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Example 1 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class LogLevelSelectorPanel method getMinLogLevel.

	 * Get the minimum log level among the loggers
	 * @param isLocal true for local log level, false for global log level 
	 * @return the minimum level
private LogTypeHelper getMinLogLevel(boolean isLocal) {
    LogTypeHelper errret = LogTypeHelper.TRACE;
    LogLevelHelper[] levels;
    try {
        levels = loggersLbl();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Function not yet implemented by " + getName());
        return errret;
    // @todo should this be OFF (OFF is kind of special)
    int minval = LogTypeHelper.EMERGENCY.getAcsCoreLevel().value;
    for (LogLevelHelper l : levels) {
        int val = isLocal ? l.getLocalLevel() : l.getGlobalLevel();
        if (minval > val)
            minval = val;
    LogTypeHelper logType;
    try {
        AcsLogLevelDefinition levelDef = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromInteger(minval);
        logType = LogTypeHelper.fromAcsCoreLevel(levelDef);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Error parsing a log type: " + minval);
        return errret;
    return logType;
Also used : LogTypeHelper(com.cosylab.logging.engine.log.LogTypeHelper) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition) SystemException(org.omg.CORBA.SystemException) LogLvlSelNotSupportedException(alma.acs.gui.loglevel.LogLvlSelNotSupportedException)

Example 2 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class AcsLogger method configureLevels.

	 * Extracted from {@link #configureLogging(LogConfig)} to support also configuration of Loggers created with 
	 * {@link #createUnconfiguredLogger(String, String)} which do not know about a shared {@link LogConfig}. 
	 * @param loggerConfig
void configureLevels(UnnamedLogger loggerConfig) {
    try {
        // the logger must let through the lowest log level required for either local or remote logging.
        AcsLogLevelDefinition minLogLevelACS = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(loggerConfig.getMinLogLevel().getType() < loggerConfig.getMinLogLevelLocal().getType() ? loggerConfig.getMinLogLevel() : loggerConfig.getMinLogLevelLocal());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log(Level.INFO, "Failed to configure logger.", ex);
Also used : AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition)

Example 3 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class AcsLoggingHandler method configureLogging.

     * Called whenever the logging configuration is updated, for example when the CDB is read.
     * @see alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfigSubscriber#configureLogging(alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig)
public void configureLogging(LogConfig logConfig) {
    // we expect always the same singleton object, but there is no reason for this class to rely on this 
    // or even assert this behavior. Instead we just update our reference.
    this.logConfig = logConfig;
    // this handler still needs to filter out log records whose levels are in between the thresholds.
    try {
        AcsLogLevelDefinition minLogLevelACS = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromXsdLogLevel(logConfig.getNamedLoggerConfig(loggerName).getMinLogLevel());
        immediateDispatchLevel = logConfig.getImmediateDispatchLevel();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        publish(new LogRecord(Level.WARNING, "Failed to configure remote log handler: " + ex.toString()));
Also used : LogRecord(java.util.logging.LogRecord) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition)

Example 4 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class ClientLogManager method getLoggerForCorba.

	 * Gets a logger to be used by ORB and POA classes, or by hibernate or another 3rd party framework whose logging we redirect. 
	 * The logger is connected to the central ACS logger.
	 * <p>
	 * @TODO rename this method to accommodate non-corba frameworks into which we insert ACS loggers, such as hibernate,
	 *       see {@link org.slf4j.impl.ACSLoggerFactory}.
	 * <p>
	 * For hibernate and scxml loggers, the logger automatically receives an initial custom log level configuration, 
	 * to avoid jamming the log system with hibernate or scxml logs. 
	 * The applied custom log level is the maximum of the default log level and WARNING.
	 * Note that the hibernate/scxml logger can still be set to a more verbose level by giving it a custom log config
	 * in the CDB, or dynamically using logLevelGUI etc.
	 * <p>
	 * @TODO Instead of this hard coded and probably confusing application of a custom log level,
	 * the CDB should offer a central configuration option for all jacorb, hibernate, scxml etc loggers,
	 * independently of the process (container or manager etc).
	 * <p>
	 * @param frameworkName
	 *            e.g. <code>jacorb</code> or <code>laser</code>.
	 * @param autoConfigureContextName
	 *            if true, the context (e.g. container name) will be appended to this logger's name as soon as it is
	 *            available, changing the logger name to something like <code>jacorb@frodoContainer</code>.
public AcsLogger getLoggerForCorba(String frameworkName, boolean autoConfigureContextName) {
    String loggerName = frameworkName;
    AcsLogger frameworkLogger = null;
    try {
        // if the process name is not known yet (e.g. during startup), then we need to schedule its update
        if (autoConfigureContextName && processName != null) {
            // if the process name is already known, we can even use it for the regular logger name instead of using a later workaround
            loggerName += "@" + processName;
        frameworkLogger = getAcsLogger(loggerName, LoggerOwnerType.FrameworkLogger);
        if (frameworkName.equals(JacorbLoggerHelper.JACORB_LOGGER_NAME)) {
            // Suppress logs inside the call to the Log service, which could happen e.g. when policies are set and jacorb-debug is enabled.
            // As of ACS 8, that trashy log message would be "get_policy_overrides returns 1 policies"
            frameworkLogger.addIgnoreLogs("org.omg.DsLogAdmin._LogStub", "write_records");
            frameworkLogger.addIgnoreLogs("alma.Logging._AcsLogServiceStub", "write_records");
            frameworkLogger.addIgnoreLogs("alma.Logging._AcsLogServiceStub", "writeRecords");
        if (autoConfigureContextName && processName == null) {
            // mark this logger for process name update
            AcsLoggerInfo loggerInfo = loggers.get(loggerName);
            loggerInfo.needsProcessNameUpdate = true;
    } finally {
    // fix levels if we suppress corba remote logging 
    if (suppressCorbaRemoteLogging) {
        // TODO: Skip this for non-ORB framework loggers, see comment at #suppressCorbaRemoteLogging()
        sharedLogConfig.setAndLockMinLogLevel(AcsLogLevelDefinition.OFF, loggerName);
    } else if (!sharedLogConfig.hasCustomConfig(loggerName)) {
        // In the absence of their own custom logger config, some very verbose loggers 
        // get a minimum log level applied to ensure that a carelessly set low default log level
        // does not swamp the system with log messages.
        AcsLogLevelDefinition minCustomLevel = null;
        if (frameworkName.startsWith(HibernateLoggerHelper.HIBERNATE_LOGGER_NAME_PREFIX) || frameworkName.startsWith(HibernateLoggerHelper.HIBERNATE_SQL_LOGGER_NAME_PREFIX) || frameworkName.startsWith(CommonsLoggingFactory.SCXML_LOGGER_NAME_PREFIX)) {
            minCustomLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.WARNING;
        } else if (frameworkName.equals(JacorbLoggerHelper.JACORB_LOGGER_NAME)) {
            // jacorb loggers have a special property that we can use as default, 
            // instead of blindly going for WARNING like we do with the other loggers.
            AcsLogLevelDefinition level = AcsJacorbLoggingInitializer.getLogLevelFromJacorbVerbosity();
            if (level != null) {
                minCustomLevel = level;
            } else {
                minCustomLevel = AcsLogLevelDefinition.WARNING;
      "Failed to consider jacorb log level property, will use only ACS log level mechanisms.");
        if (minCustomLevel != null) {
            // We are dealing with one of the known framework loggers, and it has no other custom log level set.
            // We apply as custom level the maximum of minCustomLevel and the process default level.
            // TODO: These default values currently get lost when calling LoggingConfigurable#refresh_logging_config().
            AcsLogLevelDefinition customLevel = (minCustomLevel.compareTo(sharedLogConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevel()) > 0 ? minCustomLevel : sharedLogConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevel());
            sharedLogConfig.setMinLogLevel(customLevel, loggerName);
            AcsLogLevelDefinition customLevelLocal = (minCustomLevel.compareTo(sharedLogConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevelLocal()) > 0 ? minCustomLevel : sharedLogConfig.getDefaultMinLogLevelLocal());
            sharedLogConfig.setMinLogLevelLocal(customLevelLocal, loggerName);
  "Logger " + loggerName + " created with custom log levels local=" + + ", remote=" + + " to avoid log jams due to careless default log level settings.");
    return frameworkLogger;
Also used : AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition)

Example 5 with AcsLogLevelDefinition

use of alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition in project ACS by ACS-Community.

the class StatsCalculator method evalLogLevel.

	 * Evaluate the log level to use using the one defined by {@link #LOGLEVELPROPNAME} property name
	 * or using the default.
	 * @return
private AcsLogLevel evalLogLevel() {
    String propValue = System.getProperty(LOGLEVELPROPNAME);
    if (propValue == null) {
        // No property defined: use default!
        return DEFAULTLOGLEVEL;
    AcsLogLevelDefinition logLevelDef = null;
    // The string can be an integer or a the name of the log level
    try {
        Integer level = Integer.parseInt(propValue);
        logLevelDef = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromInteger(level.intValue());
    } catch (Throwable t1) {
        // The string should contain the name of the log level like Info
        try {
            logLevelDef = AcsLogLevelDefinition.fromName(propValue);
        } catch (Throwable t2) {
            logLevelDef = null;
    if (logLevelDef == null) {
        // Fall back to the default
        return DEFAULTLOGLEVEL;
    return AcsLogLevel.fromAcsCoreLevel(logLevelDef);
Also used : AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) AcsLogLevelDefinition(alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition)


AcsLogLevelDefinition (alma.acs.logging.level.AcsLogLevelDefinition)21 AcsLogLevel (alma.acs.logging.AcsLogLevel)4 LogConfig (alma.acs.logging.config.LogConfig)3 UnnamedLogger (alma.maci.loggingconfig.UnnamedLogger)3 LogRecord (java.util.logging.LogRecord)3 AcsLogRecord (alma.acs.logging.AcsLogRecord)2 LogParameterUtil (alma.acs.logging.LogParameterUtil)2 LogReceiver (alma.acs.logging.engine.LogReceiver)2 StopWatch (alma.acs.util.StopWatch)2 AlarmTestComponent (alma.alarmContainerTest.AlarmTestComponent)2 LoggingConfig (alma.maci.loggingconfig.LoggingConfig)2 LogTypeHelper (com.cosylab.logging.engine.log.LogTypeHelper)2 PrintWriter ( StringWriter ( Date (java.util.Date)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Level (java.util.logging.Level)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 ContainerLogLevelSpec (acs.benchmark.util.ContainerUtil.ContainerLogLevelSpec)1 ACSComponentOperations (alma.ACS.ACSComponentOperations)1