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Example 16 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class LogThrottleTest method _testRealLogs.

public void _testRealLogs(int numLoops) {
    // instead of usual static method getAcsLogManager()
    TestClientLogManager clientLogManager = new TestClientLogManager();
    Logger logger = clientLogManager.getLoggerForApplication(getName(), true);
    LogConfig logConfig = clientLogManager.getLogConfig();
    AcsLogLevelDefinition remoteLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.CRITICAL;
    // the set of all levels used for ACS java logging (omitting JDK levels that have the same numerical value as a matching ACS level)
    Set<Level> levels = new HashSet<Level>();
    for (AcsLogLevelDefinition levelEnum : AcsLogLevelDefinition.values()) {
        if (levelEnum != AcsLogLevelDefinition.OFF) {
    levels.addAll(Arrays.asList(new Level[] { Level.FINEST, Level.FINER, Level.FINE, Level.INFO, Level.WARNING, Level.SEVERE }));
    int numLoggableRemoteLevels = 1;
    AcsLogLevelDefinition tmpLevel = remoteLevel;
    while (tmpLevel.getNextHigherLevel() != null) {
        tmpLevel = tmpLevel.getNextHigherLevel();
    int expectedNumberOfLocalLogs = levels.size();
    int expectedNumberOfRemoteLogs = Math.min(expectedNumberOfLocalLogs, numLoggableRemoteLevels * numLoops);
    // set throttle so that every log level should be logged once
    System.out.println("Will log a burst of " + levels.size() * numLoops + " messages of various levels, setting the throttle to " + expectedNumberOfLocalLogs + " logs per second.");
    System.out.println("For stdout logs (level = TRACE) we expect " + expectedNumberOfLocalLogs + " logs, while for remote logs " + "(level = " + + ") we expect " + expectedNumberOfRemoteLogs + " logs.");
    for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++) {
        for (Level level : levels) {
            logger.log(level, "test message with level " + level.getName());
    // verify the number of actual local logs
    assertEquals("Each log level should have produced only one local log.", expectedNumberOfLocalLogs, clientLogManager.getNumberLocalLogs());
    // The way this is constructed, the throttle should be active if numLoops > 1. 
    // Since no alarms are configured, we expect one warning log about the failure to raise a throttle alarm.
    int expectedAlarmErrorLogs = (numLoops > 1 ? 1 : 0);
    assertEquals("Bad number of throttle alarm error log(s)", expectedAlarmErrorLogs, clientLogManager.getNumberLocalThrottleAlarmErrorLogs());
    int numUserRemoteLogs = 0;
    for (LogRecord logRecord : clientLogManager.testLogQueue.logRecords) {
        if (!logRecord.getMessage().startsWith("Changed processName=")) {
    assertEquals("Wrong number of remote logs", expectedNumberOfRemoteLogs, numUserRemoteLogs);
Also used : LogRecord(java.util.logging.LogRecord) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition) Level(java.util.logging.Level) Logger(java.util.logging.Logger) LogConfig(alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 17 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ClientLogManagerTest method testConfigureApplicationLogger.

	 * As of ACS 8.1.0, it is not possible to configure application loggers via the CDB.
	 * This test demonstrates how to do it programmatically, as a workaround.
public void testConfigureApplicationLogger() {
    LogConfig sharedLogConfig = clientLogManager.getLogConfig();
    // Set default log levels before creating the application logger
    AcsLogLevelDefinition localLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.WARNING;
    AcsLogLevelDefinition remoteLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.CRITICAL;
    // get the logger
    AcsLogger applLogger = clientLogManager.getLoggerForApplication("testApplicationLogger", true);
    // verify levels set on handlers
    assertLogLevels(applLogger, localLevel, remoteLevel);
    // change the default log levels
    localLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.INFO;
    remoteLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.TRACE;
    assertLogLevels(applLogger, localLevel, remoteLevel);
    assertLogLevels(applLogger, localLevel, remoteLevel);
Also used : AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition) LogConfig(alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig)

Example 18 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class LogConfigTest method testDefaultValues.

	 * Tests the config values returned from {@link LogConfig} 
	 * with at most env vars for default levels being set (can be enforced by TAT!),
	 * but without CDB or other information being considered.
	 * <p>
	 * Also asserts that none of these calls return the original object, 
	 * but instead a copy of it. This indirectly exercises the equals method.
public void testDefaultValues() throws Exception {"============ Running testDefaultValues ============");
    assertEquals("Log", logConfig.getCentralizedLogger());
    assertEquals(100, logConfig.getDispatchPacketSize());
    LoggingConfig schemaDefaults = new LoggingConfig();
    // We verify that the castor-generated class actually has the current schema defaults.
    // These values must be adjusted when the schema is changed.
    // In that case also the values in the simulated CDB's xml might have to be changed
    // in order to still be different from the default values.
    // 0 named loggers
    assertEquals(0, schemaDefaults.getCount());
    assertEquals(100, schemaDefaults.getDispatchPacketSize());
    assertEquals(10, schemaDefaults.getFlushPeriodSeconds());
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_10, schemaDefaults.getImmediateDispatchLevel());
    assertEquals(1000, schemaDefaults.getMaxLogQueueSize());
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_2, schemaDefaults.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_2, schemaDefaults.getMinLogLevel());
    assertEquals("Log", schemaDefaults.getCentralizedLogger());
    AcsLogLevelDefinition defaultMinLogLevelLocal = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(schemaDefaults.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    // but if env vars are set, we may have different default levels
    if (PROP_ACS_LOG_STDOUT != null) {
        defaultMinLogLevelLocal = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromInteger(PROP_ACS_LOG_STDOUT.intValue());"Using default stdout level from env var: " + defaultMinLogLevelLocal);
    } else {"No env var setting found for " + LogConfig.PROPERTYNAME_MIN_LOG_LEVEL_LOCAL);
    AcsLogLevelDefinition defaultMinLogLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(schemaDefaults.getMinLogLevel());
    Integer PROP_ACS_LOG_REMOTE = Integer.getInteger(LogConfig.PROPERTYNAME_MIN_LOG_LEVEL);
    if (PROP_ACS_LOG_REMOTE != null) {
        defaultMinLogLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromInteger(PROP_ACS_LOG_REMOTE.intValue());"Using default remote level from env var: " + defaultMinLogLevelLocal);
    } else {"No env var setting found for " + LogConfig.PROPERTYNAME_MIN_LOG_LEVEL);
    // our logConfig should give the correct default values, coming from schema or env var
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevelLocal, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevelLocal());
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevel, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevel());
    // Check default data other than log levels
    assertEquals(schemaDefaults.getCentralizedLogger(), logConfig.getCentralizedLogger());
    assertEquals(schemaDefaults.getImmediateDispatchLevel(), logConfig.getImmediateDispatchLevel().toXsdLevel());
    assertEquals(schemaDefaults.getDispatchPacketSize(), logConfig.getDispatchPacketSize());
    assertEquals(schemaDefaults.getFlushPeriodSeconds(), logConfig.getFlushPeriodSeconds());
    // Get log levels for not existing named loggers, which should result in the default log levels being used
    UnnamedLogger namedLogConfig1 = logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig(null);
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevel, AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(namedLogConfig1.getMinLogLevel()));
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevelLocal, AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(namedLogConfig1.getMinLogLevelLocal()));
    UnnamedLogger namedLogConfig2 = logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig("nonExistingLogger");
    assertNotSame(namedLogConfig1, namedLogConfig2);
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevel, AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(namedLogConfig2.getMinLogLevel()));
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevelLocal, AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(namedLogConfig2.getMinLogLevelLocal()));
Also used : UnnamedLogger(alma.maci.loggingconfig.UnnamedLogger) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition) LoggingConfig(alma.maci.loggingconfig.LoggingConfig)

Example 19 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class LogConfigTest method testCDBValues.

	 * Tests logging config from the CDB, for both cases
	 * (a) that env vars beat CDB settings e.g. for normal CDB reading,
	 * (b) that CDB beats env vars e.g. during a refresh from CDB triggered via LoggingConfigurable API. 
public void testCDBValues() throws Exception {"============ Running testCDBValues ============");
    // we simulate an ACS_LOG_STDOUT env var setting
    String ACS_LOG_STDOUT = "" + AcsLogLevelDefinition.EMERGENCY.value;
    assertFalse("Fix this test to chose a different env var than the default", ACS_LOG_STDOUT.equals(ACS_LOG_STDOUT_ORIGINAL));
    System.setProperty(LogConfig.PROPERTYNAME_MIN_LOG_LEVEL_LOCAL, ACS_LOG_STDOUT);"Set property (env var) for local default level to " + ACS_LOG_STDOUT);
    // and remove any possibly present property from env var ACS_LOG_CENTRAL
    System.clearProperty(LogConfig.PROPERTYNAME_MIN_LOG_LEVEL);"Removed property (env var) for remote default level");
    // the schema defaults as reference
    LoggingConfig schemaDefaults = new LoggingConfig();
    AcsLogLevelDefinition defaultMinLogLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(schemaDefaults.getMinLogLevel());
    AcsLogLevelDefinition defaultMinLogLevelLocal = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(schemaDefaults.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    // before we read the CDB, let's verify that the env var and default log levels are correct
    assertEquals(defaultMinLogLevel, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevel());
    assertEquals(AcsLogLevelDefinition.EMERGENCY, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevelLocal());
    // the simulated test CDB to configure our loggers from
    String cdbContainerPath = "MACI/Containers/frodoContainer";
    String frodoContainerXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?> " + "<Container xmlns=\"urn:schemas-cosylab-com:Container:1.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:log=\"urn:schemas-cosylab-com:LoggingConfig:1.0\">" + "<LoggingConfig " + " minLogLevel=\"4\" " + " minLogLevelLocal=\"3\" " + " centralizedLogger=\"LogForFrodo\" " + " maxLogQueueSize=\"200\" " + " immediateDispatchLevel=\"8\" " + " dispatchPacketSize=\"33\" " + " >" + "<log:_ Name=\"MyMuteComponent\" minLogLevel=\"5\" minLogLevelLocal=\"6\" />" + "</LoggingConfig>" + "</Container>";
    TestCDB testCDB = new TestCDB();
    testCDB.addCurlToXmlMapping(cdbContainerPath, frodoContainerXml);
    // first the normal case where the env var default level beats the CDB default level
    assertEquals("CDB must beat schema default", AcsLogLevelDefinition.INFO, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevel());
    assertEquals("Env var must beat CDB", AcsLogLevelDefinition.EMERGENCY, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevelLocal());
    assertEquals("LogForFrodo", logConfig.getCentralizedLogger());
    assertSame(AcsLogLevelDefinition.ERROR, logConfig.getImmediateDispatchLevel());
    assertEquals(33, logConfig.getDispatchPacketSize());
    assertEquals(200, logConfig.getMaxLogQueueSize());
    Set<String> loggerNames = logConfig.getLoggerNames();
    assertEquals(1, loggerNames.size());
    // was not in CDB, thus default should be used
    assertEquals(schemaDefaults.getFlushPeriodSeconds(), logConfig.getFlushPeriodSeconds());
    // next the special case of CDB refresh via dynamic API, where the CDB beats the env var default levels
    assertSame("CDB must beat schema default", AcsLogLevelDefinition.INFO, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevel());
    assertSame("CDB must beat env var", AcsLogLevelDefinition.DEBUG, logConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevelLocal());
    assertEquals("LogForFrodo", logConfig.getCentralizedLogger());
    assertSame(AcsLogLevelDefinition.ERROR, logConfig.getImmediateDispatchLevel());
    assertEquals(33, logConfig.getDispatchPacketSize());
    assertEquals(200, logConfig.getMaxLogQueueSize());
    loggerNames = logConfig.getLoggerNames();
    assertEquals(1, loggerNames.size());
    // was not in CDB, thus default should be used
    assertEquals(schemaDefaults.getFlushPeriodSeconds(), logConfig.getFlushPeriodSeconds());
    UnnamedLogger myMuteloggerConfig = logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig("MyMuteComponent");
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_5, myMuteloggerConfig.getMinLogLevel());
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_6, myMuteloggerConfig.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    // Test logger configuration given in the CDB separately for a component in the Components.xml file, not with the rest of LoggingConfig in the Container xml.
    String separateConfigComponent1 = "testComp1";
    String separateConfigComponent2 = "testComp2";
    String componentsXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?> " + "<Components xmlns=\"urn:schemas-cosylab-com:Components:1.0\" xmlns:xsi=\"\"> " + createComponentsCdbXml(separateConfigComponent1, "IDL_TYPE_1", "some.class1", "zampaione", true, 2, 8) + createComponentsCdbXml(separateConfigComponent2, "IDL_TYPE_2", "some.class2", "zampaione", true, 5, 6) + "</Components>";"componentsXml = " + componentsXml);
    String cdbComponentsPath = "MACI/Components";
    testCDB.addCurlToXmlMapping(cdbComponentsPath, componentsXml);
    logConfig.setCDBComponentPath(separateConfigComponent1, cdbComponentsPath);
    logConfig.setCDBComponentPath(separateConfigComponent2, cdbComponentsPath);
    loggerNames = logConfig.getLoggerNames();
    //		assertEquals(2, loggerNames.size());
    //		assertTrue(loggerNames.contains(separateConfigComponent1));
    //		assertTrue(loggerNames.contains(separateConfigComponent2));
    UnnamedLogger separateConfig1 = logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig(separateConfigComponent1);
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_2, separateConfig1.getMinLogLevel());
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_8, separateConfig1.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    UnnamedLogger separateConfig2 = logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig(separateConfigComponent2);
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_5, separateConfig2.getMinLogLevel());
    assertEquals(LogLevel.VALUE_6, separateConfig2.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    // restore env vars (probably not necessary)
    if (ACS_LOG_STDOUT_ORIGINAL != null) {
    if (ACS_LOG_REMOTE_ORIGINAL != null) {
Also used : UnnamedLogger(alma.maci.loggingconfig.UnnamedLogger) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition) LoggingConfig(alma.maci.loggingconfig.LoggingConfig)

Example 20 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class TestLogLevelsCompTest method testLoggingConfigurableCentralLogLevels.

	 * This test uses the LoggingConfigurable interface implemented by all containers to set log levels
	 * These log levels are then expected to be independent of the initial CDB settings, according to precedence rules.
	 * The test verifies that the levels are applied correctly by commanding the test components to log messages
	 * at various log levels. The test listens on the Log service to compare the messages actually sent
	 * with what is expected for the current log level settings.
public void testLoggingConfigurableCentralLogLevels() throws Exception {
    LogSeriesExpectant expectant = new LogSeriesExpectant(getLogReceiver());
    // All log levels, including OFF
    int[] centralLogLevels;
    // Excluding OFF
    int[] sendLogLevels;
    // Only with OFF
    int[] offLogLevels;
    centralLogLevels = new int[AcsLogLevelDefinition.values().length];
    sendLogLevels = new int[AcsLogLevelDefinition.values().length - 1];
    offLogLevels = new int[1];
    int i = 0;
    int maxLogLevel = -1;
    // log levels ordered, with OFF being the last one.
    for (AcsLogLevelDefinition lld : AcsLogLevelDefinition.values()) {
        if ("OFF")) {
            offLogLevels[0] = lld.value;
        } else {
            maxLogLevel = Math.max(maxLogLevel, lld.value);
            sendLogLevels[i] = lld.value;
        centralLogLevels[i++] = lld.value;
    int waitTimeSeconds = 4;
    for (TestLogLevelsComp testComp : components) {
        String componentName =;
        // Prepare the log levels via the container's LoggingConfigurable interface
        String containerName = containerTestUtil.resolveContainerName(componentName);
        LoggingConfigurable containerLogConfig = containerTestUtil.getContainerLoggingIF(containerName);
        // @TODO get logger name from the component via a new IDL method, because the logger name 
        //       may not be the same as the component name (e.g. for C++ components).
        String loggerName = componentName;
        // Set the log level that our test component is subject to (either default level or individual level depending on CDB config)
        alma.Logging.LoggingConfigurablePackage.LogLevels componentLogLevels = containerLogConfig.get_logLevels(loggerName);
        for (int level : centralLogLevels) {
            // The min log level we set for the component and test its log output against.
            short minLogLevelCentral = (short) level;
            componentLogLevels.minLogLevel = minLogLevelCentral;
            if (componentLogLevels.useDefault) {
                // @TODO: add a test as well to change the specific level, and then verify
                // if useDefault becomes false.
      "Set default log level for container " + containerName + " to " + minLogLevelCentral + " to be used by component " + componentName);
            } else {
                // @TODO: add a test to change the default level, and see if it impacts specific logger
                containerLogConfig.set_logLevels(loggerName, componentLogLevels);
      "Set individual log level for component " + componentName + " (running in container " + containerName + ") to " + minLogLevelCentral);
  "Will call 'logDummyMessages' on component " + componentName);
  "Will wait " + waitTimeSeconds + " seconds to receive (some of) these log messages.");
            LogSeriesExpectant.LogList logRecordsReceived = expectant.awaitLogRecords(loggerName, waitTimeSeconds);
            System.out.println("Got " + logRecordsReceived.size() + " records from logger " + loggerName);
            for (LogReceiver.ReceivedLogRecord logRecord : logRecordsReceived) {
                System.out.println("(level=" + logRecord.getLevel().acsCoreLevel.value + ") " + logRecord.getMessage());
            if (minLogLevelCentral > maxLogLevel) {
                // minLogLevelCentral must be set to OFF - no logs should get through
                assertEquals(0, logRecordsReceived.size());
            } else {
                // The next assertion will fail here if there were no logs received,
                // as getMinLogLevel will return then the value 2147483647 (-1).
                assertEquals(minLogLevelCentral, logRecordsReceived.getMinLogLevel());
                assertEquals(maxLogLevel, logRecordsReceived.getMaxLogLevel());
            // logging a msg at level OFF should lead to an exception, independent from central level 
            try {
                // C++ containers don't seem to be able to throw exception in this case 
      "Sending a log with level OFF did not throw exception.");
                // Consume the log that says it is the last log message, unless the current level is OFF
                if (minLogLevelCentral <= maxLogLevel) {
                    logRecordsReceived = expectant.awaitLogRecords(loggerName, waitTimeSeconds);
                    assertEquals(1, logRecordsReceived.size());
            } catch (org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN ex) {
                if (ex.getLocalizedMessage().startsWith("Server-side Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException")) {
                    // Obviously the case for Java
                    System.out.println("Got illegal argument exception for attempting to send log with level OFF, as expected.");
                } else if (ex.getLocalizedMessage().startsWith("Server-side Exception: null")) {
                    // This is what Python does
                    System.out.println("Got exception for attempting to send log with level OFF, as expected.");
                } else {
                    // The exception we got is not the one expected
                    throw ex;
        //System.out.println("Finished testing level " + level);
    //System.out.println("Finished testing component " + componentName);
//System.out.println("Finished testing all components - done with testLoggingConfigurableCentralLogLevels()");
Also used : TestLogLevelsComp(alma.contLogTest.TestLogLevelsComp) LoggingConfigurable(alma.Logging.LoggingConfigurable) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition) LogReceiver(alma.acs.logging.engine.LogReceiver)


AcsLogLevelDefinition (alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition)21 AcsLogLevel (alma.acs.logging.AcsLogLevel)4 LogConfig (alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig)3 UnnamedLogger (alma.maci.loggingconfig.UnnamedLogger)3 LogRecord (java.util.logging.LogRecord)3 AcsLogRecord (alma.acs.logging.AcsLogRecord)2 LogParameterUtil (alma.acs.logging.LogParameterUtil)2 LogReceiver (alma.acs.logging.engine.LogReceiver)2 StopWatch (alma.acs.util.StopWatch)2 AlarmTestComponent (alma.alarmContainerTest.AlarmTestComponent)2 LoggingConfig (alma.maci.loggingconfig.LoggingConfig)2 LogTypeHelper (com.cosylab.logging.engine.log.LogTypeHelper)2 PrintWriter ( StringWriter ( Date (java.util.Date)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Level (java.util.logging.Level)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 ContainerLogLevelSpec (acs.benchmark.util.ContainerUtil.ContainerLogLevelSpec)1 ACSComponentOperations (alma.ACS.ACSComponentOperations)1