterOperations#testGetDynamicDummyComponent(org.omg.CORBA.StringHolder)
public boolean testGetDynamicDummyComponent(StringHolder compName) {
    boolean ret = false;
    try {
        ComponentQueryDescriptor compQueryDesc = new ComponentQueryDescriptor();
        //			compQueryDesc.setComponentName(ComponentQueryDescriptor.ANY);
        org.omg.CORBA.Object compObj = m_containerServices.getDynamicComponent(compQueryDesc, false);
        DummyComponent dummyComp = alma.jconttest.DummyComponentHelper.narrow(compObj);
        // return the name that was dynamically assigned
        compName.value =;"received dynamic instance of " + DummyComponentHelper.DUMMYCOMPONENT_CORBATYPE);
        // now check the component descriptor
        ComponentDescriptor compDesc = m_containerServices.getComponentDescriptor(compName.value);"Component data: " + compDesc.toString());
        ret = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // todo: IDL ex
        // prevent CORBA marshalling ex
        compName.value = "!!!failed!!!";
    return ret;
Also used : DummyComponent(alma.jconttest.DummyComponent) ComponentDescriptor(alma.acs.component.ComponentDescriptor) ComponentQueryDescriptor(alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor)

Example 3 with ComponentQueryDescriptor

use of alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class AcsCorbaTestWithContainer method _testComponentPOALifecycle.

	 * @param destroyWhileBusy
	 * @param iterations
	 * @throws Exception
private void _testComponentPOALifecycle(boolean destroyWhileBusy, int iterations) throws Exception {
    // times in milliseconds
    final int remoteCallDurationMin = (destroyWhileBusy ? 2000 : 0);
    final int callOverheadMax = 600;
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {"Will create, use and destroy component instance #" + i);
        org.omg.CORBA.Object compObj = getContainerServices().getDynamicComponent(new ComponentQueryDescriptor(null, DUMMYCOMP_TYPENAME), false);
        dummyComponent = DummyComponentHelper.narrow(compObj);
        String compName =;
        exceptionInThread = null;
        // make CORBA calls to the component, and have it destroyed
        if (destroyWhileBusy) {
            Runnable compMethodCallRunnable = new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        m_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Async client call 'dummyComponent#callThatTakesSomeTime' failed with exception.", ex);
                        exceptionInThread = ex;
  "Will release component while active request is still running.");
            (new Thread(compMethodCallRunnable)).start();
            // Sleep a bit so that we are sure the component method 'callThatTakesSomeTime' is executing (=sleeping).
            // TODO: use proper synchronization to wait until dymmyComponent has received the call to 'callThatTakesSomeTime'
            // this could be done using ACS callbacks.
        } else {
        // we expect the releaseComponent call to take some time, because the container must wait for the 
        // currently active call to finish before the component can be unloaded.
        // Without any call and container overhead, the component is busy already for as long as we slept (=callOverheadMax).
        // In that case we should measure timeReleaseCompCall == remoteCallDurationMin-callOverheadMax.
        // Any overhead in the 'callThatTakesSomeTime' and the return of 'releaseComponent' only increases the measured timeReleaseCompCall.
        // When running the test, we still see occasional failures of returning a few milliseconds too early.
        // 2012-06-13: Assuming that these errors come from granularity issues with the timer and that measuring nanoseconds 
        // will improve this situation, we change from System.currentTimeMillis diffs to using System.nanoTime().
        long timeBeforeRelease = System.nanoTime();
        int timeReleaseCompCallMillis = (int) ((System.nanoTime() - timeBeforeRelease) / 1000000);
        int timeReleaseCompCallMillisExpectedMin = remoteCallDurationMin - callOverheadMax;
        int timeReleaseCompCallMillisExpectedMax = timeReleaseCompCallMillisExpectedMin + 2 * callOverheadMax;
        if (destroyWhileBusy) {
            assertTrue("Releasing component '" + compName + "' took " + timeReleaseCompCallMillis + " ms, when between " + timeReleaseCompCallMillisExpectedMin + " ms and " + timeReleaseCompCallMillisExpectedMax + " were expected.", timeReleaseCompCallMillis >= remoteCallDurationMin - callOverheadMax && timeReleaseCompCallMillis <= timeReleaseCompCallMillisExpectedMax);
        if (exceptionInThread != null) {
            fail("asynchronous component call number " + i + " (callThatTakesSomeTime) failed: " + exceptionInThread.toString());
Also used : ComponentQueryDescriptor(alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor)

Example 4 with ComponentQueryDescriptor

use of alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class AcsCorbaTestWithContainer method testParallelCalls.

public void testParallelCalls() throws Exception {
    org.omg.CORBA.Object compObj = getContainerServices().getDynamicComponent(new ComponentQueryDescriptor(null, DUMMYCOMP_TYPENAME), false);
    dummyComponent = DummyComponentHelper.narrow(compObj);
    String compName =;
    exceptionInThread = null;
    // run a call to 'callThatTakesSomeTime' from a client thread
    Runnable compMethodCallRunnable = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                m_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Async client call 'dummyComponent#callThatTakesSomeTime' failed with exception.", ex);
                exceptionInThread = ex;
    (new Thread(compMethodCallRunnable)).start();
    // now run another call from the main thread
    // just to make sure the first call is out
    // some other parallel call that uses ContainerServices
    getContainerServices().getDynamicComponent(new ComponentQueryDescriptor(null, DUMMYCOMP_TYPENAME), false);
    assertNull("got an exception in the first of two calls", exceptionInThread);
Also used : ComponentQueryDescriptor(alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor)

Example 5 with ComponentQueryDescriptor

use of alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ContainerServicesTesterImpl method testGetCollocatedComponent.

public void testGetCollocatedComponent(String curl, String compType, String targetCurl) throws CouldntPerformActionEx {
    String msg = "component '" + curl + "' of type '" + compType + "' collocated with '" + targetCurl + "'";"Received call to testGetCollocatedComponent for " + msg);
    try {
        ComponentQueryDescriptor cqd = new ComponentQueryDescriptor(curl, compType);
        org.omg.CORBA.Object compObj = m_containerServices.getCollocatedComponent(cqd, false, targetCurl);
        if (compObj == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Got null reference for " + msg);
        // curl could be given as "*" or null for dynamic name assignment, therefore we ask the name() from the component
    } catch (Throwable thr) {
        throw (new AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx("testGetCollocatedComponent failed for " + msg, thr)).toCouldntPerformActionEx();
Also used : AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx(alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx) ComponentQueryDescriptor(alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor)


ComponentQueryDescriptor (alma.acs.component.ComponentQueryDescriptor)5 AcsJBadParameterEx (alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJBadParameterEx)1 AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx (alma.ACSErrTypeCommon.wrappers.AcsJCouldntPerformActionEx)1 AcsJContainerServicesEx (alma.JavaContainerError.wrappers.AcsJContainerServicesEx)1 ComponentDescriptor (alma.acs.component.ComponentDescriptor)1 DummyComponent (alma.jconttest.DummyComponent)1