use of alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointValue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class Clobber method generateClob.
* @param mpTs
* @return The CLOB, or null if the monitor point is of a floating number type and contains NaN
public String generateClob(MonitorPointTimeSeries mpTs) {
List<MonitorPointValue> timeSeriesData = mpTs.getDataList();
StringBuilder clobBld = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < timeSeriesData.size(); i++) {
MonitorPointValue mpVal = timeSeriesData.get(i);
List<Object> mpValData = mpVal.getData();
if (!mpValData.isEmpty()) {
// print the time
if (i > 0) {
// We check only the first object;
// other objects in mpValData are expected to be of the same type and same NaN status
Object sampleObj = mpValData.get(0);
// This if-else structure will allow us to use type-specific DecimalFormat etc masks
if (sampleObj instanceof Integer) {
appendValueString(mpValData, clobBld);
} else if (sampleObj instanceof Long) {
appendValueString(mpValData, clobBld);
} else if (sampleObj instanceof Float) {
// Skip NaN values (COMP-5564)
if (((Float) sampleObj).isNaN()) {
return null;
appendValueString(mpValData, clobBld);
} else if (sampleObj instanceof Double) {
// Skip NaN values (COMP-5564)
if (((Double) sampleObj).isNaN()) {
return null;
appendValueString(mpValData, clobBld);
} else if (sampleObj instanceof Boolean) {
// according to, we want to store
// "1" for true and "0" for false. Thus cannot use Boolean.toString().
List<Object> boolStrings = new ArrayList<Object>(mpValData.size());
for (int j = 0; j < mpValData.size(); j++) {
boolStrings.add((((Boolean) mpValData.get(j)).booleanValue() ? "1" : "0"));
appendValueString(boolStrings, clobBld);
} else if (sampleObj instanceof String) {
appendValueString(mpValData, clobBld);
} else {"Unexpected data type " + sampleObj.getClass().getName() + " found, coming from Corba type " + mpTs.getCorbaTypeId());
// TODO: Must we keep this trailing newline char from the legacy implementation?
return clobBld.toString();
use of alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointValue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class BlobData method calculateStatistics.
* Calculates the statistics and stores it in {@link #statistics}
* if our monitor point data is represented as Number objects;
* otherwise this call is ignored.
* @param inDataList
void calculateStatistics() {
if (getDataSize() > 0) {
// We trust that the data is homogeneous and check only the first MonitorPointValue
MonitorPointValue sampleMonitorPointValue = mpTs.getDataList().get(0);
if (sampleMonitorPointValue.getData().isEmpty()) {
logger.finer("Ignoring calculateStatistics() call for a time series of MonitorPointValue objects that hold no data.");
// and so far we keep this behavior.
if (sampleMonitorPointValue.isMultiValued()) {
logger.finer("Ignoring calculateStatistics() call for a time series of multi-valued MonitorPointValue objects.");
// After the above checks, there should be a single data item in our sampleMonitorPointValue
// We now verify that it has one of the expected numeric types.
Object sampleData = sampleMonitorPointValue.getData().get(0);
if (!(sampleData instanceof Integer || sampleData instanceof Long || sampleData instanceof Float || sampleData instanceof Double)) {
logger.finer("Ignoring calculateStatistics() call for data type " + sampleData.getClass().getName());
// Now we calculate the statistics,
// using apache math lib that works only with 'double' type
SummaryStatistics stat = new SummaryStatistics();
for (MonitorPointValue blobData : mpTs.getDataList()) {
Number value = (Number) blobData.getData().get(0);
statistics = new ComponentStatistics();
// converting to original data types where it makes sense
if (sampleData instanceof Integer) {
statistics.min = new Integer((int) Math.round(stat.getMin()));
statistics.max = new Integer((int) Math.round(stat.getMax()));
// or Float, to indicate lower precision?
statistics.mean = new Double(stat.getMean());
// or Float, to indicate lower precision?
statistics.stdDev = new Double(stat.getStandardDeviation());
} else if (sampleData instanceof Long) {
statistics.min = new Long(Math.round(stat.getMin()));
statistics.max = new Long(Math.round(stat.getMax()));
statistics.mean = new Double(stat.getMean());
statistics.stdDev = new Double(stat.getStandardDeviation());
} else if (sampleData instanceof Float) {
statistics.min = new Float(stat.getMin());
statistics.max = new Float(stat.getMax());
statistics.mean = new Float(stat.getMean());
statistics.stdDev = new Float(stat.getStandardDeviation());
} else if (sampleData instanceof Double) {
statistics.min = new Double(stat.getMin());
statistics.max = new Double(stat.getMax());
statistics.mean = new Double(stat.getMean());
statistics.stdDev = new Double(stat.getStandardDeviation());
use of alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointValue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class CorbaAnyExtractionTest method testExtractData_longLongBlobDataSeq.
* Test of extractData method for 'longLongBlobDataSeq' data.
public void testExtractData_longLongBlobDataSeq() throws Exception {
String propertyName = "VOLTAGE_MID_1";
Any any = create_any();
// We try out a rather large outlyer value. Note that for even larger numbers
// such as 0x7f0fffffffffffffL, the double-based statistics yield a max value wrong by +-1,
// which is probably acceptable, but we avoid it here in the test and use
// only a number of the order of a quadrillion.
long[] longLongDataArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0x000fffffffffffffL };
longLongBlobData[] longLongBlobDataArray = createLongLongBlobData(longLongDataArray);
longLongBlobDataSeqHelper.insert(any, longLongBlobDataArray);
List<MonitorPointTimeSeries> extractedData = anyExtractor.extractData(any, propertyName);
assertThat(extractedData, hasSize(1));
// Check the raw data
MonitorPointTimeSeries mpTs = extractedData.get(0);
assertThat(mpTs.getCorbaTypeId(), equalTo("IDL:alma/TMCDB/longLongBlobDataSeq:1.0"));
assertThat(mpTs.getMonitorPointIndex(), equalTo(0));
List<MonitorPointValue> dataList = mpTs.getDataList();
assertThat(dataList, hasSize(longLongBlobDataArray.length));
for (int i = 0; i < longLongBlobDataArray.length; i++) {
MonitorPointValue mpVal = dataList.get(i);
assertThat(mpVal.getTime(), equalTo(BASE_TIME + i));
assertThat(mpVal.getData(), contains((Object) new Long(longLongDataArray[i])));
}"Validated longLongBlobDataSeq.");
// As a variation we test also "BlobberWorker.createBlobData" which in real life surrounds the AnyExtractor call
String componentName = "CONTROL/DV01/PSA";
String serialNumber = "3456328928847";
MonitorBlob blob = new MonitorBlob(false, (short) 0, new String[] {}, "wrong:" + propertyName, any);
MonitorBlob[] blobs = new MonitorBlob[] { blob };
long startTime = BASE_TIME + 100;
long stopTime = BASE_TIME + 101;
MonitorDataBlock block = new MonitorDataBlock(startTime, stopTime, componentName, serialNumber, blobs);
BlobData blobData = BlobberWorker.createBlobData(block, blob, extractedData.get(0), propertyName, serialNumber, logger);
String clobExpected = BASE_TIME + "|1|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|2|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|3|" + (BASE_TIME + 3) + "|4|" + (BASE_TIME + 4) + "|5|" + (BASE_TIME + 5) + "|6|" + (BASE_TIME + 6) + "|7|" + (BASE_TIME + 7) + "|8|" + (BASE_TIME + 8) + "|9|" + (BASE_TIME + 9) + "|4503599627370495\n";
String statisticsExpected = "min: 1 max: 4503599627370495 mean: 4.50359962737054E14 stdDev: 1.4241632491976338E15\n";
checkComponentData(blobData, clobExpected, 10, componentName, propertyName, serialNumber, startTime, stopTime, 0, statisticsExpected);
use of alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointValue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class CorbaAnyExtractionTest method testExtractData_booleanSeqBlobDataSeq_singlevalued.
* Test of extractData method for 'booleanSeqBlobDataSeq' data for a sequence property
* that expands into multiple single-valued MPs.
public void testExtractData_booleanSeqBlobDataSeq_singlevalued() throws Exception {
String propertyName = "SYSTEM_STATUS";
Any any = create_any();
boolean[] booleanData_time1 = { false, true, false };
boolean[] booleanData_time2 = { true, true, true };
boolean[][] booleanDataMatrix = { booleanData_time1, booleanData_time2 };
booleanSeqBlobData[] booleanSeqBlobDataArray = createBooleanSeqBlobData(booleanDataMatrix);
booleanSeqBlobDataSeqHelper.insert(any, booleanSeqBlobDataArray);
monitorPointExpert.setMultivalued(propertyName, false);
// Test the AnyExtractor stand-alone
List<MonitorPointTimeSeries> extractedData = anyExtractor.extractData(any, propertyName);
assertThat("Demultiplexing into several MonitorPointTimeSeries instances expected", extractedData, hasSize(booleanData_time1.length));
for (int index = 0; index < extractedData.size(); index++) {
// check one of the expanded logical properties at a time
MonitorPointTimeSeries mpTs = extractedData.get(index);
assertThat(mpTs.getCorbaTypeId(), equalTo("IDL:alma/TMCDB/booleanBlobDataSeq:1.0"));
assertThat(mpTs.getMonitorPointIndex(), equalTo(index));
List<MonitorPointValue> dataList = mpTs.getDataList();
assertThat(dataList, hasSize(booleanDataMatrix.length));
for (int i = 0; i < booleanDataMatrix.length; i++) {
MonitorPointValue mpVal = dataList.get(i);
assertThat(mpVal.getTime(), equalTo(BASE_TIME + i));
// This should be the transpose of matrix booleanDataMatrix
assertThat(mpVal.getData(), contains((Object) new Boolean(booleanDataMatrix[i][index])));
}"Validated booleanSeqBlobDataSeq interpreted as coming from a multiple single-valued MPs.");
// As a variation we test also "BlobberWorker.createBlobData" which in real life surrounds the AnyExtractor call.
// It includes generation of CLOB data.
String componentName = "CONTROL/DV01/PSA";
String serialNumber = "3456328928847";
MonitorBlob blob = new MonitorBlob(false, (short) 0, new String[] {}, "wrong:" + propertyName, any);
MonitorBlob[] blobs = new MonitorBlob[] { blob };
long startTime = BASE_TIME + 100;
long stopTime = BASE_TIME + 101;
MonitorDataBlock block = new MonitorDataBlock(startTime, stopTime, componentName, serialNumber, blobs);
String[] clobsExpected = new String[] { BASE_TIME + "|0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|1\n", BASE_TIME + "|1|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|1\n", BASE_TIME + "|0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|1\n" };
String[] statisticsExpected = { null, null, null };
for (int i = 0; i < extractedData.size(); i++) {
BlobData blobData = BlobberWorker.createBlobData(block, blob, extractedData.get(i), propertyName, serialNumber, logger);
checkComponentData(blobData, clobsExpected[i], 2, componentName, propertyName, serialNumber, startTime, stopTime, i, statisticsExpected[i]);
use of alma.acs.monitoring.MonitorPointValue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class CorbaAnyExtractionTest method testExtractData_doubleSeqBlobDataSeq_singlevalued.
* Test of extractData method for 'doubleSeqBlobDataSeq' data for a sequence property
* that expands into multiple single-valued MPs.
public void testExtractData_doubleSeqBlobDataSeq_singlevalued() throws Exception {
String propertyName = "SYSTEM_STATUS";
Any any = create_any();
double[] doubleData_time1 = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 };
double[] doubleData_time2 = { 11.1, 12.2, 13.3, 14.4, 15.5, 16.6, 17.7, 18.8, 19.9, 20.0 };
double[] doubleData_time3 = { 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0 };
double[][] doubleDataMatrix = { doubleData_time1, doubleData_time2, doubleData_time3 };
doubleSeqBlobData[] doubleSeqBlobDataArray = createDoubleSeqBlobData(doubleDataMatrix);
doubleSeqBlobDataSeqHelper.insert(any, doubleSeqBlobDataArray);
monitorPointExpert.setMultivalued(propertyName, false);
// Test the AnyExtractor stand-alone
List<MonitorPointTimeSeries> extractedData = anyExtractor.extractData(any, propertyName);
assertThat("Demultiplexing into several MonitorPointTimeSeries instances expected", extractedData, hasSize(doubleData_time1.length));
for (int index = 0; index < extractedData.size(); index++) {
// check one of the expanded logical properties at a time
MonitorPointTimeSeries mpTs = extractedData.get(index);
assertThat(mpTs.getCorbaTypeId(), equalTo("IDL:alma/TMCDB/doubleBlobDataSeq:1.0"));
assertThat(mpTs.getMonitorPointIndex(), equalTo(index));
List<MonitorPointValue> dataList = mpTs.getDataList();
assertThat(dataList, hasSize(doubleDataMatrix.length));
for (int i = 0; i < doubleDataMatrix.length; i++) {
MonitorPointValue mpVal = dataList.get(i);
assertThat(mpVal.getTime(), equalTo(BASE_TIME + i));
// This should be the transpose of matrix doubleDataMatrix
assertThat(mpVal.getData(), contains((Object) new Double(doubleDataMatrix[i][index])));
}"Validated doubleSeqBlobDataSeq interpreted as coming from a multiple single-valued MPs.");
// As a variation we test also "BlobberWorker.createBlobData" which in real life surrounds the AnyExtractor call.
// It includes generation of statistics and CLOB data.
String componentName = "CONTROL/DV01/PSA";
String serialNumber = "3456328928847";
MonitorBlob blob = new MonitorBlob(false, (short) 0, new String[] {}, "wrong:" + propertyName, any);
MonitorBlob[] blobs = new MonitorBlob[] { blob };
long startTime = BASE_TIME + 100;
long stopTime = BASE_TIME + 101;
MonitorDataBlock block = new MonitorDataBlock(startTime, stopTime, componentName, serialNumber, blobs);
String[] clobsExpected = new String[] { BASE_TIME + "|1.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|11.1|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|21.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|2.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|12.2|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|22.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|3.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|13.3|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|23.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|4.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|14.4|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|24.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|5.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|15.5|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|25.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|6.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|16.6|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|26.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|7.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|17.7|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|27.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|8.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|18.8|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|28.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|9.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|19.9|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|29.0\n", BASE_TIME + "|10.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 1) + "|20.0|" + (BASE_TIME + 2) + "|30.0\n" };
String[] statisticsExpected = { "min: 1.0 max: 21.0 mean: 11.033333333333333 stdDev: 10.000166665277801\n", "min: 2.0 max: 22.0 mean: 12.066666666666666 stdDev: 10.000666644445925\n", "min: 3.0 max: 23.0 mean: 13.100000000000001 stdDev: 10.001499887516873\n", "min: 4.0 max: 24.0 mean: 14.133333333333333 stdDev: 10.002666311205894\n", "min: 5.0 max: 25.0 mean: 15.166666666666668 stdDev: 10.004165798972613\n", "min: 6.0 max: 26.0 mean: 16.2 stdDev: 10.00599820107919\n", "min: 7.0 max: 27.0 mean: 17.233333333333334 stdDev: 10.008163334665024\n", "min: 8.0 max: 28.0 mean: 18.266666666666666 stdDev: 10.010660983837848\n", "min: 9.0 max: 29.0 mean: 19.3 stdDev: 10.013490899781155\n", "min: 10.0 max: 30.0 mean: 20.0 stdDev: 10.0\n" };
for (int i = 0; i < extractedData.size(); i++) {
BlobData blobData = BlobberWorker.createBlobData(block, blob, extractedData.get(i), propertyName, serialNumber, logger);
checkComponentData(blobData, clobsExpected[i], 3, componentName, propertyName, serialNumber, startTime, stopTime, i, statisticsExpected[i]);