use of alma.acs.util.stringqueue.TimestampedStringQueue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class StringQueueNotification method testFilesCreation.
* Check if a new file is created when expected by checking the size of
* strings in cache against the max length of the file handler.
* It also implicitly test it the queue works with a generic time-stamped string instead of a log.
* <P>
* For this test the dates are not important but only the total
* length of the strings pushed in the queue.
* In fact, now we push generic time-stamped strings instead of logs.
* <P>
* testFilesCreation pushes a set of generic string each of each
* has a unique integer ID. When the size of the pushed string
* is greater then the max length of the file, we expect the cache to create a new file.
* The test will ten also get out all the strings and check for their
* integrity, checking the value of their IDs.
* @throws Exception
public void testFilesCreation() throws Exception {
System.out.println("testFilesCreation started");
String strHdr = "A generic timestamped string to push in queue " + "TIMESTAMP=\"";
String strFooter = "\" End of generic String ";
assertEquals("A newly created cache should have 0 files!", stringQueue.getActiveFilesSize(), 0);
// The size of the strings pushed in the queue
long size = 0;
// The unique ID of each string (the first string in queue has ID=1)
int ID = 0;
// We instantiate another queue for the test because we are not
// interested in checking the timestamps (TestFileHandler#fileProcessed would return
// error without setting the oldest and newest timestamp and with another queue
// this test is simpler)
TimestampedStringQueue queue = new TimestampedStringQueue(cacheFileSize, "TIMESTAMP=\"");
while (size <= cacheFileSize) {
String now = IsoDateFormat.formatDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
String strToPush = strHdr + now + strFooter + ID;
size += strToPush.length();
assertEquals("The size of the cache differs from the number of pushed strings", ID, queue.size());
// Now there should be 2 files in the cache
assertEquals("Wrong number of files in queue", 2, queue.getActiveFilesSize());
// Get the strings out and checks their IDs
for (int t = 1; t <= ID; t++) {
String str = queue.pop();
assertEquals("The size of the cache differs from expected", ID - t, queue.size());
// Check the integrity of the string
assertTrue("Str red from queue is [" + str + "] but we expect it to have iD=" + t, str.endsWith(strFooter + t));
// The queue should be empty here
assertEquals("The queue should be empty!", 0, queue.size());
// And should have no files
assertEquals("The queue should have 0 files!", 1, queue.getActiveFilesSize());
System.out.println("testFilesCreation done");
use of alma.acs.util.stringqueue.TimestampedStringQueue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class StringQueueNotification method setUp.
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
checkNotification = true;
testFileHandler = new TestFileHandler(cacheFileSize);
assertEquals("Size max size of cache differs from the passed one", testFileHandler.maxFilesSize, cacheFileSize);
stringQueue = new TimestampedStringQueue(testFileHandler, "TIMESTAMP=\"");
System.out.println("Queue started: now the test begins");
use of alma.acs.util.stringqueue.TimestampedStringQueue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class DefaultFileHandlerTest method testDefaultXmlQueueFileHandlerImpl.
* Push strings in cache to generate 2 files.
* <P>
* The checks are done by {@link MyXmlFileHandler}
* @throws Exception
public void testDefaultXmlQueueFileHandlerImpl() throws Exception {
// We want the cache to generate 2 files
Vector<String> strToPush = generateStrings(MAX_FILE_SIZE + 2048);
MyXmlFileHandler fHandler = new MyXmlFileHandler(MAX_FILE_SIZE, xmlTag);
TimestampedStringQueue queue = new TimestampedStringQueue(fHandler, timestampIdentifier);
int t = 0;
while (queue.getActiveFilesSize() < 2) {
assertEquals("Inconsistent number of files in cache", fHandler.createdFiles, queue.getActiveFilesSize());
use of alma.acs.util.stringqueue.TimestampedStringQueue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl method initialize.
* Life cycle
* @see alma.acs.component.ComponentLifecycle#initialize()
public void initialize(ContainerServices containerServices) throws ComponentLifecycleException {
cs = containerServices;
m_logger = cs.getLogger();
// Prepare the queue
String folderPath = System.getProperty(XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.LOGDIR_PROPNAME, XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.DEFAULLOGDIR);
File f = new File(folderPath);
if (!f.exists()) {
int fileMax = Integer.getInteger(XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.MAXNUMBEROFFILES_PROPNAME, XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.DEFAULTMAXNUMBEROFFILES);
int fileSizeLimit = Integer.getInteger(XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.MAXFILESIZE_PROPNAME, XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.DEFAULTMAXFILESIZE);
if (fileMax < 1 || fileSizeLimit < 100000) {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(XmlFileStoreAlarmImpl.MAXNUMBEROFFILES_PROPNAME);
str.append(" must be greater then 1 and ");
str.append(" must be greater then 100000");
throw new ComponentLifecycleException(str.toString());
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("Will save alarms files in : ");
str.append(" (max log file size: ");
str.append(", max # log files: ");
QueueFileHandler qFileHandler;
try {
qFileHandler = new QueueFileHandler(cs, folderPath, fileMax, fileSizeLimit, "alarmSources", "AlarmsLogger");
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ComponentLifecycleException("Could not create the queue file handler", t);
queue = new TimestampedStringQueue(qFileHandler, "<source-timestamp>");
// Connects to the alarm source NC
try {
alarmSourceClient = new SourceClient(cs);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ComponentLifecycleException("Could not connect to alarm source NC", t);
use of alma.acs.util.stringqueue.TimestampedStringQueue in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class TimestampedStringQueueTest method setUp.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// Build the cache
cache = new TimestampedStringQueue(CACHE_SIZE, "TIMESTAMP=\"");
assertEquals(0, cache.getActiveFilesSize());
assertEquals(0, cache.size());