use of alma.acs.monitoring.blobber.CollectorList.CollectorData in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class BlobberWorker method run.
* This method will be called at fixed intervals. It gathers the data from all registered collectors and stores it
* in the database, using the layer from module TMCBD/DAO.
* @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
myLogger.fine("Running BlobberWorker cycle " + cycleCount);
int collectorCount = 0;
int insertCount = 0;
StopWatch stopWatchAllCollectors = new StopWatch(myLogger);
// Checking memory requires a GC run (and no other components running in the same container)
// to give reasonable results. Running GC from inside the program we don't want to do as default,
// thus the use of the cheating property.
long usedMemKBBeforeCycle = -1;
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
usedMemKBBeforeCycle = (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1024;
myLogger.fine("Used JVM memory in kB after GC before blobber cycle: " + usedMemKBBeforeCycle);
// loop over all collectors. Note that collectors can be added and removed during this loop,
// so that the initial list size does not necessarily show the number of executed collectors.
CollectorData collectorData = null;
while (myCollectorList.hasNext()) {
try {
collectorData =;
// has this thread been requested to terminate?
if (shouldTerminate) {"Loop over collectors terminated prematurely, skipping '" + collectorData.getCollectorId() + "' and subsequent collectors.");
StopWatch stopWatchCurrentCollector = new StopWatch(myLogger);
// Get the corba ref for the current collector
MonitorCollectorOperations collector = getMonitorCollector(collectorData.getCollectorId());
// The data retrieval, processing, and storage happens here
insertCount += harvestCollector(collectorData, collector);
stopWatchCurrentCollector.logLapTime("process monitoring data from collector " + collectorData.getCollectorId());
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception caught while processing monitor collector " + collectorData.getCollectorId() + "; the data cache for this collector will be cleared, the data is LOST FOREVER", e);
// @TODO Shouldn't we raise an alarm also here, now that we do when blobber comp fails to initialize?
// Then it would need to be cleared once (the same collector's??) data is processed ok in the next round.
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
long usedMemKBAfterCycle = (rt.totalMemory() - rt.freeMemory()) / 1024;
myLogger.fine("Used JVM memory in kB after GC after blobber cycle: " + usedMemKBAfterCycle);
long totalTimeMillis = stopWatchAllCollectors.getLapTimeMillis();
if (totalTimeMillis < collectIntervalSec * 1000) {
// the good case: all collectors were processed within the foreseen time window
String msg = "Processed monitoring data from " + collectorCount + " collector(s) in " + totalTimeMillis + " ms (within the time limit).";
if (isProfilingEnabled) {
debugDataSender.sendUDPPacket(msg, cycleCount.longValue());
debugDataSender.sendUDPPacket("Total inserts for cycle " + cycleCount + " were " + insertCount, cycleCount.longValue());
} else {
// the bad case: this run took too long.
String msg = "Processed monitoring data from " + collectorCount + " collector(s) in " + totalTimeMillis + " ms (exceeding the time limit of " + collectIntervalSec + " s).";
if (isProfilingEnabled) {
debugDataSender.sendUDPPacket(msg, cycleCount.longValue());
debugDataSender.sendUDPPacket("Total inserts for cycle " + cycleCount + " were " + insertCount, cycleCount.longValue());