use of alma.jconttest.DummyComponentImpl.DummyComponentImpl in project ACS by ACS-Community.
the class SyncDummyComponentImpl method testPOAConfig.
public void testPOAConfig() throws Exception {
final String compName = "virtualTestComp";
POA compPOA = acsCorba.createPOAForComponent(compName);
org.jacorb.poa.POA jacCompPOA = null;
if (compPOA instanceof org.jacorb.poa.POA) {
jacCompPOA = (org.jacorb.poa.POA) compPOA;
} else {
fail("this test is only meant for JacORB. Instead the POA impl is of type " + compPOA.getClass().getName());
// Policy threadPolicy = jacCompPOA.getPolicy(THREAD_POLICY_ID.value);
// assertNotNull(threadPolicy); // currently null, which defaults to ORB_CTRL_MODEL (see POA#sSingleThreadModel())
String theName = jacCompPOA.the_name();
assertEquals("unexpected poa name ", "ComponentPOA_" + compName, theName);
String qualName = jacCompPOA._getQualifiedName();
assertEquals("unexpected qualified poa name ", "ComponentPOA/ComponentPOA_" + compName, qualName);
String poaId = new String(jacCompPOA.getPOAId());
assertEquals("unexpected poaId ", "StandardImplName/ComponentPOA/ComponentPOA_" + compName, poaId);
// create a thread-aware test component servant using that POA
DummyComponentImpl impl = new DummyComponentImpl() {
public void dummyComponentsCanDoCloseToNothing() {
Thread orbThread = Thread.currentThread();
System.out.println("component called in thread " + orbThread.getName());
Servant servant = new DummyComponentPOATie(impl);
// activate the component
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = acsCorba.activateComponent(servant, compName, compPOA);
// make CORBA calls to the component , and destroy the POA
DummyComponent testCompRef = DummyComponentHelper.narrow(objRef);
// analyze thread structure
ThreadGroup rootThreadGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
while (rootThreadGroup.getParent() != null) {
rootThreadGroup = rootThreadGroup.getParent();
// hopefully large enough
ThreadGroup[] allThreadGroups = new ThreadGroup[rootThreadGroup.activeCount() * 2];
int numThreadGroups = rootThreadGroup.enumerate(allThreadGroups, true);
for (int i = 0; i < numThreadGroups; i++) {
System.out.println("thread group " + allThreadGroups[i].getName() + ":");
// hopefully large enough
Thread[] allThreadsInGroup = new Thread[allThreadGroups[i].activeCount() * 2];
int numThreads = allThreadGroups[i].enumerate(allThreadsInGroup, false);
for (int j = 0; j < numThreads; j++) {
System.out.println("\t" + allThreadsInGroup[j].getName());
compPOA.destroy(false, true);